Until They Return | A Lament

By Noctus Fury

My friends are gone,
Their fate unknown.
Grief has stricken me,
Strength leaves my bones.

Sorrow fills my heart,
Endless tears fall down;
Am I even worthy
To wear this crown?

It was theirs to rule,
Their right alone.
Now I stand before
Four empty thrones.

But since their departure,
The realm is in decline.
Please bring back
What was once mine.

I wished to go home,
But, alas, Aslan said no,
Saying it's not yet time —
Indefinitely postponed.

I, blessed by Aslan,
Shall rule in their stead,
Until they return
Or till I am dead.

As steward king, I stand guard,
Solid as a cornerstone.
Until return my friends of old,
To reclaim their crowns and thrones.

The Pevensies four,
Are like blood to me,
Long and patient shall I wait
For my Kings and Queens.

Here I shall remain
On lonely throne,
And look to the West,
Patient like stone.

As I shepherd Narnia,
Years pass by, all a blur.
Only when they return,
Will be what makes me stir.

As I am laid to eternal sleep
On this bed of marbled stone,
Ne'er more shall my eyes be opened
Till Queen Susan's horn is blown.

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the poem. This was one of my favorites. The setting of the poem is set soon after the disappearance of the Pevensies, instigating the Silver Age (more commonly known as the Dark Age).

This poem is more in the POV of an OC character that I have that I plan to introduce if I ever decide to write a multi-chapter Narnia story. But this can easily be Lord Peridan as well. So I'm leaving the possibility open. Who do you think wrote this?

If you loved the poem, please leave a like or a review. See you soon, my friends.

For Narnia and for Aslan!

- Noctus Fury