So, I've noticed that in Season 1, episode 8- (and later found out in more episodes as I knew what to look for) Mike has a pair of crutches standing against his wall. And I just felt the need to have that explained. So, let's go.

The day before

"Go home, kid. Get some sleep. We can do this in the morning." Harvey said as he'd noticed Mike yawning for the 3rd time now- and any more Redbull or coffee was for no person healthy. He'd also noticed that Mike had been getting more and more restless, not sitting still and shifting his position, during the evening or should he say night? Seeing as it was already 01:30 a.m.

Mike glanced up at Harvey, "What? We still have like at least 3 boxes of files to go through. And we've got court in the morning." He replied with a frown. "We haven't found our … yet."

Harvey knew Mike could continue going, but the puppy was tired- and he knew from experience, a tired puppy was grumpy puppy- and quite frankly, Mike's fidgeting was starting to get on Harvey's nerves even more so than usual. So, Harvey knew what to do and that was to be brutally honest and perhaps a bit of a dick. He glared at his associate and said, "Mike, go home. You're tired and I've got no use for you when your brain isn't running on all cylinders- especially since you can't seem to sit still for more than two minutes and to be honest- it's starting to annoy me. I'll go through these files and fill you in in the morning- when you're awake."

Mike frowned back at Harvey and his words, but decided to keep his commentary to himself. He was tired and for the past few hours, he just couldn't find a position to sit still in- even though Harvey and him had moved towards the couch and chairs in Harvey's office a long time ago. Mike sighed, marked the file with a colorful tab and carefully threw it onto the coffee table. Standing up- his right leg whined at him. Before he could filter his thoughts, Mike said, "Yeah, I guess I should head home. It's probably going to snow tomorrow." And that's when he realized he was more tired than he thought; because who in their right minds would suddenly start talking about the upcoming weather.

Harvey glanced up at Mike in confusion, "Snow?" He asked as he glanced outside, clear starry skies- "Where the hell did that came from? Now I really know you need to get some sleep."

"Yeah, I guess so. Alright- see you tomorrow." Mike said as he walked out of the office.