Reader, he did kiss her.

Ben looked into her eyes and said, "You're coming home with me?"

Rey smiled and handed him the small pack from the meadow floor beside her. He slung it over his shoulder and secured an arm around her waist as he guided her back to his ship. There was no point in being apart when both of them preferred to be together.

He could feel the Force surround them with an overwhelming sense of balance.

They were married the next summer on Takodana.

Ben was nervous for years about having children. Echoes of Snoke's words of dark lineage filled his mind, but Rey's level headed optimism won the day in the end.

Their Jedi academy taught balance and wholeness. The young local boy from Canto Bight continued to show amazing promise and went on to train other younglings. His family was never found, but Rey and Ben always considered him to be the oldest of their own brood of three children.

They lived happily ever after.