Fashion Icon and Supermodel Adrien Agreste was seen at the borders of the Seine this very week-end, talking a walk. Our blond model was wearing his fathers new line. A wonderful green scarf added to a simple black coat signed Gabriel on the shoulder. Equipped with brown Chelsea boots against the muddy water on the streets. Hereby you will find the amazing shot our photographer managed to take. Look at this perfect blond hair and muscled thighs! Dayummm!

It appeared our hot-shot was taking a walk on his own, without any lady or man by his side, just enjoying a snowy day in Paris by himself. Thank you for our dedicated photographer for going outside on such a cold evening! Our model doesn´t appear to be saddenend by his recent break-up with Lila Rossi, a famous italian model. Maybe they short relationship wasn´t as dreamy as it appeared to us through their Instagram pictures. It was officialized in September that Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi weren´t a couple anymore.

Well, we hope to see Adrien finding the love of his life before New Years Eve! Good luck (although with your looks you probably don´t need any!)

Adrien felt too lonely to laugh at his own misery. Of course everyone thought that his good looks would be helping him with the ladies. How wrong people could be... they didn´t know that his name and looks were the very reason of his loneliness and misery. It had been like this since he had only been a child, alone and forced to go to photoshoots. Now he was even forced to work on something he wasn´t passionate about, forced to go to meetings and photoshoots. As a young man he now was forced to date some female models he didn´t even like, just because his father ordered so and he was just too scared to say his own mind and break free from his fathers chains.

He didn´t like anything he had to do from 8 o´clock to sometimes late in the night. Even if he was the boss´s son, he had to be at work at 8 o´clock sharp five days a week and didn´t get to go on vacation much. Going to boring meetings, getting bothered by incompetent workers, who kept getting in his way to try to get a raise, that was Adrien´s routine nowadays. Everybody was using the fact that he was more human and comprehensible than his father. People kept asking him for things work related or not, so that at the end of the day when everybody would leave he didn´t get to finish anything, so he was left to stay alone in the cold and empty building.

He had gotten his business degree after studying for five years, but still directly after his BAC he had had to work at his fathers company during his free time. He was nearing the celebration of two full years of working at the company.

He clicked the tab away with this atrocious article about him, his mind drifting to his New Years Resolutions:

1) Get out of this hell-hole.

2) Do something that hasn´t anything to do with fashion!

This year, he would at least get to party with someone he appreciated, since for once his father wasn´t holding up an event, which he was thankful for. He probably wouldn´t have stayed long before dashing of to his friends party. He quickly glanced at the clock: 31. December 2017 17:32

Everyone had already left the building since everybody was allowed to leave earlier. Adrien stood up and grabbed his coat on the back on his desk chair, slipping his arms in and buttoning it up. After turning his office computer off, he checked for his keys, wallet and cellphone before running out of the building, enjoying way to much the feeling of being able to run out of there, even if nobody was watching him and even if he would have to come back in a few days.

He slowly made his way to his cold and empty apartment. He soon arrived in front of the large, building, the front forged fence with golden designs. He unlocked the door and greeted the house guardian, who was always checking who was entering, even though the building had high security standards.

Once on his apartment he headed straigth to his bathroom to take a long relaxing shower. He turned up the heat in his shower, hoping to loosen his muscles more, his skin flushing pink in the process.

After exiting the shower and toweling the excess of water on his body, he tucked the towel around his waist, making his way towards his walk-in closet. After slipping on his boxers and throwing his towel in a corner, he chose to simply wear jeans and a white dress shirt with a grey sweater. Nino had told him to keep it simple, so he kept it simple. Once dressed he made his way towards his kitchen to be met by his cat sitting on the counter, meowing in order to get his attention. After a few pets, Adrien poured some cat food into a bowl setting it on the floor. The cat jumped off the counter and ran towards the bowl, devouring the contents. Adrien chuckled and lifted his gaze towards the clock 18:55. He was running a bit late, having promised to arrive earlier to help his friend out.

He checked himself in a mirror and tried to tame his wild blond curls withtout any success. He tried to rub at his eyes trying somehow to lessen the dark rings around his eyes without any success either.

After saying goodbye to his cat, (because that is just something he does) he ran out with his keys in hand, locking the door behind him. He was holding a bottle a champagne and a bottle of red wine in one hand, which was crushing his fingers. He let out a curse before stuffing his keys in his pocket and taking a bottle in each hand. The moment he got out of his building, the cold winter wind blew across his face and neck. Shuddering he lifted his shoulders so he could protect his neck in his scarf tighly wound around his neck.

He walked down the busy qtreets towards his friends adress. He soon arrived in front of the old building and rang the doorbell. Someone buzzed him in and he quickly entered as the wind picked up outisde. He marched down the small hallway up to the stairs.

Finally Adrien arrived in front of an apartment and rang the doorbell.

He didn´t wait long until he saw the familiar face.

"My Golden-Pretty-Boy is here!" the girl nearly screamed as she launched herself at him. Adrien groaned in annoyance at the nickname.

"Hello to you too, Alya." He said hugging her back. "This is for you and Nino." He added handing her the two bottles he was holding.

After Alya thanked him and took his coat he walked further inside, decinding to scare Nino who appeared to be preparing something in the kitchen. Slowly Adrien crept inside the kitchen before jumping on his friend.

"AAAAHHHH!" Nino whipped around only to be crushed in a hug by Adrien.

"Adrien man... stop scaring me like that. I would like to make it to 2018!" Adrien chuckled and started messing with Nino´s hair.

"Stop it! You don´t want me to start messing your perfect hair, Mr. Model! My hands are dirty from preparing everything! I am the only one working here."

"That´s so NOT true Lahiffe!" Alya screamed from their living room.

Nino laughed along with Adrien. Nino really liked getting on Alyas´ nerves.

Adrien washed his hands and started helping Nino by cutting vegetables. They fell into a comfortable conversation about their day. Even if Adrien never complained but to himself he couldn´t help but tell his best friend over and over that he hated his job. But tonight he didn´t want to talk about it and told this to Nino so, who had asked how things had been going at work. He just didn´t want to think about it tonight and simply wanted to have a good time with his friends.

He had met Nino at the university and had most of his classes with him.

"Hey Adrien, I don´t know if Nino told you, but my best-friend is coming as well! The one I was with during all my childhood through elementary, collège and lycée." Adrien halted cutting the carrots. He was always a little wary of meeting new people. But he trusted Alya.

"Don´t worry Golden-Boy. You will definitly like her." She said while smirking mischieviously at him and patted him on the back. Adrien frowned as he watched her smirk. He didn´t see Nino grin next to him as well.

"Are there other people coming?"

"Yeah, a couple of old classmates, you already met them oncce. Do you remeber?" Adrien nodded and smiled, before continuing with pealing the potatoes.

"Young boy, you know you shouldn´t do anything in the kitchen with a white short on!" Alya scolded. She marched up to him, slapped the knife from his hands and unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up before taking an apron of the back of the kitchen s door and forced him to wear it.

He thanked her as she already walked away to set the table. Nino left him so he could get dressed. Alya later joined him, complaining that nothing was ready.

Suddenly the door rang, the bell resonating in the silent apartment and Adrien heard Alya sprint to the door.


So this will be a small stort about New Years. I hope you liked the first chapter :) I think this is going to be three to four chapters max.

Sorry for not having updated any of my stories. I´ll try to next week. It was so relaxing to not be on a computer for a whole week. Seriously I can only recommend it!

Eat chocolate!