The Timeline

This is an idea I got while playing the video game 'Destiny 2'. It is absolutely amazing and if you haven't played it, you should. This will be the timeline setting up for the events to follow.

Barry Allen, The Flash – Everything up to season 2 has happened. He never kissed Iris that night on the porch in the season 2 finale, instead he kissed Kara Danvers. He never went back in time to save his mother, but he does wear the season 4 suit and he can run at about Mach 18. His lightning also behaves more like Ezra Millers' Flash's' lightning, but it's still yellow. Founding member of the Justice League.

Cisco Ramon, Vibe – He's the same Vibe form season ¾. He's also dating Gypsy.

Caitlin Snow, Frost – Caitlin has her Killer Frost powers, but she doesn't have a split personality like she does on the show.

Wally West, Kid Flash – Wally became Kid Flash when Barry lost is powers during season 2. He's dating Jesse Wells.

Jesse Wells, Jesse Quick – Same Jesse from season 3.

Harry Wells – Harry decided to stay on this Earth and so did Jesse

Kara Danvers, Supergirl – Everything up to the end of Season 2 has happened, minus Mon-El and there is no Reign. Barry and Kara have also been dating for the last 2 years. Founding member of the Justice League.

Alex Danvers – She is still the badass DEO agent and is now married to Maggie.

J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter, Hank Henshaw – The same form the show. Kara and Alex are still his surrogate daughters.

Winn Schott – The same lovable nerd from the show. Is best friends with Cisco.

Oliver Queen, Green Arrow – Everything has happened up until the end season 5. Oliver and Felicity are together and Oliver is working with the team from season 5. Founding member of the Justice Legue.

Rene Ramirez, Wild Dog – the same from season 5. Rene and Alex have history, dating back to college, and not all of it is good history.

Dinah Drake, Black Canary – the same from season 5 but she wears her season 6 outfit.

Felicity Smoak, Overwatch – She is the same form the show.

John Diggle, Spartan – the same form the show, except he never got injured on Lian Yu.

Curtis Holt, Mr. Terrific – Died on Lian Yu.

Samantha Clayton – Died on Lian Yu.

William Clayton – Now lives with Oliver and Felicity. He and Oliver act like true father and son, like they do in the show.

Thea Queen, Speedy – Never left the team, but she is still in a coma after Lian Yu.

The Watch Tower – Headquarters of the Justice League, hovers above the Earth's atmosphere.

Earths Planetary Defense – The Earth is completely united, and there is one central government. Earth has colonized planets such as Venus, Mercury and Mars. As well has Titan, one of the moons of Saturn. Earth also has a bunch of satellites to warn humanity of incoming threats and invasions.

The Traveler – The Traveler is a white sphere, about half the size of our moon. It is what granted meta-humans power, using its 'light'. It also is what allowed us to colonize different planets by giving humans knowledge.