Hello! So, I have taken a break from my other stories. I am having writers block, but as I try to work through that I wanted to post something I have been working on through the years but never knew if I should post. It is entirely different from anything I've ever written. It is NOT a love story. It is purely all lemons. This is completely rated M for a reason. So if that's not your thing click away now!


I waited nervously as all my other classmates filed out of the classroom, eager to get their weekend started, but I stayed in place not moving from where I sat at my desk. Lissa gave me an encouraging nod as she left the classroom closing the door behind her.

She knew my plan.

It was my senior year and I can't say I've been the best student gossiping and fighting was a lot more interesting to me than the Russian Language. So, it wasn't surprising that I was failing the class. My teacher, Guardian Belikov, was even more interesting than the language he taught, well at least his body was.

Although he was a teacher he was also a Guardian and a big one at that. He stood taller than 6 ft with his long brown hair tied back at the nape of his neck. Today being a Friday he was dressed casually in a pair of straight-legged dark denim jeans and a black button down shirt. The top two buttons undone, exposing his long neck. One look at him and it made my panties wet.

"Can I help you Miss Hathaway?" he asked in a bored tone as he erased the white board behind him.

"Yes," my voice came out in only a whisper, and I mentally scolded myself for sounding so young and insecure. If I was going to do this I needed to grow some balls.

"And how may I help you?" he asked gathering the rest of his things into his bag.

I stood then and strutted over to his desk taking a seat on it and crossing my legs. "I'm failing your class Guardian Belikov".

"Yes, you are Miss Hathaway, but I don't give extra credit, so if you're here to ask the answer is no," He grabbed his bag and moved to the door. "It's a Friday Miss Hathaway I'd like to leave and start my weekend just like I'm sure you want to do as well." He held the door open looking at me expectantly.

Oh, he was not getting rid of me that easily.

"I don't think you understand Guardian Belikov," I pushed myself off his desk and calmly walked to where he stood holding the door open. "I'll do anything to pass this class," I took the door from him and closed it. "Anything." I said looking him dead in the eye and locked the door.

There I said it there's no going back now.

"Miss Hathaway, I don't think—"

I muffled his sentence with a kiss; he was so tall I practically had to jump for it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his.

One minute I was kissing him and the next I was pinned against the door I had just locked.

"Miss Hathaway, think very hard about what you are doing, don't start something that you cannot finish." He growled in my ear.

I gulped and nodded, "Don't worry I intend to finish."

With that I stood on my toes, and wrapped my arms around his neck effectively pulling his face down to meet mine. This time he groaned into the kissed and pressed his body impossibly close to mine. The grip he had on my hip was almost painful but I didn't say anything I just pushed my way into his mouth, forcing my tongue in and rubbing it against his.

His hands roamed my body before they found themselves underneath the tiny tank top I had donned just for this.

"You wore this to tease me," he growled in my ear while he fisted the tank in his hand. Before I could reply he pulled the thing over my head and threw it over his shoulder.

I gasped at the rush of cold air that hit my skin, and pressed myself harder against him reveling in the warmth of his body. His mouth was at my neck, kissing and sucking, most likely leaving a trail of bruises in his wake.

His kisses felt good. Too good. This wasn't about me, not really. This was about me raising my grade, my needing to pass so I could guard Lissa.

My mind set and determined I moved my hands to his belt undoing the buckle and pulling the thing out of the loops, throwing it onto the ground. Try as I may I couldn't stop my hands from slightly shaking as I reached for the button to his jeans. I popped the button open and dragged the zipper down letting out a moan as Guardian Belikov roughly bit my shoulder.

Taking a deep breath, I dropped, ungracefully, to my knees, taking Guardian Belikov's pants and underwear down with me. His member sprang to life in front of my face and I gulped at its substantial size. What had I gotten myself into?

"Are you going to stare at it or are you going to suck it Miss Hathaway?" I hadn't realized I had been staring and I could feel my cheeks flame at the realization.

"If I do this you promise to change my grade?" I confirmed, I was not about to get screw over.

"You have my word Miss Hathaway."

"Rose," I corrected earning a confused look from him. "When I make you cum I want you to scream Rose. Got it?" I didn't wait for his reply instead I just wrapped my lips around the head of his cock moaning at the taste. I earned a hiss of pleasure from him, which only made my panties wetter.

I continued my sucking, relaxing my throat so I could fit most of him in. When he hit the back of my throat his hands flew to the back of my head holding me there. From there he took control, tangling his hand in my hair and moving my head so it bobbed quickly over his dick. Each time he thrusted into my mouth he made sure to hit the back of my throat, I fought the urge to gag. I was not going to let him think I was some inexperienced little girl. Soon, he'd set a rhythm, and the urge to gag lessened. His hands were tight in my hair, moving me like I was a sex doll. He was slamming my head further onto his dick, and pumping his hips. I had to brace myself on his thighs, afraid he would impale my face and go through of the back of my throat. That's how hard he was.

He slammed my head down, causing me to gag, as he came hard. My nose was pressed to his neatly groomed pubic bone, as I gagged, desperately needing air.

"Swallow Miss Hathaway," He instructed me only pissing me off more by not using my first name. I did as I was told swallowing around his hard length that was lodged in my throat, taking in everything he gave me. "You feel amazing choking on my cock," he murmured, and I was embarrassed to say that it sent another gush of arousal down my legs. My panties were thoroughly soaked and my thighs were slick with evidence of my ever-growing desire for him.

Finally, he released me, and I sputtered backwards, falling on my ass, gasping for air, my eyes watering. As uncomfortable as that was I enjoyed every second of it, and he knew it.

He smirked holding his thick cock in his hand, "You enjoyed that didn't you Miss Hathaway?"

I nodded, still sitting on my ass, my breasts heaving as I struggled to catch my breath.

"Tell me," with his other hand he hauled me to my feet and pressed his body against mine. I was trapped between his hard body and the door unable to move.

"I enjoyed it," I told him, my voice hoarse and scratchy from our previous activities. He groaned and pulled back, his dick already standing at full attention again. Damn, his recovery time was insane.

I had only been with a few boys my age but they only lasted a few minutes and once they came it was game over, whether I came or not. There were no second rounds when it came to boys my age, but Guardian Belikov had cum, hard might I add, and was ready for round two.

"Strip," He commanded. He had stripped himself of his pants and was now moving over to his desk taking a seat in his chair.

I hadn't realized I was just standing there like an idiot until he cleared his throated annoyed at my lack of movement. My fingers trembled in excitement, and I slowly peeled my shorts off, making sure to bend all the way over giving him an excellent view of my round ass. I watched from the corner of my eye as he began to stroke himself again.

Yeah, get that cock ready for me I thought as I hooked my thumbs into my little red thong pulling it down and letting it join the pile of clothes by the door.

He didn't speak, he only crooked his finger at me in a come-hither motion. I basically floated over to him my whole body vibrating with anticipation.

"Sit," another command left his lips but this one confused me. Where the hell was I supposed to sit? On the floor? His desk? Seeing my confused looked he chuckled. "Sit in my lap Miss Hathaway." Oh. He wanted me to ride him. In his desk chair. The chair he taught his classes from. The chair he scolded me multiple times from. I rubbed my highs together in raw need. I slowly approached him leaning my hands on the chairs arm rests.

"I asked you to call me Rose," I told him leaning my face dangerously close to his. I don't know where this burst of confidence had come from, but he immediately squashed it when his free hand slipped up my body. Making its way up my thigh, and between my legs, only pausing briefly where I wanted him most. He circled my engorged clit with two fingers for a moment then curled those same fingers into me brushing my g-spot. I moaned embarrassingly loud, but couldn't care enough for my face to flush. He retracted them quickly, teasing the hell out of me. His fingers came back drenched in my own juices. He continued to trail his hand up my body passing my stomach and going for my breast. Once there he pinched my nipple. Hard. I let out a squeak in pain or pleasure I wasn't sure, maybe both.

If he wanted my attention he had it now.

"I told you to sit, not speak Miss Hathaway," he emphasized as if to tell me that he would not be using my first name. "And when I cum," he continued, "I don't scream anyone's name." When I didn't respond after a minute his grip on my nipple increased and I cried out. "Do you understand?" His eyes darkened and I saw his other hand grip his cock tighter. He was getting off on all this.

"Yes, Guardian Belikov," I answered back meaning to mock the way he called me Miss Hathaway, but it only seemed to turn him on further.

"Good, now sit." He let go of himself then and gave me a stern look.

I mentally gulped. Sitting on him this way would allow me to take in all of him. He was huge, but I didn't want him to know how daunting I found this task. Hoping my face didn't convey any of the fear I felt, I began to sit. I slipped one leg under an arm rest then the other. I stood over him awkwardly trying to convince myself that impaling myself on his cock wouldn't hurt as bad as I thought. I must have taken too long because suddenly my nipple was between his teeth.

"Fuck!" I yelled as he bit down.

Without another thought, I sunk down on his dick letting out a yelp as he fully entered me. He stretched me further than I had anticipated. He was just so thick, I couldn't move afraid of the pain that may cause.

"I'm waiting Miss Hathaway," he sighed, sounding bored.

Come on Rose. I mentally told myself. If you want to guard Lissa you have to get your head in the game. You have to pass this damn class.

Balancing on my toes, I gently rose off him until just the tip of his cock was inside me. I sucked in a breath and dropped down again, this time the feeling of him filling me up wasn't as painful. So, I repeated my actions again this time a small moan escaped my lips. Guardian Belikov's hands flew to my ass at the noises and gripped it hard.

He liked it.

He liked hearing my sounds of pleasure as I rode his cock. I tried not to give him the satisfaction of hearing me but he realized what I was doing within seconds. With a growl one of his hands left my ass and began rubbing my clit. I could help but cry out. I needed more so I slammed onto his cock again and again until I saw stars. I was clawing his shoulders bouncing wildly in his lap while he sat there expressionless watching my breast bounce as I came undone in his lap.

"I'm so close," I moaned as I rode him harder. I was so close to cumming, my toes were curled in anticipation, my eyes rolled back into my head. My skin felt over heated and I could feel beads of sweat running down my breasts. Just as I was about to fall over that blissful edge. I was lifted off his lap and deposited onto his desk.

"No, please!" I wanted to cry my orgasm was so close. Tears sprang to my eyes as I lay on my back, feeling it slip away from me.

"This is not about you Miss Hathaway," Guardian Belikov growled at me. In a split second, he spun me around so I was bent over his desk. My ass out on display, he slapped it hard. "Why should you be rewarded with an orgasm?" He asked hands roaming my ass. "You're here because you've been having too much fun to pay attention in my class. Isn't that right?" He asked slipping a finger into my dripping core. I moaned and rocked back against his hand. When I didn't answer his question, he pulled out his finger and slapped my ass again, in the same spot as before.

Fuck it hurt. Tears came to my eyes, but I didn't dare let one fall. "Yes," I whispered. I was rewarded this time and he slid two fingers back inside me.

"A little louder Miss Hathaway I couldn't hear you," I could hear the smile in his voice. He liked having this kind of control over me.

"Yes, I wasn't paying attention in your class Guardian Belikov." I gave him what he wanted and he slid another finger inside me. My eyes rolled back at the delicious feeling of his long steady fingers filling me. Without speaking he began to curl his fingers downward into me, pumping them in and out mercilessly. I couldn't stop my legs from shaking. So good. It was so good. I was convinced I had died and gone to heaven until it stopped.

"Wh-What did I do," I cried when he pulled his fingers out.

"You still aren't listening Miss Hathaway," He stated calmly. I had a sense he was enjoying this too much, and it pissed me off.

I whipped my head around to yell and found him rubbing his cock, the juices from my pussy making it glisten, and not just from when I was riding him. He was rubbing his fingers, dripping in my juices, on his cock coating it in a thick layer.

"What are you—" before I could finish my question, he was gripping my hips and forcing himself into my ass.

I couldn't breathe let alone finish my sentence. I had never had a cock inside my ass. Maybe a finger or two, but I never was brave enough to let anything more than that penetrate me. With good reason, because this took my breath away. All I could do was hold on to the desk for dear life as he fucked my puckered hole.

"I told you Miss Hathaway, this is not about you. You will not be rewarded with an orgasm or any form of release unless I decide to let you." His words were half moaned. He was taking so much pleasure from my inability to speak.

I wanted to yell at him, but the only sound I could produce was a low moan. It was a mix of pain and pleasure. While his thick cock stretched me further than I thought possible, it also rubbed me deliciously from the inside. The confusing mix of pain and pleasure had me clinging to the desk unable to put together words.

From behind me I heard a loud grunt before Guardian Belikov picked up speed. His fingers held my hips harshly most likely leaving bruises in their wake. This was quickly bordering on the more painful side and I was thankful that it seemed he would be done soon. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the pain.

Not a second later, I cried out when I felt one of his hands leave my hip, and move to rub circles around my engorged clit.

"What's the matter Miss Hathaway? Did you want me to stop?" His words were cruel.

While his assault of my ass had my eyes watering. The tight circles he was rubbing on my clit had my body screaming for a release. I was torn. Surely if I asked him to stop he wouldn't allow my body the orgasm it was craving, but I didn't think I could take much more of his cock. I knew asking him to continue would mean he would fuck me without mercy, but I needed to cum. It wasn't a want anymore. This wasn't about my grade any longer. What I wanted when I started this was irrelevant the only thing I wanted at this moment, the only thing I could think of was cumming.

"No, please don't stop! Please let me cum Guardian Belikov! Please! Please! I need to cum!" I cried. The tears I had been holding back finally fell down my cheeks. I was so desperate, so close.

His pace quickened on my clit as did his thrusts. "Thank you!" I screamed over and over as he fucked and rubbed me relentlessly.

With a loud grunt, he slammed himself into my ass and came, but I barely noticed as my orgasm hit me like ton of bricks. I gasped and my knuckles turned white as I gripped the desk as hard as I could, riding out my orgasm. I was speechless and motionless as my pussy clenched tightly. I could feel my ass clench around his cock as well, causing him to groan in approval. As my body relaxed I felt a gush of liquid leave my pussy, and run down my quivering legs. I was squirting I realized.

He must have realized this too because his assault of my clit didn't stop with his thrusts. Round and round his fingers worked my sensitive nub. My eyes rolled back into my head as I came again with a groan. My pussy squirting it juices onto the floor. I tried to catch my breath, but I couldn't, he was relentless.

"Please no more," I begged trying to wiggle away but he slapped my ass again, warning me to be still.

"This is what you wanted right?" I tried to shake my head, but my pussy clenched again, almost painfully, and again my juices covered his fingers and the floor. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't even breath. "You begged to me to let you cum. You even let me fuck your ass for it. So you're going to cum and like it Miss Hathaway," Three of his fingers entered me now as his other hand continued working my tired clit. I didn't think it was possible but with a scream I came a fourth time gushing again.

This seemed to satisfy him. He took a step back from me, watching as I laid bent over his desk panting. I was clinging to it, as my quivering legs could no longer hold me up. I watched as he stepped around me and began pulling on his clothes. I just laid there pathetically waiting for my breathing to slow and my legs to still. He tugged on the last of his clothes, then walked back to me wordlessly.

I broke the silence, "You'll raise my grade, right?" I asked weakly. Now that I was satiated I remembered the real reason I was here.

He laughed opening a draw in his desk, "Of course, I'm a man of my word." He pulled a towel from the drawer and dropped it next to me. "Tomorrow I will raise it a letter grade."

"Wait no!" I tried to get up but my shaking legs wouldn't allow me to do more than prop myself up on my elbows. "I have an F. I need an A to graduate." I growled.

He studied me then arms crossed in amusement. I could only imagine how I looked. Hair a mess, face flushed, and sweat dripping down my breasts. I was still bent over his desk, a mixture of his and my cum dripping down my legs to my ankles and pooling on the floor.

After a few moments, he spoke his voice low and serious. "Grades are earned not given Miss Hathaway." I understood the hidden meaning in his words. One after school session equals one letter grade.


Before I could voice my outrage, he pointed to the towel and made his way to the door. "Now clean up, you've made a mess of the place." I was speechless, and just stared at him mouth open.

"Close your mouth before I shove my cock in it, and this time I won't be gentle." I snapped my mouth closed. He called that gentle?

He sighed, hand on the door handle ready to leave. "If only you were this quiet in my class Miss Hathaway then you'd be an A Student." With that he walked out of the classroom leaving me shaking, dripping, and wondering what will happen in our next session.

If you READ it REVIEW it.