Hello! I'm really glad the summary piqued your interest. I've seen lots of nerdy yet assertive Mike and sweet, innocent Eleven stories on here and thought it'd be interesting to change it up a bit. This is completely AU. No Upside Down (at least, not as you know it) and El does not have powers. Despite all that, please keep an open mind. I'm excited for this story and I hope you enjoy!
El's POV
"Will Elizabeth Hopper please report to the main office? Elizabeth Hopper to the main office please."
What now?
I rolled my eyes at the noise of the school intercom, asking, once again, for my presence in the main office. I could sense some of my classmates' eyes on me, their gazes obvious. Sitting up, I closed the textbook I was barely paying attention to, shoved it into my backpack that had previously been on the floor, and got up without a word. On my way out of the room, I shrugged at Mrs. Philips, my history teacher who was surely as happy about me leaving class early as I was.
Since classes were going on, the hallways were empty. Seeing no need to rush, I walked across the building taking my sweet time, not caring if anyone saw me and questioned why I was out of class.
As if anyone would actually wonder. My name was publicly called down to the office. And with the reputation I have, everyone in this school knows my name.
"You rang?" I spoke to the secretary as soon as she was within earshot.
"Principal Clarke would like to see you." She gestured for me to go on into his office as she held the phone I assumed she was talking to someone on away from her mouth.
"Hmm." I shot her a tight smile as my personal way of a thank you. I walked the few steps to his office and let myself in. I figured since I was called in here, I didn't have to knock.
"Ahh, Ms. Hopper." Mr. Clarke said. "Please take a seat." I took one on the seat closest to where I stood and placed my arms on the armrests and put on my bored demeanor. "So I will just jump right on to it." He picked up a manila folder that lay on his desk. "I have the results of your first calculus test of the year."
My face fell at that.
Just great.
"Oh," was all I could get out.
"Yes, I said something similar." He spoke as he put the folder back down. "Ms. Hopper, I sure you might know, but your grades have slipping for some time." I stayed quiet since I felt too guilty to admit it. "And now it has seriously affected your academic standing."
I've come to see him enough times to understand all his little undertones. He had something else he wanted to say, but he wasn't sure how.
"What is it?" I spoke it in a careless tone even though I was concerned about what he would say.
"At the rate you're going Elizabeth," he started slowly, "I'm afraid you won't be eligible for graduation at the end of the school year."
"Wha- what?!" I sputtered out.
"Ms. Hopper, you -you will not graduate with your classmates in the spring if you don't pick your grades up. I'm sorry."
In a very unlike me manner, I sat there, unable to say anything. I looked down at the rug, unable to look at Mr. Clarke in the face.
I always considered myself an average student. It would still be a miracle if I ever made it onto the Honor Roll. While part of me never really cared about school, graduating was something I wanted to accomplish, since it was something I never really saw myself doing. And now it seemed I was on my way to doing just the opposite.
"Now," he continued, "since you are overage, the school can be discreet about all this in regard to telling the Chief. Unless of course, you want to tell him yourself."
Tell Jim I'm on the verge on flunking out of school? No, thanks.
"But that is entirely up to you. I hope your situation improves, Elizabeth. I'm sure if you apply yourself, you can-."
"Can I go now?" At that, we both grew quiet. "It's just you're going to tell me the same thing you always do. And out of respect for you, I think it's best if we don't waste each other's time. I'll try harder." I sat up in my seat. "I really will. Thank you for the warning." A part of me hoped it didn't come off sounding overly rude because the thing is, Scott Clarke really wasn't a bad guy.
Back in middle school, he was an Earth science teacher for over ten years and one of the most well-liked people by both staff and students. He was promoted to teaching freshman biology in the same year I started high school and now he's in his second year of being principal. It was a quick rise to the top but one that, based on his hard work and likability, was well-deserved. So, in a way, I feel bad that he has to sit there and lecture me on the same topic for the hundredth time.
"Well, before I dismiss you," he started, "please note that I've made arrangements for you to work with the peer tutors from the National Honor Society."
"I- I really don't think-."
"I think we can both agree that this will benefit you Ms. Hopper." He got all formal with me again. "They meet Mondays, Wednesdays, and every other Friday at 3:15 in the school library. The program starts tomorrow. When you arrive, please see Mrs. Chapman at the front desk and she'll let you know who you'll be working with."
I exhaled weakly, unsure of what to say because I knew that Mr. Clarke's words were not just a request. Finally, I spoke.
"Okay. Fine. Thank you." After what felt like forever, I got up from my seat.
Mike's POV
I popped the last bit of Eggo waffle I brought from home into my mouth as I made my way down the hall to my AP History class. Out of nowhere, a white sneaker covered foot appeared and before I had time to react, I was on the floor. I could hear various people snigger and some give a full out laugh as I faced the person responsible.
Troy Johnson. Of course.
"Watch where you're going, Wheeler!" he gave a smug smile and walked away before I could say anything, not that I would have.
I picked myself up and brushed off my pants, readjusting my glasses as well.
"Hey, you okay? I saw what happened," Lucas, one of my best friends, approached me.
"Yeah," I mumbled. "Troy's just being a moron again."
"Man, forget him. Come on, let's get to class." Lucas turned, his backpack just as large as mine, and I followed him to one of the many classes that we shared. I was glad to see that our other friends, Will and Dustin, were already here as well. Since it was the first time today that we were all seeing each other, we all exchanged waves and hellos.
Similar as we do in all the classes we have together, we sat in a square formation in the first two rows of desks. Me and Will next to each other, and Dustin and Lucas right behind us.
I sort of have a closer bond with Will than with the other guys. His older brother Johnathan is actually going out with my older sister Nancy. They started going out their last two years of high school and are doing the long-distance thing now that they're in separate colleges. Nancy is at Georgetown while Johnathan is at Indiana U.
Everyone in the class was talking amongst themselves when our teacher came in and quieted everyone down. Within a few minutes, we all had our notebooks open as we followed along to what Mr. Schmidt was saying.
All of a sudden, the noise of the school intercom cackled, signaling that an announcement was about to be made.
"Will Elizabeth Hopper please report to the main office? Elizabeth Hopper to the main office please."
I rolled my eyes in response. Elizabeth Hopper practically lives in the main office. It's no use interrupting everyone else's day just to call out the one person who always getting into trouble.
Class seemed to rush by and soon enough, the guys and I were at our adjoining lockers, getting ready for the next class.
"So what do you think she's in for this time?" Dustin, who has the locker to my right, asked the group.
"Who?" spoke Will's small voice.
"Elizabeth!" Dustin spoke as if it couldn't have been anyone else. "This is like the third time in two weeks she's been called down."
"Why do you even care?" Lucas spoke for all of us.
"Well, aren't you the least bit curious?" Dustin defended. "The hottest girl in school was sent to the office again. Do you want to know what she did this time?" We all shrugged and ignored him, something we do more than we probably should with Dustin.
Truthfully, I was a little curious to what was going on with her this time. She really does get trouble too often for it not to be noticeable. She's one of those girls whose reputation precedes her, so you can always assume she's up to no good.
From what I know, although really, it's all just things I've heard though the school's gossip train, she's usually in for small things such as skipping class or being caught smoking on school property. At the end of the day, she is the Chief of police's daughter so she likely isn't really doing anything illegal.
But Dustin did have another point.
The girl is hot. Like, really hot.
She's slightly taller than average, with messy chocolate brown hair that goes a little past her shoulders. Her dark eyes and pink tint of her lips contrast well with her porcelain skin. Her eyes were smudged with black liner, a color that always matched some part of her outfit.
While the school doesn't really have a strict dress code, there's no denying how different her style is from everyone else's. She wears band tees and ripped jeans. Lots of her clothes hug her body in a different way than most girls. It's something that a lot of people -Dustin obviously included- have noticed. And I guess, admittingly, I have too.
"Hey, are you guys doing the tutoring program for National Honor Society?" Will spoke again, and I was grateful he was changing the subject.
"The one that starts tomorrow?" Lucas answered. "Yeah, Mike and I are." I nodded. "You?"
"I won't be able to. I start working tomorrow." To earn some money for college next fall, Will's mom, Joyce, got him a part-time job at Melvald's General Store. She actually used to work there too but has worked as a receptionist at the hospital for the past couple of years.
"And you'll be in biology club, right?" I turned and asked Dustin.
"Yup," he replied, popping the 'p' sound.
"Guess it's just the two of us then." Lucas nudged me with his elbow.
"Yeah," I answered. "I wonder who will come this year."
Before we could exchange theories on it, the warning bell rang, leaving us to quickly gather what we needed, shut our lockers, and get to our next class.
I feel like I'll get questions on this so I'll just tell you now that yes, El is adopted. Why she calls him Jim along with more on their history is something you'll have to keep reading to find out...
Please let me know what you think! Feedback means so much to me. I've already started working on chapter two so hopefully there will be some interest for that…. Thank you for reading!