Adrien was walking with Nino through the park, on their way to meet up with an old friend who was coming back to DuPont.
He was enjoying the nice day but was curious about the returning person.
"Dude you'll love Luka. He's a pretty rad guy. Really cool, really nice," Nino said with an excited grin.
Adrien nodded, he trusted Nino's judge of character.
He then noticed Nino's smile drop into a frown. Adrien wondered what had caused the change.
"Er - um - just don't leap to conclusions," Nino suddenly warmed, making Adrien blink at him in confusion.
"It's just when you see him around Mari I don't want you to get the wrong impression," Nino explained.
Adrien looked at Nino, examining the boy's face for any more hints on what Nino could possibly mean.
Was Nino suggesting that it looked as though Luka had a thing for Marinette or vice versa and it wasn't the case?
Adrien huffed. He had a thing for Ladybug, not Marinette... though the idea of some stranger who'd known all his friends - except Alya - longer bothered him.
Heck Luka would even have known Chloe since she'd been going to DuPont as long as Marinette and Nino.
"You're impossible!" He heard a familiar voice snarl.
Somebody roared with laughter in response to the threat.
Adrien was taken aback at the situation he had happened upon.
He glanced at Nino who was just smiling as if there wasn't an enraged Marinette up ahead.
As they rounded the corner Adrien could see Marinette glaring up at a boy their age, oddly her hair was down, out of her usual signature pigtails.
The boy had amber eyes and tanned skin, his longish hair started out black and ended in a toxic green color. His black jeans were ripped and he was wearing a green and black sleeveless hooded sweater.
Like Adrien he was about a good head taller than Marinette, maybe even a bit more.
Unlike Adrien, he was dangling two blue ribbons high above Marinette's head, smirking as she tried to snatch them from him.
"I could strangle you!" Marinette exclaimed in frustration, hands fisted at her sides.
"Like you're tall enough," the boy teased, his grin widening.
Marinette's gaze was fierce as she stared him down, neither noticing Adrien and Nino's arrival.
"You've sunk low enough for me to reach," she deadpanned.
The guy's hands went to clutch his stomach as another fit of laughter overcame him.
Adrien frowned and made a move to go help Marinette. This guy had some nerve bullying her.
A hand on his shoulder stopped him and Adrien looked at Nino, shocked as the DJ shook his head.
A breeze and loose grip blew the ribbons out of his hand, both Marinette and the dark haired boy watching in horror as the scraps of fabric slithered down the path.
Marinette punched the unsuspecting bully in the arm. Hard.
The guy didn't even wince though, as if he was used to Marinette's violent behavior, something Adrien was certainly not.
He couldn't say the guy didn't deserve it, but he was definitely surprised that Marinette was the one to dish it out.
Adrien had no doubt that with the loss of her hair things she would make good on her promise to strangle the male in front of her.
"Luka," she whined, prompting the boy to smile reassuringly at her.
"Don't worry short stuff, I've got it," he said brightly, dashing after the ribbons.
Adrien's jaw dropped. Did she say Luka?
That was not what Adrien had been expecting... both the name and Luka's change in demeanor, from mean boy to sweetheart.
"Don't mention that you thought Luka was bullying Marinette okay?" Nino whispered as the two watched Luka chase after the ribbons for awhile before finally managing to snatch them.
Luka didn't even place them into Marinette's expectant hand.
Instead he slipped behind her and parted her hair, holding both ribbons in his mouth while he fixed the straight blue black locks into their usual style.
Marinette patted her hands over his work, she didn't smile at him, her mouth a thin line.
"You've done better," she remarked.
Luka put his hands on his hips, eyes narrowing as he regarded her, the bluenette's arms folded over her chest standoffishly.
"C'mon Mari it's been like. Forever! I think I did a great job," he countered, sounding almost defensive of his hair styling skills.
It was an odd scene. At first glance Adrien had thought Luka was bullying Marinette, but as he watched the situation unfold it was obvious that the two had a history. They bantered back and forth, keeping up an amusing but friendly rapport. It almost reminded Adrien of himself and Ladybug...
Except Adrien liked Ladybug.
Adrien eyed Nino who was smiling at the pair. Did Luka like Marinette? But Nino said it wouldn't be what he thought... Still Adrien could see the signs and parallels.
It gave him a weird feeling in his chest.
Adrien returned his attention to Marinette and Luka.
Marinette was sniffing, telling Luka that his absence was no excuse for his hair job while Luka wasn't having any of it.
"Well if that's the case I guess I'll have to redo it," he said, his eyes filled with mischief.
Marinette noticed this too and faced him, hands up defensively in case he went for the ribbons again.
She was surprised when Luka instead rubbed his fist against the hair on top of her head, making her screech with displeasure.
"Luka!" She yelled.
It wasn't until Luka and Marinette - who was chasing the fleeing boy - ran smack dab into Nino and Adrien that they realized they had an audience.
"Yo Nino good to see you," Luka greeted as he backed up, Marinette squeaking in protest as he suddenly invaded her space.
"Ow," she complained, giving him a playful shove.
Luka snaked an arm over Marinette's arm, keeping her in place at his side. She looked annoyed but stayed put.
"Behave Squirt, we have company," Luka chided playfully.
Marinette in turn just stuck her tongue out at him.
Both Luka and Nino chuckled lightly while Adrien felt like he had missed the joke.
Marinette pouted adorably as Luka finally let his hand drop.
"Why is it whenever you see Luka it's like we're seven years old again," Nino teased.
"Because he's a horrible human being!" Marinette said adamantly.
"You're the one who always said you wanted siblings," Luka retorted as he poked her in the cheek.
She swatted his hand away, still not noticing Adrien who was unused to the lack of attention from Marinette.
"But you're nice to Juleka!" she protested in outrage.
"She's actually my sister," Luka teased.
Marinette opened her mouth to reply when she finally saw Adrien.
"Oh hey Adrien, this is Luka, Juleka's brother. Luka this is Adrien Agreste, an old childhood friend of Chloe's," Marinette introduced, saying Luka's name fondly as if she hadn't just insulted him or threatened to strangle him.
That and she had't even stuttered.
The bright smile she gave Luka also bugged him.
Everything about their interactions seemed to now that he thought about it.
Adrien frowned as Luka shot him a warm smile. Luka even stuck his hand out and when Adrien took it, the amber eyed boy gave it a firm shake.
"Nice to meetcha Agreste, if Nino and Mari like you then I should too. But um childhood friend of Chloe, ouch," Luka laughed.
Adrien felt his face redden, trying not to jump to defend Chloe. She'd always been a bit selfish and spoiled but she really wasn't all bad. She had a lot of potential. But Adrien also knew that Chloe had been horrible to Marinette and there was no love lost between her and Nino either.
"Luka," Marinette scolded as she lightly slapped his arm.
"What? As the guy who had to defend you Pipsqueak I just want to make sure that Adrien here knows what Chloe is really like," Luka said with a casual shrug, his voice the most serious Adrien had heard out of their short time together.
"Sooo you guys ready to hang out?" Nino interrupted, trying to change the subject as Adrien's frown deepened.
Adrien let the conversation buzz while he tried to assess how he felt about Luka.
Luka was obviously protective of Marinette which was admirable.
But he rubbed Adrien the wrong way somehow.
Luka had implied that his relationship with Marinette was sibling like. Yet he also made it clear he treated his real sister differently and that Marinette was indeed not his sister.
Adrien tuned in when Marinette said that she had to return to the bakery to help her parents.
Luka immediately offered to walk her home much to Adrien's annoyance.
Nino sighed as they watched the pair walk away, Luka laughing wildly as he hip checked Marinette who yelled at him, calling him a jerk.
"Isn't Luka great? And watching him and Marinette is just plain hilarious," Nino said.
Adrien grit his teeth.
"Yeah. Great." He ground out, "Is he really transferring to DuPont?"
Nino seemed ignorant to his friend's frustration.
"Yep! And you can expect to see a lot of him, because Luka and Marinette are basically inseparable," Nino replied.
Nino jumped when he heard a loud hiss.
He looked for the source of the sound while Adrien stomped ahead, dismissing Nino's confusion for obvious reasons.
Nino scratched the cap on his head before racing to catch up to Adrien.
"Hey man, wait up," he called.
A/N : So if you've already read this, I've just reread my story and though. Nah. Not angsty enough, so I changed the rating the cover photo which is by Anadia, or Anadia - Chan on tumblr, seriously go check her out! Her comic and art for Miraculous is amazing!