Percy's POV:

Only three things existed. Me, my feet on the ground, and the angry thing in hot pursuit of me. Well, four, if you considered the fear of losing my own life, and the complete terror I was consumed with. Or was that five? You know what, I have more important things to worry about, like my life.

All I could hear was my own breathing and my feet pounding on the hard pavement below me as I weaved through the crowd, pushing people past as I stumbled away from what was chasing me.

There, a few blocks ahead, I saw it. Goode High School, my saviour. If I could get to the spot where Piper, Jason and the others sat, I would be safe. Only one problem: to get there, I would have to cross the entire yard, and she was faster.

After a little more running, I made it to school grounds, and I felt a glimmer of hope as I saw my friends waving to me. But my moment was short-lived, as I felt someone tackle me from behind. They pulled me to my feet, judo-flipped me, and pressed their forearm to my throat. I looked up to see the steely grey eyes of my pursuer.

"Seaweed Brain, you have three seconds to give me my dagger, otherwise this tree branch will impale you." My wonderful girlfriend hissed through her teeth, her blond hair flowing behind her.

"Fine, Wisegirl. You win." I sat up, and pulled her Celestial bronze dagger out of my backpack.

"Thank you." She snatched her dagger out of my hand before someone could see it, and she slipped it into her own bag.

After helping me up, she gave me a kiss and pulled me towards our friends. They were all laughing their butts off.

"What was that all about?" Jason managed between laughs.

"Well, this Seaweed Brain thought it would be a good idea to steal my dagger, and I chased him all the way here from his mom's apartment. But it was well worth it, since I got my dagger back, and I got to teach him a lesson about not touching my stuff."

"Annabeth, I respect how you handle your boyfriend. Nice tree branch work." Reyna said.

I huffed. "Pointy objects are evil, just for the record. They're all stabby and sharp, and... umm... pointy."

Everyone laughed, and I huffed in annoyance, before joining in with my friends.

Jace Herondale:

"Absolutely not!" I shouted, grabbing my sword off the wall and turning to face my parabatai.

I heard Alec sigh from the doorway. "Honestly, Jace, must you make everything a production? Just get your butt out of the training room, before I drag you out!"

"One, you sound like mom, and two, I am not going to Mundane school with a bunch of people who think they're better than the all amazing and all perfect Jace Herondale!"

Alec rolled his eyes. "One, it's because I'm a parent, and two, Jace, it's just school. I have two kids under the age of six and you don't see me trying to stab someone with a sword. You're not going to die." I opened my mouth to protest, but Alec continued. "Besides, if you don't go, Maryse will kill you, Clary will be upset with you, and the Clave will be beside itself by a shadowhunter disobeying direct orders."

"Fine," I sighed. "But don't expect me to be happy about it!" I cried after him.

After a quick shower, I got dressed, tossing my favourite leather jacket over my shoulder, and I hid a few seraph blades in my shoes, you know, just in case. After going into the bathroom, I pulled out my hairbrushes and got to work. Perfection such as myself doesn't just happen, you know.

I grabbed my stele off my bedside table and bolted out of my room. I ran about halfway down the stairs before jumping the railing, and grabbing some food from the kitchen.

I cautiously took a nibble at the edge, thanking the Angel when it tasted like something Maryse made instead of Isabelle. I really did not need to throw up that day.

Alec and Isabelle came down the stairs together a few minutes later, with Alec wearing new clothes that Isabelle had obviously picked and forced him into.

There was no way that Alec, my shopping-hating and old-hole-ridden-sweater-loving parabatai, would ever, ever, be caught dead in the tight jeans and leather jacket he was forced into. There was also no way he actually had the time or energy to gel his hair, since he had to make his way over here from his apartment in Brooklyn before we left. He looked so uncomfortable in the clothes he was wearing, it took my entire willpower not to laugh in his face.

Izzy, on the other hand, seemed perfectly comfortable in her ridiculously high heels and ridiculously short skirt.

"Finally, you guys take forever. But I guess I'm not complaining, there's no need to be earlier than we have to be!"

Izzy glared at me, then turned her glare to Alec, who was looking incredibly unamused in a very Alec-ish way. "It's not my fault he refused to listen to me! It took me an hour, two dozen shirts, a few bottles of hair gel, and a rope to get him to look how he does!"

"Don't forget about the deal we cut, Izzy. She can pick my clothes -so long as they are reasonable- for a month, and in return, she won't cook any meals. Happy late birthday, Jace." Alec said.

I grinned. "I have the best parabatai in existence. Now, I suppose we should go." I sighed again. One day I would become head of this damn institute and then I could debate these sort of stupid ideas with the clave. Their newest young shadowhunters did not need education on the mundane world. And on top of that, the Clave being the Clave, could not come up with a damn verdict before that day leaving us to start school three days late. Great way not to draw attention to us, I sarcastically thought.

We all headed out the door without me speaking another word.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! This is the first story I have posted on this sight, so I truly hope all of you enjoy it. Please, don't hesitate to review it. The more I hear from you guys, the better a writer I become. Before getting into the next chapter, here is some information I think is important for all readers to understand.

-Malec has both of their children

-I am keeping all the canon couples (including Solangelo).

-Simon has gotten his memories back, and has ascended. He is now a full fledged Shadowhunter who bears marks, and is Clary's parabatai.

-Some of the ages are a little off. I tried to keep it as close as possible, but I had to switch things around a little bit for the purposes of the story. Grade 12- Alec, Annabeth, Percy. Grade 11- No One. Grade 10-Jace, Izzy, Simon, Clary, Nico, Will, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank and Reyna. Grade 9- Hazel. I apologize if the ages are not completely accurate.