Tag to Heir to the Empire

Mara Jade

Mara blinked and realized that she'd been standing still, staring into space, while people moved around her. Her head felt foggy, very foggy.

I'd better sit down before I fall down, she thought to herself as she made her way over to Karrde's speeder.

Mara slid into the passenger seat, grateful to get her weight off her throbbing ankle. She must have twisted it again during the scuffle with the Imperials and what had been a mild annoyance was now a real injury.

She leaned down and carefully loosened the laces of her mud caked boot and gingerly slid it off her foot. Sure enough, her ankle was tender to the touch and starting to swell.

The adrenaline rush of combat was long gone and in its absence the effects of nearly three sleepless days trekking across the vornskr infested jungle on nothing but stim pills and sheer resolve were catching up to her.

She leaned her head back against the seat, staring out at the moving figures in the square. After a few moments she focused on one. Skywalker. He was tending to his friend who had gotten hurt during the fighting.

I can't very well kill him now, she thought with a sudden bitterness. He's going to fly away, free again. But the anger she felt at that thought faded into a dull ache that blended with the pain and exhaustion swirling through her.

Her eyelids felt heavy and, telling herself that she would only rest for a moment, she let them finally fall closed.

She would simply have to wait for her next chance to kill Skywalker and something was telling her that her chance would be coming sooner rather than later.