No Such Luck in The Nutshell
Lincoln: Hi I'm Lincoln Park and I hiding from my sisters so I don't go to their stupid events.
Lincoln: Oh no, my dumbass forgot about my stupid ass sisters Lynn Jr.
Lynn Jr: I'm gonna threaten you unless you come to my game in which I will lose in.
Lincoln: Ok
*After the game*
Lynn Jr: I lost this game and now my dumbass will declare you as bad luck because that what the writers went for.
Lincoln: This will give a chance to take a break from my sister's event.
Lincoln: I gonna lie to you guys saying that I'm bad luck but I'll regret that.
Sisters: For some reason we believe that Lincoln is bad luck even tho he want some free time.
Parents: For some reason, we also believe that our son is bad luck.
Family: Sorry Lincoln, we're gonna ban you from our activities, board up your room, and lock you outside even tho it's illegal to lock out a minor on purpose so we have no bad luck.
Lincoln: I'm gonna be in Lynn Jr's game in a squirrel suit which I will regret later on.
*After 1 game*
Lincoln: I'm not bad luck.
Family: We're sorry Lincoln.
*In Beach*
Lincoln: I'm wearing this suit because my family is retarded and thought it was good luck
After The Episode
Lincoln: I hate this suit.
Family: We don't care.
Lincoln: I almost got killed.
Family: We don't care.
Luna: Your bad luck, I'm not your guardian anymore
Lincoln: But the fandom, including the author, AcropolisGD, think of you and Leni as my guardian, mostly you.
Luna: True dat.
Lincoln: you guys are a terrible family, you fought me over money, a car seat called the Sweet Spot, the stupid sister fight protocol, make fun of my awesome but ugly Ace Savvy costume, and lock me out of the damn house.
Family: We don't care.
Lincoln: I'm gonna yell at you guys because every NSL fanfiction always involves me yelling at you guys with cursing in it.
*After yelling*
*Insert intense awesome fight scene*
Lynn: I wish you were never born but I don't mean it.
Lincoln: I am running away and I am staying with an OC.
Family: NOOOO, Lincoln run away and we didn't care until right now.
Lynn: I don't care but later I do.
Oc: Go home, your family will miss you.
Lincoln: I'm calling 911
Family: Dangit
Parent: Oh no we're in jail.
*Goes to ending of NSL fanfic*
Family: We're sorry Lincoln.
Lincoln: I forgive you.
The End.