New story because I lost the other one.All rights to Rick Riordan.

Story takes place a year after The Blood of Olympus.

Percy Pov:

I was having a strange dream. I was sitting on a cliff with blackjack looking over the ocean.

"It's gonna be just me and you for a while black". I said somberly as I stroked Blackjacks mane.

"I'll always have your back boss." Blackjack said.

Then I woke up. The sound and smell of burning wood and bodies violently shook the sleep from my eyes. I quickly got up and ran out of my cabin and saw something that made me wish I was still dreaming. The camp had been attacked. All the cabins were destroyed. There were burnt, torn, and, and mangled bodies everywhere. One body stood out for more reasons then one. The first being that the persons was breathing...Barely. Every breath seemed labored and painful. The second thing was the blood soaked blond princess curls.

"Annabeth!" I ran to her body.

"Stay with me wise girl" I said with tears brimming my eyes. I prayed to Apollo hoping he'd come and save her. I received nothing but silence. I did a quick look over. She had a piece of wood puncturing her lungs. Her left wrist was shattered and her left leg was bent at an odd angle.

"What the hell happened here." I whispered.

Annebeths stormy gray eyes met mine. She opened her mouth to speak but only managed two words.

"I love... "

Suddenly I heard the twang of a bowstring from the direction of the woods. A pure white arrow flew right over my shoulder and into Annabeths left eye. I didnt know how to react. I've seen death plenty of times before. I've walked through the hell below hell. But nothing can really prepare you for losing the woman you love. Especially not in such a sudden and brutal way.

I looked towards the woods. Tears now freely falling down my face. There was a feminine figure standing in front of the burning woods looking directly at me. The figure notched another arrow and shot it at me. I caught the arrow right before it hit my face, but the force behind it sent me flying through one of the grey stone walls and the saltwater fountain of my cabin. I landed on my back, arms sprawled out with the arrow in my left hand. I was barely conscious. But I tried to get up. I could move slightly but the arrow was keeping my hand pinned. It was so heavy that my hand had small cracks under it from the weight. The arrow was also hot...very very hot. White hot. I tried to use my water powers to cool the arrow, but the arrow refused to cool. The flesh on my hand started to burn and blister. I struggled to get my hand from under the arrow, but it wouldnt budge.

As I was trying to free my hand I heard the door to my cabin open. Even though there was a hole in the wall.

"Wow. You actually caught the arrow...And you survived! Very impressive Perseus. " The figure said. It was obviously a woman now from the high pitched voice. I couldn't see her face under the feathered hood she was wearing, but I did see glowing white eyes. She wore a white cloth around her chest like a giant head band. She was bear foot and had on black and white cargo pants covered in feathers. Her skin was very dark and smooth.

"I'm going to kill you" I said simply. It was hard to speak when you feel like every bone in your body is broken and your hand is basically on fire.

"Really! That would fun. I can't wait to see you try. " She said excitedly. I couldn't believe what I heard. This lady was either crazy or evil. Definitely both.

"Let me get this off you " she said. She grabbed and lifted the arrow with ease. I struggled to stand up, but managed to do so. I pulled riptide out of my pocket and uncapped it.

"That's your weapon? Really? I thought you were gonna kill me. Give me that." Quicker than my eyes could register she moved in a blur, grabbed the sword out of my hand, and pushed me... through another fucking wall.

"Oh, this sword has an immortals essence in it, making it nearly indestructible. And its cursed!. Impressive, but this tiny Greek weapon won't hurt me. " she said like she was examining a new toaster or toy or something. Then she stabbed herselp in the wrist with it. It went straight through but seemed to kinda become a ghost where it came into contact with her skin.

"See dummy! You can't kill an African god with a trashy Greek sword." she said condescendingly.

African god. What the Hades. There are more gods! I mean I knew there were other pantheons but it's still suprising.

"Why are you doing this?" I said with blood in my mouth.

"I was told to." she said

"Who told you to?!" I yelled. I was exasperated with this goddess. She killed all of my friends. Threw me through two walls and a fountain. Them she basically insults my sword.

"I'd love to stay here and answer more stupid questions, but that islander asshole is on her way and Im out of arrows." She threw riptide back at me and waved her hand infront of her opening up a portal of white Flame.

"Show me your face. So I know who's head to cut off first when I find you and your people. " I said with hate In my eyes.

"Oh soo ominous." She said. She then pulled the feathered hood back and I saw her face. She had black face paint around her eyes. She was definitely beautiful, but I still wanted to cut her face off.

"Well I'll be seeing you Perseus. Hopefully you'll be more fun next time we meet. " she said as she walked threw the portal with a wink.

Once she disappeared I tried to will the saltwater from the fountain to me it was only 5 feet away, but I couldn't do it. I was too weak. Too beaten up. I was beginning to lose consciousness again. My eyelids felt heavy so heavy. Suddenly

The water began to rise into a human shape. It materialized into a beautiful woman with dark hair and tanned skin. She was fit and had a tribal tattoos around her neck and down her left arm. She wore a simple blue tank top and white shorts. She also had on sandals.

"Oh my. What a terrible sight. So young, yet you've been through so much." She took a knee and began stroking my hair. She smelled like salt water. Just like me. It was comforting. I began falling asleep in her arms.

"Rest now young hero. You have much to learn. And even more to do." she said. Then she picked me up and walked all the way to the beach. I caught one last glance at my home. Another tear fell from my eyes. Then the cool embrace of the sea on my skin began to lull me to sleep as the woman carried me into the waves. Then I fell into a dreamless slumber.

That's the first chapter. Hope you guys liked it. Leave review and what not.