Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Dragon Ball Super.

Note of Gratitude: Thank you guys and gals for offering your support and being considerate of my situation. It was very much needed and very much welcomed. Thank you!

I have to admit, I didn't have any thoughts of updating this story any time soon since I still have unfinished projects but a friend (KING11) sincerely asked for an update and honestly, I couldn't refuse (even though its disappointingly short). In actuality, this chapter is written more out of a promise to a friend rather than any enthusiasm. The real thanks should go to King111!

I know this may sound disconcerting, but I clarified that this fic is only a SIDE story, not my main priority, thus the specks of attention shown towards it will be minimum until I finish my other main stories. Sorry but this is the way it is. I hope you understand.


Thunderous shockwaves reverberated through the wide reaches of the serene blue sky, clouds dispersed into specks of greyish white, the earth shook like a leave, tidal waves rushed towards the east and west as two powerhouses clashed right above the earth.

"I must confess I am somewhat impressed" Oken stated with a raised eyebrow as he watched the battle. By combining the powers of six Super Saiyans, they were able to … create a being far powerful and potently formidable than anticipated. Perhaps, his King had been on to something when he had praised these Saiyans, especially the black haired one.

The tall and commandingly muscular aide was standing next to the seated form of his King, hovering serenely with his hands behind his back. Shockwaves generating from the clashes of the two powerhouses ruffled his long black cloak and hair, yet his eyes didn't even show the barest minimum of discomfort.

Sitting on his crystal throne upon a floating platform high above the ship and the ocean floor, the ancient King watched the impressive battle with a soft smile on his face.

While the first few minutes of the battle had been somewhat comical and amusing, what with Beerus and Goku hurling insults, biting each other, using underhanded tactics and all, the actual and sensational atmosphere of a serious battle fascinated him.

Oken's surprise was unsurprisingly well placed. Had the seven Saiyans fought together to defeat Beerus, they wouldn't have made much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. The reason for their failure wouldn't have been due to lack of power but rather in their inability to think singularly.

Each Saiyan would have different thoughts, different tactics of solving a particular problem and individualistic response to certain stimulus. The power would be the same, yet the brains or rather the operating force behind that power would be multiple.

Even a group of telepaths won't be able to effectively predict the moves of their teammates in the heat of a battle in order to maximize offensive and defensive output.

However, by combining the potent powers of their respective transformations and transferring that power to one of their own, they gave a single individual the combined powers to use to its maximum destructive potential.

A singularly resilient capacity of mind in charge of the combined powers, coupled with a body forged from countless fierce battles would be better equipped to effectively hold the power and use it to its maximum potential, without being restricted by other operating forces.

Whether such transformation actually existed during the time of the ruthless Saiyans' era or not was still up for debate, but there was no denying the pure efficiency of the said alteration.

Truly these Saiyans were worth watching.

Coming back to the fight, Beerus, while still using a significantly large amount of his power, was not taking the battle seriously. Honestly, he could understand the allure of using measly amount of power to give false hope to your opponent, but if this charade continued any longer, it would bore him.

It would have been much interesting had Goku actually been allowed to fully mature into the form before testing its combat capabilities.

"The battle itself is amusing to a certain degree, but I find myself disappointed for some reason" Naruto replied smoothly, resting his head upon his clenched fist as he carefully watched the battle.

Oken nodded his head "Shall I fight the feline myself to alleviate your boredom?"

He should have known that the pace of the battle and the un-amusing charades of the combatants themselves would eventually cause the ancient King to lose his interest in said battle.

"No need, I have something much better in mind" the redheaded king replied mysteriously.

Seeing as Beerus and Goku were locked down in a battle of overpowering each other's attack, Naruto calmly stood up from his throne and floated high into the atmosphere, beyond the gravitational force of the planet and hovered a few feet above the clashing of techniques with a soft smile.

Oken raised an eyebrow at the sudden turn of events but remained silent and appeared next to his King.

Judging from the power output from the two combatants, Oken knew that the standstill would be continuing on for quite some time before revealing a victor. No wonder his master was bored of it already.

Seeing the redheaded king snap his finger and turn the two opposing techniques into specks of fireworks, the brown haired attendant let a smirk grace his stoic visage.

Now, the party was getting interesting!

Goku and Beerus blinked in surprise when their techniques vanished without traces and turned into specks of tiny lights. They soon got their answers when their eyes saw the imposing silhouette of the tall king calmly hovering amidst the raining fireworks and smiling like an angel of blessings.

Beerus narrowed his eyes. Just how was that possible? His technique being turned into tiny flickers of light by a mere mortal, with a snap of his finger no less!

Goku on the other hand was shaking in excitement. One overwhelmingly strong opponent was fun, but two? Well, it was like pouring a sauce of awesomeness over a big plate of bodacious! He couldn't wait to fight the kind redhead!

"My humblest apologies for interrupting your battle" Naruto announced in deep but commanding tone, lips stretched into a delicate smile as he hovered in the void of space "but I found myself in need of some entertainment and thought it best to include myself in this game of tag you are playing"

"Awesome dude!" Goku gushed in excitement, barely keeping his enthusiasm in check "You can hop right in, we don't mind an extra opponent, right Lord Beerus!?"

Beerus did not take kindly to his battle being called a game of tag and scowled in anger. The nerve of this mortal to willingly intrude upon a battle of a Destroyer and act as though he was confident to win!

However, he would be lying if he said that he was not interested in his proposal. While he had seen the brown haired man's power to some extent, the redhead was still pretty much the definition of a mystery. Nothing, not even a tiny flicker of energy seemed to ooze off of him even the most adverse circumstances.

Maybe Goku's stupidity was rubbing off on him but he was quite eager to test his mettle against this imposing and imperial redhead.

Hovering in the endless and dark embrace of space, the light from the earth and different stars reflected off of his crown and wrist bands, his narrow eyes shined an ethereal blue while a delicate, undisturbed and nonchalant smile danced on his thin lips.

Floating in the endless vastness of space, he depicted a perfect example of sereneness and tranquility.

Letting an unusual grin grace his features, Beerus raised his head and laughed loudly, amusement, specks of insanity and vile intentions clearly littered his laughter. There was nothing pure about it.

"I am pleased with your consent to my request" Naruto stated softly and crossed his hands behind his back, his long fur cap and red tresses softly fluttered "However, to make this battle somewhat amusing, you are free to join forces and come at me with the intent to kill"

"WHAT!?" the Saiyan and Destroyer duo shouted in unison.

"Causing such unnecessary commotion over a simple statement is disrespectful" the ancient emperor reprimanded calmly and aimed his index finger towards the two surprised combatants. Their surprised turned to anger and pain when their heads were forced apart by an unknown force and slammed against each other with enough force to bruise their skulls.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" Beerus bellowed in rage and shoved a still groaning Goku to the side before rushing towards a calmly smiling Naruto. Without even reaching the redhead, the feline destroyer materialized an Orb of Destruction in his clawed hands and mercilessly hurled it at said redhead.

Gracefully snapping his fingers, Naruto smiled mischievously and transformed the destructive sphere of energy into a ball made of threads before sending it dashing towards a stupefied feline. The sheer magnitude of rage building up on the feline's visage was so amusing that even Oken let out a dignified chuckle.

Calmly sidestepping a ferocious attack from a black haired Saiyan, the calm King looked on with a delicate smile as Goku sailed past him in uncontrollable speeds and collided with a still stupefied Beerus, angering the feline even further.

This is why he thought that Goku needed to mature along with this new transformation to better utilize its immense destructive power.

"Wow man, he even dodged that! That's awesome!" Goku yelled in excitement and a certain amount of pain as he rubbed his sore head. The aura of power around his body fluctuated before he regained his composure and riled it up to new heights, apparently excited by the prospect of fighting such a strong opponent "I can't wait to go again!"

"A YARN? YOU DARE!" Beerus screamed in anger, malicious aura of dark purple flickered around his thunderous form, increasingly elevating to dangerous heights as the ball of threads was turned to purple dust.

A Destroyer's Sphere of Destruction turned into a yarn of all this things and then thrown at him to add salt to injury!? The nerve of this mortal to compare him to a bunch of furry creatures!

"My apologies for the misunderstanding" Naruto apologized softly, a playful smile dancing on his lips "your appearance bears a striking resemblance to other felines and thus, I realized that your center of attention would be identical"

Oken smirked when the feline Destroyer shook like a leaf amidst a storm, purple energy roared out in waves, destroying anything its path. That little show of strength would accomplish nothing… absolutely nothing! "To stand against his majesty and think of yourself as the superior being… I pity you, mortal"

Clasping his hands together, the feline Destroyer channeled an enormous amount of Ki into the palm of hands, materializing a blinding whitish-purple sphere of energy, greatly resembling an atom, and held it above his index finger.

"You will regret ever speaking to a Destroyer in such a disrespectful manner" Beerus announced in a calm tone, pouring more and more power into the sphere of energy as it increased in size and intensity until it resembled a whitish sun.

Seeing as the redhead had been able to withstand the combined onslaught from the two, Goku held his hands in the strikingly familiar pose for a technique and channeled his Ki, creating a bluish sphere of energy in his hands "Ka... Me... Ha … Me…"

Naruto smile widened as the two powerhouses poured as much power as they could muster into their respective techniques and shot towards him or teleported right in front of him in Goku's case. Now, this was how battles were meant to be.

Being the ever impatient individual that he is, Beerus tossed the whitish sphere of energy into the air and kicked it towards a smiling Naruto. The destructive ball of energy shot through the emptiness of space in blinding speed and collided with the redhead's extended finger, instantly coming to a screeching stop.

Instead of being angered that his ball of energy was stopped with a finger, Naruto observed the feline to be smiling a Cheshire cat. The kind king had to give the feline credit for composing himself when witnessing such an event; however that said bout of sudden composure may have been due to Goku's sudden appearance behind him with the fully prepared Kamehameha Wave.

"HA!" Goku roared and released the devastating torrent of Ki at Naruto's unprotected back, completely obscuring the redhead in its corrosive embrace.

The two opposing energies resonated unexpectedly and exploded in a violent show of power, covering the entirety of the emptiness in its power.

Seeing the result of their combined attacks, Beerus let out a scoff and pinned a peacefully hovering Oken with his sharp eyes. The insolent mortal should've known that two opposing energies would either cancel each other out or violently explode.

While he had known that the redhead somehow had the disturbingly formidable ability of negating all forms of energies, he had thrown that sphere to give said man a false sense of victory and then signal the black haired Saiyan to attack him from behind.

Even if the redhead had wanted, he wouldn't have been able to negate both energies in time, thus Naruto acted as a preventive force against the two energies' desire to cancel each other out and let the only solution… explode!

"I must acknowledge you two were able to come up with a reasonably noteworthy strategy without being formerly acquainted with one another and without using words" a soft voice announced from above them, causing the two vastly different individuals to snap their heads towards the source of the voice and come across an interesting scene.

Right above them, the familiarly imposing and majestic form of the ancient king hovered calmly. Not even a single scratch or burn mark was visible upon his person; in fact not even a single hair had been misplaced.

Everything about him was as perfect as they had been before.

Putting aside their differences for the time being, Goku and Beerus nodded at each other and shot towards the calmly smiling redhead, flanking his two sides before firing consecutive blasts of energy.

Smiling delicately, the redheaded king crossed his hands behind his back and fluidly danced around the destructive shower of energies. The fiery rain of energy stopped abruptly, followed by the thundering sounds of flesh colliding with flesh.

The smoke from the explosion cleared away to reveal an astonishing sight. The Destroyer and Saiyan had used the ensuing chaos caused by the explosion to their advantage and engaged the occupied redhead.

What was astonishing, at least to the two combatants, was that Naruto had both of his hands extended in a wide arc and blocking their combined attacks with his index finger, all the while smiling softly.

The Destroyer and Saiyan had no time to express their surprise as silver chains shot out of the delicate fingers and wrapped around their bodies like slithering snakes seeking heat. Another twitch of his wrist sent the two combatants hurling towards the surface of the moon in blinding speed.

Beerus gritted his teeth in anger, feeling insulted by the simplicity of the technique and its unusual way of initiation. As if a Destroyer would be halted by such a low level technique!

Pouring a significant amount power into the chains, his eyes widened in shock when instead of breaking down, they strengthened their painful grip around his body, which in turn caused Goku's bindings to tighten as well.

Grunts of pain escaped their lips as their bodies collided with the silvery surface of the moon, deeply embedding them into its core. Strangely enough, the moon didn't explode from the contact and the chains dissipated into silver specks of light, freeing both of them.

Beerus, being a much stronger being of power, got up as soon as he collided with the celestial body, erasing the silvery dust from his body with a simple wave of Destructive Energy. This battle was not going the way he planned or imagined it.

The redhead wasn't even taking them seriously. His hands were crossed behind his back, blue eyes twinkling with amusement and lips stretched into a smug smile!

Stopping the fists of a Destroyer with just a finger? The sheer ridiculousness of that scenario was giving him a bad case of temperamental control! What was worse was the way he initiated those strange techniques of his. Silver chains from finger tips, not to mention strong enough hold a Destroyer and recently powered up Super Saiyan down without much trouble!

"Man I can't believe that quite guy is this strong!" Goku gushed out in excitement, eyes sparkling like a child as he gazed at Naruto's floating form with a wide grin. This guy not only survived a point blank Kamehameha to the back, but also stopped his fists with fingers alone!

If he had known about the redhead's power, he would have challenged him nonstop until he had relented. Just by exchanging blows with this enigmatic man, he could feel his Saiyan cells overflowing with energy, almost ready to destroy his body from the inside out. This guy was awesome!

"Listen here mortal" Beerus whispered through gritted teeth, insulted that he would need the help of a lowly mortal to win a battle "Try to distract him and focus his attention on you… I have a plan"

The excited Saiyan saluted playfully "ya got it!"

Without so much as a shred of fear, the black haired man encased his body in the familiar aura of his new transformation and shot towards the calmly floating redhead.

Naruto smiled softly and gazed around the blurring figure of the Saiyan, awfully feeling amused and entertained by their antics. While he wouldn't exactly call this a proper battle, more along the lines of simple playing around, it still provided substantial entertainment.

There were only two individuals beside Oken to ever make him acknowledge their spar as a proper battle and frankly, the time for that would come soon enough.

Goku, using simultaneously using Instant Transmission, blurred around the redhead, gradually gathering Ki into the palm of his hand before appearing right in front of the still smiling enigmatic king. Unlike before, the king extended his palm towards the powered up Saiyan and effectively stopped his movements, causing the black haired earthling to become aware of his fate.

That was the queue and distraction Beerus needed to enact his plan into motion. The feline Destroyer appeared right behind the redheaded king and swung his right arm, releasing an enormous ball of swirling purple energy.

Released from the strange binds of the redhead, Goku vanished from his position and appeared right in front of the king, pouring all his power into his signature technique, before releasing the devastating stream of Ki towards the redhead's unprotected back.

The Orb of Destruction shot towards Naruto's back, followed by the Kamehameha Wave from the front.

Cold sweat trailed down Beerus's face when he witnessed a show he never he would ever see. His Power of Destruction stopped by hands without evaporating into specks of dust! This was impossible! No one beside the Omni King, Grand Priest and other Destroyers could stop an Orb of Destruction without being erased from existence!

"What is he?!" the feline Destroyer muttered in shock "How can he stop that and appear as though its normal occurrence?!"

The redheaded King twirled the two masses of energy on his fingers like mere toys, all the while smiling harmlessly. So this was the so called unstoppable Power of Destruction? Not to mention young Goku's signature move?

Both contained power far beyond the capability of any normal individuals. While Goku's technique was more unrefined and wild, Beerus' was potent and stable at the same time.

A teasing smile made its way to his lips when he thought of a particular 'payback' towards the feline Destroyer.

Goku and Beerus watched with open heart-stopping shock and incredulity as the redheaded king brought the two opposing energies together and combined them into an enormous bluish purple energy sphere the size of a one story house.

With a simple glance of his blue eyes, Goku found himself floating beside Beerus, thus right in front of the approaching sphere of energy. Both of their eyes widened in shock as they thought of the implication.

They would have to work together to stop the massive energy sphere since clearly Beerus was unable to negate its effect, if his agitation and growling was any indication.


It's short, I know!

Sorry but that was the limit of my inspiration. KING11 encouraged me that he wouldn't mind reading 2 or 3k+ words, so I added a few more words (3.5K+) and decided that posting something instead of nothing was better.

As I said before, this is only a side project (at least until and unless I complete my other stories) which means I will only write when the mood strikes me. Please I know it will be annoying but I can't help it if I don't have any interesting ideas to write in the chapter.

I apologize for the inconvenience and hope that you understand my situation. Why don't you try reading some of my other stories? I am sure at least one of them will catch your interest. Thank and good luck!