Hi, peeps! Okay, even I don't know where I've been all this time, but I'm here now :) Also this chapter was a little lazy in terms of editing because I'm doing this late at night and I'm sleepy. If I don't do it now, I'll never do it.
Nan the Keyblade Master: *cracks knuckles* Let's get hunting!
Derick Lindsey: ...uh...I think something got lost in translation...you'll see what I mean...Also, was that a Toy Story reference? I'm not sure.
Anonymous Girl Gamer: No need to apologize; it seems I was just late enough with this chapter for you to be able to review. I'm glad you liked it.
Just a quick side-note, has anyone been getting a lot of bad/weird reviews from a guest on any of their stories, or is it just me? I don't have them on mine anymore because I deleted them. I'm all for constructive criticism, and I wouldn't normally publically call someone out like this, but this guy was going on and on random, political, natural disaster, Brexit, government brainwashing BS, and I had absolutely no idea what was happening. It was at least 6 of them. I'm not going to name names because you know who you are, and if I see you back here, I will report you.
That said, let me reiterate that I am up for constructive criticism, and by no means am I picking on one person because they found a plot hole. This was just...a lot more random and stupid. If there's something I can do to make this story a little more enjoyable or clear any confusions, let me know! But for now, without further ado, please enjoy!
Chapter 13
"You!" I screamed, pointing a finger at him.
"Surprise!" He exclaimed, an evil smile stretching across his face. "Did you miss me, sweetheart?"
I winced at the venom dripping in his voice. "What are you doing here?" I cried. "I thought you were dead!"
"Everyone did, but I didn't go anywhere," he chuckled. "You see, after Jezebel and I-"
"Who's Jezebel?" I interrupted. Immediately, I was slapped in the face.
"You shut your mouth! You insignificant lowlife!" He snapped.
Yeah, I'm the lowlife I thought, rolling my eyes. But I knew to hold my tongue so he could continue.
"To answer your question, Jezebel is your mother," he said. "At least she was before you killed her."
"I did not kill her!" I defended. "She killed herself. Mom saved her life the first time she fell, but she wanted to keep fighting! Jezebel would have been alive if she'd stopped, but she kept going and caused her own defeat!" He kicked me in the stomach.
"How dare you speak to me like that?!" He scolded. "And how dare you call your mother by her first name! Show some respect!"
"For someone who didn't love me?!" I cried angrily, standing up. "I don't think so! And Jezebel was not my mother! She may have been my girl parent, but she was not my mother! And you, mister, are not...my...father!"
Standing up was a mistake; he grabbed me by the throat and lifted me into the air, choking me. I tried to pry his hand from my neck, but it only got tighter. My vision started going in and out; I was losing air. He pulled my towards him, tightened his grip, and hissed, "You better watch yourself, young lady. Do you think I care if you don't see me as your father? You will still respect me." He slapped me across my numbing face and chuckled. "Oh, how I've waited for this day. The day my daughter returned to me. We have...so...much...to catch up on." He picked my head up and slammed me against the door of the trunk. I gasped for air and started coughing, clutching my aching head.
"Tony! Vinnie! To the airport! Step on it!" He called to the people in the front seats. I felt the vehicle pick up speed as I silently prayed.
Mom...Dad...Marla...anyone...please help me!
(Daisy's POV)
Cookie was going absolutely mental. And I knew it didn't have anything to do with the drastic change in weather.
"What is the matter with you?!" I shouted, bending down to her level. I tried to pet her and calm her down, but she kept on growling and snarling. Just then, a tall white truck passed us by. Barking rapidly, Cookie wriggled out of my grasp and started chasing the truck.
"Cookie, wait!" I cried. "Cookie! Here, girl! Come here!" Everyone started running after her; I was just speed-walking, as it was hard to run. Through the curtain of rain, I barely saw the truck turn a nearby corner, Cookie close behind. What in the world could she be doing?
Just then, someone from behind me crashed into me. I stumbled forward before losing my balance and falling over. I braced myself to hit the ground, but instead I bounced, never hitting a hard surface. Peach had caught me.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied.
"Aye, watch where you're going, Marla!" someone shouted behind her. "That lady's pregnant!"
"I'm so sorry, ma'am!" the woman who knocked me over cried.
"Don't worry about it, I'm fine...Marla, was it?" I asked. She nodded as three more people came to join her.
"Did you happen to see a white truck drive by?" She asked urgently.
"Yeah, it just turned the corner," I answered, pointing in that direction.
"Thank you so much!" She said, starting to take off. I held onto her shirt to stop her.
"Wait a minute! What's going on?" I asked.
"A little girl's been kidnapped!" The first guy cried out.
"A little girl..." I started to put pieces of the puzzle together. Kidnapped girl...Cookie running off like that...Amber lost with no clue where she is...oh no.
"W-What's the girl's name?" I asked shakily.
"Does it matter?!" The blonde woman asked, seemingly irritated.
"Please, just tell me!" I begged, feeling tears spring into my eyes. "Please!"
"The girl's name is Amber, but-" Marla started, but that was all I needed to hear.
"My baby!" I cried, cutting her off and chasing the car. I had to stop after a short while; I could hardly breathe.
"Daisy, you can't run!" Luigi exclaimed, holding me by the shoulders. I couldn't even respond; I was breathing so hard.
"Wait, you're Amber's parents?" Marla questioned.
"Yes, we are," Luigi answered. "We've been looking everywhere for her." I started coughing from exhaustion. "Hey, relax. We'll think of something."
"I already have," I replied. I turned behind me and said, "Rosie, got any roller skates?"
She hesitantly reached into her pocketbook and pulled out a pair of roller skates. The others looked at us in shock.
"How did you do that?" The blonde asked, bewildered.
"Long story," Rosalina said. She handed them to me and asked, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"Better than running."
I got them on with no difficulty and took off. I wondered why I didn't try this to begin with; despite the rain, it was so much easier than running. I noticed out of the corner of my eye everyone else following behind me. I was pleasantly surprised to see a glimpse of the truck before it turned another corner. I took off after it. As I raced to the vehicle, I realized that Cookie wasn't anywhere nearby. I had hoped that she had followed the truck because I wasn't stopping. Luckily, I didn't have to.
The truck had stopped down the road. As I was skating towards it, I caught a glimpse of something pretty amazing. Cookie was sneaking around in front of the truck, knocking over trash bins into the road. Since they were so big, the truck couldn't drive over or around them, so the kidnappers were stuck.
Clever girl! I thought, skating up to the trunk of the door. I slowly reached up to undo the latch so I could open the door. But as I fiddled with the latch, I slipped, slamming my hand against the truck and making a loud noise.
"Hey, boss!" I heard inside. I froze and held my breath, listening to the conversation.
"What is it?!" Another voice groaned. I knew I recognized that voice from somewhere.
"We don't have time to go picking up all this garbage," a third voice said. "We'll have to take a detour." I pressed my ear to the truck, trying to hear, but losing track of the voices.
"Bumbling idiots! Our flight is in twenty minutes!"
"Where are we going again?"
"Back to base, stupid!"
"That's enough! We'll back up, go around this building, and take the main road!"
Oh crud! I thought. They're about to move! I grabbed and pushed the latch, trying desperately to open it, but it was stuck. That's when the vehicle started up and my heart dropped. One last push, and the latch was open. As it started backing up, I hopped on and started pulling on the door, but it was still stuck. As if it locked on the inside, too.
I didn't even try to be discreet as I violently tugged at the door. As the truck backed out and started driving off, I heard the door being fiddled with on the inside. I stood off to the side so the door could open.
"What's all the racket out here?" A tall, chubby man bellowed as the door flew open. My jaw dropped.
"You!" I snarled at Amber's biological father.
"You." He hissed back.
"How is this possible?" I cried. "I thought you were dead! I thought-"
"Thought you'd seen the last of me?" He interrupted. "Well, you were clearly wrong!"
"Mom!" I heard someone cry inside. I peeked in, and there she was. She was a little bruised, but she was otherwise okay.
"Amber!" I smiled.
"Mom!" Before she could say anything else, her father ran back to her and covered her mouth up.
"Get your hands off of her!" I demanded.
"I don't think so!" He replied. "Sayonara, Princess!"
That's when he booted the door that I was holding onto open. With a scream, I was sent flying and dangling in the middle of the road. I tried to keep a hold of the door, but the rain made it difficult to hold on and the man kept kicking the door, trying to shake me off.
"You best be letting go, lady!" He called.
"Not happening!" I shouted back.
"Might wanna rethink that!" He smirked. I heard a loud horn behind me. To my horror, an eighteen-wheeler was headed straight for me. "It's your choice! Jump off or get run over!"
"Mom, just jump!" Amber begged.
I didn't have a choice.
"I'll come back for you."
I used one leg to push off of the door. I landed on my skates, but the truck I was avoiding whizzed past me, making me lose my balance. I started veering off to the right, spinning in circles, and tripped on the sidewalk. I started falling backwards and braced for impact. I should have known by now that I wouldn't fall with my kind of family; Cookie was right there to catch me, letting me fall onto her back and my arms drape around her.
"Thanks, girl!" I sighed. She yipped at me and affectionately nuzzled me. I sat down on the sidewalk to catch my breath, unable to stop tears from flowing. Sometime later, I noticed everyone else running up to me. Mario gave me a hand up and handed me an umbrella. The rain had since slowed down to a drizzle, but I'm still glad he gave it to me.
"Thank you, Mario," I said.
"No problem," he replied, "but you could've gotten yourself killed. You need to slow down."
"I can't slow down!" I cried. "Not yet! He has my baby!"
"You saw her?" Luigi asked. "Who had her?"
"It was her father," I sniffed, starting to get emotional again.
"Her what?!" He exclaimed.
"That's...That's impossible!" Peach uttered. "I thought you said he was dead!"
"I thought he was dead, too!" I sobbed. "But he's not! He's alive, he's been here the whole time, and now he has my baby!"
"Hey! Relax! We are going to get her back!" Rosalina asserted.
"We all will!" Marla declared. "That poor girl's going to need all the help she can get!"
"Where do you think they're going?" Mario asked the group.
"They're going to the airport, but I don't know where they're flying," I said.
"Hopefully, you don't have to, 'cause we'll get there first!" Marla declared.
"How on earth are we gonna do that?" I inquired. I heard a horn blare behind me and turned around. One of the guys that were with Marla was at the wheel of a huge white truck.
"This might help," he replied.
"Where did you get that?" The blonde asked.
"Doesn't matter; get it!" He ordered. Without hesitating, I pushed myself into the trunk, and my family was soon to follow. The others got inside the truck. The vehicle started up, I heard the tire spin, and we found ourselves going at Mario Kart speeds. Those of us in the trunk had to grip the edge to avoid falling out. Even with all my years of kart racing, I don't think I've ever seen anyone drive this crazy before.
His corners were so tight and wild, I almost tumbled out of the truck multiple times. He almost crashed into several buildings and other cars, he ran several red lights, and he sent us flying over speed bumps. I was kinda scared for my life; I could tell by the looks of everyone else that they were terrified, too. I was surprised, and frankly quite relieved with the way he was driving, that the highway was so empty. There were barely any cars on the road. What surprised me even more was that, despite hijacking a truck and speeding down the highway, there were no cops after us.
As soon as the thought crossed my mind, sirens started going off behind us.
Why am I not surprised?
"Hey everyone duck!" The driver called out to us. Everyone, including Cookie, crouched below the rim of the trunk out of the officers' sight, but I paused for a second when something caught my eye.
"Look, there it is!" I shouted. In the very far distance was, in fact, the truck we were looking for. I ducked inside the truck as it started going even faster. But as much speed as we had, it didn't look like we were getting any closer to the kidnappers. In fact, they seemed to be getting farther and farther away.
We chased that truck for so long I was afraid we were chasing the wrong car. It had to have been at least half an hour, and we got to a point where we couldn't even hear the police anymore. But my fear was immediately replaced with desperation to get my daughter back when the airport came into view.