I really wanted to get this out to you guys. I know it has been a while since I've been on but I will try to upload a chapter at the very least once every other week. I will also be editing and revising chapters too.

plot and story line, along with other characters are mine everything else is Hiro Mashima's.

Chapter 3

Once Laxus got back from taking Wendy home Lucy could not stand not knowing what the two dragons weren't telling her. "Laxus!" Lucy frustratedly yelled. "What? What's wrong?" Laxus said concerned as he walked into Lucy's bedroom. "You are an ass. Now tell me what secret you've been keeping from me!?" Laxus sat down next to Lucy on her bed and got comfortable by kicking off his shoes and throwing his jacket on a near by chair. Then he got really serious and so did Gajeel. "Do you want me to tell her or do you want to?" Gajeel said as he shifted in Lucy's desk chair uncomfortably. "I'll tell her. I have more then just 'that' to discuss with her." Taking a deep breath and leaning his elbows on his knees he said with hesitation "Gajeel, Natsu, and I are your mates."

Lucy's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped ...

"What?" Lucy bearly whispered.

"It is your choice, this is all totally up to you. If you don't wanna be our mate you don't have to be." Gajeel said with a little bit of sadness in his voice.

Lucy looked at Gajeel like he was stupid. But before Lucy could say anything Laxus continued his discussion.

"There's more, at least on my end" Laxus said. "My lacerum is rejecting my body and if does not slow down soon I will die within the year."

Lucy looked at Laxus, she had concern written all over her face. She was also puzzled for a minute then she remembered her ongoing frustration with Cobra. "That sounds almost the same as Cobra's issue."

Both men looked at her like their were horns growing out of her head so she elaborated. "About 6 months ago Cobra confronted me in the woods near the west forest. He said that I was the only one who could help him but that it was completely my choice. He also said something about it potentially interfering with mating. I still don't understand what he meant by that but I still decided to help him. He was in very rough condition he looked like a skeleton being held together by his own skin. I couldn't have him die knowing that I could have helped him. He said that his lacerum was rejecting his body and that if it didn't become better that he would eventually die. He then went on to say that he would have to bite me near an intimate part of my body and that his fangs would inject a his magic into me. He had also said that we might have to have sexual intercourse but he wasn't sure."

At this statement the room got deathly quiet. "He wasn't your first was he?" Gajeel said through gritted teeth as he looked down at the floor. "No he was not and we both agreed to not do that until it was the absolute last option. Now can I continue my story?" Then she looked over at Laxus and he looked like he was in a bunch of pain. Lucy reached for Laxus's hand but before she touched him he hissed out through his clenched jaw "don't touch me" "Laxus..look at me" Lucy said concerned. When Laxus didn't respond Lucy had gotten very agitated and said in a commanding voice that was never heard by the two men. "Look at me Laxus." This time he listened to her command and when their eyes met Lucy knew exactly what to do. Lucy got up from where she was and moved towards Laxus. "Lucy don't touch me, please." She looked Laxus staight in the eye and said "trust me" with hesitation from Laxus, Lucy Slowly straddled Laxus and placed her hands on his chest. The more contact Laxus had with her, the lest pain he felt. "What are you doing?" Laxus asked with a shakey breath. "I am absorbing all the pain you are feeling and turning it into energy. Loke explained it to me when I unintentionally touched Cobra during one of his episodes."

At the mention of Cobra's name Gajeel growled. Lucy looked over at him and said "Gajeel." he looked at her and she said in a caring voice "we have all made mistakes, some worse then others, but everyone deserves a second chance." "But he's killed people!" "So have I! And that is no reason to not give someone a second chance!" Lucy shouted angrily, as Laxus and her started to emit a light golden hue. "Now please get over here before I pass out."

With concern he sat next to Laxus on her bed. Once he sat down she placed her hand on his chest and he could feel the energy being pushed into him. "Ahh that's much better. I don't know how much longer I could have held that energy in in my current state. I needed to channel it into somebody else." Lucy panted out.

Before the men could even say a word Lucy called for Loke. Loke came out using his own magic. When Loke took one look at his princesse he immediately took her from Laxus's arms and was holding her bridal style. "I leave her in your hands for less than 24 hours and this is what I come back to." Loke shouted. "Shut it Loke. It wasn't his fault." Lucy looked at Loke and said "Is he safe?" "Yes he is but he is going crazy after what you did." "You know I had to or he would have died in the battle and we both know that could not happen. Anyways he can come see me tomorrow and also ask stash face if Gajeel and him can be included in the private information." "Fine I will try to keep him from agitating everyone until you say he can come home." "Thank you so much Leo. Also could you do me another favor pretty please?" Lucy said with her big smile. "What is it." Lucy whispered into Loe's ear in celestial spirit's native tongue, so that the two idiots couldn't understand. "Can you move the furniture around in the living room so that Aries can make a wool bed big enough to fit four people?" Loke just smiled at her shenanigans and with a light nod set Lucy back on the blonde slayers lap before going to do his task. Once Loke was out of the room Gajeel said "what the hell was that?" The only reply he got from Lucy was her saying "oh nothing."

Lucy wanting to change the subject asked the two men "so what does all this being the mate entail for me?"

"Well you get to have crazy hot sex with three guys all the time" Laxus said. Lucy got extremely red and Gajeel growled at the smell of her arousel. Laxus then whispered in her ear "you'd like that wouldn't you. Being able to have sex wherever and when ever you want." Lucy's smell got stronger and she could feel the bulge in his pants from it. When she looked at him she could see the slits in his eyes and knew he was fighting to stay in control. "Yes" Lucy said. "What?" Gajeel said through gritted teeth. The bulge in his pants was very evident. "I will be your Guy's mate." Laxus started to attack Lucy's neck with kisses while Gajeel relaxed a bit and said "but there is so much more to being a mate then just that." "I'm okay with that" Lucy moaned out. "Plus I would not want anyone else." Lucy said suductivly. She looked at Laxus and bit her lip while trailing her hand up his chest and grinded her hips over his bulge. Laxus growled in her ear "Don't fuck with a dragon Lucy." "Well maybe I want that dragon to fuck me."

Before Lucy could even move Laxus had ripped off both her shirt and bra leaving her chest bare and open. Laxus immediately started to attack them with his mouth and hands. at this point Gajeel had his dick out and he was rubbing it while enjoying his view.

Loke opened the door and walked in on this scene. Being a little perturbed cleared his throat. This made Lucy Squeak and cover herself in Laxus's chest. Then men both looked as if they were going to rip his head off. "Just came in to say that the room is ready. Bye Lucy have fun." Loke said with a wink before disappearing back into the celestial wrelm.

Lucy looked up at Laxus and said "can you please carry me into the other room." Laxus had a devilish grin. Laxus got up with Lucy still wrapped around his waist and ripped off her pants. Leaving her in only a bright pink thong. Lucy squeaked at the sudden removal of her pants but she didn't mind.

When Laxus saw the bed in the other room he immediately went over and tossed Lucy onto the bed. Ripping his clothes off to reveal his huge cock. He then got on top of Lucy and cradled her face in his hand before saying "I cannot keep the dragon at bay for much longer and I don't know what is going to happen when he takes control." Lucy moved her hands to cradle his face and said "it's okay Laxus. I have faith in you that you won't hurt me. Let the dragon take control and fuck me." With that statement Laxus Lost it. He plowed his big cock into her pussy making an extisy filled scream escape her lips. He then took himself out and plunged himself back into her tight pussy again slamming right into her uterus. Laxus muffled her screams with a searing kiss.

By the time Laxus was ready to cum Lucy had already orgasmed three times with no break inbetween and was ready to orgasm one more time. They both came at the same time, Laxus plundging his fangs into her collar bone near her shoulder on her left side. Lucy did the same exact thing, placing her mark above his right peck.

Laxus collapsed on his side right next to Lucy. They were both panting extremely hard and dripping with sweat. Lucy was very tired but knew that she had another dragon patiently waiting to claim her. She looked around to find that he was sitting on the couch naked with his cock in his hands looking straight at her. Lucy slowly got out of the bed and dragged herself to stand right in front of Gajeel. "Sit" he said motioning for her to sit on his lap. Lucy did so but before she settled down into his lap he bucked his hips sending his studded 9in cock into her pussy. A throaty moan escaped her lips. When Gajeel looked Lucy in the eyes he saw a very tired but very lustful lucy in his arms. He knew that he would have to fight his dragon and take this slow. He also wanted to see her fuck him. "Ride me" he commanded in a lustful voice. Lucy wanted to get as much out of this as possible so she started out by Leaving a trail of kisses from his chest up to his chin. While grinding her hips with his cock in her making her moan. She slowly raised her hips, making his whole cock exposed but the tip. She then took him all in little by little. This made Gajeel dig his hands into Lucy's hips and he growled out "you're a big fucking tease aren't ya." "Yes I am but I also like my climax to build at the same rate as my partners" Lucy replied. So as their tension built Gajeel had one hand stroking her clit while the other was playing with her tit. His mouth was leaving marks all over her body. Her hands were in his hair while she was riding him.

Lucy knew she was close so she whispered in his ear "cum with me. Make my pussy cum all over your huge cock." Not taking his one hand off her clit he moved the other to her hip and made her bounce harder and faster on his cock keeping rhythm with her clit. He looked her in the eyes and said "tell me what you want" "I want you" "want me to what?" "I want you to cum inside me" Lucy said with a shaky breath. Gajeel pressed down a little harder on her clit making her cum; her walls tightened around him making him cum inside her. He bit her on her right side just above her hip bone. Lucy bit him on his collar bone on his right side.

Lucy collapsed into Gajeel's chest. He wrapped his arms around her frame as they caught their breath.

Gajeel looked out the window and started to laugh. "What?" Lucy asked. "The sun is just coming up So you have been going nonstop all night long" Gajeel said. "Then put are asses in bed" Lucy said matter a factually. This made Gajeel chuckle and he kissed her forehead. "Whatever you say bunny." He got up with Lucy wrapped around him. He took the blankets off the recliner. Setting Lucy down he covered her and the sparkplug with blankets. "Come on. Get in please" Lucy groggily said. He did as he was told making Lucy the baby spoon he covered himself up and waited for Lucy to fall asleep before drifting off himself.

The sight that the thunder team walked in on was picture worthy. Laxus's face was buried into Lucy's chest while her arm was resting on his hip. Then Gajeel had his face in her hair and his hand on her hip. From the hip down they were all covered by the blankets but you could still see that all their legs were intertwined with each other.

Bixlow couldn't hold in his laugh anymore and it boomed throughout the living room. This made Lucy shoot up from the bed looking around to silence the noise. when her eyes met Bixlow's she said "shut the fuck up noisy ass clown!". Her dragons groaned from the loss of contact and both men shot their hands up pulled her back into bed. while she was struggling to untangle herself from their grasp she remembered she wasn't wearing any clothes and that she was exposed from the hip up. this made her stop immediately and she squealed trying to cover herself with the blanket. All her efforts were futile because the arms wrapped around her wouldn't let her move to get the blanket. "Blondie stop your wiggling and go back to bed." "Laxus I will not especially while your team is staring at my bare chest that I tried to cover." Laxus crushed Lucy into his chest effectively covering her chest. Laxus then opened his eyes and looked down at the foot of the bed where he saw his team just staring at them. all of them except the green haired one he was already passed out on the floor. Laxus growled at the two standing at the head of the bed and said "do you guys not know how to knock." "We did but when you didn't answer we decided to come in and check things out" Evergreen said.

Gajeel had enough and quite literally rolled out of bed and stood up. Evergreen's face went bright red when she saw Gajeel buck ass naked with his man hood out and free. She couldn't believe how big he was when soft and could not imagine the his size hard. Gajeel looked at them with his arms crossed and said "you better have brought food cause I am not in the mood to deal with your shit on an empty stomach." "Cover yourself Gajeel" Lucy said. "No. they barged in unannounced so they will have to deal with it." Gajeel said irritably. Lucy left the dispute alone but said "will you at least get me some clothes. I would really like to cover up; Or better yet, Laxus could you carry me to my bedroom pretty please."

Laxus just smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He then wrapped her up in one of the blankets, making sure not to flash anybody, and picked her up bridal style. When he did this he failed to cover himself; this led to his half hard member being seen by his team and Gajeel. This had Evergreen as red as a ripened tomato because she not only saw two of the hottest guys cocks, but the fact that she also saw Laxus's. Laxus not caring or not paying attention carried Lucy into her room shutting the door behind him with his foot. Once the door closed Gajeel looked back at the intruders and said "well where is the food?"

Back in Lucy's room Laxus set her down on the bed. when he sat her down he knew she was upset over something and ran both of his hands down the sides of her arms before looking into her eyes and asking "what's wrong Love?" she looked the bahemeth in the face while wiping a tear away and said "they remind me of Natsu's antics... and I just miss him and Aquarius so much you know" looking down at her hands as she said the last part.

Laxus put his thumb and index finger on Lucy's chin forcing her to look him in the eyes and said "how about I take you out of the house for a little bit to go and get breakfast. there has to be at least one place that serves food and wasn't destroyed."

"There is still so much I need to know about mating and about myself" Lucy said. "Well we can talk about it over breakfast ok. And also i think you should spend sometime away from here. Somewhere unfimilar to you yet safe."

While Lucy took a shower and got ready Laxus went out into the living room and put his pants on. Taking his shirt with him he went into the kitchen where everyone was at. Gajeel was still verymuch naked leaning against the sink while the other three were in the bar chairs chatting away about the new construction of the guild. "Gajeel put some clothes on we are taking Lucy out for breakfast." Laxus said. "It's the middle of the afternoon I don't think anybody has breakfast food out this late in the day." Gajeel snapped back. After Pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration Laxus looked at Gajeel and said "just fucking do it alright. She needs to get out of this house. She has got a lot of shit going on right now and it is now our responsibility to try and take the burden off of her." The two just looked at each other menacingly waiting to see who would pounce first.

Freed, Evergreen and Bixlow we're enjoying the entertainment until Lucy came out in a loose pink tank top and ripped jeans with a belt holding her keys and whip with black converse on while drying her hair with a towel. She also had four metal looking bands on each her wrist. "Would you two stop the cock contest and get ready. Or I am just going to go without you." Lucy said aggravated. They didn't stop staring each other down but did as they were told.

Evergreen and Bixlow started to laugh immediately at Lucy's comment to the point where they were holding onto each other for support. Freed just got really red and shoved his face in a book that he brought with him.

Then Loke appears with an agitated look written all over his face and says "I can't handle him any longer" then opens a portal and grabs Cobra from the other side, shoving Cobra into Lucy's kitchen. Loke says "I don't know how you deal with him and his venomous mouth." before disappearing back into the celestial world. Cobra immediately grabs Lucy and pulls her into a bear hug before pulling back and shouting and saying "what the hell is wrong with you? why did you send me there you know I wanted to Help with the attack! I had to sit in the other world and watch with all your spirits!" Lucy took in the sight of Cobra he was not all skin and bone anymore. he had a little a bit a meat on him now but he still looked severely malnourished but he looks a lot better then when she encountered him in the woods. Ever since she encountered him in the woods she has made sure to do all that she can for him and to make sure that he does not over exert himself.

Lucy put her hands on his face and looked him directly in eye and said softly "you know you would have died in that attack and nothing good would have come from that. Kinana wanted to make sure you didn't get involved so I made sure you were safe and out of the way." Cobra always loved talking to Lucy because she was the only. Lucy then hugged Cobra back.

The three at the bar did not know what to do at the spectacle in front of them. They were very confused on how Lucy was friends with Cobra, why he was in the celestial world, and what was going on between the two of them? Then things got interesting. Gajeel and Laxus walked in on Lucy and Cobra hugging and both men crossed their arms angry and Laxus says with an aggravated tone "what the fuck is going on?"