
Any CreepyPastas mentioned in this fic will have their creators stated in the endnotes.

I also have no ownership of any of the brands, games, franchises or shows mentioned in this fic.

Any persons mentioned outside of the stories that this fic is based on, that I haven't stated are a reference, are purely fictional. I do not condone killing unless it is justified, i.e. hunting animals for food or as a last resort in defence. Any similarities to any persons mentioned are purely coincidental unless it is in reference then I will have stated where the reference was from if it is overly obscure at the end.

Author notes.

Right then, this might go up before chapter 93 so I'll just get a quick thing out of the way first.

I'm in college, taking a course that's worth 2 qualifications that would normally run separate from each other, with 8 different sub-classes where I only get 2 hours per class over 3 days. I don't have as much time to write since my time is being taken up with a mixture of studying and practical work.

So, everyone who leaves a review or comment saying, "Come on, hurry up, it's been a month!" can take a very long hike off an incredibly short pier.

That being said, I expect that I'll be able to write a bit more once the winter break comes so, and don't hold me to this, I just might be able to finish Brother in Arms before the year ends.

Again, don't hold it to me, I'm just saying that with how little I have left to do overall, it might happen.

Anyway, this is EXTRAS, not the main story, and I've got a plot bunny kicking around my head that I've had for long enough to soon become a dust bunny. So, before it does so, I think I'd at least get a start on it.

Hope you like,



The Ministry of Magic.

Teddy Lupin sat alone outside the department offices.

Right now, they were talking about him inside.

He brought his knees up a little higher, clutching the soft, brown, wolf toy closer to his chest and finding comfort in its honey-comb yellow eyes despite them being lifeless and plastic.

His grandma Andromeda had died last week, and now he was almost all alone… almost...

After the war, he had been sent to live with his grandma since… well, no one had really told him much about the war. He was just a child, after all, and such things weren't appropriate for the nearly seven-year-old.

Nobody had told him much about Voldemort, or The Battle of Hogwarts, or about the 'Hero' of the war, his godfather, Harry Potter.

Truth be told, not much was known about just how the war ended and it was considered one of the most controversial endings of a war ever.

All that was known for certain, was that sometime after Voldemort attacked Hogwarts, Harry Potter, though some disputed that was his name, went into the woods and didn't come back out.

After an hour of nothing happening, and after a further hour had passed since Voldemort's deadline, a team of quickly put together Aurors went into the woods.

It was a bloodbath.

Death Eater corpses were scattered as far as one could see, even the Acromantacula nest was destroyed, and Voldemort himself, drenched in blood, was flayed raw and babbling without a lick of sense to be put there.

Harry Potter was later seen, confirmed by a close friend to him, sitting in a café at Hogwarts and sipping on hot chocolate as if nothing had happened.

Voldemort's body, after being given the Dementor's kiss by a wayward straggler that had been caught by The Order of The Pheonix, was incinerated beyond dust or ash and, for the next year, Harry Potter became the most wanted man in the U.K.

It was only for a year because many came forth and protested the act of criminalizing the man and his actions in the war.

And for the next six years, next to nobody heard from him.

Hermione Granger, who had soared to the top of the Unspeakables department within that time was one of the three lucky few who could get a reply from him. Fred and George Weasley only counted as one person, and the last had been Teddy's grandmother Andromeda.

Andromeda hardly counted it as correspondence though, since the most that came was a gift for Teddy on his birthday and Christmas, with maybe the odd one sprinkled throughout the year here and there.

Now though, people were in a heated argument in the room behind Teddy.

He knew that they were discussing whether or not to let Harry take him, he did have the right as his godfather after all, but there was still more than a fair few who thought him a criminal for the unanswered events in the Forbidden Forest.

"Hey," a gentle voice snapped him out of his barely-there daydream.

A man, who couldn't have been older than twenty at most, was looking down at him…

He felt… familiar…

"Should you be out here all by yourself?" he asked, sitting down next to him.

Teddy shook his head.

"The lady went for wata'," he mumbled, not liking the way he still struggled with '-er' words.

"She been gone long?" it felt much more appropriate to call the man a teenager, the way his jet-black hair flopped around the sides of his head in spiky strands gave the impression that black fire was settled on his head.

Teddy just nodded, unsure of just how much he should be talking to him.

Silence draped itself around the two for a moment after that, neither speaking as the argument boiled behind them.

"My name's Isaac," the mysterious person said, finally revealing their name, "Isaac Rogers… but, well, erm… some here know me… well, quite a bit more than some… Harry, some people here call me Harry Potter,"

Teddy could feel his heart jump up into his throat.

"… and I know that there aren't the nicest stories of me out there..."

"Why didn' you come visit?" Teddy asked, looking up from his plushy.

"I… well, I live in America, and it takes a long time to travel between there and here, my… work keeps me pretty busy, and..."

Harry, or Isaac, Teddy wasn't sure what to call him, ducked his head and scratched his nose as someone passed by.

"… and my job isn't exactly the most well-organised thing on the planet. I did think about popping over, but something always popped up,"

Teddy let his gaze drop back down to the wolf toy in his arms.

"Are you gonna take me with you?" he had tried to say it a little louder, but the just above hoarse murmur was all he could manage.

He wasn't sure how long it took him to respond, he kept looking around the department cubicles like a hawk searching for a hare.

"That depends, would you want me to?" Isaac asked him, turning and looking at the small boy sat next to him, "Unless you want to stay with someone here? I mean… I can try and pop over more, and..."

"Yes," Teddy said, looking up at him.

Isaac nodded, rubbing his hands together and returning to looking around the cubicles.

"Yeah, figured as much… you, erm… need help getting your things to them, or..."

"Who?" Teddy tilted his head with a frown.

"Who?" Isaac parroted back, "Well, who is it you're wanting to live with?"



"Yes," Teddy nodded, "Granny Andy didn't like those that said bad thin's about you, said you was a hero,"

Isaac gave the briefest huff of a laugh.

"I don't think 'hero' is the right word for it,"

"Granny Andy said you was, even if the oth'es didn'," Teddy said, playing with the ears of his wolf, "Was you really drinking hot chocolate after the battle?"

"I was thirsty, I've got a sweet tooth and it was the easiest thing there to make," Isaac huffed as though this was not the first time he was telling someone this.

Someone cleared their throat to their right, causing the two to jump.

"Not even a letter giving me a heads up?" Hermione asked, leaning against the door frame as two or five other Ministry wizards and witches leaned around her to see who she was talking to.

"Well, it was all rather sudden," Isaac said, getting up and hugging his long-time friend, "How are you feeling?"

"Good, good," Hermione said, motioning for the two of them to come into the meeting room with them, "Although, lately, I've had this 'coming and going' headache,"

The next twenty minutes were some of the most tedious that Isaac had ever faced.

He faced a barrage of questions the moment he had settled into a new seat, Teddy one over after a stern look from a tortoise-looking member.

Isaac was 'asked' about everything.

From where about he lived, to what he did as a job, to how secure he was with that job, to criminal record…

"Absolved of all crimes,"

After what felt like an eternity to the young boy, the committee came to the conclusion he had kept his fingers crossed for.

"Well then, it seems like there is no reason for you to not look after him," the head witch said, fixing her pince-nez carefully to her lapel as she no longer needed to read.

Across from Isaac, Hermione was wearing a politely smug face that had, 'I told you so,' written all over it.

As everyone filed out, Teddy found himself lifted into the air.

"Don't want to lose you in the crowd, got a hold of him alright?" Isaac asked after getting Teddy settled on his shoulders.

"Yeah," Teddy said, holding onto Moony a little tighter.

"So, reckon you'll have time to say hello to a few old friends before you whizz off for another six years?" Hermione asked, making sure that Teddy was safe from his perch atop her incredibly good at lying friend.

"I wouldn't count yourself as 'old', 'Mione,"

Isaac got a slap on the arm for that, the back of his head being blocked from her sights by the starting to tire child.

"… and what about yourself, any new interests popped up that you're looking into?" Isaac crouched down to let Teddy down as they approached the elevators.

"No, been a bit busy caught up with the mess of paperwork my predecessor left me," Hermione sighed, as if feeling the weight a desk in her office was bearing from all the folders and files piled on it.

"Ah well, you'll find something to interest yourself with soon enough…

Besides, once a scholar, always a scholar,"

Teddy didn't understand why that earned Isaac, as he had 'politely' insisted to be called by the committee during their interrogation, another slap to the arm.

"Oh, headache's back," Hermione muttered, massaging her temple as the lift rose to their floor.

Isaac frowned, before noticing the thinning patch of red hair that sat upon the head of one person who had just exited the lift.

"So, back are you, Potter?" Ron Weasley sneered.

"A right master of deduction here," Isaac blinked, "Surprised you're not rattling your mug against the rails of a cell,"

"I," Ron somehow seemed to sneer wider, though all it did was bring his forehead lower and show just how far his hair had receded, "… was under the Imperious, which is more than I can say for some,"

"Oh, you were absolved of all crimes too, we could get everyone else who's been absolved and go out for a drink…

Course, you'd have to be invited to join us and, well… anyway, won't keep you, toilets don't fix themselves!"

An overly chipper Isaac patted his ex-friend on the back of his navy blue robes before stepping into the lift with Hermione and Teddy.



Alright, I'm going to explain a quick thing about the chapter.

This one is going to go a little similar to how Headcanons is going.

I'll be adding to it over time, and each time I add a thing it's going to be Teddy interacting with a different member of The Mansion.

So, my question is this…

Who should Teddy meet first?

Let me know, and I'll get back to you soon enough,
