Hi friends, I know its short - the next chapter will be their first 'actual' date at serve. (And will also be longer)

Sharon worked on washing the last pot while Andy wiped down the table. He tossed the cloth on the side of the sink and dried his hands before hitting the start button on the coffee maker. He reached above her to grab the mugs, pressing a kiss to the side of her head, one hand landing on her hip as he did so. He slid the mugs onto the counter before resuming his previous position behind her, both hands now resting on her hips.

"Andy, I'm almost done."

"Mhmm," he wrapped his arms further around her, hands coming to rest on her stomach while he placed a kiss to the slope of her neck.

She laughed as the pot she'd been scrubbing slipped from her fingers and sunk into the dishwater.


"Mhmm?" He nosed her hair out of the way as his lips continued their journey.

"Andy." This time her tone held a hint of admonishment, but Andy's lips were steadfast in their exploration. He reached the spot just behind her ear and he felt her quickly inhale as her back arched and she leaned further into his touch.

"Andy… Rusty, Rusty is …" she trailed off as his lips brushed her earlobe and his fingers trailed up and down her sides before resting on her hips once more and gently turning her to face him. As she turned, his lips captured hers before he spoke.

"Rusty is gone for the night, movie night at his friend's place remember?"

A breathy 'oh' was the only sound that escaped her before he captured her lips again. One of his hands tangled in her hair while the other cupped her butt, holding her firmly against him. She clung to him and he could feel the dishwater from her hands soaking through his shirt.

Both his hands and his lips began to travel again, mapping out her now well-known curves. In between placing feather-light kisses down her neck he asked, "what do you say we head to the bedroom?"

Preoccupied by the sensations that his lips and hands were bringing, and her answer fell from her lips, "yes – oh, fine." As soon as he heard the last word, he smiled against her neck and was transported to a time not too long ago when their relationship was just getting started.