Chapter 7: Story Time
Etsuko: Sorry! I'm two hours late! I got caught up doing last minute edits on my costume for Anime Expo.
Emiko: So here is the update.
Youta: We hope you like it.
Emiko: Quick reminder to favorite, follow, and review.
Youta: also vote on the poll for a new anime to do a fanfiction on.
Etsuko: thanks! And I hope you all have a wonderful morning/day/night! Ciao ciao

Nagisa looks up at Gakusho as he drinks his water.
"Now when I was a little kid. My mother use to take me to the park to play when it was nice and sunny. We played everyday with this little girl. She was such a sweet boy." Gakusho smiles. "She was a little different from everyone. Quirky. A bit clumsy. But she was cute. She had blue hair like you but it was really long."
"What was she?" Nagisa asks.
"She told us that she was a shapeshifter. But she didn't like to do it. She should sometimes shapeshift her hand or leg."
"What happened to her?"
"I'll get to that in a minute. Now when we met she was playing by herself. My mother didn't see if the girl was with anyone. So she went up to her. Asked her where her mommy or daddy was."
Nagisa listens.
"She said that her mommy brought her to the park and leaves her here for a couple of hours. My mom said she would call her mommy but she said no. She wanted to just play."
"She loves to play. She was a kid. So me and my mom played with her. We played with her until a car honked a few times and she would always smile to us and say, 'Thank you for playing with me.' She would bow and run to the car. My mom would try to talk to her mom but she wouldn't answer. They would always leave."
"Why wouldn't the mom answer?"
"I don't know. For two whole years we tried to contact her. We got to take her places like restaurants and sometimes to a theme park though."
"Yeah, we would have to tell her to ask. We though maybe that would get her mother to come out but all she did was send a note with the girl and a little wallet. She did everything to avoid us."
"Did you finally see her?"
"No. Never. For two years never did we see her mom. But we didn't care. Well I didn't. I was glad to have a friend. Towards the end she started to come to the park with bruises and cuts."
"We didn't know. We tried to take her to the police so we can report it but she would scream and run from us if we even tried. My mother had to calm her down. She promised she wouldn't call the police."
"Why wouldn't you?"
"Because she was scared and alone. We couldn't just let her be taken though. So we told her to get her things and we would take her for a nice vacation. We had so much fun. She was so happy. We had to drop her off at the park though. Her mother wouldn't let us drop her off at her house."
"And then one day the girl just disappeared. There was a note and a bag on the tree where we would sit under. It was for us. It was the little girls writing and it said 'Thank you for being my friends.' In the bag there was some cookies and drawings." Gakusho looks down.
"Then what happened."
"We reported it. We did everything we could. We looked for months. The police staked out all the parks, we put her picture out. After a year we had no luck."
"I'm sorry." Nagisa holds his hand.
"It's okay. I hope one day I can find her and help her. Nagisa she said the most amazing things. She would share and be kind to everyone. Even this one kid who was hurting other. She would stand up and try to talk to him. She would talked to him kindly. She was protective and caring."
"Do you think she…"
"Died? I don't know. I would hope not. I hope that she's somewhere safe. Somewhere, where she can be happy. I just want to find her and tell her how much she showed me. How kind she was. I hope I can tell her that one day." Gakusho says. "I failed her though. I couldn't protect her. I couldn't save her."
Nagisa gulps and slowly hugs him. Gakusho looked down at him confused.
"I don't think you failed her. You'll find her." Nagisa smiles.
Gakusho chuckles and rubs his head. "Thank you Nagisa." Nagisa nods as they feel the car stop. Gakusho looked out and smiled. "Ah we're here for food. Come."
Nagisa nods as they got out of the car.

Karma lands near the restaurant where Nagisa and Gakusho got off.
"We made it." Itona says as he gets off of Karma. "I thought we lost them back there."
"We wouldn't have almost lost them if you had been paying attention. No matter though." Karma smirks. "They're going to a safe house. We'll get Nagisa there. We'll torture his little angel friend in front of him and make sure he knows that he can't steal Nagisa from us." Karma laughs.
"Hmm maybe we can eat some of that food Karma." Itona suggest. "Would be nice."
"Fine go get some. Just don't get caught by them." Karma warns and Itona nods.
Itona lifts up his hood and goes in the restaurant.