Talking: "Hello. I hope you enjoy."

Thinking: 'Man, this is really boring. When will things get interesting?'

Pov/Time change: ~10 am, 3rd person, Izuku~


~?, 1st person, Quinn~

I didn't remember dying.

That might have been a strange sentence for anyone else, but it made sense to me. Mainly because I remember another life, which is strange. I remembered being an entire other species. A 'human', who was obsessed with 'anime'. I didn't think these things were real. Maybe I was crazy. Probably.

Even if I was crazy, that didn't change the fact I was different. I didn't have the childish innocence of the others. They bounced and played, but I was quiet, burdened by the memories. Some may have called previous knowledge a gift. For me it was a curse, forcing me to mature much quicker. Altough I may have been mentally much older, the fact remained I was still just a pup. Though, sometimes I felt more 'human' than wolf.


~3 years later~

It was getting hard to keep up with the others. I didn't have the same amount of energy. More importantly, I was small. Very small. Maybe I was just a late bloomer, but the fact remained. I was the shortest, and was finding it harder and harder to keep up. Soon I would be left behind, both literally and figuratively. I couldn't control how big I was, so the only thing I could to was prepare.

I needed to get stronger, to get better. I didn't want to end up dead in a hole somewhere.


~A year later~

I stared at the soft blue glow enveloping my right paw. 'Well, this is strange,' I mused. Was this some kind of superpower? Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't normal.

This had shown up when I was hunting. I was chasing a rabbit, but then I tripped. I was about to fall straight into a thorny bush, but then I was surrounded by a blue glow, protecting me. It was the same blue glow surrounding my paw, which I had just figured out how to activate.

Going by my strange memories, this certainly wasn't usual. In that world, there was nothing like this, except for in those strange 'anime'. Maybe I was in one of those 'anime'. It was certainly a possiblity to consider.


~?, 3rd person, Quinn~

A sharp bark echoed through the forest as the small pup chased her sibling. She was very small, absurdly small for her age. Her legs were too short for her to get far, so her sister easily beat her.

As they bounded through the forest, the larger one slowly got further and further ahead. The smaller one fell behind, eventually losing sight of her sibling. The trees loomed above her like the bars of a giant cell, the bushes, walls keeping her trapped. She couldn't see anything except the forest surrounding her. Whimpers and whines echoed around the small clearing, heard by no-one.


~?, 1st person, Quinn~

It was dark. Much too dark. I couldn't see anything, the light being blocked by the trees and bushes above me. A soft blue glow lit up my paws on instinct, letting off just enough light to let me see where I was putting my feet.

I was used to having control, used to being smart enough to escape. I had none of that here. There was nothing I could do except forge on blindly, trying to find a way back home. And that was what I did.

I could barely see in front of my, and what I could see was just bushes and leaves. There was nothing to indicate where I was going, and my nose was blocked by the overwhelming green, leafy scent from all of the plants around me.

The foliage started to lighten up,letting actual light through. I could only smile, my feet pounding at the dry, crumbly dirt beneath me as I ran as fast as I could, believing this to be my way home.

The ground became slippery as I ran, dirt turning to mud. My paws slipped, sending me sliding down. I hadn't noticed, but the ground had started to slope downhill, which meant I was sliding uncontrollably.

'Shitshitshit!' I yelped in my mind, panic quickly overtaking me. My ears picked up the sound of rushing water, only intensifying my feelings.

'A river?!' I shouted, mentally of course. What I thought was going to be a small river, soon turned out to be a river which would sweep me away in a heartbeat. A gargantuan river, where I couldn't even see the other bank. The water was rushing fast, and the biggest problem?

I couldn't swim.

As I got closer and closer to the tumultuous waters, I grew strangely calm.

'Well, it's been fun.' I thought to myself. I had already died once, a second life was too much for me to ever hope for. In that way, I had already been very lucky. Even if it was short, my life as a pup was pretty great. I just wish I'd been able to have an impact. Oh well. One drowned puppy won't mean much.

I hit the freezing cold water, instantly getting sucked into the current. Struggling to keep my head above water, I slowly inhaled more and more water, until it got to a point where it was too hard for me to even try anymore.

I closed my eyes, sinking into the dark depths.


I blearily opened my eyes, instantly trying to cough up water.

'It seems I'm not dead after all,' I thought, with a slight hint of sarcasm. My thoughts were interrupted by a shout, a shout that nearly made my heart stop and my blood freeze. It wasn't bad, no, it was just that surprising. It also confirmed my thoughts. Yes, this was an 'anime' world I was in, and I knew exactly which one.

"Kacchan! The puppy's not dead!"


A/N: I took the time to edit this and make it good! I hope you like it OwO

So, this is probably my best chapter. Don't worry, the next one is coming quite soon!

This story is currently looking for a beta! PM me if you're interested!

As always, please read and review!