Welcome guys! So this is officially the last chapter of the series. I want to thank everyone who has been reading this from the start and managed to enjoy it all the way to the end. It means a lot. I hope you like the ending, and you never know... I might do one-shots of Maddie and Negan in the future. Their story lives on.

Anyway, for the last time, enjoy!

"Ah, did you see that?"

Negan grins from his position leaning against a tree, watching her bullet fly straight through the walker's skull, "Fuckin' bullseye."

"Told you I was a good shot," Riley shrugs, raising both eyebrows cockily.

"This why I had to beg your mum for us to go outside the fence? So you could prove your point?"

She allows the pistol to sway by her hip as her arms grow tired of holding it, "I need practice. I don't wanna go on missions in the future and my aim to be way fuckin' off."

Negan walks up to her and takes the pistol, unscrewing the suppressor gently, "It will be quite a while before you get to go on those missions. You should focus on school."

"I'm already a fucking pro at school."

"What, all subjects?" he smirks down at her.

"Yes!" Riley tugs on the braid behind her head, "Most of them anyway."

He tucks the gun into his belt and pats her back playfully, urging her forward, "Come on. It's time we headed back. Dinner is almost ready."

It's only a short walk back to the community, and upon their arrival the gates open with a creak. Riley runs inside, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Negan is following, "Dad, come on! You're so slow."

"You just got told," Stella grins from her position on the fence.

Negan gives her a wave, "There's always someone bossing me around."

She giggles before turning back to her job. It's a miracle that they have managed to patch things up. There are no hard feelings. And it makes life so much easier. It's almost unnatural for Negan, how smoothly life is going.

He catches up to Riley by going into a jog, and reaches out to grab her sides, making her shriek.

They barrel into the house, their chasing game still on.

"Alright, that's enough!" Maddie calls from the kitchen, raising her ladle, "No running in the house!"

They both still, although Riley resumes to skip into the living room. Negan grins in Maddie's direction, "Yes, ma'm."

She shakes her head, "It's like living in a zoo."

"What's a zoo?" Riley falls back onto the couch in the living room.

"Doesn't matter," Maddie sighs, "How was it? Are you okay?"

"Yes. It was awesome," Riley glances at her dad, "I even got to try it with a suppressor!"

Negan grins, eventually making his way into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around Madde's waist from behind, "Hey, you."

She tries to pretend to be busy, but he knows her all too well by now, "Are you gonna help set the table, or?"

His lips find their way to the base of her neck, "Whatever you need, darlin'."

He feels a giggle vibrating through her. She leaves the ladle in the pot of soup and turns in his arms to kiss him. Just as Negan is about to deepen it, an over-exaggerated gag is heard.

"You guys are so fucking gross."

Maddie glares at Riley, "Language!"

She widens her eyes in surprise, "Dad is fine with it."

Maddie turns her glare to Negan, who starts to bite the inside of his cheek awkwardly, "She means no harm."

"You spoil her," she folds her arms, "She is going to grow up to be arrogant."

"Not arrogant. Stubborn," Negan corrects, "But we all know where she gets that from, don't we, darlin'?"

Maddie slaps his chest, "Just set the table, will you?"

Negan complies, only to stop dead in his tracks, "Holy shit. You're so quiet, I didn't even see you there, kid."

He reaches over to squeeze his son's shoulder, to which he looks up at him from his book, "Hey."

"Doing homework?" he smirks, "Maybe you can help your sister. She's doing anything but."

"I heard that!" Riley shouts from behind him.

Logan sighs and shuts the book, placing it at the edge of the table, "That would be useless. It all goes in one ear and out of the other."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Riley pipes up again.

Maddie rolls her eyes, "I said language!"

"Logan is the one talking shit behind my back!"

And just like that, the bickering starts again. Maddie looks at Negan for help, but he looks just as tired as she does. Who knew having kids would be such a headache?


"Hi, mommy," Negan grins, shutting the door behind him. Maddie smirks at him in the mirror, her toothbrush sticking out of her mouth.

"Are they sleeping?"

"Just about," he sighs, enveloping her in his arms, "Finally managed to get Riley to do her homework."

She laughs softly, "It's your fault you know," she rinses her mouth, feeling the way he squeezes her as she bends over, "You're not strict enough."

Negan kisses her bare shoulder, "How can I be strict when she has a face like that, huh?"

"She's a ten year old girl and her language is even more colourful than yours," she jumps as his hand starts to go up her nightie, fingers tracing past her belly button, "What are you doing?"

He hums against her neck, "Have you not realised something? We're alone."

She laughs, leaning back against him and closing her eyes. Now she hears the silence. The silence that is rarer than anything else in the world. She has forgotten what it sounded like.

"Oh, that's right," she turns around and places a kiss on his stubbly chin, "What are we gonna do about it?"

"I don't know about you," he kisses her softly, squeezing her hips, "But I am going to give you exactly what you deserve, baby."

Maddie finds herself being slammed onto the counter near the sink, her legs wrapping around his torso. Negan hums against her chest, sliding the thin straps off her shoulders as he leaves kisses along his trail.

Her hands slide down his body to grip his sweatpants, tugging on the fabric she finds. Desperate to be rid of it.

Negan groans quietly, moving her panties to the side, "I've never been this fucking hard in my life."

She laughs softly, a sound that is ripped away from her as he slides his throbbing cock into her, "Fuck, Negan."

"You were so fucking ready for me, darlin'."

Maddie grips the counter as he starts to slam into her, both of them knowing there is no time to waste. There is never ever time to waste these days.

She feels him pulsate inside her, struggling to keep a steady pace as he loses himself in this feeling that they have both been deprived of for weeks, "Keep going, daddy."

He groans against her neck, squeezing her ass as he pounds into her.

"Mom? Dad?"

They pull away from each other at record speed after hearing the sound.

"Where the hell are you guys?" Riley calls from the hall. There are two sets of footsteps pattering across the floor.

Negan tucks himself back into his pants as Maddie fixes her nightie, turning back to the sink just as the door swings open, "Finally!" Riley smiles.

Logan folds his arms, looking from his mom to his dad, not as naive as his younger sister, "You don't need to be standing so far away from each other, you know."

Riley raises her brow, grabbing Negan by his hand, "Come on. You gotta help us with the fort."

Negan smirks, squeezing her hand gently, "Alright, kiddo. Lead the way."

Maddie looks over her shoulder at them, smiling as Negan winks at her. This is not the first, and definitely not the last time of a close call like this.


Maddie walks down the stairs quietly, rolling her eyes when she sees Negan slumped onto the couch with his eyes closed, "What, you can't sleep in your own bed now?"

His eyes flutter open at the noise, and the smirk stretches across his face when he sees her, "Sorry, doll. Must have passed out." He rubs his face with his hand, reaching for the TV remote to turn off the grey screen. They are lucky to have a DVD player in this house, but the movies are obviously limited. From time to time, scavengers find an odd film on supply runs and then sell them at the market. They're not cheap.

She smiles, holding onto the blanket that is wrapped over her shoulders, "Did you help with the fort?"

"Yeah," he sits up, pulling her onto his lap, "It really took it out of them."

"Does that mean they won't be able to disturb us this time?" she grins, straddling him, "Wow, I didn't even do anything yet," her eyes glance at the bulge in his pants.

"Shush," his kisses her neck softly, "It's been far too long, darlin'."

Maddie drops the blanket to one side, allowing him to position her onto his member. It's crazy how strong he can get when he wants sex this much. She giggles as he pulls her closer.

The only light source is coming from a faint lamp in the corner, which flickers from time to time. It always annoys Maddie, and she always goes on about how they need to get a new light bulb. But in this moment, she doesn't even notice it.

She moves her hips down and gasps as he fills her up completely. Negan wraps his arms around her, closing his eyes, "Just don't fucking stop, baby."

She smirks against his lips and starts to ride him. They both know that moments like this are rare. Today, both of them are off work. But tomorrow, things will be different. The kids will be at school. And when everybody gets home, they will only have the energy to eat and get ready for the next day.

Maddie slides her fingers through his hair, enjoying the way his tilts his head back against her touch, "I love you so much."

"I love you too," she kisses below his ear, his moans like music to her ears.

It starts to get harder to breathe as he squeezes her against him. She slides her hands down to his shoulders, moaning as his hips start to lift up against hers.

"You know what I liked?"

She smirks, "What?"

"When you called me 'daddy'."

Maddie laughs softly, pressing a kiss against his lips, "Well, that's who you are."

"You're goddamn right," his eyes crinkle up in the corners before his face disappears into her neck.

She moans quietly, starting to feel a knot loosening in her stomach, "Negan..."

"I know, baby," his hips thrust up into her with more force, "Come for me."

It doesn't take long for her to unravel before him and collapse onto his chest. He groans softly, gripping her hips.

"I ain't done with you yet."

Just as he is about to flip them over, a gentle pair of footsteps is heard on the stairs. Negan almost throws Maddie off him. She scoots right up to the edge of the couch, grabbing her blanket and draping it over her shoulders. He tucks himself in and grabs a pillow, placing it on his lap.

It's scary to think how good they became at hiding this. It's also scary to think of the amount of close calls they've had.

Riley keeps her hand on the banister, rubbing her eyes as she looks at them.

"What are you doing up?" Maddie asks, walking over to her.

"I had a nightmare," she slurs, glancing at Negan, who hasn't moved from his spot, "Can I stay with you?"

Maddie pats her back, starting to go up the stairs, "Come on, let's go back to bed."

"But I want to stay with dad," she pouts, pointing at him.

Maddie looks from her to Negan, who rubs his lip awkwardly, "It's okay, darlin'. You can stay here."

The girl smiles and rushes over to the couch, jumping into the spot next to him. Maddie yawns, shrugging, "I guess I'll see you soon. Goodnight, honey."

Negan watches her, his stomach sinking as her legs disappear from view. Just his fucking luck.

Riley stretches her arms out before leaning against his side, "Why are you downstairs and not in bed?"

Negan sighs, stroking her head, "I... fell asleep. And your mom came down to wake me."

"Oh... okay," she closes her eyes, and they both listen to the silence. Negan puts a hand on the pillow in his lap awkwardly, shifting his hips, "Dad, what's a zoo?"

He grins as she reminds him of the brief conversation earlier in the day. This kid remembers everything. He leans down to kiss the top of her head, "It's this place... full of animals. People used to go there to see them in cages."

Riley looks up at him, scrunching up her nose, "That sounds fucking disturbing."

He laughs, "Yeah, it was. But maybe I'm not the best person to ask. I'm shit at describing things."

She shrugs, "Animas in cages? You can't sugarcoat that."

"That's right, sweetheart."

Ever since Riley was little. Well... smaller than she is now... she has always had trouble falling asleep. At first they thought she was just a hyper child, but then it wasn't just about not being able to sleep. It turned to be about nightmares. Maddie has tried to use her natural crafts and shit to calm her down. From hiding lavender under Riley's pillow to making a tea stress bar to rub into her temples. Nothing worked.

The only thing that did work was Negan. She would snuggle up to him and fall asleep.

Maddie warned him that carrying her around as a baby everywhere would only strengthen their bond. Not that it's a bad thing. It's just that now, that bond seems unbreakable. To the point where she can't even fall asleep without him being next to her.

Negan leans against the couch, taking her down with him so that she is in a laying position, "Why does mom keep calling you 'daddy'?"

He opens his eyes, his heartbeat stopping for a second, "Err... when?"

She stretches her arm to drape over his chest as a yawn comes out of her, "I don't know... back when we found you in the bathroom."

Negan scratches his lip uncomfortably, "Oh? I don't remember."

Riley glances up at him before closing her eyes again, "Whatever. Maybe I didn't hear right."

He sighs quietly, "Try and get some sleep, sweetheart, okay?"


It takes her a while to finally fall asleep. When she does, Negan wastes no time in carrying her back up the stairs and into her room to tuck her in. He hears her soft breathing and walks out of her room quietly, knowing how fucking hard it would be to get her to sleep again if she woke up.

He smirks as he sees that the light is still on in the master bedroom. And the smile disappears at the sight of Maddie curled up in a ball on the bed, fast asleep.

"Fuck," he whispers, reaching down to stroke her hair.

She moves slowly, opening one of her eyes to look up at him, "I think we have found the best contraceptive in the world."

But deep down he knows that no matter how many fucking times he is left with blue balls, he would not have it any other way. Not in this life.