Guess who's procrastinating on more fanfics and starting really short new chapters?! Obviously, me, FandomQueen713 XD.
Anyways... I was looking for some good KOTLC fanfic AUs and I couldn't find many. So, I've decided to create one! (It's probably trash, oops)
Warning: This is mostly Sokeefe, please don't hate just because you might not like the ship. Trust me, there are plenty of other, better reasons to hate it, like my bad writing skills XD.
I'll shut up now. This takes place in a human AU, and this is entirely Keefe's POV. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Look, I do not have the ability to write a love triangle and make 6 books in which it still hasn't ended. Shannon Messenger does (Sokeefe STILL isn't confirmed yet *sob* XD) so I clearly am not Shannon Messenger and therefore own nothing :).
Maybe today would be different.
An 18-year-old Keefe Sencen leaned against the counter, smiling as he chatted with the customer, laughing slightly as he gave her the change and receipt, before waving her out and proceeding with the next customer.
Maybe today, life would have a meaning.
Keefe finished up, turning towards his dark haired co-worker, Fitz Vacker. "Hey, I can close up today," Keefe said, forcing a smile to his close friend.
Fitz nodded. "Yeah, sure. Want to come over today or..?"
Keefe shook his head, making up some excuse about needing to get home so his mom didn't freak. Keefe walked to the back room, double checking that everything was closed and secure, before grabbing the key. He walked back out, surprised to see Fitz still there. A pretty, petite, blonde-haired girl was talking with Fitz, self consciously brushing some hair behind her ear. Her eyes were a dark chocolate brown, sharply contrasting her hair.
Fitz laughed. "Soph, I'm sure he didn't mind. Don't worry about it." Fitz turned to see Keefe, and Fitz's teal eyes widened. "Oh, Keefe, this is Sophie. Soph, this is Keefe." He said, introducing them.
"Vacker, I didn't realize you had a girlfriend," Keefe teased, striding over, extending an arm to Sophie.
Sophie's face instantly turned red, and Fitz let out a laugh. "Girlfriend?! No, Sophie's like a sister to me!" He explained.
Keefe was pretty sure he didn't imagine the wince on the girl's face as Fitz said that. Coughing, Keefe jingled the keys to save her from the awkwardness. "Well, I should lock this place up, so..." Sophie smiled gratefully, still blushing. Fitz and Sophie left, leaving Keefe alone.
He sighed, taking a moment to glance around the small bakery that he worked at. It had been both a blessing and a curse to work there; while it was an easy way for Keefe to earn money, working at Sweet Treats also forced him to stay in town.
Sure, he had his friends, like Fitz Vacker, but... he also had his parents.
To say the least, Keefe had some parent issues.
Currently, the money he earned from the bakery was going to be saved up to get an apartment and move out of his parents' house but aside from that, Keefe's life had no real purpose. There was nothing he really wanted to do, no dreams to really chase after.
I guess my dad was right about me not amounting to anything...
Rolling his shoulders, Keefe finished closing up the bakery, locking the door and leaving. He got on his motorcycle, heading home...
/ Line Break /
"Keefe? I thought you said you weren't coming?" Fitz said, raising an eyebrow and leaning on the doorway to the giant Vacker House.
Keefe shrugged. "I lied. I'm here now, Fitzster, let me in or I'll-"
Fitz cut him off. "Save your threats and pranks, Keefe. Come in," Fitz rolled his eyes with a grin, widening the door.
Keefe smiled brightly, tousling Fitz's hair, as he walked in. He was greeted by the sight of Biana Vacker, Fitz's 16-year-old sister, sitting next to the girl Fitz had introduced Keefe to earlier.
"Biana!! I am not making this up! I saw Dex and Linh with my own eyes!" The girl was saying, her eyes twinkling with excitement.
"Riiiight, Soph. Sure, I definitely believe you." Biana grinned, before seeing Keefe. Her teal eyes brightened more, and Keefe bit his lip. It was no secret to anyone that Biana had a crush on him.
Fitz came to his rescue. "Biana, why don't you and Soph go to your room and leave Keefe and I be?!"
Sophie coughed. "Keefe and me, not I, which is a subject..."
"What?!" Fitz asked, confused, while Keefe lightly smirked.
Biana nudged Sophie. "No one cares about grammar! What we meant was, why don't you get out instead?!"
"Truce, why don't we all share?" Sophie interrupted, before an argument could break out between the Vacker siblings, though it was bound to come anyways.
Keefe grinned at the sight of Fitz and Biana's faces, incredulous at the idea that they would have to share. He threw himself onto the couch opposite the girls. Sophie, Fitz, and Biana, as expected, broke into an argument, and Keefe, for whatever reason, was unable to tear his gaze away from Sophie. Her blonde hair was sprayed across her shoulders, and her face was flushed with energy. Her hands were constantly moving, either tapping on her legs or tucking strands of thin hair behind her ear. And her eyes... they were deep brown, and it seemed as if she could stare right through someone and understand everything. Not to mention that she was quick to come up with responses and retorts, her mind constantly working..,
"- so it's ours!" Biana finished triumphantly, glancing between Keefe and Fitz smugly. Keefe took a moment to compare Biana and Sophie. Biana was gorgeous too, but in a more.. flashy way. Her eyes were teal and her hair was braided intricately. Sophie had more of a natural beauty...
And she liked Fitz, not Keefe. And though the Fitzster was oblivious, Keefe wasn't going to interfere. Plus, it's not like anyone could ever like Keefe.
My dad is right after all. I'm just a nothing...
Keefe cleared his throat, interrupting the conversation. Up until then, Keefe has stayed fairly silent, making small comments here and there, but not really paying attention. "I have to go, Fitzster. Nice seeing you again, Biana. And see you around, Sophie." His ice blue haze lingered on her as he stood up. Running a hand through his hair, he winked, before heading towards the door again. Fitz and Biana called out a few goodbyes, and Sophie gave a halfhearted wave, distracted by something else, probably too lost in thoughts to care.
Keefe got on his motorcycle, heading to the art center that he occasionally volunteered at, and now cane multiple times a week just to draw. Painting and drawing were two of his passions, and were often how he got stress and anger out. The calm strokes, the idea that he was in control, that he got to choose what happened, that he made a difference... drawing was how Keefe dealt with everything. No one close to him knew, and that's how Keefe liked it.
Tonight, he started a new picture, painting a blonde haired angel sitting on the very edge of a cliff, her legs dangling off a cliff and her wings folded behind her. Below her, there was a teal ocean, dark rocks jutting out. Ahead, Keefe had painted a pale ice blue sky, with wisps of clouds.
Each stroke of paint calmed him, each time, that precision being a way to release some stress, focusing on creating what HE wanted, not what anyone else would force him to.
That was the beauty of art. Keefe had control. He got to decide what happened, no one could ruin it, no one could force a different outcome.
That was all Keefe has ever wanted in his life...
I'm just going to end it there. I hope you enjoyed it! I'm not a very good writer, and I sort of have this major weakness known as pRoCrAsTiNaTiOn, but I'll try to update soon XD (*cough* I'm probably a liar *cough*). Anyways, I'll shut up. PLEASE leave a review on what you think. Even if you hate it, I'd love to hear constructive criticism and any suggestions! Follow, favorite, review, whatever :D
~ FandomQueen713, who is now trying to finish the PJO fanfic Wednesdays ;)