Cat Family Discovers a Fallen Monkey
(Outer Space)
Deep in the blackness of space with stars and planets so far away, a small single pod flies through the darkness heading off to the planet it was program to go to while carrying a small baby boy with jet-black spiky hair and a tail sleeping peaceful throughout the until he wakes in wherever the pod is taking. The baby didn't know his parents much because he was raised in a machine for three years after his birth, but at least got to meet them before they send him off in the pod, and all he knows is that his name is Kakarot.
Far away from the pod, a small space ship with a small humanoid alien flying off to his home planet while humming in a proudful tone.
"Yep, another successful win for the Super Elite Galactic Patrol, Jaco, that's me, bringing down the hammer of Justice to the evildoers!" The alien known as Jaco singed feeling proud after stopping a group of bandits from terrorizing a planet and saving the day, again.
Some say Jaco is bit too cocky bragging on about being awesome and all, but he always put others first before him and it coms to his duty as a Galactic Patrolman and willing help in anything the galaxy needs, well, most of the time.
"Such a fine day like this deserve some victory music after another job well done and I have the perfect music I got from that nice family on Earth." Jaco said looking through his glove compartment to find that music tap.
While Jaco is looking for the music, he didn't notice the pod carrying the baby Kakarot is heading right at him.
"Ha, found it!" Jaco shouted, but the tap slips right off his fingers and falls to the floor.
"Darn it, I knew I shouldn't have that bag of popcorns with extra butter as a victory snack, goodf thing I brought napkins too." Jaco said to himself as he bends down reaching for the tap while keeping one hand on the wheel.
By the time Jaco found the tap and cleared his hands with the napkins, both his ship and the pod crash into each other on the side sending them away from different directions flying out of control. Jaco struggles to get his ship under control steering the wheel back on track, after a few turns he finally got his ship to settle down.
"Phew, that was a close one, no serious damage to the ship, but I better get it out check just in case." Jaco signed in relief before heading off to a mechanic he knows.
As Jaco flies off complaining about a crazy spaceship driving not watching where he's going, the pod has a crack on it's side while it flies off course as its navigation system seems to be damage from the crash, meaning the ship is heading off into a random direction to an unknown planet. Wherever planet Kakarot will go to, let's hope that it's a safe place to call home and grow stronger to fight as its in his blood of a Saiyan.
(Planet: Remnant, Menagerie)
"Best Beach Day Ever!" The young five-year-old girl with cat ears cheered while walking along with her parents and carrying some stuff back home.
"Yes, it was certainly a relaxing day we all need, mostly your father." The mother with cat ears smiled.
"Kali, you and Blake will always be first in my life than my work." The father said.
"Oh, Ghira, you smooth-talker." Kali teased.
The Belladonna were at the beach since this morning from Blake's suggestion thinking her dad could use the day off from his work as the Leader of the White Fang and helping the Faunus, people born with animal traits like cat ears, lizard scales, shark teeth, etc. Blake talk to her mom about going to the beach together and she agree to it as they convinced Ghira to come as well. It was a relaxing there and fun too; Blake got to make sand castles and read some books she brought with her, Kali and Ghira were resting under the nice warm rays of the sun though there were times when Kali would tease Ghira when he saw some women in their bikinis, but he still loves her, they played together in the water swimming and splashing each other. They even played with other Faunus who wanted in on their fun. It was a great day for them as it lasted for hours and had launch as well.
As they walk some more, Blake look up to the sky liking the clear blue sky then something caught her eye when she spotted something shiny flying across the sky.
"Mommy, Daddy, look a shooting star!" Blake pointed up still seeing the 'star' in the sky.
Kali and Ghira look up to see this star Blake saw and they spotted it surprise to see it in the day which they believe that stars only comes out at night when the sky becomes dark.
"Oh, that's something you don't see every day." Kali said curious.
"I'm getting a strange feeling about that star." Ghira muttered almost that star isn't what it appears to be.
"It's pretty, its getting brighter and brighter like heading right at our island!" Blake smiled feeling amazes of the star, but her parents becomes worry when Blake mentioned about the last part she said.
"Dear, does it look like it's getting closer to us than farther away?" Kali asked worry.
"Well, I'm no math genius, but I think whatever that is heading to… our house?!" Ghira gasped before dropping the things he was carrying and running on ahead to the Belladonna home.
Kali quickly grab Blake in her arms and starts running to following Ghira hoping to see if the fire ball falling from the sky doesn't hit their home or worry if it's start a forest fire.
The flaming ball was coming in literally hot falling to the Belladonna Mansion, but lucky for the family it didn't hit there house rather it crashes into the front walkway next to the stair case that leads to the front door. The impact from the crash nearly shook the entire island for a moment or two then the shaking stop and quiet took over leaving everyone confused and scared of what's going on.
Ghira check to see Kali and Blake seeing they're okay signing in relief, now he needs to check if that meteor has done anything to the house. Just as he was about run again, he was called by a Menagerie guard running up to him.
"Ghira, are you and your family okay?" The Guard asked.
"Yes, Captain Saber Rodentia, we're fine and I hope everyone is too." Ghira concerned for his people.
"I already had my men checking on them, but so far no casualties." Saber reported.
"Good, let's keep it that way." Ghira said before running off to his house where meteor landed with Saber and his family following.
As they made their way to the Belladonna home, they see the whole building is still intact and nothing broken except for the bottom half of the stairs to the door and a large crater in the front. Everyone is both shock and curious of what could have cause this mess and why, the dust at the bottom of the crater cleared up revealing a small round metal pod.
"What do you think that is?" Kali asked.
"I don't know, but standing around and just looking at it won't give us answers." Ghira stated.
Suddenly, a door opens up from the pod as stream comes out, at first it was silent thinking there was nothing inside, but soon they heard a loud baby cry thinking someone's baby is crying and then they realize the crying is coming from the pod.
"Ghira, there's a baby inside!" Kali surprised with her daughter surprise as well.
"That's impossible, babies don't come falling from the sky." Saber declined.
"Well, what else do you think is it?" Kali asked.
"I'll check it while you take Blake inside." Ghira suggested, Kali then realizes that Blake is no longer in her arms.
Kali looks around to see where she went off to and spotted her sliding down the crater to the pod.
"Blake!" Kali called out as Ghira and Saber gasps seeing Blake going to the pod.
"Blake Belladonna, you get back up here this instant young lady!" Ghira called out, but Blake didn't respond as she got closer to the pod.
Blake slowly walks to the pod sneaking to the side and peek inside to the naked crying baby boy, she doesn't know why she knows it's a boy, like it's scared and confused. She was mostly curious about the hair; 3 bangs hanging to the right of his forehead and 2 bangs hanging to the left. His hair also stands up in the front with 4 spikes and 3 bangs on the right.
The baby boy stops crying a bit when he saw Blake slowly walking inside the pod to him.
"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." Blake said reaching her hand to the boy gently grabbing his hand.
The boy still seems to cry anymore as he smiles and giggles like he senses Blake being a good girl as she smiles happily.
"My name is Blake." Blake introduced herself to the baby boy.
"Blik!" The baby said miss pronouncing her name, but she didn't mind.
"Blake!" Ghira called out as he and Kali slide down just outside the pod.
"That's my daddy and with mommy too! Wanna go meet them?" Blake asked, the baby boy laughs in excitement, probably means yes to her. Blake runs out of the pod showing her parents the baby.
"Mommy, Daddy, I've found the baby!" Blake said.
"Well, look at that it is a baby, and a boy too." Kali said, Blake handed the baby to her holding him in her arms, feeling warm and soft when she's holding Blake.
"Oh, aren't you the cutest little thing." Kali cooed as she wiggles her finger to him a bit and he grabs the finger with his tiny hand.
"That's something I would thought of seeing this today, a baby from the sky." Ghira said looking at the baby boy with a soft smile.
Blake feels happy that her parents are taking a liking to the baby and saw something hanging on the baby's butt, seeing a brown tail.
"Whoa, he's a Faunus too?" Blake asked gasp pointing at the tail.
Kali lifts the baby for her and Ghira to see the tail surprise of it.
"Seem so, it's mostly likely a monkey tail meaning he's a monkey Faunus." Ghira said before suddenly getting kick in the face by the boy making stumble back a foot.
"And a strong one too." Kali added giggling that her husband got kick by a baby.
Suddenly, the pod began making some static sounds as the family jump a bit and begun at listen to a seems to be a message.
"Pod has been opened. Playing audio message." The pod said as it starts the message.
"Survive… Planet Vegeta… Tyrant Freiza" The message said.
"Planet Vegeta, Freiza, what could this all mean?" Kali asked holding the baby boy closer to her chest.
"I'm entirely sure, but it almost sounded like a warning for the baby as he escaped from a cruel fate." Ghira stated theorizes.
"My son… Kakarot." The message ended as the pod shuts down.
"Kakarot, could it be this boy's name?" Ghira wondered from the last part of the message.
When Ghira asked that, the baby burst into laughter.
"Guess that's a yes." Kali stated from the laughing baby now known as Kakarot.
"Do you think he's from outer space?" Blake asked exciting.
Kali and Ghira thought about it too considering the damaged message mentioned about a 'Planet Vegeta' and Kakarot came falling from the sky inside a strange pod that doesn't look like Atlas tech because space travel became impossible when others tried. Yet, this boy somehow came from space, which leaves a big question if there are other life out there.
"I believe that's the case, why don't go inside welcoming your new baby brother." Kali suggested.
"We're taking him in?" Ghira asked shock.
"Of course, this baby landed here at our house it was fate to bring him into our family and I think Blake would be thrilled to have a baby brother." Kali smiled looking at the exciting Blake.
"I original wanted a sister, but a brother is still cool too!" Blake said.
"And from what I can tell, Kakarot seems to be three-years-old though hasn't been raised well, this boy could need a good family to take care of him until he's old enough to take care of himself." Kali stated, Ghira knows that Kali won this discussion when she talks like that.
"Alright, welcome to the family, Kakarot Belladonna." Ghira said to his new son as he laughs of joy.
Blake jumps and run around in joy that Kakrot gets stay with her family and promise to be the best big sister ever, the parents were thrilled to see Blake happy of gaining a new sibling in the family, so she wouldn't have to feel alone. They knew that the moment that Kakarot came in their life things will be different for better or worse, they'll be together strong forever for whatever danger Remnant has to throw at them.
KO new story is born that's been on my mind for months and hope you all enjoy it!
I got the idea from a story called Fallen Faunus which is a little similar to this, but big difference between them as you can tell, if not go see that story and you'll know what I mean. It's gonna be an awesome story for Kakarot which I'll be using that name instead of Goku and Remnant is gonna be in the ride of its life when it feels his might fist and maybe his stomach too.
He will be known as the Saiyan raised on Remnant, but he won't know of his race yet.
KO comment, favorite, and follow through of how this new story will go!