Thank you for your reviews and kind words! I have had a couple people message me asking what charlotte looks like in a picture. Since the current cover image doesn't show too much that would help show this, I've updated it with how I've imagined her throughout the story. Enjoy & review please! :)
After lunch, Emily and Charlotte got back in the car and Emily started the familiar route to the FBI office.
Charlotte's mood had shifted some now that they were going to therapy- she was quieter in the car- she wasn't scared, more apprehensive, but Emily still noticed.
Once they got to the building Emily picked Charlotte up, and once she was settled on her hip walked in the doors.
Once she showed her credentials they went up to the BAU floor. Since they had a few minutes, Emily took Charlotte in with her to the bullpen so the team could say hi. She also hoped it might clam her nerves.
They were greeted with smiles from the team when they walked in, and this time, Charlotte felt comfortable enough to even give a shy smile back.
"Hey baby girl" Derek greeted, putting his hand out for a fist pump.
Charlotte tentatively touched her fist to his and he moved his back dramatically making a loud rocket sound effect that made Charlotte giggle and Emily roll her eyes, but still with a smile.
"Hey Charlotte" Reid said, motioning for her to come over with his hand. "I want to show you something"
Charlotte looked up at Emily questioningly, who smiled and set her down with a nod of encouragement.
She gently padded over to Reid, who was sitting at his desk.
Once she was next to him, Reid suddenly looked up at the ceiling with a surprised look on his face and Charlotte followed his gaze, then Reid quickly swiped behind her ear and revealed a penny in his hand.
Charlotte's face lit up in surprise and excitement.
"How did you do twat!?" She exclaimed, making the whole team, even Hotch who had seen the trick a million times, smile.
"Magic." He replied mysteriously. "Which makes this a magic penny for good luck, and it's yours to bring you good luck with Dr. Freeman, ok?" He said, placing it in her hand.
She offered him a small smile. "Thank you Spencew" she said, truly appreciating the sentiment.
"Speaking of" Emily said, "we should get going to talk to Dr. Freeman love bug. Ready?"
Charlotte nodded, a brave and determined look in her face, and took Emily's hand to walk to the office down the hall.
Right before they went in, Emily could still sense some nerves, so she crouched down to Charlotte's level, took her hands and reminded her, "Just talking, and I'll be right outside if you need me, ok? And just to help you. And I love you no matter what." Then gave her a quick kiss on top of her head.
Charlotte nodded gripping the penny, some of the nervousness leaving her, and followed her mom in the office.
Emily handed Dr. Freeman the folder of Charlotte's latest drawings and excused herself after Charlotte got settled curled up with Mr. Turtle on the end of the couch.
"Hi Charlotte, how are you?" Dr. Freeman greeted kindly, sitting on the chair across from her.
"Good, how awe you?" She replied politely.
"I'm good thank you for asking" Dr. Freeman replied with a smile. "You've been busy since I saw you last! And even school today! How was that?"
"It was good" Charlotte replied sincerely. "They were nice and I wike leawning" she said.
Dr. Freeman nodded. "I like learning too. My other favorite part about school was all the other kids and teacher I got to be friends with. Does that sound fun too?" She asked
Charlotte nodded with a shrug, less convincingly than her previous answer. "Yeah, but.. nevewmind" she trailed.
"It's ok Charlotte, you'll never get in trouble for what you say in here. What were you going to say?" She encouraged.
"I won't be with Mommy and Daddy fow a lot."
Dr. Freeman nodded. "But you'll get to see them before and after school, and it's just for a few hours so you can learn with your friends, then see them again." She reassured.
Charlotte nodded, playing with the fur on Mr. Turtle which she held in her lap.
"Your mom told me that you got a little sad at first when she told you about it. That you had remembered something from before. Can you tell me about it?" She asked
Charlotte's brows knitted a little in frustration. She didn't like thinking about that.
"I-m- mastew was mean to me when I wanted to go to school" she replied, not going into much more detail.
Dr. Freeman nodded, and waited to see if she would continue on her own, and after a minute, she did.
"He said I could not do mowe than see the fwiends he bwoght. But I don't like his fwiends. They're not nice and huwt me... and he called me stupid" she trailed, looking at the wall with the slight beginnings of tears in her eyes from the memory.
Dr. Freeman gave her a sad, encouraging smile.
"Charlotte I know that must have been very sad and scary. Just remember that you are very smart and you are going to do great in school, and that your mom and dad will always be there to help you. What master told you was not true, and he can't hurt you anymore" she said gently, reassuring Charlotte.
They talked for a few minutes about light subjects, like dance and Finny and ice cream flavors, then Dr. Freeman gave Charlotte a small break from talking by having her color so she could look at the drawings Emily had given her.
Charlotte was in a good mood, and still making small talk and laughing with Dr. Freeman as she looked at them.
Dr. Freeman was glad to see how much progress they had made from a girl who would barely say a word to her to having happy conversations a few weeks later.
Once Charlotte finished her picture of a turtle in a flower field, Dr. Freeman pulled out one drawings from the folder and held it up for Charlotte to see.
It looked like the sky or water with shades of light blue, but there were also patches of angry red and orange scribbled on.
"Sweetie what's this a picture of?" She asked
Charlotte looked up and saw it, sighed, and looked back down and began coloring her current picture again. "It's a bad dweam" she said, some of her happiness fading.
"What's the dream about?"
"I don't want to tawk about it" she replied, but her crayon marks on her page got a little deeper.
"Can you just tell me who's in the dream?"
"Pwease don't make me tawk about it?" Charlotte whispered putting the crayon down, sounding almost desperate, and looking up at her therapist.
"Ok, of course sweetheart. You never have to talk about something you're not ready do. But just promise me when you have the dream you go to your mom, ok? She won't get mad at you for waking her." Dr. Freeman told her
Charlotte nodded her agreement.
"Speaking of your mom, lets go find her, I bet she's ready to get you home!" Dr. Freeman said, standing and ending the session.
Charlotte smiled happily, glad she was finished and didn't have to talk about too many sad things.
Dr. Freeman wanted to push dream analysis and keep discussing the flashbacks Charlotte had, but she knew she had to be very careful and slow in the process, and Charlotte had already had such a long day.
Once they met Emily in the bullpen, Dr. Freeman handed back the folder of drawings to her as Charlotte went to see another magic trick of Reid's.
"She's getting better Emily, truly. It's a marathon, not a sprint. She has much more she needs to process and work through, but we'll get there. In the meantime, pay special attention to any nightmares she has and encourage her to talk about them with you and Derek, and keep encouraging her drawing pictures. Call me if you need anything" she finished explaining right as Charlotte wandered back with another "magic" coin from Spencer in her hand.
"Alright love" Emily said, lifting her up. "Ready to head home? It's been a busy day!"
Charlotte nodded, resting her small head delicately on Emily's shoulder.
"Bye Charlotte, see you next week" Dr. Freeman said, waving.
Charlotte waved with a gentle smile back then put her thumb in her mouth, eyes heavily drooping as they walked out to the car. Once she was buckled in, Charlotte drifted off to sleep.
Emily smiled at her in the review mirror- It had been one busy, but good day for them.
A/n- as always thanks for reading, please please review with thoughts/comments/ideas.
***I also saw an old review I must have missed suggesting starting a separate story that follows Charlotte when she's a little older and what life is like for her at 13/14 or so.
If you would be interested in this, just let me know and I'll start getting ideas together! :)