Fuck me. Just one small sentence yet I could not stop repeating it. That car was not slowing down and my body wasn't listening to me. I was just crossing the street when a car came speeding down the road. And of course my body wouldn't listen to me, of all times. I couldn't move so I was inevitably hit by the car, and let me tell you something; that shit hurts. I don't think that I have ever felt something so horrible, did you know that the pain wasn't even the worst part. Because there is a limit to how much something can hurt, it was the sensation that came before the pain that was the worst. I don't really know how to describe it, maybe it was something like a wood cutter but without the pain. It is still a horrifying sensation.

So point is, that hurt a lot but it didn't hurt for that long. One second everything hurts and before I knew it I couldn't feel a thing. Like absolutely nothing, I couldn't feel my arms or my legs. I could see nothing, everything around me was pitch black and I couldn't hear a thing. So I did the most logical thing, I panicked. Panic had completely taken over what limited senses I had left. Horrible thoughts entered my mind, was I blind? Did the car take out my limbs and my senses? Was I dead?

Before I could panic any more I felt something, it was slightly pain but still something. I briefly considered the fact that I couldn't have been like that for more than 10 minutes but I still panicked like crazy. Imagine if I had been there any longer.

The sensation wasn't exactly bad just extremely uncomfortable. Have you ever tried on pants that are too small for you but wore them for the entire day anyway? That was what it felt like but all over my body. The second it stopped I felt the cold. Why was this place so cold? I don't like the cold, never have and never will. I could hear crying, it sounded young. Like a baby, why was there a baby in the room? No one in my family had a baby. Unless of course I had been in a coma for like 10 years. Ok bad thoughts, focus girl. I opened my eyes to a bright light, a natural reaction to having been in darkness for a while. When my vision became normal again I noticed I was in a white room. Hospital then, not unusual when you have been in a car crash. What was unusual though was the fact that I was way too small. I had always been tall for a girl, at 15 I was about 175 cm tall. I was nowhere near small enough to fit in someone's arms. Once again panic soared through me as a hand smacked me on my back hard enough for me to start coughing.

I looked around, I immediately spotted a man next to the bed I was in holding a crying bundle. A newborn child perhaps? The man had short orange hair, probably dyed and the one holding me was a woman with short brown hair. She seemed exhausted, and that was when it hit me. I had died not 30 minutes ago and was just reborn. The tight sensation was my new mother(?) giving birth to me, I could only assume that the other child was my twin as he/she wasn't old enough to be my older sibling. My mother started to talk to me mid-realisation, and that language wasn't my own. It sounded Japanese, I only recognised it because of my anime intake. So I was Japanese now? I could live with that. As my mother continued talking to me I slowly stopped thinking and fell asleep.

So quick recap, I died, got reborn and fell asleep. It doesn't seem like a lot but it took its toll on my mind. It's traumatizing you know. Also I had another minor panic attack when my mother first tried changing my dirty diapers. Not fun when you have the mind of an adult. What caused more panic was probably the fact that I was now a boy. I had been a girl in my last life (still feels weird to say that) so getting used to having a you know was something I had to get used to. But wait my panic isn't done yet! I had another small panic attack when I heard my name and my twin brother's name. My name is now Matsuo Hinata while my older brother's (by 14 minutes) name is Shoyo Hinata. I am in Haikyuu, the anime of cinnamon rolls and living trash cans. Also way to dramatic volleyball games. So my twin brother is the main character of an anime series. Does that mean I'm going to play volleyball? Huh, cool. I have never really played volleyball, sure my school gave a few lessons but it wasn't nearly enough to really learn the sport. I do think volleyball is an interesting sport, I just never had the courage to actually go to a club. Spoiler alert, I tend to ignore social interactions and don't like talking with people that I don't know.

I must say that Shoyo is even more adorable when he's a child. On more than one occasion I just couldn't stop myself from hugging him. Time just seemed to fly by when our mother told us something.

"Shoyo! Matsuo! Mommy has something to tell you!" Our mother yelled as soon as she entered the house.

Shoyo and I had been playing with legos but the second mom called for us we ran down the stairs.

"What is it mommy?" Shoyo spoke enthusiastically, "Are we getting a new toy?"

Mom laughed, "No honey, you and your brother are going to get a new sibling!"

My eyes widened, Natsu was coming! "Really mom? I'm not going to be the youngest anymore?" Yes I just said that. Shoyo never shut up about the fact that he was a few minutes older than me.

"No Matsu, you too are going to be an older brother." Mom smiled at Shoyo and I, "Now what do you think the child is going to be, a boy or a girl?"

"A boy of course!" Shoyo yelled, "No It's going to be a girl!" I yelled back, sometimes having knowledge of the future is pretty fun.

"Ok boys, we will see. Now why don't you two go play some more while I tell your dad." Mom told us.

I frowned, mom and dad didn't have the best relationship and it had been very obvious to me that dad never wanted us. It made me wonder how he was going to react to this. Those thoughts plagued me even when my brother dragged me upstairs.

Turns out, dad didn't take it well and filed a divorce. Shoyo and mom were both devastated, I was less since I had already expected it. It still hurt to see someone in your life leave. Luckily my mother's parents were very nice and let us stay with them during mom's pregnancy. Shoyo actually didn't know how to take it at first, later though I could see him trying to take care of mom and I, as much as a six year old could. I guess I could already see the Shoyo we all know and love.

Nine months pass surprisingly fast and Natsu Hinata is born, we stayed with our grandparents while our mother worked to find a house and job to support the three of us. I felt bad that our mother was working so hard and I couldn't do anything about it.

Soon enough mom finds a house in Miyagi, and Shoyo and I go to elementary school for the first time in Miyagi. I admit, I was nervous, not as nervous as Shoyo but still nervous. In my previous life I had only moved twice and that was still within the same area. So moving to an entirely different area is new to me. As the two of us walk in the class I immediately spot two familiar faces. Not sure how I recognized them so I just ignored them.

"Alright class," The teacher started, "today we have two new students so please treat them well." That was our cue to introduce ourselves.

"Hello everyone, my name is Hinata Matsuo and this is my twin brother Hinata Shoyo nice to meet you!" I spoke in what I thought to be typical six year old speak.

Shoyo tugged at my sleeve as I sat back down, "I can introduce myself you know, besides I'm the older one so I should do these things." He whispered to me. Silly brother, something like that doesn't matter.

"What, weren't you too scared to say anything about it?" I teased him, Shoyo was about to retaliate when the teacher started the lesson.

If there is one thing I can't stand is being stupid, so even though this is just some easy math I am still going to pay attention. Simply because Japanese is actually a new subject to me. Now that I think about it, I am almost the opposite to Shoyo. He sucks at english while that was my best subject. I was considered to be intelligent while Shoyo is considered stupid or academically challenged. Or he just didn't want to study and isn't good at procrastinating.

Soon enough recess came around and I was very glad to get out of the classroom. I know I am only six years old but still, that was so easy. Shoyo and I chose a tree outside of the building to eat our lunch. I saw the two kids I recognised coming towards us.

"Hello, you guys are sitting at our usual spot." The brown haired one said looking at us. Really? 'we are sitting at your spot' can you be more cliche?

"Oh, sorry we can move if you want." Aaand there's Shoyo's shy side, absolutely adorable.

The lighter haired one laughed lightly, "No don't worry about it, my name is Yukitaka Izumi and this guy is Sekimukai Koji. You two are new here right?"

No, we have been here since the beginning of time. Of course we are new here. I refrained from saying that out loud.

Shoyo brightened, "Yeah, My name is Hinata Shoyo and this is my younger brother Matsuo."

"I'm only younger by 14 minutes." I grumbled more to myself than them.

Both of them laughed, thinking that we were funny with our little 'twin problem' act.

"So what club are you two thinking of joining?" Koji asked all three of us, "I'm thinking of joining the soccer club."

Clubs huh, in my previous life you did have clubs but they weren't attached to your school but to your hometown. So yet again a new experience.

"I want to play basketball!" Izumi exclaimed, "The way the adults play it is so cool."

Welp, guess it's my turn. "I'm thinking of joining the volleyball club, it's sounds fun."

"Really? I don't know yet. There are just so many of them." Shoyo said. Wait, so Shoyo wasn't volleyball crazy yet? Well I guess he did get inspired by the little giant's game and that hasn't happened yet. Looks like I'm getting a head start on my brother.

After school I went with the other first grade kids to the gymnasium to meet the volleyball team. I was with two more kids whose names I didn't bother to learn yet.

"Hello, you three must be the new kids. I am Yukimura-sensei and I usually teach english but I am also the coach of the boys volleyball team here at the school." A middle aged man said, so he was our coach huh.

"Please follow me inside and I'll take you to meet the team." Yukimura-sensei led us inside. The team was already waiting for us.

"Hello I am Akimoto Taiki the captain of Sanpuku volleyball club. You guys have never played volleyball before?" A relatively tall kid said.

All three of us nodded, and as such we got introduced to every member.

"Alright kids, time to start practice." Yukimura-sensei announced.

Practice was fairly simple, run a few laps around the gym for a warm up and for the rest we just received balls spiked by either sensei or one of the senior members.

Shoyo ended up joining the chess club, not something I had expected. That pretty much sums up our elementary school life. Well at least until Shoyo turned 10. Somewhere during that year the game aired. You know, the one that started everything. The game in which the little giant played. I had thought that Shoyo would immediately want to join the volleyball club but he didn't. He said that he would wait until Junior High to join a volleyball club and that he wanted to finish the chess club. But I knew that he was just simply too shy, even though I was there with him.

Welp, guess I'll have to wait for junior high to roll around.