Morgan is having his last few tests before he can be released to his parents' care. He is truly thankful that fate has delivered him to this hospital and his family finds him. He had been so lost, and he realizes how truly lucky he is.

Morgan sees Liz and Patrick. "Dr. Drake, thank you for all that you have done for me. I know that this past surgery was the one that I truly needed. I heard from the last hospital that you were my last resort. If you couldn't do your magic, I would never have a chance to really heal. You are the best in neuro-surgery on the west coast."

"Now, look what you have done, Morgan. Dr. Drake is not going to be able to make it out this door, because his head will be too big to fit through it. I know that you are happy that you will be able to go home tomorrow morning. We are going to miss you, especially your Uncle Jason. He might not say it much, but he loves you."

Morgan reaches out to Liz. "I also know that you are the best thing that he has in his life. Just like Dr. Scorpio-Drake is for you Dr. Drake. I see the love in your eyes for your wife and hers for you. I pray that I will be able to have that kind of love too. Thank you for all that you have done for me."

Patrick leaves while Liz does a few more checks on her patient. Carly, Sonny and Bobbie walk in to see Morgan. "Morgan, I will let you relax with your family. You have two more tests this afternoon. When we get the results back and know you are okay to fly. We will sign off on your release. Your grandmother, Bobbie will take good care of you."

Carly and Bobbie hug Liz as she walks out to check on her other patients. "Who would have thought that I would be thanking Elizabeth. What if he was sent to another hospital, we would never know he was still alive. Fate has sure turned things around. I thought that I was going to bring Jason home, but instead I am bringing back my baby boy." Morgan looked at his mother and gave her a funny look when she called him her baby boy.

Joss was staying with Drew and Sam. She called her mother, so she could talk to her brother. "Morgan, I love and miss you. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Life has not been the same without you in it." Joss said goodbye to her mother and hung up the phone.

Kiki was in shock when Franco called her to say that Morgan was still alive. She was truly happy to hear that, but she was afraid of how he would feel towards her since their break-up. Kiki told her mother, Ava about Morgan. Griffin looked a little sad but knew that he and Ava were not meant to be together.

Jason took the boys and Emma to see Morgan. Jason told them the story about Patrick and Liz having surgery on a patient that reminded them of Morgan. There was a DNA test and it proved that he was Morgan. Jason used this as a reminder, that sometimes when you have a feeling about something or someone, it is telling you something. Listen to that part of you, that tells you if someone is good or bad.

Jason brought them in to see Morgan. Cameron and Emma were the only two that really remembered Morgan. "Morgan, I am glad that you are alive. I am not sure if you knew this, but a lot of people seem to come back from the "dead" in our hometown." Morgan thought about and had to laugh. He knew the kid was right.

Jake looked at Morgan. "My father and I came back from the "dead" too. It must be something in the water. I think that even my mother faked her death, because of the same person who kidnapped me, Helena."

Jason said goodbye to Morgan. "I am going to take the kids to lunch. I will bring you back something that make you want to come back here again. Your brother and Nelle are on their way over. I know that you don't need all of us around. I just want you to know, that I will always be there for you. I will see you in a few hours."

Jason saw Elizabeth and gave her a kiss. The boys and Emma just looked at them, like they were just showing off. "I will bring you back something to eat. I promised to get something for Morgan too. Then I am taking the kids home. Robin is going to pick Emma around six."

Jason found a place to eat that had the best seafood. He knew what Morgan liked, but was not sure if he still did. Sometimes, when you lose your memory, things change. He also bought a couple of burgers and fries, just in case.

Emma and Cameron went for a walk down by the water. Cameron loved being able to see Emma every day. They talked to Spencer, every couple of days. Cameron loved Emma, but he didn't want to push until he knew that she felt the same way. He knew enough from watching his mom, what to do and what not to do.

Jake, Aiden, and Jason met them down at the pier and they all fed the birds in the area. Then Jason picked up the food for Liz and Morgan. He dropped it off at the hospital and took the kids home.

The boys and Emma were doing their homework when Robin came to pick up Emma. Robin and Jason never had time to talk, so she took this time to see how he was really feeling. "I just want to see how you are holding up with everything that is going on. I know that having Carly, Sonny and Michael has been great for you. Patrick and Liz operating on Morgan was a true miracle. I am happy that they got their miracle. I know that you and Jake are the miracles that Elizabeth, Cameron and Aiden really needed. I just want you to know if you ever want to talk about our crazy life, that I am here."

Liz and Patrick drove home after their shift. Morgan was going to be officially released the next morning. They were going to head home to Port Charles. Patrick knew that Liz felt relief, but he also knew that she was feeling conflicted.

"Okay, you are not usually this quiet. Are you feeling sad that your best friends are going back to Port Charles? Do you want to go home with them?" Liz elbowed Patrick after saying that.

"I do feel conflicted, but only because I feel guilty that I didn't "really" have to put up with her. I am thrilled that Morgan is alive and they can take him home. He was just a sweetheart. I really feel for him. I wonder if he would have still found his way home, if we didn't do the surgery on him."

"You know the answer to that. He would not be the same man he is now. There was a lot of work for us to do, including repairing some of the things that doctors tried to fix, but didn't. You are an amazing nurse. I am so glad that you took me up on the offer to come back to work here."

Liz hugged Patrick and got out of the SUV. She ran up to Jason and hugged him. She felt so happy that she was finally getting her happy ending. She was happy that Morgan and his family were also getting that happy ending.

"The boys are in bed asleep. I talked to Danny earlier and Drew. The two of them are going to meet Carly and Sonny at the airstrip. Drew wanted to see for himself that Morgan is better." Liz held on to his hand and they slowly kissed. Jason locked up and turned on their security system.

Liz started her bath and Jason went to look up pieces of property to buy. He wanted to start flipping houses. He loved the feel of wood and the smell of sawdust. He knew that he could do anything, and this is what he wanted more than anything.

Liz got out of her bath and Jason closed his laptop. The two of them snuggled and feel into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning, the boys were having breakfast. Jason let Elizabeth sleep in a little, but once the boys were at school, they were going to the airstrip to see Morgan go back home to Port Charles with his family. Jason knew that it would be tough on him at first, but knowing that he was getting better, made it better for him.

The family got into their SUV and headed to the Drake's household. They picked up Emma and headed to school. When Emma was with them, Liz knew that she wanted one more child, she needed a daughter.

They dropped the boys off and headed to the airstrip. They watched the plane take-off for Port Charles. Jason and Liz decided to take the rest of the day off till the boys came home from school.