It didn't take long for me to start setting up my plans that night — even though it was cold and the room's chill was biting at my ears, I continued my rapid typing as I began to establish a new domain and private network for my own personal use — for simple terms, I'll avoid all the details, but currently, I was pushing at every advantage I held to establish a full functional website that wouldn't be traced no matter what. Brackets and other various symbols covered my computer screen as I focused on completing the coding required for my new goal — to expose all fake heroes to the public and to build an image for said audience.

The world currently was magnetic when it came to heroes — obviously there were those who liked gossip, those who conspired theories about the "too perfect" ones, and the ever so glamorous fans who just desired knowledge — and I felt as if it was appropriate to start off my goals with income. With my vast knowledge on how humans worked mentally — ironically enough — I began to scheme how to start a general base of support. My web domain was finished and all that really I needed to do was embellish it with my first report… And that was my dilemma: in this type of age, the most popular media that would spread quickly would be digitally, but even more so was the social media platform that allowed the sharing of various video files: YoTube.

YoTube was obviously a great place to start off with, and even more so if I wanted somewhat of a fanbase to start The general income of advertisements and the future benefits of exposure would prove me well, but my biggest concern was how to disguise myself… sure, there were the typical options of heavily, disfiguring, voice modifiers, however; the statistics of personas using those familiar tones were significantly disliked. Those robotic tones were seen as cowardly, faceless, and untrustworthy… So now, I had to either create a new identity or… use my own — the media needed someone to cling to, and a fake face, even if it wasn't real, would satisfy their curiosity enough to continue onto him, so for now, I would give them a voice. And I suppose that I'll just have to wing it…

Because no one else can.

First, I had to plot my plan — after all, I couldn't go in blind; I needed to be prepared. Flinging myself deep into the hole that was called the internet, I focused on researching everything that had become relevant in modern media. Luckily, the world still ran fluently on satire and comedy — especially on those relevant to relativity; people loved laughing at things they could relate to, and my plan was to take advantage of that small fact. So, now was the time to delve into the side of the internet which I would need to be as careful as possible in: the realm of the fangirls; Mumblr. It didn't take me long to notice the large fanbase of which teenage girls were flooding over heroes, and there it was — the place where I would spread a small lick of flame and hoped that it would spur into a mass wildfire, like any simple maniac, I planned to feed both wolves. Neither despair nor the benevolent would go hungry from knowledge; this night, I would feed them a feast of words that would drown them in wines of enlightenment, and savory slices of truth; and all it took was a simple click of a button.

Across several hundred websites, blogs, and domains, one name was born:


And with that, I let the internet venture through Izuku's mind, and every little theory and analysis that he had made become known to the entire world. Izuku had become famous, his thoughts were now worshipped much more than any bible, and I still regret that the boy himself never showed the world his true calling — telling the truth, if only he hadn't lied to himself.

It took two weeks — two weeks for my followerless name to be supported by millions, the world had been mindfucked by Izuku's hard work. The internet spread like wildfire about a new user whose content blew up brighter than any star: he made theories and analyses on the heroes who ran the world. The theories that the mysterious user made were detailed and precise, as if he were a witness to every hero's journey — and, obviously, I wasn't: I was not a true witness to the makings of every hero's story, but what use was first hand experience, when the heroes were already open books? Izuku's notes were expressive, deep, and detailed; every word in Izuku's journals drew you in with their critical tone, his writing was like a black hole destroying everything you thought that you knew.

And within those two beautiful weeks of my new name on the internet, theories, rumors, and speculations of my true identity began to bloom.

Flameboy999 has created public group chat: Thoughts on TheArchiveOfTruth

Users Floater253, HeroFan101, and Bi-Tone_Fury have joined

Flameboy999: Have you guys heard of this new channel of Yotube? The guy's really popular on Mumblr as well, he's called TheArchiveOfTruth.

Floater253: Omg, I know him! I saw his recent video on Endeavor! I always thought that his quirk was mutant somehow, not that it was an emitter and he was putting on his flames for mere appearance. Gah! I hate people like him, he's such a jerk! I never new that he treated his fans like that. What an ass!

Bi-Tone_Fury: Tell me about it, I was such a huge fan of Endeavor, but was always afraid to actually approach that guy. AND IT TURNS OUT THAT HE SHOVED A KID WHO ASKED FOR AN AUTOGRAPH? He DOES that ON THE DAILY. LIKE WTF, WHY IS THIS GUY GETTING PAID WITH OURRRRR MONEY?!

HeroFan101: I like how her voice is, she's so cute when she blasted Endeavor's ass like that! Women after my own heart!

Fameboy999: Uhhhhhh no. Archive is totally a dude, there's no way he's a chick.

Floater253: I just want to know who they are! They sound so smart, and they were able to find dirt on Endeavor from his debut! Like, how can anyone even resaerch that far?!

Bi-Tone_Fury: Shuddup Floater, you can't even spell research right, I doubt you even have a brain.

User SleepDepreivedPanda has joined

Floater253: Shut up*

SleepDepreivedPanda: Back onto topic here, I just watched their vid, and dear lord I never could have lived without out their knowledge, but I do agree with HeroFan, I think their voice is adorable, but I don't think that Archive is a girl, probably a boy with a cute voice.

Fameboy999: Either way, their video just broke the record of views in a 24-hour period! They need to be a hero or a police-man to be that smart and have all that prrof right? I bet u that Archive is in his mid-thirties and is the ehad of the police dept. Just sick of the bs that heroes like Endeavass get away with.

Bi-Tone_Fury and HeroFan101 liked Fameboy999's comment

Fameboy999: Anyway, I made this gc public because there are rumors going around that Archive has been active with his fan groups, and is actually checking each of the groups that are active, some Mumblr bum posted a shit ton of screenshots about how polite Archive was with his fans.

SleepDepreivedPanda: Oh. I heard about that, apparently he answered a bunch of their questions too, right?

Floater253: ^^


Fameboy99: Well, it is public. DUmmy. We just need to look out for a certain user.. I forget the actual name. It was Mizu or something. Fuck. I can't thinn of it. Anyone remeber?

User SimplyStupid has joined

SimplyStupid: I saw this gc, and I just read up on the comments, I think I know what ArchiveofTruth's User is on here.

Fameboy999: Well, spit it out man!

User SimplyStupid is typing

SimplyStupid: well the rumor mill goes that his username is Mizuku_BlackRabbit, but then again the source is from the gal team from Mumblr, so it might not be reliable.


Foater253: Well it isn't like he's just gonna show up, he's from Japan right? I bet you it's really late where he is right now, its around 3am where I am and I'm in Tokyo, so I doubt that he'll get on line.

User Mizuku_BlackRabbit has joined

Fameboy999: Holy shit.

SimplyStupid: Oh. My. God.

Mizuku_BlackRabbit: Hello, I have been summoned?

Bi-Tone_Fury: Suck it floater!

I scoured through thousands of online forums that night — groups chats and all, until the midnight clock struck. I could vividly remember each question that each person asked as they were all too common. The one that struck out to me the most was the one that I couldn't really understand.

"What's your quirk?" the question toyed on my lips with a sweet taste of naivety, oh how joyous it must be to be ignorant of what that question implied.

I sat at my computer as the hours went by into the early morning, the ferocious tapping of my keyboard acting like a metronome in the chattering noise that sounded like music to my ears. Click by click, I answered each question while keeping my answers vague but polite, and soon I saw their hunger for knowledge roar: the questions on my next analysis — or theory video — came in large buckets of requests on certain heroes or subjects; everyone wanted a video on All Might, and oh how much I wanted to rip into the man — the one who helped trigger Izuku's suicide.

I could feel the bitter taste of hatred hang on my tongue as I ployed with each viewer by mentioning that the next topic would be a full blast attack of truth on someone who everyone thought was perfect. Oh, this would be so much fun.

It hadn't taken long for me during those two weeks of setting up my online empire to get a hold of the bodily controls of my body; I could finally run freely like I did in the past, carry heavy objects, and most importantly, use passive magic: protective shields, instant mana replenishing charms, health replenishing charms, enhancement charms, and enchantments on my body.

Using my magic to grab out for items for me, I motioned over a cup of coffee as I read through the millions of comments that littered my past video. I found that it was time for my next move, but first… I had a little bug to deal with.

I pulled up a document on my computer and scrolled through my several tabs before settling on one that had plagued the screen for days: the ever so glamorous and magnificent asshole known as Bakugou Katsuki. And of course, next to that image of my current enemy, there were locations of empty warehouses, supply stores, and a safely anonymous, online blackmarket for human organs; was I thinking of killing off the bastard and then selling off his body parts so that there would be no evidence? Maybe, maybe not, but I was successful in my schemes as my preparations for the past week had been completed. I could taste the sweet agony of vengeance on my tongue, and hear the delectable screams of the vile in my head before I thrust myself to savor my latest memory of the brat; oh, I could feel my body shake in the anticipation of slaughtering the idiotic cow. And with that, my mind thrust into the dark embrace of my mind, the last scene of us — Bakugou and I — as the actors on stage before he was mercilessly shutdown by my verbiage, too bad I couldn't finish the job, this story was getting interesting.

The first day of school had been awful; people bustling around the school all stopped to ask of my condition, most were teasing and taunting to get rid of their guilt (if they even had any), but what I found hilarious was the amount of appalling glares towards my direction. From what I understood, Izuku was a kind and quiet boy, forced to be an introvert by the surroundings around him even though his actual mindset wsa outgoing and bubbly; but the world around him forced him into a glass bubble so fragile that it shattered with a sickening pop when he fell from that roof.

"Oi Midoriya, glad to see that you're alive! I hope you didn't take our words to heart, we were just kidding," one boy said with the fakest-ass smile I had ever seen, his eyes shined with a gleam of pure ridicule as other students around us began to snicker loudly. Keep laughing you bastards, see where that'll get you next... I could feel my body react to the conversation even though mentally, I was still. Yes, I was annoyed by this idiot's prescence… but I never before wanted to deck someone in the face harder than I did just then — so I did, well in my head anyway, violence was not always the answer.

"Hey, are you ignoring me? Come on, it's not like a loser like you should have taken those comments so seriously, we were just kidding, you nerd," — Oh please shut up… — "Maybe you aren't hearing me right, but you need to remember something, fucker, this is our school, and a quirkless loser like you should be careful about what he does… or else you might just find yourself falli-" — Ok; That's it — he wasn't able to finish his sentence before I punched him square in the face with a punch filled to the brim with pure irritation — anger wasn't worth wasting on the fool — which broke his nose with a clean snap.

It had taken me one millisecond to swing my body back into a stance and then thrust my fist forward into the bastard's face; it took two to then retreat back into my stance and then begin a blitz onto his already bleeding face with a charged snapping kick. I shoved all the force in my kick into the very point of the ball of my foot, and with a quick swing I heard another satisfying, yet revolting crack — a noise so cacophonous that one girl nearby went to cover her ears — something that I just couldn't help but smile wickedly at.

Oh how fun it was to hear the bastard scream in pain and rage: "Why you little brat-!"

I answered his grievance with a sharp uppercut which caused him to stumble backwards — falling right into the arms of an awaiting bystander as a crowd began to form around the "fight"; honestly, I would have called it an "one-sided beatdown" as I kicked the living shit out of his ass while he was still trying to escape. Eventually, someone tried to hold me down, and casually I slapped their hands away; there was no need for anyone to try and apprehend me, technically this was self-defense: he had verbally harassed me with a question relating to a suicidal experience, which could be sighted as verbal harassment through distressing the victim of said verbiage, even implying with a threatening tone that I could end up in that situation again.

Addressing the teacher who was trying to grasp at me yet again, I spoke: "I only acted in self-defense, he offered no help or guidance in an aftermath of a traumatic event, instead he pushed to remind me of said event and try to push the blame of the situation onto me — the victim and possibly future one of that with his threats. Is it not justified for me to attack back when I was obviously distressed?"

Rapidly, my words went by and the crowd's jovial sounds of seeing bloodshed silenced as the quirkless loser that they all saw as worthless (the ever so glamorous moi), stood up for himself with a steel cold confidence that the boy a few mere weeks ago severely lacked. At that moment, I held no tact, nor the patience required when dealing with children, being a fully lived man in a dead child's body did that to you, and right now it was heavily abundant in the terms of having to deal with one-hundred blind mice when you were the orange-tabby about to swallow them all whole.

Eventually, the entire situation went down like rain on a forest fire as the boy was carried away to the nurse and I was let off with a small warning; if there was anything great with being watched like a hawk because of a suicide attempt, no one wanted to trigger you, well everyone except the brainless, i.e. the boy I just sent to the hospital, oops.

After everyone began to clear away from the situation, I could feel their gazes linger on me, however; their glares and stares never met my own eyes as I continued on my path to the classroom. It was yet another day ahead of me, and the moment I walked across school grounds to meet the door of my classroom, I felt the budding reminder of my purpose in this body crash through my thoughts.

Vengeance, power, and capabilities… those were my only reasons for being here; I was not here for dilly dallying nor to make friends, this was the time for me to build my future under the guise of a child while I still could. That was until poor little Bakugou just had to intervene my path: "Deku… You dare show yourself at school? After you belittled me?!"

I could actually feel my irritation scratching at me to scream at the damn fool, and then peel his skin. Yes, to relish in the delight of slowly removing every layer of his epidermis until he was let as a mere sack of bleeding flesh and bones, the simple revelation of wicked bliss that was called torturing another human being — if I could even be called human still. And so, as my warning had once gone ignored, I advanced onto the fool known as Bakugou.

"I'd advise you to shut up, now," the words came spilling out in a spiteful tone that I couldn't really feel attached too, hatred ws too easy of an emotion.

"Or what? You'll beat me up, you're still the same FUCKING QUIRKLESS LOSER AS BEFORE. What don't you understand, DEKU?!" his voice ravaged my ears with a pounding annoyance, did this kid ever know to shut up?!

It took one second — one full damn second for me to ready a sudden jab towards his chest, another to aim for a finishing blow. We may have been on campus, but there were so many ways to fake a suicide, I think that Bakugou knew of that the best between the two of us. All it took was for me to snap his pathetic neck and then throw him off the roof, magic could help disguise my trace, and he would die forgotten — his ambitions forgotten and useless. But suddenly, as I reached to commit the deed, my hands fought me, shaking in a vibration of struggle — anger filling my bones as for the first time in forever, my body wouldn't listen to me.

And before I could even react, his name spilled from my mouth, "Kacchan… I'm not the same Izuku from before, and things are going to change, this world is not kind nor is it just; you are the person who made me change, and I am no longer here… This is my last message to you… I'm sorry that I wasn't a better friend: I'm sorry that I was so pathetic that you wanted me dead."-what.

My hands immediately slapped towards my mouth, someone was moving my tongue and cheek as they pleased to display their displeasure of my own actions. Izuku? No… there couldn't be any logical solution for his sudden appearance in this body… unless — unless he never left. At. all.

I left the scene like a coward — I admit that — but I refused to allow my world be shaken by one small detour, it turned out that Izuku was yet another traffic cone on the road to come… Why he wanted to protect that mumbling bully, that wretched fucking villain that I just wanted to squeeze life out of… I don't know. But if there was something that I did acknowledge, it was that Izuku was much more capable than I thought.

"Clever boy, Izuku: Let's get the rest of this party started, shall we?"