(Well guys, the wait has been long, and I know you all have been through torture while you wait. But here it is. The long awaited chapter eleven, the Koneko single. I hope you guys enjoy this, I took extra special care of Koneko for this one. Let's get rriiiiiiiigghhht into the LEMONS!)
Chapter Eleven: Nekonapping
"(Yaaaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnnn)..." Issei yawned. "Jeez, training really takes a lot of me, especially now that you two have improved."
"Heh, you're getting better too Issei." Kiba smiled back. "And besides, you're still a ways above me and Gasper."
"I kind of hate to admit it, but Kiba is right Issei." Gasper agreed. "We've got a long way to go."
"Guys, you really just need to learn how to control your individual power boosts. Kiba, your level 2 Balance Breaker is impressive, but you're letting it drain all of your energy to fast. Gasper, your Full-Blood state is extremely powerful, but you aren't using your physical strength to what it could be." Issei said, giving the two advice.
"Thanks Issei. You always give some good tips." Gasper said gratefully. "Well, we better get going. Me and Kiba still have a contract to finish before the ceremony tomorrow. By the way, I can't wait for it."
"It's gonna be one Hell of a few months dude." Kiba smirked. When you get back from your honeymoon with Rias, then it's Ravel, Asia, Xenovia, and then Irina. And you still haven't gotten to the others."
"Well… I kind of had something planned tonight for Koneko." he said, embarrassed.
"Really? She's gonna be so happy Issei!" Gasper yipped. "Well, we'll leave you to it!"
"See you tomorrow at the wedding man." Kiba waved as he and Gasper walked off.
"Well, I guess I better head home. Koneko's about to wake up anyway, and she'll see the note that I left her. Ddraig?"
"How fast can you get me home?"
"Prrrroooow." Koneko purred as she woke up from her day session nap. "Rrgg." the Nekomata groaned. "It's… so hot. Feel, so warm… Issei, I need… my Issei." Koneko waddled over to the door, but then she saw the note pasted on it. She read it as best she could.
I know I've been distant in dealing with the needs of the others, and constantly training to protect my family. But that gives me no excuse to keep you, or any of the others, waiting. Koneko, I love you so much. I got everyone out of the house at about 4:30. Tonight's going to be just us. You deserve this Koneko. I made you hold off your mating season waiting for me. And Kuroka told me that your about to go into it again. Remember when you, Asia, Rias, and Akeno ganged up on me? And that's when… you know… we did it the first time? I had Michael restore your virginity and erase the fact the you were in that event. I want our first time to be special Koneko. You've met the requirements I set for you. You're 5'4 now, and you a triple B, which is a decent cup size.
I've made you wait long enough. Come to my room, I've got something special for you waiting. I'll give you a hint: You can put it on your finger.
I love you,
Your chair/Punching bag
Koneko's eyes whitened out, and she crouched into a cat position, going full nekomata form. She pounced right through the door, destroying it, and lunged at Issei's room, which luckily for her, was right across the hall(placed there by Rias for when she did experience mating season a second time). As she burst through the door, she found his arms around her, already waiting for her. The nekoshou embraced him, and as her eyes became their natural color once more, she began to cry tears of joy.
"Issei… I'm… I'm…" she wept, unable to form the words.
"Ssshhhh." the Dragon said, comforting her. "There's no need to say anything. I needed to do this with you. Koneko, you've been so patient waiting for me as I went with the others, I… gck!" the boy grunted as the nekoshou's fist slammed into his gut.
"Let me finish next time." she said, tears still coming down, yet a serious frown on her face. But as quickly as she was angry, she returned to his arms, weeping. "I don't care that you went with the others before me. I know you had to propose to Rias anyway you dork. I'm just happy that your with me now, and you can divert all of that perverted side to me, and me only. I'm so sorry that I've been so mean to you before, I just only wanted you to divert that side of you to me. I love you so much Issei."
"I know Koneko. I know." he replied, letting go, and getting down on one knee. Again, the Red Dragon Emperor brought out another black box, and opened it up to reveal a ring clad silver, with a bright shining amethyst jewel the center piece. Koneko's favorite color, purple.
"Koneko Toujou, will you marry me?" Issei asked her. His face was immediately attacked, his lips specifically. As their kiss ended, she brought her lips next to his ear.
"Yes." she whispered. She pushed him onto the bed, and climbed on top of him.
For a few minutes, she simply laid on his chest, letting his arms wrap around her and hold her as she rested her head in his neck. Her tail wrapped around his arms, and he rubbed her ears, listening to her pur softly as she rested. They did this for a long time. Almost an hour. They both nearly fell asleep, but Issei knew that if they did, Koneko would have to wait longer for her next season. She realized this as well, and sat up on Issei's waist, looking directly into his eyes.
"Issei. I'm ready now. I can't wait anymore. Not even Kuroka could stop me now. I need you Issei." she said, her tail rubbing his cheek.
As she stared at him, she watched as Issei turned a bright red, and was embarrassed for some reason. Then Koneko noticed why. She felt a sudden prick on her lower regions, and turned to see Issei's member bulging. She turned back to him and smiled seductively.
"Good." She said. "You can use that side on me Issei. I want you too. Make this kitty yours. I want to have lots of litters with you Issei."
"Are… are you sure you want to have my kids Koneko?" He asked, worried about her.
"I'm sure, pervert." She said. "Now, I know how you function, so we can have a little fun before we start the real business. And I know just how to do it."
Koneko sat up on Issei's waist, his bulging member in front of her, waiting to be released. Koneko removed his pants, exposing the 10 inch pole to oxygen. It twitched, seeming almost alive. Koneko's eyes went white again, and she smiled. Her tail wrapped around Issei's cock, and began rubbing it as she moved his hands to her chest.
"Koneko…" The Dragon moaned. "Your tail, it's… it's so soft. That feels ...ugh… so good!" The Dragon grunted, and couldn't contain himself as he tore of Koneko's shirt and bra, exposing her small, yet plumb breasts.
"They'll need to grow bigger if I'm going to feed our kittens Issei. You can do that right? The natural way?" Koneko asked him, her eyes innocent yet calling to him, hungry.
"Yes… of course I can Koneko…" he grunted back. His hands reached Koneko's orbs, and his body relaxed. He felt them gently, absorbing every soft and squishy motion of their feel. Koneko herself moaned in pleasure.
Issei couldn't take anymore. He forced Koneko to lie on him while he suckled at her breasts. She cried out in pure pleasure as he did so.
"Issei! Yes, Issei yes! Don't you dare stop, don't stop!" she moaned.
The Harem King brought his right hand, which was not fondling Koneko's breasts, to her nether regions. He massages her softly, silently asking for her permission to enter. She gave it whenever he felt her tail begin to jerk him off again. Inserting two of his fingers, he began to slowly push them in and out. Koneko felt every moment of it, her pussy so wet that his fingers were soaked before two minutes had passed. Koneko dug her nails into Issei's back, holding onto him for dear life. Issei's back began to bleed, but the boy forced himself to ignore the pain for Koneko. She stopped rubbing his cock with her tail as well due to the mass amount of pleasure Issei was giving her.
"(Huff, Huff) Issei… Ise… aaaahhhhhh!" Koneko cried as she reached her climax, soaking Issei's fingers in her juices. She fell back on the bed, and let Issei be the one this time to crawl on top of her. But he soon flipped her over so that she was on top again, and positioned himself so that his head was between Koneko's legs, and Koneko's face was against his member. The Nekoshou eyed her fiance's member with hungry eyes, as though she were staring at a meaty sausage until she could no longer contain herself. She took Issei's member into her mouth and began to massage the head with her tongue, swirling it around his rod and tip. Issei himself began to lick Koneko's still soaked pussy. She moaned as she did so, but pressed on, continuing to gorge herself on Issei's meat. But after a while, the pleasure became to much, and Koneko's body began quivering.
"Issei… Issei! … AAAAAHHHHH!" She screamed as she reached her climax. Her juices squirted out, and Issei sapped every last drop.
"I didn't know that you were a squirter Koneko…" he said as she shivered. He turned her back around, and kissed her deeply. That seemed to bring her back to life.
"Issei, please. I'm ready now. Enough playing. I want to mate with my Issei. Please?" The nekoshou asked the man she loved. "I Love you Issei. I want you so bad, I need you. You promised me I'd get to have babies with you."
"And I intend to make good on my promise Koneko." Issei assured her. The Dragon Emperor smiled. Koneko matched his expression, and she laid on his chest again. She moaned as her tail grew out even longer, and her hair became a darker shade of gray. Koneko's bust grew to be about a double C cup, and she grew almost 5 inches in height. Her ears also became darker, and her skin paler.
"Koneko, is that your…"
"Issei, Please. If not in private, then at least in this form, call me Shirone. That's my name." The nekoshou said.
"I'm more used to Koneko…" he replied. "But if that's what you want, then I'll comply, Shirone. I love you."
"Thank you Issei." She smiled. "Now, can we get started?"
He smiled, and she took his smile as a yes. She positioned herself on Issei's member, and slowly impaled herself on it. As she felt him reach her hymen, she stopped.
"Issei…" She began. "I want you to go ahead and release inside of me. I want to have babies as soon a I can. I will also perform Bojutsu."
"Kone… Shirone. I don't need healing anymore remember? I'm immortal." Issei assured her.
"I know, but Bojutsu is more than just life restoring and physical healing." Shirone explained. "This type of Senjutsu can also relieve stress and anxiety. I can also give you more energy since I'm in this form. This form also makes it so that when I mate, my devil side is sort of nullified, making it easier for me to have babies. The process doesn't take as long. Normally it would take about 5 years for me to be able to have babies if my devil side wasn't nullified. But since it will be, it will take about half that time. It would still take about as long as the others for you to impregnate me, but I won't be as long when the baby is developing."
"Alright Shirone." Issei smiled. "Then let's do it. Are you ready?" The nekoshou took in a deep breath, and nodded. Then, she slid down fully onto Issei's member. She winced as he pierced her hymen, and fell onto him. She was panting hard as she laid on Issei's chest. He simply held her in his arms, and brushed played with her hair, letting her tail wrap around his waist. After a few minutes, she looked up at him, mouthing, "I'm ready."
The Dragon began to thrust in and out, stretching Shirone's insides.
"Shirone, it's… it's so tight… and so warm…" he groaned. Shirone herself could not respond, she was moaning in pleasure, unable to contain herself. She brought Issei into a deep kiss to try and silence themselves, but it had almost no effect. She began to match his movements, moving her waist to mirror his hips as he thrusted. Shirone's warm, moist juices lubed Issei's rod, and eventually he reached the nekoshous womb.
"Issei…!" She cried out. "Issei, keep going, you're almost there, I can feel it!"
"Kon… Shirone! I'm so close… guck.." The Dragon moaned.
"Not yet, darling, no not yet! Just a little longer Issei, please!"
The boy did his best to head her wishes, but it was no use. After another minute, Issei and Shirone both had reached their limits.
"Shirone…! I'm…"
"Issei, inside! Inside Issei, please!"
The Dragon awoke the next morning to find Koneko still asleep, still on his member(which was still hard inside of her), and still smiling happily. He looked at the time.
"12:30?" He said to himself, a bit surprised. But he looked back at Koneko. "Eh, Rias and the others won't be back until tomorrow. I told them to give me at least two days of Koneko was still in preseason sleep, so they won't be home until tonight at least if the girls can't go long without me in bed. I'll let her sleep, and she what she wants to do when she wakes up."
"I think you and I both know perfectly well what she'll want when she wakes up partner."
"Well, I'll let her be the one to decide such things." Issei smiled. He rubbed her hair and back while she slept, and she purred softly as he did so. Her tail wrapped around him again, it was softer than a cloud pillow.
"I love you Koneko." He smiled. But, he knew that with what he'd done, her sister wouldn't be far behind her in going into season. "I better be ready for Kuroka." The Harem King said to himself. "Because if I'm not careful, she'll go days without letting me see the others." He laughed.
"...Oh crap I forgot about the wedding!" The boy screamed, and with that, Koneko and he both were up, whether they wanted to be or not.
Said sister of Koneko however, was sleeping in her and Rossweisse's hotel room, dreaming. Dreaming about how delicious a Dragon's member might taste, and how long she would wait until she tasted one. Or at least, how long she would allow herself to wait. However she too, was awoken by the others, and forced to prepare for the wedding ceremony of the Great Oppai Dragon, and the beautiful Switch Princess.
(Well there it be. Next chapter will be a beautiful Rias single, and I'm going to make it a long one. Rias and Issei are my favorite match in DxD, sorry to those who think otherwise. But the OG canon with Rias as his primary will be kept canon here. Then, Kuroka's gonna have waited long enough. Again so sorry for the wait guys. I'll also be posting up another Never Alone soon! Ishiko out! And remember to Read and Review!)