(Dedicated to all pioneers...)
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away the rebellion continues.
It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy.
Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet, a group of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker investigate a new Imperial secret base that contains the HyperGate in the Graveyard of Alderaan.
The evil lord Darth Vader, obsessed with finding young Skywalker, has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of space...
Doctor Aphra knew this mission was a bad idea. She could not make up her mind, which she hated more at this instant, smugglers or fanatic/idealistic princesses, as their smuggler's ship the Millennium Falcon was rocked by another TIE Fighter's laser hit. The TIE fighter was the unforgettable symbol of the Imperial fleet. Carried aboard Star Destroyers and battle stations, TIE fighters were single-pilot vehicles designed for fast-paced dogfights with Rebel X-wings and other starfighters. The terrifying roar of a TIE's engines would strike fear into the hearts of all enemies of the Empire.
What was supposed to be a simple recon mission of the Alderaanian graveyard was (the asteroid field in the Alderaan system caused by the destruction of the planet Alderaan by the Death Star) had become a disaster? Under the Empire, the graveyard was held under a blockade to protect a secret, the largest, ancient Hypergate ever found, and somehow the Empire had activated the Hypergate. Hypergates were a form of faster-than-light transportation used by the ancient Gree civilization. This Hypergate was the size of a large moon. It was a circular shaped ring made up of a rectangular metallic rock and the rubble of Alderaan. The inside of the ring was blue glowing, swirling energy.
Doctor Aphra was coerced into this mission by Princess Leia. Princess Leia promised some financial reward but also threaten to have Doctor Aphra hunted down by the Rebel Alliance and thrown into another Sunspot like Prison if she refused. The rebels had some intel that the Empire had found an ancient device in the Alderaanian graveyard. Princess Leia needed Doctor Aphra archaeologist's skills to study the ancient device.
The mission was going well they had managed to intercept a transport with data on the hypergate and how the Empire planned to use it. Then the mission went to hell. They ran into a really a nasty surprise, a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers that were massing by the gate. The wedge-shaped Imperial Star Destroyer is a capital ship of the Galactic Empire, bristling with weapons emplacements. Turbolasers and tractor beam projectors dot its surface. Its belly hangar bay can launch TIE fighters, boarding craft, land assault units, hyperspace probes, or be used to hold captured craft. These ships were far more than needed to protect the gate. If anything they looked like they were preparing to invade where ever gate open too.
The Millennium Falcon and the two T-65 X-wing starfighters had only managed survive by the Rebel EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate called "Hoel" sacrifice. The Nebulon-B Frigate proved to be key warships in the Rebel Fleet, especially in the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. The Rebels use these vessels as command ships, long-range reconnaissance ships, search and rescue ships, and strike platforms for their starfighters.
The Hoel bought needed time for the Millennium Falcon and two T-65 X-wing starfighters by charging headlong into the star destroyers, sacrificing the crew of 75.
Doctor Aphra watched as Princess Leia Organa manned one the CEC AG-2G quad laser cannons while General Jan Dodonna fired the other one. Meanwhile, the smuggler Han Solo and his Wookiee partner/co-pilot Chewbacca were piloting Millennium Falcon.
Next to Doctor Aphra was annoying gold protocol droid C-3PO that could not keep quiet. C-3PO kept whining and prattling about the danger they were in. C-3PO only shut upped after Doctor Aphra threaten to lobotomize him. C-3PO realized she meant every word.
The Millennium Falcon looked like a worn-out junker, but beneath her hull, she's full of surprises. A succession of owners had made special modifications that boosted the freighter's speed, shielding and firepower to impressive – and downright illegal – levels.
Another laser blast shook the Millennium Falcon, "It's not my fault", yelled Han, "the hyperdrive was down". Han radio Luke Sky Walker (Red 1) who was piloting one of the two T-65 X-wing starfighters. Han pleaded with Luke to keep the TIE Fighters at bay. Because the last hit had fried the Falcon's hyperdrive.
The T-65 X-wing is a versatile Rebel Alliance starfighter that balances speed with firepower. Armed with four laser cannons and two proton torpedo launchers, the T-65 X-wing can take on anything the Empire throws at it. Nimble engines give the T-65 X-wing gave an edge during dogfights, and it can make long-range jumps with its hyperdrive and its Astro mech droid co-pilot.
Wedge Antilles (Red 2) Piloting the second T-65 X-wing starfighters radioed to Luke to that 40 more TIE Fighters were coming after them. Wedge thought this might be where he meets his maker. He survived the battle of Yavin to meet his end at the Alderaanian graveyard.
Luke ordered a Thach Weave maneuver. The Thach Weave maneuver is a tactical formation maneuver in which two or more allied fighters would weave in regularly intersecting flight paths to lure an enemy into focusing on one fighter, while the targeted pilot's wingman would come into position to attack the pursuer. The tactic initially confounded the TIE pilots. It also allowed them to give some protection and distraction for the Falcon.
This was the first time TIE Pilot Nakajima encountered the double-team maneuver on the part of the enemy. The two X-wings jumped on the TIE Fighter. He had no trouble in getting on the tail of Luke's fighter, but never had a chance to fire before the X-Wing's teammate Wedge roared at him from the side and opened fire.
"Gotch you!" yelled, Wedge watched as the TIE fighter that was on Luke's Tail erupted into flames from his four X-wings laser cannons. Wedge was wondering how much longer they could keep this up before the TIE Fighters numbers would overwhelm them.
Doctor Aphra was getting sick and tired of listening to Han and Leia bicker back and forth. Han saying it was not his fault that the hyperdrive was down, because of the laser blast, and Leia yelling at him to do something.
Doctor Aphra pointed, to the hypergate and said, "take us through there".
"Are you crazy?" yelled Han, "you don't even know where that thing goes"
"It's better than being killed here", yelled Doctor Aphra!
Han smiled and said, "You're right".
"We're doomed" whined C-3PO.
Han radioed Luke and told him, that they planning to go through the hypergate. Luke told Han, that he planned to follow them in.
"Red 2 break left and jump into hyperspace when the Falcon enters gate", order Luke, "You have to get the mission data back to rebel command".
"Roger Red 1 and good luck" replied Wedge.
As according to plan as the Falcon and Luke's X-wing entered the hypergate, Wedge broke left and made the jump into hyperspace.
The TIE fighters could not give chase to the escaping X-wing fighter because they had no hyperdrives. They also had no permission to enter the hypergate so the TIE fighters were in a parking orbit near the gate awaiting instructions.
Imperial Admiral Griggor Tower was trembling with fear and anger on the star destroyer Kaiser's bridge. How would he explain this to Grand General Cassio Tagge and Lord Darth Vader when they arrived in two days.
Imperial Admiral Griggor Tower was a frail thin nervous man who relied on family connections to move up the ranks. He kept running his hands through his unkempt black hair while muttering to himself.
It took few minutes for a bridge officer to get Admiral Griggor Tower's attention. He needed to know if the Admiral was planning to send the TIE fighters through the gate after the rebels. The Admiral angrily ordered the TIE fighters through the gate after the rebels and eliminate any possible witnesses on the other side.