Written Rivers
A Tie Amongst Rivers
Book 2 Preview
Next time in Written Rivers…
Unlike Chihiro, Rumi couldn't quite see herself optimistically living the rest of her life in the Human World. The Human World had become a dark place for Rumi. Did Chihiro even have optimistic outlook on her Human World future? When was the last time they really had a conversation together about their fate in the Human World?
Haku had Makoto on constant errands since their temporary permanent residency in the Spirit World. Now that his focus was not completely on Chihiro's safety twenty-four seven, he had time to take care of some Bathhouse errands and visits to Haku's river. The river had become his second home in the Spirit World, the first being the Bathhouse. He could not count his birthplace as home… It always left a poor taste in his mouth.
Visits with her cousin were always interesting. It always left Yuuka wondering how she ended up with a giant for a cousin. Visits with Zeniba were always comforting though. She no longer tried to hide from her but instead learned from her. She'd spent her whole life running from her father's name. She felt it was time she learned more about her past and how she could benefit her friends in the future.
Ever since her stay was extended, Haku had become more hyperaware that Chihiro had stolen something from the Spirit World with every visit she had, and each time made it harder to tell her goodbye. At first, he had been talking about how she stole the hearts of everyone at the Bathhouse. But now that she was stuck in the Spirit World, it had become much more obvious to him that what she stole had everything to do with him.
While Chihiro should have been excited about the fact that she didn't have to make the decision on whether she stayed in the Spirit World or not, she was more confused than ever. Not only was the decision stripped from her but left her feeling even more vulnerable. She wanted this. She wanted to be with her friends. She found a place to belong where she didn't. Would staying be worth the risk of leaving everything she knew and loved behind?
Thanks for reading and don't forget to review! And for those that have reviewed, I thank you so much for your continuous support! You don't know how much is means to me!
Please follow me over to my account to find Written Rivers: A Tie Amongst Rivers. Until next time!
God bless! KawaChou