Once Bitten, Twice Slimed: Alternate Ending

"Alright, everybody listen up!" shouted Max Sr., who had Zulia in a headlock, "I want all the jewellery and cash in a pile in front of me, or the dame gets nuked!" He pressed his gun to Zulia's head.

"Let go of her!" cried Sparky, leaping forward.

"Beat it, squirt!" snapped Max Sr., and kicked Sparky to the ground.

"Sparky!" gasped Zulia.

"Hurry up, man!" said Max Sr., pressing the gun more vigorously to Zulia's head, "I asked for jewels!"

There was a series of rustling as everybody emptied their pockets. Max Sr. grinned, but suddenly the point of a death ray pressed against his ear. "Put. Her. Down." a voice said.

Betty, X-5 and Sparky's jaws all dropped in astonishment!

Max Sr. looked round. "What!?" he hissed.

"Put her down," Maximus I.Q. repeated, in a deadly voice, holding the death ray to his father's ear.

"What do you think you're doing, you worthless runt!?" exclaimed Max Sr., furiously.

"I said, put her down!" said Maximus, fiercely, pressing the death ray against Max Sr.'s head.

Max Sr. eyed his son with a look of loathing, but had to release Zulia.

"You—you beast!" shouted Zulia, walloping Max Sr. with her handbag, "You cad!" She whacked him a dozen times, "You SLIME!"

"Owwwwww!" moaned Max Sr., as he received the ferocious hits from her handbag.

Maximus folded his arms and looked away. His eyes cast back to Zulia and a small smile crawled onto his face.

"Now everybody clear off!" Maximus snapped to the guests, "The wedding is cancelled!"

As all the guests left, Betty, Sparky, X-5, Maximus, Minimus and Zulia watched the police take in Max Sr. and the Beryllium Boys.

Betty looked at Maximus. She had no idea why he had done that. "I guess I oughtta thank you, Maximus," she said, uncertainly, "But why did you do—"

"If you're looking for the wrong end of this death ray, I suggest you keep talking!" Maximus snapped, pointing the death ray right at Betty.

"Heh heh..." Betty laughed nervously and took a step back, "Noted."

"Minimus! Come!" Maximus tucked the death ray into his robe, then strode down the landing pad and back to his citadel. "And let us never speak of this again, Atomic Betty."

Minimus started down after him, then paused. He leaned over to Zulia. "I think master still likes you," Minimus grinned.

Zulia gasped!

Minimus chuckled, then scampered inside after Maximus. The four watched the doors close, then broke into conversation.

"Why did he save my mamoolah?" blurted out Sparky.

"I don't know," said Betty, bemusedly, "I would have thought he would be on his father's side."

Zulia stood there, looking a little shocked at what Minimus had just said. She remembered Maximus only too well. It was a long time ago. One minute they had been nearly kissing, the next he had tried to obliterate her. And now he had just saved her life. Why? Did he still like her, like Minimus had said? No...Minimus had to be lying. He was, after all, two-faced.

But maybe...