
Featuring Faded song- by Alan Walker

Where am I?

She slowly opened her eyes as she became familiar with the ambient surroundings, her eyes first falling on the new champion of the year- Tyson Granger. She batted her eyelids to see him properly only to find him worried as he looked at her feeble figure lying on the slim bed.

"Are you okay?' he asked softly. She blinked struggling to answer, "Yeah, I'm okay." She lied. Her chest was burning with pain and her legs were answering her. She whimpered as she tried to get up.

"Shsshh, lie down, you need to rest." He held her hand and her other shoulder as he helped her lie back.

"Did you-?" she asked, her voice almost inaudible.

"Yeah, I won the battle." He smiled an elite and personable smile.

"Congrats." She gave a weak smile as her hand found its way to his to grip it. She was afraid if he would leave.

"Get well soon, we'll be celebrating tonight." He chuckled. She grinned back.

"Are you leaving?" she asked almost reluctant about the idea.

"Yeah, I've to. You see, there are my fans waiting for me outside. I didn't even let them congratulate me for defending my title once again, I just rushed in here after the announcement to see if you were alright."

"Oh, sorry, you may meet them." she said as she looked at the door that seemed to burst from outside any time.

"Nah, I'm sorry, I'll be back in few minutes." He said casually as he leaned and brushed his cheek against hers giving a brief adieu her some minutes. He could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks feeling the light heat of her blush. He ignored, in order to not embarrass her.

He rushed out before the door broke. All his fans were assaulting him in hugs and high fives till he felt that he was going to be on Hilary's bed after they were done. Hiro was watching them from far with Kenny looking quite excited and happy for his friend.

"I'm so happy he has done it again!" Kenny cheered.

"Yeah, but we must not forget that Hilary has played her part quite successfully in helping Tyson for becoming the champion once again. " Hiro smiled maturely.

"Yeah! I agree, Hilary was a good tag team partner. The only difference was that they fought more than Tyson and Daichi did last year!"


Tyson's joys had no bounds after the battle. His injuries were gone, his physical affliction has vanished long back. They were goin' to celebrate his victory and Hilary's along with the New Year and nothing was proving better than that. He threw his full fist in the air as he was heading to his brother and Kenny.

"Well done Tyson. You played by the rules and did your best and got what you truly deserved. Keep it up little bro!" Hiro said patting his hand on his head in brotherly manner.

"Thanks Hiro."

"I'm so happy for ya Tyson!" Kenny said her glasses beaming.

"I know!" he grinned as they raced to the nearby canteen to garb some snacks.

After grabbing some cold drinks and all spicy-less chips, they returned to their room, where currently Hilary was present and treaded with slow steps inside to not disturb her sleep.

"Uh Tyson, did you checked Hilary previously?"

"Yeah Kenny, I had, she said she was alright." He said with his mouth full of bits of chips. And I guess she was just trying not to worry me. Oh Hilary, what I do for you?

He sighed as he slammed his back against the couch resting peacefully for some time while Kenny analyzed his previous battle versus Kai and Hiro was somewhere off.

Wonder if you'll be alright till night. Guess, I'm suddenly missing you so much. You've always been loyal like no other. Never left my side, when everyone else did, tried all your best to suit for being my partner when I was almost having the shit time of my life. Guess, you suit me better than Diachi…Well, was just thinking about you lately.


"Huh? What happen, Kenny?" Tyson asked breaking from his trance.

"You know Hilary have survived the fiercest attacks that Kai had put forth that even you find difficult to stand through." Kenny pointed his laptop, "Look at here!"

He was shocked to re watch her battle where he felt perhaps he would lose her forever if she continued any further the battle. It was her stubbornness to fight until she lost or was alive and she dint allow anyone to come in her way.

So sad she couldn't win. I truly resect how bravely you fight Hils, I'm proud of you!

"What are you thinking Tyson?"

"Uh, well, nothing."



The magnificent night was approaching them with mediocre speed. The vast firament seemed truly endless. The divine feeling of the night had arrived and the stars were twinkling like they never did the entire year, with full moon illuminating perfectly.

Tyson wasn't still sure if he should dress up first or check out for Hilary if she was well enough to attend the party. He thought to call her mother since she was there but only ended up receiving an unsatisfactory answer that she was better.

He sighed one hundredth time in the day as he battled with his inner thoughts.

"Tyson, aren't you dressed up yet?" Hiro asked Hiro showed up dressed in his new attire. His fiancé was showing up tonight and he was inwardly very excited about it.

"Yeah, was just thinking." He said passing his fingers in his navy blue tresses

"Thinking about what?"

He was caught off guard but me managed to stutter something, something incoherent.

"Fine, go, get ready."


He headed upstairs and busied himself in the warm shower for fifteen minutes trying get off certain new feelings that were nascent in his chest which he predicted where gonna intensify as the night proceeded.

He wore his black tuxedo, after drying his hair till no water was dripping and put a red tie. He wore formal black shoes, though they were old, he managed to get back its shine after spending good amount of five minutes on it.

He rushed to Hilary's home quickly after he was sure he was looking, good?

He have been there before her house several times, so why was he feeling butterflies in his chest, something warm hammering in it.

He gulped as the door opened. He closed his eyes tightly expecting it to be her mother who would welcome him in loud tone to make Hilary aware of his presence and he inwardly didn't want it to happen for some unknown reason.

When he dint receive any welcome he opened his one eye to look what the situation was, and he was irresistibly forced to open another eye to take a good look of the stunningly beautiful brunette who was standing before him. She was wearing a black gown with her lovely curly brunette tresses landing on her chest. Though her eyes seemed heavy indicating the afternoon tiredness and its aftermath affects, they still retained the ruby glimmer in them. Her gown had few curves of rose pink and grey strokes near the chest but the rest entire thing was black. He gulped when he realized how intensely they were staring each other.


"You are early." She said without thinking though she doesn't remember him saying anything if he'd pick her.

"Oh, is it too early?"

"Umm, it's just eleven."


"C'mon, we'll walk together." Tyson smiled as he held her wrist softly.

"Uh Tyson, one second, I was searching my heels."

Heels? Why would you wear heels? I thought you dint like them You always wore either shoes or formal sandals.

"Heels?" he finally asked. She flustered at his question but hid it as she looked around to get it.

"Ohh." He smirked and she got that he understood.

Well Tyson, I'm expecting something. Glad that you guessed. Now please ask me quick.

He immediately spotted her other heel amidst the various others and picked it up for her holding its black strip and showing her as he stood, right in from of her face. She rolled her eyes as she attempted to take from his hands. He pulled back and prevented from her such action.

"Just stay." He whispered almost breathless.

He bend down as he spend his some brain turning his gears to work how exactly he was going to fit Hilary's foot in it perfectly and tying it like she did with the other Heel. After he was done, he stood up only to find Hilary's florid flustered face that was slowly becoming normal filling her eyes with the adoration, for him.

He chuckled softly, "Wanna be my dance partner tonight?" he asked forwarding his hand.

"Ye-ah." She mumbled as he held his hand getting the pre-New Year warmth.

They walked for some distance in silence tills he realized that she couldn't walk more with her heels.

"Uhm, Tyson, didn't you bring your bike?" she asked tilting her head.

He didn't hera her exactly what she said but was aware she said something. You needn't need to be so intoxicating tonight. Or else, I may end up the whole night with you. He shook his head violently at the bad thought.


"YEAH?'" he broke from his chain of thoughts.

"I said why dint you bring your bike?"

"Why? Are your legs aching?" he asked impulsively.

"Yeah, sorta."

He sighed and he lifted his hand to check the time. It was just ten minutes for twelve.

"WE ARE MAJORLY LATE!" he yelled as he looked at her with wide eyes.

"Oh no!"

"We need to run!"

"I can't!"

"Forget it!" He quickly lifted her in bridal style convinced that she wasn't that heavy he'd could make to the party spot in time.

"Ah Tyson, what are you doing!"

"We need to rush Hils, Place your arms around my shoulders! Quick!"

She did as she was told and got an awesome ride with the guy she always wanted. Though she felt if she would fall down she convinced herself that those Kendo training sessions must have earned him some good muscles. He can handle her. He was trotting an enormous speed. She doubted if he had tied her Heels well. What if they tripped off in the mid-way?

They reached their spot right a minute before and she crawled out of his arms quietly. He was panting heavily and her hair was a beautiful mess.

"We arrived!" he panted heavily.

"Yeah we did." She looked at him in admiration, not bothering that others were staring them for being late.

"Tyson, "she held his wrist trying him to calm down. He stopped and looked at her. She looked angelic, seraphic and majestically attractive.

"Count down."

"Three," Everyone started the count down in loud voices


"One!" The clock struck twelve and there was pin drop silence as the lights went off. There was an deafening silence.

You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us
Another start
You fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see us

Where are you now
Where are you now
Where are you now
Was it all in my fantasy
Where are you now
Were you only imaginary
Where are you now

Faded song was played in the background and the air was filled with gleeful music and everyone took their positions on the dance floor. There were all, Hiro with Maya, ray with Mariah, Kane with Salima, max with Mariam, Emily with Michael.

Hilary smiled before she nudged Tyson onto the dance floor and Tyson smirking back at her gesture.

They were at the center of dance floor, the most beautiful pairing tonight.

"Happy New Year Tyse." She whispered as she wrapped her arms round her neck.

"Same Hils!" He laughed his fingers trailing around her waist.

These shallow waters, never met
What I needed
I'm letting go
A deeper dive
Eternal silence of the sea
I'm breathing

Where are you now
Where are you now

"You know, this was the sweetest experience of the entire year. I'll relish these memories, forever." She said resisting the blood rush in her cheeks as she rolled along his arm, away from him.

When she rolled along her waist towards him, he abruptly pulled more close, keeping her face inches apart from him.

"B-but, you know," he said as his fingers tickled on her cheek, "You can't have an experience like this."

"What?" she said in stutters, getting fast beats resulting from intimate proximity.

"This…" he whispered as closed his eyes locking his lips deeply with hers, getting lost in its softness. He felt like his lips were going to drown in hers. She felt her heart throbbing at huge rate, nonetheless, she couldn't resist, she gave in all what she craved.

He was satiated when she let a small moan. He deepened more until they felt they were being watched.

They were florid flustered when they found that the entire gang was watching them with amused expressions.

"Uhmn-" Max coughed, as is shoulder playfully hit Tyson's.

"Uh," Tyson was struggling to come up with anything.

"We were just dancing." Hilary uttered.

"Oh, I see." Ray said getting her in-confident.

"NO guys," Tyson said as he shoved in between Hilary and Ray, " We weren't just dancing," he said with smirk shocking Hilary, "There is more to it."

Everyone gaped at his dare.

"Want the scene to be replayed?" he winked.

"Tyson!" Hilary whispered holding his shirt, "Don't worry Hils." He said turning to her.

"Guys, stop embarrassing them, leave them." Hiro showed up and ordered everyone. They frowned at him but left. Hilary sighed and placed her hand on her chest.

"Uh, I forgot!" Tyson panicked.


"Did I say you that you look drop dead gorgeous and stunningly beautiful!" he said with his eyes wide, as if he was really shocked how he had forgotten to say it.

She looked at him in pure shock, almost surprised, secretly pleasuring the moment.

"Don't give me that look; I'll have you believe it!" With that he crashed his thirsty lips against hers getting drown in euphoria.

Whatever might have happened, he truly treasured their victory and the New Year Profound Warmth that had spread its grace upon them.

A/N: I'm done with the Tyhil shot! Can't say how much I'm happy! I hope you like it Devi! I truly had a great time typing this! Love Tyhil forever! I hope you liked the story, please say what you think! Done with the shots!