A/N: Apologies for taking long with this one. Life, the holiday rush, and committing to my other writing projects kept me from finishing this.
Well, it's time to put a cap to this arc and story.
This will be the last thing I post for the 2010s decade.
"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices."
-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Film) (2002)
Digimon Fusion Ascendancy
Act VII: Fiction's Closure
Chapter LXX: Farewell, Until We Meet Again
Dimension: DF-616/Digital World/Azulongmon's Realm
Waiting outside a room, Tai, Agumon, and Max listened to Kensuke's heartfelt talk with Sailor Sedna, Orcus, Dimitri & Faith, and Athena & PinkPatamon. They saw a teary-eyed Orcus hugging Kensuke tight. They even saw Athena crying on Kensuke's lap.
"He really did give up his eyesight?" Agumon queried to Max.
"Yeah and there's no telling how long he'll be blind. The condition could be permanent for all we know," Max deduced.
"But, that's nothing compared to what I had to give up. Now, I've gotta come clean and tell the others." Tai muttered, staring at his clenched right hand. A look of sadness etched on the young man's face.
"Hey," Omega X (DF-616 Prime) interjected and approached Tai, Agumon, and Max. "Looks like they're ready to make a wish."
"Thanks for letting us know," Max nodded.
Just then, the door opened and out came Sedna. She walked up to Tai and wiped her tears.
"I'm sorry. Are you going to be ok, Karin?" Inquired Tai.
"It's a lot to take in, but I'll be fine. Thankfully brother's other senses are so strong him having no eyesight shouldn't hinder him."
"But, it can and will affect his ability to see your faces. He may need to find new methods of training without his eyes," Max assessed Kensuke's strengths and handicap.
"We know, but brother said he can't deal with not being able to see our faces. It's killing him he can't see Athena."
Dimitri then interjected as he walked out with Kensuke being led out by Athena and Orcus. "He can't see our physical forms, but he can discern our individual Ki networks. He'd just see glowing outlines of our physical forms."
"Uncle Ken, you're going to be better, I promise," Athena openly vowed to see him recover his eyes one day.
"She's right. You won't be this way forever," Orcus reassured him.
"Thanks, but I just have to accept the reality now," Kensuke said as he faced Tai and Max. Through his point of view, he saw glowing yellow outlines of the two Ascendants. "Hey, whenever you're ready…"
"We're just about to make the wishes," Max said.
"That's good. Let's fix the mess that bastard left for us."
The Bearer of Courage frowned. "According to the gods, it's going to take the omniverse a long time to recover, but this will be a good start."
(Cue The Birthday Massacre - Trinity)
Shortly following the omniversal-scaled war with Zeed X, the Triad of heroes went straight into the Ascendants and company's home dimension. Thanks to Tike's Instant Movement, the Spirian Digimon were transported over to bring their set of Digicores to summon Lord Gorugon.
"Are these all your Digicores?" Falcomon asked Neptunmon.
"Yes, all four and as you already know they've been upgraded. Though, honestly we haven't used them in a while," Neptunmon answered.
"I'm just glad you're able to let us borrow them for this occasion. We're sorry for all the trouble." Max said.
"It's no trouble at all," Apollomon replied.
"Well, anyway, we have some wishes to make. We have friends we want to wish back," Tai turned to Falcomon. "You know what to do."
Nodding, Falcomon cast his eyes on the four Digicores. Then, he activated them in his Spirian tongue. "Hopus-Litus-Soo-ve-rein-Owaoken!"
All four Digicores lit up with varied colors: red, blue, silverish white, and black. The Sovereigns quietly observed the four Digicores floating upward and circling over the Triad. The skies then darkened outside Azulongmon's sanctuary. The four colored lights coming out of the orbs coalesced and forged a giant pillar of golden light. Then, the shapes of the four beasts materialized to form the familiar giant, seventy-foot tall golden dragon with a muscular upper build, two massive trunk-like limbs with sharp claws, and fin-like protrusions jutting across its back. The short-faced, horned deity leered upon his summoners, growling under his breath.
The YYGDM group were in awe at the presence of Gorugon the Spirian Deity.
"Yeah, that's a big dragon and all, but he's so small compared to that Drakon and Numerondramon," Takato remarked.
"Yeah, no kidding," Guilmon agreed.
"Couldn't you two show anymore decency?" Renamon scoffed.
"Yeah, we're still in the presence of a wish-granting god," Henry sighed.
"Takato and Guilmon are right! He's not a big deal compared to what we've seen up to now!" Terriermon mouthed off, prompting Henry to clamp his mouth shut.
"C'mon, guys. Let's be a little quiet here?" Sailor Moon asked of the Tamers.
"Sorry," Himura apologized on his friends' behalf.
"If I know Seto, he'd kill to have a wish granting dragon," Lyn said, trying to humor herself in light of their situation.
"You can tell him a dragon brought him back to life," Yugi chuckled.
Max turned to Omega X (DF-616 Prime). "So, what deity grants your wishes? I take it from the looks on you and your friends' faces, Lord Gorugon doesn't exist."
Omega X (DF-616 Prime) replied. "Nah, Azulongmon grants all of our wishes."
Saitou added, meticulously eyeing Lord Gorugon. "Now, I've seen everything."
"The honor is ours," Homura said.
"For a big monster, he's sure polite," Brunhilde remarked.
"Lord Gorugon wants to make a good first impression for y'all," Tai referred to the YYGDM-01 group. "If this were just our group, he'd be a little less polite."
Tai nodded to Falcomon. "Ok, first wish, we'd like…" He whispered to the Spirian bird.
"Ok, I got it!" Falcomon replied. He then spoke in Spirian tongue. "Lord Gorugon, our first wish is to revive all the good people killed in the recent battles with Zeed X, Zamasmon, their associates, and Kensuke's indirect actions. Leave out the evil people who worked with these aforementioned villains."
"Wow, gotta make things specific, right?" Takato muttered.
"Better safe than sorry," Max replied.
"YES, UNDERSTOOD. THIS WISH CAN BE GRANTED!" Lord Gorugon bellowed as his red eyes gleamed.
Madoka gasped as she sensed the revival of certain souls. "I can feel them all coming back!"
Homura nodded. "Yes, so can I."
Sailor Gao Pluto gasped as she turned to Athena. "Oh my gosh! Athena, your halo! It's…!"
"What?" Athena blinked innocently.
"Look!" Gao Pluto handed a small mirror to Athena.
Athena stared at the mirror and noticed her afterlife halo was gone. Likewise, PinkPatamon's halo vanished.
"Welcome back to the living, sweetie," Sedna hugged Athena.
"Tike, your halo is gone, too! Waahhh!" Kara cried happily, hugging her twin brother.
"Heheh, yeah… ok! Squeeze me too hard and I'll die again!" Tike cried out, struggling to break loose from Kara's bearhug.
"Nice to have you back, bud," David said.
The Sailor Senshi watched as Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Neo Moon returned to life. Their spirit forms became physical again.
"Look! They're alive!" Sailor Moon cried out, tears in her eyes as she hugged Neo Moon.
"Thanks for saving our souls," Neo Moon hugged Moon back.
"Yeah and letting us fight with y'all even as ghosts. It's kinda spooky to thin about if you ask me," Jupiter smirked.
Moon nodded. "It's not the first time I've had y'all fight with me in spirit."
"Even in death, we'll fight to protect each other to the end," Mars said.
"Ok, it's nice Sailor Moon has her friends back here, but the rest of our friends have been revived and they're not here. What gives?" Takuya asked.
"Likely because they're still in the dimensions they died in," Max specified. "We can easily go and retrieve them."
"Or we can possibly use another wish to bring them here?" Tai suggested.
"Well, our next wish is going to be repairing the damage done to universes DF-616 Prime, DF-616 YYGDM-01, and among others closely linked to our worlds," Max stated.
Falcomon nodded. "Right, understood." He made the second wish to Gorugon. "For our second wish, they want the damage caused during the recent battles with Zeed X and company to be repaired. Specifically for dimensions DF-616 Prime, DF-616, YYGDM-01, and the other worlds tied to these universes."
Hearing this request, Gorugon grunted. "THAT'S A LITTLE TOO ON THE NOSE, BUT I WILL TRY." He raised his head and utilized his divine powers to make the complex wish possible. "YES, IT HAS BEEN DONE. THE REPAIRS TO THE DAMAGES WILL TAKE SOME TIME, BUT THESE WORLDS ARE BEING RESTORED TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITIONS."
Omega X (DF-616 Prime) approached Max. "Thank you, Max Kamiya."
X (DF-616 Prime) added. "You've done splendidly as a Watcher."
"Your universe suffered worst out of all of ours, so it was only right," Max said.
"That's two wishes down. We have one left," Falcomon informed them.
"Well, naturally, bring the rest of our friends here," Yugi stated.
"Go ahead and make this wish, Falcomon," Tai then whispered the specific request to him.
"Yes, understood!" Falcomon turned and faced Gorugon. "Lord Gorugon, please bring those just revived by the first wish to this sanctuary."
"YOUR WISH IS GRANTED." Gorugon stated.
With that, every slain hero killed directly and indirectly during the Zeed X and Zamasmon conflicts appeared in the sanctuary. Among the revived: the other DF-616 Digidestined & Ascendant, BanchoLeomon, Pikkan, BW, Sonja, Sheila, the slain Digiverse 6 fighters, the other DF-616 Prime Digital Warriors & company, Tuxedo Kamen, Kurama, Kuwabara, every other YYGDM & DF-616 Prime Duelist, Yui & DarkGabumon, Team DATS, Team Xros Heart, the DF-616 Prime Spirit Detectives, the DF-616 Prime Sailor Senshi, the YYGDM-01 & DF-616 Prime Legendary Warriors, and among others.
"It's good to have you all back, my friends!" Yugi rushed over to meet with all the YYGDM-01 Duelists. He was embraced in a big group hug with Joey, Tea, Tristan, and Duke.
Lyn ran over to Seto Kaiba and jumped into his arms, falling right on top of him. She then pulled her husband into a passionate kiss.
"Don't ever die and leave like that ever again!" Lyn screamed in his face as she kissed him again.
Seto didn't know what to make of his wife yelling and kissing him.
Takuya found himself surrounded and embraced by Izumi, Junpei, and Tomoki. Kouji and Kouichi.
"KOUICHI!" Cried Brunhilde, who tackled Kouichi. "Thank goodness you're back!"
"Hey, good to see you again, Kotori," Kouichi kissed Brunhilde.
Masaru and Agumon hurried over to meet with Thomas, Yoshino, Ikuto and their Digimon partners.
"Oh man, I'm so glad you guys are back! You won't believe what y'all missed!" Masaru exclaimed.
"Yeah, we helped form and become a giant universal-sized robot! It was cool, right, Aniki?!" Agumon enthusiastically cried out.
Thomas added. "Sounds like we missed on quite a final battle."
Yoshino chuckled. "Yeah, judging by how overly enthused they sound."
Taiki, Shoutmon, and the Xros Hearts remnants rushed over to meet with the revived Xros Heart members. Even Tagiru and Gumdramon were restored to life.
"You wouldn't believe all the action you missed out on!" Shoutmon cried out.
"You can tell us all about it," Nene said.
"Aww man! I can't believe I missed out!" Tagiru exclaimed.
"We became a giant robot about the size of a universe!" Shoutmon tried describing Universal X's immense size.
"Actually, I'm thinking galaxy-sized," Taiki tried to play down Shoutmon's hyperbolic claim. "But, still it was big and an unforgettable experience."
Having sensed Tike, Tagiru, and Gumdramon's presences, a relieved sigh came from Kensuke.
"Ken?" Orcus turned to him.
"Thank you for bringing those three to life," Kensuke muttered, remembering Zeed X's mind games turned Tike, Tagiru, and Gumdramon into Zeed X illusions, leading to him killing the aforementioned three. "I don't know if I should be forgiven for what what I did."
"That wasn't you, brother, and you know it. He made you think those three were one of his many clones." Sedna reminded him.
"We'll get a chance to talk to them if you want, uncle Ken?"
Kensuke dismissively nodded. "No, probably not a good idea."
"But they'll want to talk to you…"
Dimitri patted Athena's head. "Let's not pressure uncle Ken, ok, sweetie?"
"Oh, but are you sure, Dimitri?" Athena asked, staring worryingly at Kensuke.
"Tuxedo Kamen!" Moon and Neo Moon cried as they tackled him into a hug.
"It's good to be back," Kamen chuckled.
"Yo, welcome back, Kurama, Kuwabara, and Yui," Yusuke acknowledged his revived friends. He and Hiei went over to check with them.
"Yui!" Himura called out as he and Inumon checked with Yui and DarkGabumon.
"We're ok now, Himura! We're alive again!" Yui called out.
"Kinda a bummer to know you've died once in your life, but hey we're alive again to tell about it," Kuwabara said.
"Now, you know how dying feels like, Kuwabara," Yusuke remarked.
"Yeah, it doesn't feel good."
"Indeed, but we're alive again to tell all about it to our friends back home," Kurama stated.
The DF-616 reconvened with Tai & Agumon, Max, and company.
"Sora!" Tai and Max hugged her.
Sora embraced her fiance and son. "I missed being with you two."
"Sis! Mom!" Dimitri called out to Keke and Mimi.
Keke and Mimi were then hugged by Dimitri.
"Thank you for bringing us back, bro," Keke said.
"Yeah, thanks a lot, Dimitri!" Palmon added.
Faith answered on his partner's behalf. "Heheh, well we didn't do it alone."
"Matt," Mimi turned to Matt and Gabumon.
"Yeah, it's me. Yamato's taking a nap now," Matt smiled as she ran over and embraced him.
"Sis," Jax approached Sonja. "Glad to have you and Davis back."
Sonja is seen sitting with Davis. "Thanks for kicking ass for us to the very end." She and Jax slapped hands.
As nearly everyone killed were revived, there were a few notable individuals that weren't revived. Kensuke's Digmon and Submarimon partners weren't present. Madoka and Homura noticed Rebellious Homura's absence.
"So, Digmon and Submarimon didn't come back," Titaniamon noted.
"Recall those two wanted their sacrifice to mean something. So, I guess they willed themselves to stay dead?" CyberBeelzemon surmised.
"Can they do that?" wondered Veemon.
"Knowing them, maybe or Digmon probably told Gorugon's wish to 'eff off on the other side," Kensuke tried to humor himself after what he and the others had gone through.
Madoka conversed with Homura. "Then, you think she asked to remain gone?"
Homura nodded. "It shouldn't be surprising. She had powers beyond that of a wish-granting deity. You and I would be able to as well considering I have the power of a demoness and you're the avatar of the true Madoka goddess."
Madoka sighed. "Yeah, I get it, but I will miss her."
"I will, too, Madoka. But this is what she wanted. For her death to mean something to us. She gave us her swords as parting gifts."
"Tai," Max whispered to the Bearer of Courage. "Since everyone's here, you wanted to tell us something? Something you've been keeping to yourself?"
"Yeah…" Tai muttered almost regrettably, but sucked it up. He beckoned Agumon over. "Since you're all here, I thought it'd be appropriate to tell you…" He turned to Sora.
"What is it, Tai?" Sora asked him.
Tai sighed deeply. "I made a deal with the Overseer; pretty much I met God. In exchange for the life taken from me by Zeed X, I was revived and given a reprieve to unlock Ascendancy Instinct prematurely. Like any deal dealing with life and death, well it came with a cost…"
Omega X (DF-616 Prime) nodded as if he already knew where this was going. Likewise, Beerusmon and Whismon knew what Tai was alluding towards.
Kensuke frowned. "Hey, I gave up my eyesight in exchange for tapping into Ascendancy Instinct. Tell me you didn't make an exchange for something far more graver?"
"Just say it, Tai," Kari worryingly pleaded.
"Don't keep us in the dark," Takato said.
"After being revived and unlocking Ascendancy Instinct prematurely, a price was paid," Tai closed his eyes and palmed his own chest. His affectionate smile faded. "I've given up most of my own lifespan."
Upon hearing this, no one uttered a word. The sanctuary became silent.
"You gave up… what?!" Sora cried out.
"Tai, how much life did you shave off?!" Izzy exclaimed.
"Tell us! Please!" Mimi shouted.
"We need to know!" TK exclaimed.
"Tell me you're joking, Tai!" Dorothy cried out to her foster dad.
Madoka gasped. "Please tell us why, Tai."
"Brother…" Kari began tearing up. "No…"
"Sis, don't cry for me," Tai smiled, seemingly accepting of his impending fate.
Burizalor, however, shared a differing viewpoint. Oho, I won't even have to lift a finger to kill Taichi anymore. He's done the work for me.
"I should be surprised you'd do something like, but I'm not and neither is Yamato," Matt stated.
"How much time do you have left?" Max asked the Bearer of Courage.
"A few years… at best seven," Tai said. "But, guys… don't cry. We're gonna make the most of these next few years. Probably the most important years before I go." He motioned over to the God of Destruction and the angel attendant. "What do you say? Are you ok with this, you two?"
Whismon smiled. "Taichi, these are your last years of mortality. When your time comes, you'll have transcended Ascendant godhood. You may even be given an opportunity to truly take Lord Beerusmon's place."
"Nah, I don't want to be a Destroyer. I've already decided that," Tai firmly said.
Beerusmon scoffed. "You realize you're missing out on an exceptional opportunity, Taichi? By fully embracing godhood, you're given many divine privileges no mortal can ever hope to dream! You'll be leaving the mortal realm and living among us as an equal!"
The Bearer of Courage halfheartedly chuckled. "I know, Lord Beerusmon, but I've made up my mind. I'd rather watch Earth from wherever I'll be going. Maybe I can become a Watcher or something like Max used to be."
Max added. "You're certainly qualified… I'd dare say overqualified."
"Well, you have seven years to decide what you want when you ascend into the divine realm. Whether you want to be a Destroyer, a Watcher, or just a wandering spirit, the decision is yours alone," Whismon avowed.
"Right. Seven years will be plenty of time," Tai smiled. Then, he faced his friends, who all had saddened and upset looks. "Chin up, guys. I'm not gone yet."
Sora grabbed his hand and teared up.
"Sora, hey, sorry about this. I promise we can make these seven years work."
"It's not that… it's just that I won't be able to go with you."
"Sora, we're going to establish the foundation of our worlds' futures," Tai said, pointing to their engagement rings. "Or, did you forget?"
"Of course not," Sora cried as she kissed Tai. He then patted her abdomen and smiled.
"And we'll be delivering Max into this universe. That's the best gift a guy like me can ever want."
Tearing up, Sora sadly smiled and nodded.
"Now, what do you say guys? Let's make these next couple of years with me worthwhile and memories to cherish?" Tai proposed to his family and friends.
Kensuke observed. "Oh man, Tai…"
"Is Grunkle Tai really going away after seven years?" Athena asked Sedna, Dimitri, and Kensuke.
"Tai doesn't even seem sad all things considered," Sedna noticed Tai seemingly not bothered with his fate.
"It's like he knew exactly he'd be giving something up in exchange of obtaining something big to help us save the omniverse." Dimitri said.
"Like the law of equivalent exchange," Sailor Pluto said.
"Bloody hell. At least, Tai had the stones to make this sacrifice," John added.
Madoka queried to Homura. "Is Tai going to become something like my true goddess self?"
The dark-haired time traveler replied. "He could, but I can't say for certain."
Madoka watched Tai trying to lighten up his friends. A soft smile formed on her face.
"I'm supposed to be all teary-eyed, but Tai is smiling. He seems perfectly content with his fate," Madoka said.
Beerusmon muttered to Whismon. "Seven years is miniscule in a god's lifetime. These next years will pass by fast and before you know it, Tai's time will have arrived."
Whismon replied, eyeing Tai trying to placate his friends' sad and depressing moods. "Yes, quite true, my lord. From now on, things won't be quite the same."
Dimension: GCLK-113/Tennozu Memorial (天王洲記念館)/Tennozu District, Tokyo (天王洲区, 東京)
Among hundreds of gravestones made for the victims from the last Apocalypse Virus pandemic, one gravestone was made in honor of a dark witch turned hero: Rebellious Homura.
Madoka, Homura, Shu, Gai, Inori, and Mana stood on one side. The girls carried with them flowers. Ayase, Sayaka, Kyoko, Mami, Nagisa, Argo, Shibungi, Oogumo, Tsugumi, Kenji, Kyo, Daryl Yan, Haruka Ouma, Taiyou & Hackmon, Ritsu, Souta, Yahiro, Kanon, Arisa, Helio Kaiba, and Kurachi paid their respects to Rebellious Homura's memorial.
Beside them are Kazuto Kirigaya (GCLK-1113), Asuna Yuuki (GCLK-1113), Ryotaro Tsuboi, Suguha Kirigaya, Shino Asada, Andrew Gilbert Mills, Keiko Ayano, and Rika Shinozaki.
"I think all of us have said and made peace with the other Homura," Shu said. "Madoka, anything else?"
"One more," Madoka approached Rebellious Homura's memorial. She watched as Homura walked beside her.
"Go on, Madoka," Homura encouraged her.
Turning to face Rebellious Homura's memorial, Madoka opened her hand unveiling an empty Soul Gem. It was Rebellious Homura's Soul Gem. She knelt down and placed the old soul container next to Rebellious Homura's gravestone.
"Thank you, other Homura, for giving your life for us and ensuring we're all still here. We love you," Madoka smiled with tears.
"One more thing," Homura added.
With that, Madoka and Homura raised their hands. They summoned the Rebellious Witch's Singer's Sword and Dancer's Sword. They held the swords up in honor of Rebellious Homura.
"She'd like this. Wouldn't she, Homura?" The pink-haired young woman asked her dark-haired friend.
"Yeah, she would, Madoka."
"We'll never forget you, other Homura," Madoka whispered, closing her eyes. She pictured Rebellious Homura clad in a white gown. I especially won't forget you. I love you. She blessed her in thought and grabbed Homura's free hand.
Following the memorial service, a portal opened for Madoka, Homura, Shu, Gai, Inori, and Mana to leave.
"Awww, you have to go now? But, y'all just got here." Sayaka sighed.
"So, coming and going as y'all please? Wish you'd stick around," Kyoko snorted.
"We'd love to, but Tai and Sora have their wedding and we want to be there to see it," Shu said.
"Tell them we're all happy for them," Mami said.
Nodding, Inori replied. "We will."
Mana quickly grabbed both Gai and Homura's arms. She giggled. "C'mon, Gai and Homuhomu, we don't wanna miss the wedding! Oh, Gai, surely we'll get married, too?"
"Whenever you're ready, Mana," Gai humored his rose-haired girlfriend.
"And Homuhomu will be my best girl for that wedding, won't you?" Mana playfully winked to Homura.
"Uh… yeah, sure. I guess," Homura rolled her eyes, doing her best to placate Mana's wishes.
"We can both be your best girls, Mana! And Inori as well!" Madoka happily chimed in.
Mana narrowed her eyes and huffed. "But, I just want Homuhomu."
"Are we all set, gang?" Shu asked before turning to his GCLK-113 friends. "I don't know when we'll be back, but I know you'll continue holding down the fort here. Ayase, Sayaka, and Kyoko, continue leading everyone here with us gone."
Ayase gave a thumbs up. "Piece of cake. Me, Sayaka, and Kyoko got everything under control!" She got behind Sayaka and Kyoko. Then, she squeezed their butts tight.
Both Sayaka and Kyoko blushed as their third partner copped a feel on them, which they didn't mind at all.
"Goodbye!" Nagisa merrily waved to the departing group.
"Really wish you'd come back and stay," Argo said.
"Tai and his friend's dimension will be our new home. We'll drop in to see you all once in a while after the dimension disputes get settled," Shu reassured them. "This isn't goodbye for good."
"Just a 'see you later' then, right?" Tsugumi smirked. "We can live with that, but y'all better come and visit us! Or, I'll be gnawing on your heads!"
Kenji snickered. "Oh relax, they'll drop by every now and then. At least, they better."
"We're off. Take care everyone!" Shu called out.
"You all take care of yourselves!" Madoka waved and blew kisses to her loved ones.
Suddenly, Kyubey popped up on Homura's right shoulder.
"Leaving without me?" Kyubey asked the dark-haired woman, who promptly grabbed him off her shoulder.
Homura stared intently into Kyubey's beady red eyes. "And you better be on your best behavior. You hear?"
Kyubey nodded. "...yeah, I will."
"See y'all again!" Sayaka called out as the portal closed. "Even if they don't come back, they're happy where they're at." She turned to Ayase and Sayaka. "All of us here, especially the three of us have a lot of work to do."
"Hell yeah. No way we're letting pinky and goth girl show us up," Kyoko sensually grinned.
"If Shu and Gai think they can outdo me in love making, they got another thing coming!" Ayase boasted as she, Ayase, and Kyoko held each other's hands. "My place at 23:00 hours, ladies."
Sayaka and Kyoko nodded at Ayase's behest.
Apex Dimension: YYGDM-01/Shinjuku Central Park (新宿中央公園)/Shinjuku District, Tokyo(新宿区, 東京)
Meanwhile, specific heroes and their associates convened to meet with SliferGigaSeadramon, ObeliskMegaGargomon, and RaPhoenixmon.
The fates of gods have been decided.
ObeliskMegaGargomon grunted as he gazed over the onlookers.
"So, that's your decision, ObeliskMegaGargomon?" Slade Matrix asked the Obelisk-themed Digideity.
Growling, ObeliskMegaGargomon answered and still his crotchety self. "Yes, and I don't want anyone bothering me again. Let me rest in the space between dimension XLR-8 and the Nexus."
"Whatever you want," Slade nodded.
With that, ObeliskMegaGargomon prepared to shrink down inside his gem container.
Before making his departure, ObeliskMegaGargomon pivoted to SliferGigaSeadramon and RaPhoenixmon.
"Guess this is it. At least not for another few millennia?" RaPhoenixmon asked him.
"Nah, he'll probably be awake again when someone finds his gem," sardonically remarked SliferGigaSeadramon.
"I'll be glad to not hear you run your mouth, you pothead," scoffed ObeliskMegaGargomon. "I swear if a Terriermon finds me, it'll be a moment too soon."
Upon hearing this, Terriermon yelped and hid behind Henry.
"And I know there's that chatty Terriermon among you! Be glad I'm not dunking his smartass into soy sauce and eating him like a dumpling!" ObeliskMegaGargomon bellowed.
"I was never here," fearfully muttered Terriermon.
"Hehehe, don't worry we won't tell," Inumon chuckled.
As ObeliskMegaGargomon's body glowed blue, the Digideity shrank and fitted his essence inside the gem. Dimitri picked up said gem and handed it to Slade Matrix.
"See it that no one ever finds this," Kensuke requested.
"Don't worry. Where he's going, he'll be resting easy for a long time," Slade reassured him.
Tai, Agumon, and Max approached SliferGigaSeadramon and the Digicores.
"Listen, SliferGigaSeadramon, we were given some strict orders from Lord Beerusmon to not use your Digicores for a while," Tai informed the crimson Digideity.
"Oh yeah, I know the deal. Much as I don't like that lazy ass cat, he's right. Y'all should give my wish orbs a break," SliferGigaSeadramon requested.
"Lord Beerusmon suggested a year, maybe a little longer," Max said. "I've decided we should cut down on the Digicores and their powers. I've looked into dimension DF-616 Prime, their Digicores not only accumulated dark energy from overuse, but were corrupted by that dimension's negative enemies. As a result, seven monsters were born. We've seen what would happen if our Digicores became tainted. After Black Omega X stole SliferGigaSeadramon's Digicores, he and his colleagues corrupted the orbs and conjured the Shadow Dramons. The last thing we need is to overuse the Digicores and allow such monsters to be reborn. So, I'm sealing SliferGigaSeadramon's Digicores and taking them to Other World. I've already conversed with Azulongmon, BanchoLeomon, and Falcomon. They've given me approval. So, for the time being and for the foreseeable future, access to the Digicores will be strictly forbidden. After a determined time, we can limit the the Digicores's use, but the wishes had better be for a good cause."
"I'm for it," Tai said. "And I'm sure SliferGigaSeadramon could use the rest. Right, big guy?"
SliferGigaSeadramon puffed smoke from his mouth. "Yeeaah, dudes. Sounds like a plan. Been meaning to catch some Zzzzzs."
Agumon sighed. "Take it easy, SliferGigaSeadramon. I hope we'll see each other again."
"Later, dudes! Oh, and tell the cat he stinks!" SliferGigaSeadramon roared as he vanished inside the Digicores to sleep.
"That leaves just one," Max turned toward RaPhoenixmon, who loomed over the YYGDM-01 group.
Rei and Cammy Hino approached RaPhoenixmon. The golden-armored phoenix dragon lowered its face, staring over the Dragon Gazer's Mirror. She saw it in Cammy's hands.
"Cammy, you know what to do, right?" Rei asked her younger sister.
Nodding, Cammy seemed reluctant to relinquish the mirror.
"Cammy Hino. Don't be afraid to let go," RaPhoenixmon wisely advised the Digital Priestess's reincarnation. "You can rely on Eri's spirit without me. You've already demonstrated strength without the mirror. Kensuke gave you the mirror so we'd meet for the sole purpose of augmenting your holy powers and clairvoyance. You don't need the mirror anymore."
Before Cammy could say anything, Shingo Tsukino patted Cammy's shoulder.
"Shingo? What should I do?"
"It's your choice, but I think RaPhoenixmon wants to go back inside the mirror and rest."
"If she says your powers have augmented by the mirror, then you have fully accessed Eri's latent power," Rei advised Cammy.
As she turned to RaPhoenixmon, Cammy flipped the mirror around and placed it in RaPhoenixmon's massive maw. RaPhoenixmon closed her jaws and swallowed the mirror.
"Before I depart, Hino sisters. I know you've been facing troubled dilemmas with the Yami Houou essence. Be ready whenever it resurfaces to attack you two. It continues to utilize your father's body as its vessel. Be on guard. Rei, you and the Houou must be ready. And Cammy, you have Eri's power to help your friends. When you're together, not even that Yami Houou essence stands a chance."
"Thanks, RaPhoenixmon. Even if things do take a worse turn, the Yami Houou won't ruin our lives," Cammy vowed as she and Rei nodded to each other.
"Farewell, friends," RaPhoenixmon vanished in a veil of divine golden flames. A portal opened up and pulled RaPhoenixmon's essence into it.
"Where did RaPhoenixmon go?" Takato asked.
"Back to her own realm," answered Max. "And now all three of the Digideities can rest."
"Well, ObeliskMegaGargomon and RaPhoenixmon will," Tai stated. "We'll probably see SliferGigaSeadramon again since you're looking after his Digicores, Max."
"Simms and I will keep them sealed for that determined time," Max said.
"Now, there's one more settlement to resolve," Beerusmon floated over to Rei and Cammy. His divine eyes witnessed the Houou emerge from Rei. "All right, you flaming poultry. This may be the last time we see each other… at least until this woman's life expires and you go searching for a new vessel to rent out."
The Houou replied sardonically. "Still calling me a poultry, you lazy naked rat."
"Makes no difference to me, Beerusmon. I'll be with Rei Hino for as long as she's able. However, the next time we cross paths, you may not even be the God of Destruction anymore."
Hearing this, Beerusmon meticulously eyed Tai. "...nonsense. I intend to remain Digiverse 7's God of Destruction forever and ever!" He loudly boasted, which the Houou can easily see through his tough facade.
"Sure. Enjoy the rest of your divine life, 'Lord' Beerusmon." With that, she extended a flamed wing to Beerusmon.
Hesitant to shake hands with the cosmic force that bested him, Beerusmon cautiously leaned over and grabbed the Houou's wing.
"Ohoho, see, my lord? No tricks were involved!" Whismon laughed.
Cammy smiled over this. "Isn't this great, sis? We have two destructive deities making amends with each other!"
Rei replied, standing awkwardly between Beerusmon and her Houou's cloak. "Yeah… I just wish I wasn't caught between their tense union."
"Let me just say, goodluck stamping out Yami Houou's remnants. That dark half is more trouble being allowed to exist. You're on your own dealing with it. I don't intend to Hakai your demons away." Beerusmon reminded the Houou and her human vessel.
The Houou replied, reassuring the purple cat. "Worry not. Rei and I will deal with Yami Houou once and for all."
"Of course, it possessing dad is already more than enough trouble," Rei muttered as Usagi calmed her with a shoulder pat.
"Ok, we've got the whole deities thing resolved," Tai said.
Max let out a relaxed sigh. "Can't believe it's been four years. This is where our three dimensions united. Dimensions DF-616, YYGDM-01, and XLR-8 came together to fight common enemies. Now, the adventures end here."
(End theme)
"Speaking of trouble, I hope letting Burizalor go was a good idea," Kari asked Tai.
"I warned him if he threatens our world again, we'll deal with him."
Sighing, Max shrugged. "Though knowing him, he's already plotting his next evil schemes."
"Oh yeah, but he was responsible for helping us deal the fatal blow to Zeed X."
"What's that old saying?" 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend?'" Agumon said.
"I think so, but in any case, leave Burizalor with me if he starts acting up," the Bearer of Courage reassured everyone.
Frowning, Matt folded his arms. "You better stay true to your word, Tai. Or, I'll let Yamato finish him."
Turning toward the sky, Tai raised and clenched a fist. "Wherever you are, Burizalor, you best be your best behavior."
Dimension: DF-616/Outer Space
Meanwhile, the evil digital tyrant returned to his home world and finished rebuilding his empire. Shortly after, he began recruiting new soldiers.
Floating out of his hover carrier, Burizalor emerged from his Buriza spaceship.
The Buriza army are seen cheering for their revived boss. Among them are short rotund light blue-skinned female alien with short purple hair named Beribulumon.
Another is a short, yellow alien garbed in standard Buriza armor with a relatively large head and two antenna on top. This is Kikonomon.
Also among the masses are a lime green-skinned slender woman with neck-length white hair and eyebrows. Her uniform is a white and purple outfit with a green half circle under her chest. She also has on standard-issued white gloves and boots. This is Cheelaimon.
The other is an orange-skinned humanoid alien with shoulderless armor, dark green trousers, white gloves, and a woolly hat. He has yellow eyes with slitted pupils. There are wrinkles over his face, indicating his age. This is Lemomon.
Burizalor chortled and announced to the remnants of his minions. "Sorry for the wait, everyone. The emperor of the universe has returned!"
Dimension: DF-616/File Island
(Cue Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Walk Through The Fire)
A huge wedding ceremony was thrown for Taichi Kamiya and Sora Takenouchi. All of Taichi's friends alongside specific YYGDM-01 characters (namely Takato, Tai/Matt & Omegamon, Davis/Ken & Imperialdramon, and Athenamon) and even the DF-616 Prime cast were invited. Tai is seen in his tuxedo, while Sora arrived in her wedding dress.
"Sora looks so beautiful in her wedding dress," Kari happily remarked on her soon to be sister-in-law's white wedding gown.
"Of course, I helped pick it out for her," Mimi said.
"Don't they look great?" Keke whispered to Max.
"Yeah, they sure do," nodded Max, proudly gazing over his parents making their marriage official.
Gennai addressed Tai and Sora. "Taichi Kamiya, do you take Sora Takenouchi to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you promise to love and cherish her in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all other, keep yourself only onto her, for as long as you both live?"
Tai resolutely nodded. "I do."
"And do you, Sora Takenouchi, take Taichi Kamiya to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you promise to love and cherish him in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keeping yourself only onto him, for as long as you both love?"
Knowing full well Tai would be gone in a few years, Sora accepted this and nodded with tears. "I do."
"Now the rings," Gennai said.
Max opened Tai's wedding ring box and handed it to him. Keke opened Sora's ring box and handed it to her.
Both Tai and Sora faced each other with rings in hands. They spoke in unison. "With this ring, I pledge my love and commitment."
The wedded couple slid the rings into each other's fingers.
Gennai quickly verified. "Then, by the power vested by me and the Digital World, witnessed by friends among us, I humbly call you husband and wife. And you may kiss the bride."
The Bearers of Courage and Love made their marriage official once and for all with a passionate kiss. Everyone in attendance cheered and clapped over the now married couple.
Athenamon gleamed happily as she whispered next into Omegamon. "Doesn't this take you back?"
"It's been that long, hasn't it?" Omegamon replied.
Tai smiled over this end result. "Way to go, other me."
Tai (DF-616 Prime) added. "Man, this reminds me of when my Sora and I got married."
Biyomon teared with joy over her best friend being married to her guy. "Oh gosh, I think I have pollen in my eyes."
Agumon blinked. "But, you never get allergies, Biyomon?"
Gojiramon snickered. "Biyomon's proud of Sora, that's what."
Max approached Tai and Sora. He pulled them into a hug and cried with happiness.
Later, the guests gathered for post-wedding festivities. Tai and Sora received gifts from their friends, families, and guests.
Suddenly, Tai and Agumon noticed Yamato & Gabumon, Davis & Veemon, and Ken & Wormmon meeting their YYGDM-01 counterparts and Athenamon. Tai and Agumon convened with their friends to meet their YYGDM-01 counterparts.
"So, you're my DF-616 counterpart?" Tai (YYGDM-01) said in the first meeting with his alternate version. "I heard you and the Matt of your world are Super Saiyan-like warriors called Ascendants. Right?"
"We sure are." Tai grinned. "Well, except you're talking to Yamato now not Matt. 'Yamato' is Matt's darker alter ego."
Matt (YYGDM-01) glared at his counterpart, "So, you're basically 'Vegeta'."
Yamato raised an eyebrow, "What of it, pretty boy?"
"You're one to talk." Matt (YYGDM-01) stated. "You're every bit as 'pretty' as me."
"Except I've had the pleasure of fighting and getting my hands dirty to help my partner fight enemies." Yamato pointed out the differences. "You sit back and order your Digimon like a lazy ass trainer."
Matt (YYGDM-01) brushed his hair back and smiled, "I don't want my hair and skin messed up."
"What the hell are you made of?! Estrogen?!" Yamato growled. "Augh, your presence makes wanna puke!"
Both Gabumons sweatdropped and laughed.
"So, how do you do, Gabumon?" Gabumon (YYGDM-01) asked his DF-616 counterpart.
"Doing handsomely well, other me!"
Tai (YYGDM-01) complimented the DF-616 version, "Y'know, I do have to admit I like that you're buffer than I am. I'm just tall and skinny."
"Hah, well I do train and eat well!" Tai chuckled.
"Whoa, so your girlfriend is some Android 18 knock-off?!" Davis (YYGDM-01) asked with intrigue. "Man, I so wish I could have a hot chick like that and be an Ascendant like you!"
"Heh, I don't wanna brag, but I'm so awesome." Davis smiled ever so proudly.
Both Kens sighed together.
Agumon asked Agumon (YYGDM-01) and Gabumon (YYGDM-01), "So, you two are Athenamon's husbands?!"
"Technically." Agumon (YYGDM-01) answered. "When we fuse and become Omegamon, we become her one and only husband."
"I find it amazing there's a different form of digital fusion that combines specific humans with Digimon to form Ascendants." Athenamon stated her intrigue with the Ascendant nature. "Sailor Sedna's boyfriend, Dimitri, is the first I've seen. He's quite strong... and according to Sedna, Dimitri trained under another version of me from his future."
"Yeah and I'm sure he'd like to talk to you, Lady Athenamon." Tai said to her.
Athenamon smiled at him, "Yes, I'm sure he will."
(End theme)
(Cue Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 OST - Summer Air)
The DF-616 Prime guests conversed with the DF-616 Digidestined and heroes.
"So, you guys have pretty much seen the end of your adventures and fighting days?" Tai asked Tai (DF-616 Prime).
"I wouldn't say it's the end. More like an extended reprieve," Tai (DF-616 Prime) replied. "I'm still training hard. Look, Tai, I know you only have a few years left to live."
"The difference is, I may not be able to come back. Not even the Digicores can reverse what's been done to me. And I sure as hell don't want to take chances turning back the clock, because then Zeed X is back. I'd rather us never go through that nightmare again. I've accepted my fate."
Tai (DF-616 Prime) smirked. "You have my respect, other me."
X (DF-616 Prime) turned to Max. "Make sure Tai has every accommodation he may need in Other World."
Max replied. "You bet I will."
Elsewhere, Takato (DF-616 Prime) walked Takato around File Island discussing their personal lives and relationships with their respective Rikas.
"That's incredible to know another me destroyed the D-Reaper with the Life Bomb! That's a feat I can't even compare." Takato was in awe of his other self's biggest accomplishment.
"But, you overcame all those insecurities you've kept locked away for a long time, Takato," Takato (DF-616 Prime) reminded his YYGDM-01 self. "You forced your world's Loki out of your own body and gained a level on par with a Level 3 Ascendant! Heck, you wield a phoenix spirit! I don't even have half the resources you've been utilizing. Frankly, I'm jealous."
Takato noticed Ruki Makino talking with Solar. "And your daughter, Ruki, turned out to be one heck of a fighter, huh?"
"Rika and I initially didn't want her to be one, but ultimately gave in when she convinced us it'd keep her out of trouble in school," Takato (DF-616 Prime) chuckled nervously, nearly regretting his decision. "Except, instead of picking fights with bullies, she and Solar tear each other apart. By the way, I was shocked to know your Rika was killed by another Beelzebumon. My Beelzebumon simply hurt my Rika, but it's still something that hurts me to this day."
"My Rika wasn't gone for long," Takato said. "I think we can safely say our Rikas are hard to put down."
"They're both stubborn, I agree!" Takato (DF-616 Prime) laughed with his YYGDM-01 self.
"Who knows? Maybe if I have a daughter, I could name her Ruki," Takato considered a name for his child one day.
As Tai conversed with his YYGDM-01 and DF-616 Prime counterparts, he just realized something.
"Hey, Max. I'm curious about the whole Digimon multiverse thing," Tai addressed his concern with him.
"What is it? Oh, I see…" Max noted the three Tais, the two Davis, the two Takatos, and other 'gogglehead' leaders in attendance. "I'm glad you brought this up."
"What would happen if the Taichi from that Prime V-Tamers universe dies of old age? That would technically be the end of us all and the whole Digimon multiverse, right? He and his world are the lifeblood to keeps our Digimon multiverse intact. Right?" Tai queried.
"From what Simms told me, that much is true, but a safeguard was already put in place ages ago," Max answered. "Once the DVT-98 Taichi reaches the end of his adventure, it automatically resets to his birth on an endless loop. DVT-98 Taichi won't have any recollection that he was born, lived, and died consecutively many times before."
"So, he doesn't even know? Like at all? That sounds wrong." Takato asked.
"That's a pretty shitty thing to do," Masaru said.
"Sadly, it's necessary to keep the Digimon multiverse preserved," Simms proclaimed.
"Still sucks. I wish there was another way." Tai sighed. "All I know I won't be lucky like that Taichi. These are the last few years of my lifetime." He took Sora's hand. "And guess what guys? Sora has a surprise announcement. Something we've been keeping secret and wanted to tell y'all sooner. Some are already in the know, but I feel others need to know now. Sora?"
"Everyone," Sora smiled and blushed, caressing her belly. "I'm pregnant."
(End theme)
Dimension: DF-616/Ice Cream Store
The next day, Ken and Tike sat alone together with ice cream. Ken concealed his presence from the public, but the Accel Ascendant remained in a desposent state. Likewise, Tike stayed silent and intently stared at the man who accidentally killed him a few days ago.
"So…" Both Kensuke and Tike muttered at once.
"You first," Kensuke desposently said.
"No, you," Tike insisted.
"I just wanted to say... " Kensuke stopped mid-sentence as he reflected to him accidentally killing Tike.
"That I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry for what happened. Just know it was Zeed X who went into my head, created hallucinations, and made me think you were him. When you came to him, I saw that bastard and I attacked not knowing it was you."
Tike stayed silent, narrowing his eyes toward Kensuke.
"I won't ask for forgiveness and I don't blame you if you never forgive me. I just wanted you to know that I'm not making any excuses." Kensuke pleaded to Tike, who got up from his chair.
Tike clenched his fists and raised his head to look Kensuke dead in his eyes.
"I forgive you…"
Then out of the blue, Tike fearlessly kicked Kensuke in the crotch real hard. The depressed Accel Ascendant was sent flying into the ice cream flavors and covered in them. Now he knew what Yamato/Metalla X and the Digital Warlord felt being victims of Kensuke's groin kicking move.
"How fucking ironic someone finally kicks you in the nuts! How's it feel now?!" Tike yelled out. "I don't attack handicapped people, but you're an exception!"
Suddenly, some of Ken's Yu-Gi-Oh! cards flew out of his pocket. Tike grabbed two of them and quietly ripped them apart.
"Oops. Heh, not this time. And be glad those were just no nothing cards. I'd for sure rip up your prized monsters. Well, are you going to fight back?!" Tike goaded him as customers started to leave. "Look I know you're blind, but I know you can still feel my Ki! That's the only way you can even see anyone! Get up and come get you som-!"
Kensuke quickly seized Tike by his shirt and rammed him against the nearest wall. The force caused the entire wall to crumble.
Everyone in the shop stormed out in fear. Tike grunted as Kensuke pressed him against the wall. Tike's face filled with dread as Kensuke shot him a look that would scare the bravest of men and monsters. Kensuke's aura erupted, causing the ice cream shop to shake.
Kensuke said nothing and flew out carrying Tike by the neck. He quickly shot up into the air still carrying Tike along for the ride.
"YOU LITTLE SHIT! I SHOULD RIP OFF YOUR BALLS FOR THAT!" Kensuke yelled in Tike's face. He flew down slamming Tike onto a rooftop. He then raised a hand over Tike.
Tike coughed. "Go ahead, but I still got my payback. Consider us even!" He openly mocked him with a grin.
Upon hearing this, Kensuke gritted.
With his mind racked with emotion, he left himself open for an earth-shattering force to hit him in the face. Kensuke ended up with a jab to his face out of nowhere that sent him flying away. Tike was freed from his situation. He looked to his right and spotted his saviors: Yamato and ZeedGarurumon.
"Good to see you again, dude." Yamato greeted with a mocking smirk to incite his Kensuke's anger.
Propping himself up, Kensuke summoned Veemon and shot a fierce glare at Yamato.
"What's wrong? Don't like it when someone gets one over you? Tike, I'm jealous you managed to get in a shot on a blind man," Yamato said, beckoning off Tike. "But, you've had your fun, boy. I'll handle him."
"The hell can you do?! He's still strong even without his eyes!" Tike retorted.
"Sit back and watch," Yamato faced Kensuke getting ready to throw down with him. "So, are you ready to settle this?"
"Name the place right away because I only have little time left."
Yamato smirked. "Sure, why not?"
"Just one more thing."
Kensuke quickly moved and headbutted Yamato before they can react. Yamato fell on his back as he stirred with anger.
"A blind man can still bash heads open!"
"That does it," growled Yamato while ZeedGarurumon tended to him. "I can't wait to end this once and for all! And I know where we're going to settle this!"
"Actually, I've already determined the location," Slade appeared behind Kensuke.
"Where?" asked Kensuke.
Slade leaned over and whispered into Kensuke's ear. A soft smile formed on the Accel Ascendant's face.
"I couldn't ask for a better site."
Dimension: XLR-8/Brave's Grave
(Cue Gundam 00 MOVIE OST | Disc 2 | Track 07 | MEMORY OF PLANET~SYMPATHY)
Metalla X and Dramon X faced off on the gravesite of Brave, the AncientGarurumon that Yamato once murdered. Tike appeared as the sole audience member. These two Ascendants are finally going to resolve their feud.
"Are you ready to settle this, punk? Know after this, there will be no rematch. I hope you're ready to accept defeat and take it with you to your sleep," Metalla X said as he stepped into a fighting posture.
Dramon X stood in a battle stance. Before he can attack, Metalla X launched himself into Dramon X and punched him in the face. He sent Dramon X flying back. Dramon X returned the favor and landed a blow to Metalla X's chin. Dazed from Dramon X's shot, Metalla X stumbled back. Feeling out his opponent's movements, Dramon X grabbed Metalla X's right arm and slammed him around. Dramon X's tossed his hated adversary into a rock face.
Getting up, Metalla X fired a quick Big Bang Attack that collided with Dramon X. He punched Metalla X's beam multiple times and batted it away. Metalla X immediately took to the air and cupped his hands together. Dramon X hastily shot up and prepared to stop Metalla X.
"TAKE THIS!" Fiercely roared Metalla X, who fired off a Cocytus Blast at Dramon X.
Sensing his opponent's energy fired at him, Dramon X quickly evaded with Instant Movement and reappeared above Metalla X. He surprised the Bearer of Friendship and body slammed straight into his back. Falling down with Metalla X, Dramon X planted Metalla X head first into the ground.
The entire landscape shook following the hard slam. Tike flew into the air and avoided getting knocked off his feet. He saw Dramon X rising first.
"Are you gonna take that, Yamato?! Get up!" Tike chastised him.
"...the hell, you think I'm doing, you stupid runt?" grumbled Metalla X, who not only rose up and recovered, but powered up to Super Ascendant Blue.
Frowning, Dramon X prepared himself for a tougher fight. Under circumstances thanks to his blindness, he wouldn't be able to sense a Super Ascendant Blue, but his other heightened senses and having been an Ascendant God for a while gave him an edge.
"No problem. I can still feel you out, Yamato," Dramon X muttered.
"Where's that Ascendancy Instinct you had before? C'mon and show me, boy!" Goaded Metalla X. "If you won't…"
"I can't! Not now…"
"Or, you won't, you coward?!" Metalla X scowled. "Fine, then just give me your second best! I don't care as long as I beat you…!"
Metalla X suddenly doubled over and coughed. He grabbed his crotch as Dramon X moved so fast he kicked Metalla X's groin. Dramon X pulled his foot back.
However, much to Dramon X and Tike's surprise, Metalla X didn't scream, holler, cry, or throw a fit. No, the Bearer of Friendship responded with a smirk.
"Yes, as you can see I've overcome that weakness. You're going to have to try harder than that, Kenny Balls!"
Metalla X returned the favor and kicked Dramon X's balls in similar fashion. Dramon X doubled over and coughed hard. Metalla X evilly chuckled.
"You want me to try harder…? Be careful with that you wish for, Yamakins Bitchcakes!"
Dramon X kicked Metalla X's balls again. Metalla X quickly responded with a groin kick. They repeatedly kneed each other's balls.
"Kenny Ball Z!"
"Yamakins Bitchcakes GX!"
"Kenny Ball GT!"
"Yamakins Bitchcakes 5Ds!"
"Kenny Ball Super!"
"Yamakins Bitchcakes Zexal!"
They kicked each other so much they keeled over, panting and sweating hard. They slowly stood holding their crotches.
Metalla X leaned over and whispered into his hated foe's ear. "How do you like that, Ken-asshole?"
"Just fine, Yama-bitch!" Dramon X kicked Metalla X away.
(Cue Tekkaman Blade OST - Masquerade)
Metalla X landed on his feet and clenched his fists.
"Damn it all! I'm not going to let you get the better of me before you sleep for however long…! Could be a long time! I can't accept losing to you again, boy! Not NOW! Not THIS TIME!"
Just then, Metalla X powered up to his fullest. His appearance remained the same like his Ascendant Blue, but his hair and eyes took on a darker coloring of royal blue as well as growing bigger and spiking outwards. The eyes also sported visible black pupils and the aura took on a similar coloring with a larger and denser nature to it, including light particles that displayed a stronger glint.
"DO YOU HEAR ME, BOY?! I WON'T FALL TO YOU!" Metalla X yelled in defiance at his nemesis, who up to this point always had his number.
Upon seeing this new modified form Metalla X unlocked, Dramon X genuinely smiled.
"You despise me so much that you reached a new level. I can live with the fact that I made you stronger than you had any right to be," Dramon X clenched his fists tightly. "But, if you think I'm going to let you beat me before I sleep, think again, Yamato!"
Inside Metalla X's mind, Matt internally laughed. "You're not going to take that lying down, are you, Yamakins?!"
"LIKE HELL I WILL!" Roared Metalla X. "If this new enhancement is all I need to put you down, then so be it! Prepare for my Perfected Ascendant Blue, boy!"
As he powered up, a clear aura formed over Dramon X. However, he didn't tap into Ascendancy Instinct, knowing full well of its side effects. Dramon X rushed head-on with Metalla X, who attacked with ferocity.
Dramon X and Metalla X's punches connected, which threw up a powerful shockwave that wiped out nearly everything in their vicinity. Tike took cover and watched the super warriors clash.
The Ascendants collided and unleashed quick speed blitzes. They pulverized each other to the point of breaking their bodies. Metalla X went for a straight punch, but Dramon X countered by swerving around and ducking away. Metalla X turned to blast him, but Dramon X vanished with Instant Movement.
"Please, you and Taichi use that move ad nauseum! You're going to have to do better than that!" Metalla X bellowed. He instinctively turned to his right and punched something hard. He saw his fist connect with Dramon X's chest, sending him flying back. Taking no chances, Metalla X zipped right over and clubbed Dramon X, sending him crashing to the ground.
Nearly falling face first, Dramon X sprang up and watched Metalla X dive bombing toward him. Dramon X shot up and collided head-on with Metalla X. As they collided, an explosion of energy spread over the sky.
Tike became near entranced by their fight. The boy had no words to describe what he was witnessing.
"THIS IS IT! I WILL DEFEAT YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Metalla X shouted while charging up his Gamma Burst Blaze.
"THEN LET'S END THIS WITHOUT ANY REGRETS!" Dramon X roared while charging his S.O.L. Draco Cannon.
Both Metalla X and Dramon X fired their strongest energy beams and collided with one another. The powerful shockwaves shook the area and Brave's gravesite. The energy then knocked down both Ascendants as they fell. Their fated duel ended in a draw. Both Ascendants turned back to Yamato & Gabumon and Ken & Veemon.
(End theme)
(Cue The Walking Dead OST - Reconciliation)
Tike flew over to the fallen warriors and their Digimon. Gabumon and Veemon were the first ones to come to and awaken.
"Thank goodness you two are ok, but…" Tike scanned over Yamato and Kensuke. "Hey, wake up!"
Both Yamato and Kensuke awoke and sat up. As they regained their senses, they intensely glared each other down. Tike backed off, giving the two room to finish where they left off.
Both men had the same idea and clenched their fists. They reared back said fists and collapsed, falling on each other. Yamato and Kensuke fell back. Both breathed heavily and hard.
"Don't even start," sighed Kensuke, picking himself up.
Both started smirking and laughing. Tike couldn't believe what he witnessed. The hated rivals were sharing a hearty laugh together. Both ultimately ceased their laughter and stood up, looking into each other's eyes.
"I suppose I'll have to give you your due. You fight well for a blind man. Neither of us could defeat the other," Yamato chortled.
"But you didn't win. Doesn't a draw bother you?"
"As long as you don't technically win, then no."
"Fair enough, I guess," Kensuke looked away as he and Yamato noticed a spiritual essence materialize next to Brave's gravestone.
Much to their shock, Brave's spirit appeared in his former glory.
"B-B-Brave? It's you!" Kensuke acknowledged his former Digimon friend's name and sensed his spiritual presence.
"Hello, Kensuke Rainer. Aside from your lack of sight, you're looking well, old friend. You've gotten physically stronger, but mentally you're half-broken. I understand you've been through a series of stressing battles, but the fact that you're here shows me your will hasn't been broken," Brave acknowledged his friend's strengths and flaws.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you," Kensuke approached the Digimon's spirit, feeling him out.
Brave noticed Yamato and sensed the dark persona currently inhabiting the Bearer of Friendship's body.
"And it seems the 'false friendship' personality has returned. Still living inside that young man's body? I would've thought you would've permanently fallen asleep since the D-Reaper's demise."
"There was unfinished business to be had," Yamato replied to Brave.
"I still can't forgive you for killing me, dark Yamato persona. However, your evil influence has diluted overtime. By allowing Matt Ishida to collaborate with you, you've become far less vile than you used to be. You've shown a willingness to help those within Matt's family circle. You've made amends with Matt's future son, his daughter, TK, Mimi, and most of all Taichi. And you've even taken on a prodigy from another Digiverse."
"You can thank Matty boy's influence for all that. I certainly can't take the credit. If it were the old me…"
Brave smirked. "But, you aren't the old dark Yamato, are you now?"
Yamato grumbled.
"And you've just now settled your differences with Kensuke."
"You can't mean that…"
"I do, Yamato. That new form you achieved just now was the final straw. Through your desire to destroy Kensuke, he made you stronger."
Facing Kensuke, Yamato couldn't believe the Accel Ascendant made him stronger from this fight. He thought he hit a ceiling with Super Ascendant Blue, but this new Blue form reopened his eyes to new levels of strength he can achieve. Nevertheless, he still aimed to find a way to achieve Ascendancy Instinct.
"Kensuke Rainer. I still don't like you, but as a warrior I sure as hell respect you," Yamato confessed. He pointed to Kensuke. "Just know you helped me get stronger."
Brave smiled over the two acknowledging each other. "This is how it should be so I can finally rest in peace. Kensuke, it was good to see you again, my old friend."
"Even if I can't really see you now."
"Your other keen senses has allowed you to communicate with me."
Kensuke sadly smiled. "Brave, you sleep well."
"You as well, Kensuke. Enjoy a long and deep slumber, my friend."
As Brave's spirit vanished, Kensuke then turned to Tike and was on the verge of tears, "I probably deserved that after what I did... I'm sorry, Tike."
The Ascendant boy nodded. Tears fell from his own eyes. "I get it. I can't forget what happened, but I'll be damned glad to put that behind us."
Kensuke and Tike patted each other.
"Take care, little man."
"You, too, Ken."
After settling his differences with Tike, Kensuke called Veemon over. Before turning to leave, Kensuke glanced back to Yamato.
"Remember the feeling, Yamato. Don't try to mimic Tai all the time. Find your own path of strength if you wish to be a better warrior." Ken suggested without any passive aggressiveness.
Reminded of how he taught Xander, Yamato could only respond with a genuine response. "Thanks for the compliment, Kensuke. Have a good nap."
Apex Dimension: YYGDM-01/Karin and Dimitri's Condo/Azabu-Jūban District (麻布十番)/Minato, Tokyo (港区, 東京)
"I can't believe this happened." Karin noted. She was worried about her brother more than ever.
"It was that power he and Tai used. To think it grants so much power, but..." Dimitri was cut off when Slade entered the room..
"That's what happens when you use divine energy. Regardless of what you call the technique, it is a double edged sword of the highest caliber, even the Kaio-Ken or Tai's variation comes nowhere close to this backlash."
Karin sighed deeply. "Still..."
Slade replied. "He probably would've unlocked it though given his past history of impulse fighting. The whole point of using Ultra Instinct is to let your body fight on its own without thought, and if Tai hadn't killed Zeed X off, he would have, but then due to using two magical artifacts, he overclocked his body and now he's going to need some serious downtime to recover. But, of course, it took a coordinated effort from the YYGDM-01 dimension, Madoka, and Homura to eradicate Zeed X."
Dimitri's eyes widened. "Wait, so you're fighting on impulse? That's not safe."
Slade shrugged. "Yeah, well it's the price you gotta pay, and no I am not telling Tai that's how you use it. He has to figure it out on his own. Trust me I've only gone there like twice myself. Even though I know it's not something to use lightly." He then looked around. "You guys sure its a good idea for Athena to be visiting her friend Hina? You don't think she might want to see this?"
Karin answered. "I know how she looks up to both of them. I don't know if she could take seeing them fight each other to the extreme they're likely to go to, and to be honest, I was reluctant to let brother go through with this myself."
Slade interjected. "If Yamakins ever gets it through his head that there's more to life than power, it'll be a cold day in hell." He then took out a disk in a CD case and handed it to Dimitri. "Another reason why I came by was to give you this."
Dimitri looked over the CD. "What is this?"
"It's something Sarge found when we were checking out the destruction of your timeline. You might want to look at it, and don't worry it'll work on a standard PC."
Dimitri went to their computer and put the disk in. After loading a file came up, clicking on it. A video file loaded. To his shock, his mother, the future Mimi, appeared on screen. Karin came over and was surprised as well.
"I hope this thing's running. God, I look like a wreck, don't it?" Future Mimi spat down, fixing her hair. "Palmon, you're holding the camera upside down!"
Future Palmon was heard giggling. "Whoops, sorry 'bout that! Lemme fix that!"
With that, Future Palmon turned the camera view and got a picture perfect shot of Future Mimi sitting on a couch. There was barely any light in the room they were in. The Black Ascendants' attacks seemingly knocked out most of the power.
"Dimitri Ishida, my sweet and loving boy. This is mommy speaking… I know it sounds kinda lame for a mom to call her grown-up son that, but know you'll always be my baby and I'll always be your mom." Future Mimi said most genuinely. A radiant smile never leaving her. "And I'm even happier knowing you have a sweetheart of a girlfriend, who I know will be the most wholesome wife a man can ask for."
Hearing this, Dimitri and Karin smiled warmly. Holding each other's hands, Karin leaned over on Dimitri's shoulder.
"And I'm happy to have been a grandmother to a wonderful child like Athena. If the future means anything, Athena will have the best parents a girl could ask for. So, to Karin and Athena, I love you both. Athena, eat well and listen to your parents, ok? Your grandma Mimi wants you to be healthy and strong like a good Ascendant should be! Just like your father!"
Future Mimi gave a big smile.
Dimitri felt a tear seep from his eye as her every word touched him. Likewise, Karin was taken in by Future Mimi's sincere words.
"Mimi, there's little battery left on this thing!"
"I'll make this quick, but Dimitri… if I don't make it… if I don't live long enough to see you again, I want you to know how proud I am of you, my sweetheart. You are the love of my life. May good things shine on you, Karin, and little Athena. Until we see each other on the other side…" Future Mimi put a hand on her chest and blew a kiss to the camera. "Kisses and love to all of you from your lovely Mimi! Bye-bye…!"
The feed cut as the battery life expired. A static feed filled the entire screen, leaving Dimitri to dry his tears. Karin hugged Dimitri.
"She'd be proud of all we've done, Dimitri."
"This is her final message to me. She knew she wouldn't last with the Black Ascendants running amok." Dimitri shifted over to Slade. "Thanks for getting this to me, Slade."
Slade answered, carrying Kensuke over his shoulder. "No problem, man. You deserve closure. Now let's go, Ken."
"Where are you taking Ken?" Asked Dimitri. "Look, I know he's settled things with father and all."
"Yes, and he's already said his goodbyes to his friends in dimension XLR-8. All that's left now is…"
Karin realized what Slade meant. "So, it's time?"
"Y'all better bring summon anyone who wishes to see Kensuke Rainer again before he begins his one year stasis," Slade announced.
Overhearing this, Athena came running in.
"Uncle Ken's leaving now?!" Athena cried out.
"Sweetie, we better get the others. Even Christina can't say no to this," Karin said as she and Athena rushed out of the room.
Dimitri addressed Slade. "We'll be there. I'll get Tai."
"Make it quick," Slade advised.
Apex Dimension: YYGDM-01/Chamber Subspace
Those present looked around the chamber. Everyone amassed in the middle of a room that looked like a lab. The only thing within was an oval-shaped pod with a keypad and a keyhole on it.
Tai & Agumon, Max, Dimitri & Faith, Karin, Athena & PinkPatamon, Rosa & BlackVeemon, Christina, the other Kuiper Belt Senshi, Sailor Pluto, Volodramon, Titaniamon, and CyberBeelzemon watched Kensuke walk in to see them. The Kuipers already said their goodbyes. The girls each hugged him. As for Tyra, she and Kensuke gave each other a fistbump.
"I hope we see each other again, Ken. By then, maybe your eyesight will return?" Tai addressed Kensuke.
"Likewise, Tai before you have to… well, you know…"
The Bearer of Courage nodded. "Yeah. I get the feeling this won't be a final goodbye."
"Just a 'see you later'? Yeah, I get that," Kensuke realized this notion.
"Ken. It's time." Sarge stated.
Kensuke looked at Christina, but seeing her displeasure over the situation he decided now was not the time to ask her anything.
You sure you don't want to...you know? Slade telepathically asked Kensuke.
Touching his blindfold, Kensuke sighed. Now isn't the best time to ask her that. I don't know how she'd react in her current state.
Your call. That box is in your Digivice so it won't get damaged. Slade mentally said as Kensuke slowly stepped into the pod and lied down.
Veemon, OmegaShoutmon, Utopia, Jesmon, and Sentaimon were asleep inside his Digivice. Kensuke already gave his Sparrowmon to Athena. Titaniamon and Beelzemon were near Pluto and Volodramon. The married Digimon already said their goodbyes beforehand.
Pluto walked forward and kissed Kensuke on the forehead. "I promise to look after our partners. I hope you have a good sleep and recovery." She said, having come to view him as a son. The battles against Future Charon and her associates not only brought them together, but also forged a bond between the two.
"Get plenty of sleep, man. Don't worry about the babe here. We'll behave ourselves," CyberBeelzemon smirked.
"Lady Pluto, permit me to act as your personal bodyguard," Titaniamon offered.
"Thank you," Sailor Pluto accepted the Digi-Amazon's offer.
"Worry not, Kensuke. Besides me, CyberBeelzemon and Titaniamon will serve Pluto well as her co-partners. Just focus on recharging, mate," Volodramon plainly advised the Accel Ascendant.
Slade handed Pluto a black key. "Here's the deal. He's gotta stay in here for a year's time in the YYGDM-01 dimension for his body and mind to truly heal. However, time moves faster here. So, he'll be here for about one hundred years in exchange. If awoken before time runs out, it will take an extra month for things to balance out, not only that but he can only be awakened twice before the proper time. After that, this chamber will disappear because even we have limits on what we can do." He tossed Tai a different-shaped orange key. "Here. Just in case you need Kensuke for anything."
The Bearer of Courage curiously eyed the key handed to him. "Why is my key different?"
"Your key is different because you're from a different dimension. After you use your key, it will break when you lock him back in and head back to your world. You'll know when the time comes and it won't be for your universe's version of the Tournament of Power."
Karin, Athena, Christina, and Rosa approached next. Both Karin and Athena hugged and kissed him. Both were saddened he had to go through this.
"It's not right! Uncle Ken shouldn't have to sleep so long!" Athena said pouting.
Karin hugged Athena. "He has to do this in order to get better, sweetie."
Kensuke patted Athena's head. "Just try to think and do other things and a year will pass before you know it, ok?" He held out his pinkie, reminding her of the first time they made a promise. She shook it with her own pinkie.
"Thanks, Uncle Ken. I'll wait. I have friends I can depend on while you sleep."
"That's a good girl." Kensuke said as he faced his daughter, Rosa, who recently appeared after the Zeed X battle to meet him and Christina in YYGDM-01 dimension. She looked down at the light brown-haired girl in a sailor uniform. She had a Digivice attached on a tan satchel.
Rosa hugged her father and cried on his shoulder.
"I wish you wouldn't go, daddy!"
"It's too bad we couldn't hang out, Rosa. I wish this didn't have to happen." Kensuke shed a tear, hugging Rosa back. "But, do me a favor, Rosa."
"Can you hang with Athena and keep her company? For me?"
"She's my best friend from the future! Of course I will!" Rosa hugged her father tightly. She saw Athena wiping her tears.
"And take care of your mother, because she'll need someone to make her better."
"Yeah… I will," Rosa promised, eyeing Christina, who stood apart from them.
Christina saw Slade handing Karin a purple key. Christina's conveyed both sadness and something Ken could pick up on. He felt a darkness deeper than the element she represented.
"I… I hope you get better through this." Christina said, hugging Kensuke and Rosa.
However, the hug felt distant to Ken, who sighed.
"And I hope you recover as well, because when I do get up we've gotta talk, ok?" Kensuke said smiling before laying down.
Christina backed away smiling. However, it was not a genuine smile. Rosa noticed the uneasy and vacant smile her mother showed.
Slade handed Christina the final key: a black one. Sarge typed in a code on the pod's keypad. Then, Kensuke was placed in cryo sleep.
"Ok, so now all one has to do to awaken him is to insert one's key. Just remember what Slade said." Sarge reminded every keyholder
Everyone nodded. Christina looked away, which Karin noticed. Before she could talk to her friend, Slade spoke up.
"I think it's time we leave here. In order to get into this subspace, simply focus your thoughts into the key of this place and it will bring you here, but also remember he can only be awakened twice before the current time. Go beyond that and he'll never truly recover, and for the record no one can enter without a key. We've modded the keys to fit your neural patterns so even if someone else tried to use them they would fail."
Everyone nodded as they've gotten the gist of the situation.
"Wait. I have a question, Slade," Karin spoke up.
"Yes, what is it?"
"Did Ken know the risks? Any of it? Because him going blind is the cruelest punishment for a man like him to take! He's going to sleep not really seeing our faces, but most of all not knowing what his daughter really looks like!"
Taking a deep breath, Slade calmly answered. "Of course, he knew there'd be risks. It's like what happens in Skyrim when someone doesn't read the Elder Scrolls properly, it causes temporary blindness. Something had to give when improperly accessing Ascendancy Instinct." He veered toward Tai. "For Taichi of dimension DF-616, most of his lifespan was shaved down to seven years."
Tai clenched his teeth. "You don't have to remind me."
Slade faced Karin. "In Ken's case, when he opened that box to augment his new power, it cost him his eyes. It doesn't matter if he did or didn't open the box. If he did, it didn't matter because Zeed X pissed him off enough to cross the line without rationally thinking his decision through in full like Tai did with his choice. And if I was in his shoes, I would've done the same thing. I've said this before, but piss people like us off too far, and we will get you one way or another, even if it costs us our flesh, our blood, our souls...you might as well have had your name written in a Death Note, because by that point... your life is forfeit, and that is a warning, heed it."
Nodding, Karin responded. "Thank you."
"Now, let's leave him to rest."
With that, Slade teleported them out of the room.
Sarge added, breaking the silence. "He'll awaken at least once before his one year is done."
Slade sighed. "Indeed, but hey when he's needed, he's needed. By the way, what was Darkstar doing earlier, Sarge?"
Sarge shrugged. "I don't know. He was typing something on the keypad. Something about a message."
Slade frowned. "Ken's gonna kick his ass when he wakes up then, let's go." The two left the room, leaving Kensuke to sleep and heal for one year.
(End theme)
Digital World/File Island
Upon departing the dimension and saying goodbye to Kensuke, Tai and his friends met with the YYGDM-01 party. Sailor Moon, Takato & Guilmon, Yugi, Yusuke, Takuya, Sailor Pluto, Brunhilde, the Beast Tamers (Rika, Henry, Himura), Sailor Mars, Hiei, Sailor Venus, Volodramon, and a few others were present to bid their farewells.
"Sorry we have to leave so soon, but the gods are pushing for us to return to our dimension," Takato said, shaking Tai's hand.
"I know. They're still repairing the dimensional damages caused by Zeed X and all of the fighting that went down trying to stop him," Tai replied. "Take care of yourself, Takato, and your friends."
"Thanks, man. Hopefully we see each other again one more time." Takato walked away.
"I hope we'll see ya again!" Guilmon chirped, receiving a head pat from Tai.
"Same to you, Guilmon."
"Take care, buddy!" Agumon waved to Guilmon.
"Are we all ready?" Sailor Moon asked her group.
"Just a second," Brunhilde said as she confronted Tai. "You've got 7 years left, right?"
"Yeah, that's the deal."
"Then, I want one last duel with you when we meet one last time! Fight me at your hardest and don't bullshit me, ok?!" Brunhilde poked his chest.
Backing off, Tai chuckled modestly and humored her. "Ok, ok! You got it, Kotori! One duel between us!" He and Brunhilde fistbumped each other.
"It's a date," Brunhilde winked to him as she left him bewildered.
"Man, what a weird woman," Tai blinked in confusion.
"She's not going to be your last opponent. It'll be me for sure," Yamato declared.
"Geez, even with 7 years left, now everyone's really gunning for me."
Sora patted her husband's shoulder. "Look at it this way. They can't fight you if you're dead and just passed on to the other side."
"Maybe I should get in line with the others?" BanchoLeomon considered.
"Aww man. You, too?" Tai sighed. "I think fighting Kotori is scarier than fighting Zeed X. At least, I knew what to expect from him. I've never fought Kotori once."
"There's a first time for everything, brother," Kari added with a slight giggle.
"Well, it's time for us to go, honey," Sailor Sedna addressed Athena, who stood between her and Dimitri.
"You want to say goodbye?" Dimitri asked her.
Nodding, Athena quietly approached Yamato, Mimi, and Keke first. She hugged each of them.
"Take care of yourself and your parents, ok, little Athena?" Mimi affectionately smiled, hugging her future granddaughter.
"Don't give Dimitri a hard time in your next training sessions, ok?" Keke waved a finger to Athena.
"I won't!" Athena said as she and Keke embraced. Athena then looked up at Yamato, who didn't give her much of a glance. "Grandpa Yama…" Before she could finish, he knelt down and hugged her. She sensed Matt resurface and warm embrace calm her spirit.
"Look after your mother and father, Athena. And Yamato says don't let your strength diminish. You have Ascendant blood coursing through you," Matt said as he handed her a necklace with a harmonica charm. "Take this as a good luck charm."
"Thanks, grandpa Yama," Athena genuinely smiled as she put it around her neck. She said her goodbye to the other Digidestined until finally she met Tai. "Great uncle Tai, I hope we can meet again before you pass away."
"Count on it, kiddo!" Tai cheerily said as he and Athena hugged. "And we'll spend some time together before I go. I promise."
"Better keep your promise!" Athena smirked.
"Hahah, sure thing. Here's a gift for you, too." Tai handed Athena a replica of his Crest of Courage. "This will remind you of all the adventures we had together with your mom and dad."
"Thank you, great uncle Tai!" She teared up happily and put around her neck with Matt's gift.
"Goodbye, Athena!" The Digidestined called out to her, who turned around and waved to them.
"I guess we're now ready," Sailor Mars smiled.
"Back home where we belong," Yugi said.
"But, is this really the last time our dimensions ever unites for another mission?" Takuya wondered.
"It is, but that doesn't mean we can't still cherish and remember the good quality time with our other dimension friends," Pluto said. "Despite this being the end, the legacy of the Trinity will live on."
"And besides, a few of us have been given permission to come here for brief visits," Takato stated.
"Yes, but that's after the deities have repaired the dimensions," Sailor Sedna said. "And that might take a long time."
"I'm willing to wait," the Tamer leader replied.
As the YYGDM-01 group bid their farewells, Sedna opened a portal for them to pass through. When the gateway closed, the DF-616 departed, leaving only Tai and Agumon behind.
"Hey, Tai!" Madoka approached him.
"Oh, everyone's gone?" He turned to the pink-haired woman.
"Sora's been asking for you and Dorothy's worried, too. So, Max told me to get you."
"Right, sorry I just needed a little time alone."
Madoka nodded. "I understand."
"So, what's it like being a goddess, Madoka?"
"That's a good question. Honestly, you're talking to a mere avatar of my true self."
"The whole time?"
The Bearer of Courage calmly smirked. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore. I always thought your energy was too unusual for me to figure out."
"Sorry. If you truly need to know, but it does get kinda lonely. That's why I created avatars of myself so I spend time with the friends I had before I ascended. I wanted to be with Homura, Sayakka, Kyoko, Mami, and the others."
"I see."
"And now I get to spend time with you and your friends in this world. Thank you for letting us stay here."
"You can thank Max for accommodating you."
The pink-haired woman queried. "So, what are you going to do for these seven years?"
Staying silent for a few moments, Tai took time to collect his thoughts.
"Tai?" Agumon looked up at his partner.
"I don't know, Madoka. I feel like these next seven years are going to be turbulent for me. I'm going to be a dad soon. And who knows what else is out there for me to face. Zeed X was my ultimate challenge. And I haven't truly mastered Ascendancy Instinct. There's a lot I feel will happen in this span of time."
"I understand. Just know Homura and I will be there to see Max being born."
"Thanks, Madoka. By the way, don't you have clairvoyance to look into my future?"
"I do, but do you really want to know your future before your passing?"
Nodding, the Bearer of Courage chortled. "No, I guess not. I think I'll go in blind. That'll make life more exciting that way."
"However you wish, Taichi Kamiya," Madoka overheard Homura calling to her. "I better go."
"Yeah, I'll come with. I don't want Sora to worry," Tai said as he and Agumon followed Madoka.
As they neared a cliff, Tai & Agumon powered up together and became Omega X. Madoka sprouted white feathered wings from her back.
"Take care, Taichi."
"You, too, Madoka."
With that, they flew off to meet with their beloved partners.
Observing the departure of the two dimensions, Beerusmon and Whismon prepared to make their leave.
"It's over, Lord Beerusmon."
"Good. Now, I could use a long nap after all that."
Whismon raised his staff. "Then, let us be off!" He turned and watched Omega X fly off far into the distance. "Be well, Taichi and friends."
Dimension: Zenomnimon's Palace
"What did you think, my lords?" GranWhismon queried to the Zenomnimon duo.
With giddy looks on their faces, they raised their hands and cheered.
"Yay! That was a fun show!" Zenomnimon chimed in. "That mean Zeed X guy is gone!"
"Now he can't stir up trouble," Future Zenomnimon added. "Taichi and Kensuke are so cool!"
"I like their glowy white hair! I wanna see that again!"
"Well, sirs, unfortunately one of those gentlemen is currently in stasis for a whole year. So, that leaves Taichi. Do you wish to see him soon?"
The Zenomnimon duo exchanged looks and mulled over their decision.
"Well, that whole fight with Zeed X was exciting. I hope we can see something like that again, but with no bad guys trying to destroy everything," Zenomnimon said.
"Oh, like a survival game?" GranWhismon queried.
"Yeah, something like that, but we want more time to think about it," Future Zenomnimon added.
"Is it something you two desire?"
They answered in unison. "Maybe?"
"Take as much time as you two feel like it before making a final decision."
Odaiba General Hospital/November 8, 2012/6:44 AM (JST)
"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Kamiya. It's a boy." A doctor officially confirmed as he held the newborn child in his arms. He handed it over to Sora, who held her newborn son close.
"Isn't he adorable?" Tai chuckled as he leaned over to meet his newborn son.
"He's our beautiful son, Tai."
"Have you two considered a name?" A nurse asked the couple.
"Max," they quickly responded.
"Yes, our mind's been made up a long time ago," Sora replied, cradling the baby in her arms. She poked the baby's tiny nose, eliciting a giggle from the newborn. "Our son will be named Max Kamiya."
The doors opened as a nurse wheeled Sora out on a wheelchair. The Digidestined and their Digimon stood to meet with the couple. Agumon and Biyomon crowded near baby Max. The other Digimon wanted a closer look.
"Is that me? Man, I forgot how tiny I was," Max chuckled as he knelt down and patted his baby self.
"Congrats, girl! We knew you'd pull it off!" Mimi openly cheered her friend.
"And now you're next," Sora noticed the large belly Mimi was bearing.
"Yeah… and my eating habits have gotten so horrible. It's embarrassing. Keke's been giving me mental training so I can keep my Ascendant powers in check." Mimi sighed.
Sora smirked. "As soon as I recover, Tai said he'd help get me back into shape.
"By the way, Tai, congratulations," Izzy said. "See, Joe? Nothing to worry about."
"Well, I'm glad Sora doesn't have to endure that pain anymore," Joe said.
"God, having to go through labor. I'm so scared!" the Bearer of Sincerity hysterically wept.
"Just don't think about it until then, Mimi," Kari suggested.
"Easy for you to say, Kari! You're not the one giving birth to a baby here!"
TK interjected. "Ah, but Kari may eventually give birth to twins if things go the way they're supposed to go."
Kari covered her ears. "Don't remind me. That's a few years off from now."
As he finished making funny faces to his baby self, Max stood and beckoned Tai over.
"Yeah, Max?"
"The dimensions have mostly been repaired, but for the most part dimension travel is still fairly limited to deities and dimension crossers like Karin."
"That's great news."
"With time, we may be able to cross other dimensions, but only in the case of an urgent situation. But, I highly doubt we'll need to since a threat level like Zeed X is unlikely to appear again for a long time."
"How long?"
"Maybe a few millennia. Who knows? But a being like him shouldn't be rearing their head anytime soon if ever."
The Bearer of Courage sighed with relief. "That's good. So, anything else?"
"Just that Lord Beerusmon is asleep again and Burizalor's gathered enough forces to rebuild his empire. What else do you want to know?"
"What about the other gods like the Zenomnimons?"
Max shrugged. "My reach doesn't go that far. Who even knows what GranWhismon and the Zenomnimons are doing these days. Our multiverse has been relatively calm following Zeed X's attacks."
"In that case, I can worry about raising the newborn you. Also I want to put some time sparring with you and Matt."
"Sounds fine with me… by sparring with, you mean me me, right?"
"Duh. Of course."
"Oh, that's a relief."
Tai folded his arms. "I wouldn't train the baby you right away. Even I know he needs time to develop."
"Right. Anyway, when do you want to spar?"
"Whenever you're up for it."
Matt interjected. "I'll spar with you, Tai, but once my son and daughter are born, I'm going to have to dial back."
"Sure thing, man. You do you." Tai nodded as he walked over and knelt down to hold baby Max.
"Hey, you three! Smile!" Kari snapped a picture of Tai, Sora, and baby Max.
Cradling his son, Tai turned to his wife. "Let's make the most of these seven years, Sora."
"Of course," Sora whispered.
"Love you," the couple kissed.
A/N: And that's all she wrote for this arc. This is the best place for me to stop. There's still a few unresolved plot points like the yet to be proposed Tournament of Power, Burizalor's activities, Brunhilde's challenge to Tai, and I suppose Mimi popping out tiny Dimitri and eventually Keke. But, for the most part, the main arcs are done.
A few things that changed from the Cross Generations version: Kensuke's blindness angle was pitched by Chaosblazer. Since Tai had a cost to pay, he figured Kensuke should too, but with his eyesight being taken instead of his lifespan. With all that's been alluded to, Kensuke is for sure going to awaken at least once. I've even included new scenes, including the departure of the YYGDM cast, Athena's tearful farewell, Tai's conversation with Madoka, and the last scenes with Max Kamiya being born.
Now, what does this mean for Ascendancy going forward? Well, the story's going on a break while I'm chipping away at my other fanfic work and continuing my novel. Going into 2020, it's a new decade, so I'm looking to place less emphasis on fanfiction works and more into original works. I only have one YYGDM arc to tell before that's over, but my focus on that will be minimal. I expect a few plot bunnies to come to me which I'll want to write as one-shots. And my Persona 5/Code Vein crossover stories, Urban Legends and Akane no Mai, will be my priority fanfiction projects since I'm treating those, especially the latter, as a pseudo-novel.
With Dragon Ball Super still on hold, there's just Tournament of Power, Broly, and Moro to adapt. So, are there plans in the cards for those? I for sure want to do Broly, but I'll need a new OC since I already adapted the old Broly in DFK. It can't be Yagami/GalacticNova X. For Tournament of Power, I want to abridge that one into a compressed arc than what Super gave us. And Moro is up in the air. That's an unfinished arc and personally if I do adapt it I'd like to take a different creative approach. But, most of all, I'd like to explore original and experimental ideas for Ascendancy. Perhaps some one-shots that focus on the other characters and original arcs that have never been done in Dragon Ball. With YYGDM-01 out of the picture, I can return to a tighter focus on DF-616 without multi-crossover shenanigans. I may try the TeamFourStar route and write short entries like they're doing with their DBZ Abridged series.
Whatever happens, there's still a future for Ascendancy updates, but not as frequent if this chapter delay was any indication. So sorry for the long wait, but here it is. I hope it's good enough.
Well, this is the last update for 2019 and the decade. I can't believe this crazy adventure started in May 2010 through Digimon Fusion Kai. Ascendancy started on New Years Eve 2017. Now going into the 2020s, Ascendancy will carry forward.
So, for the time being, I'm closing the book on this fic. Let's give this story a reprieve until the next story.
Until then, leave a review and take care of yourselves in the new decade!