Hi everyone ! I really hope that you are going to enjoy this story ^^ To the readers who had already begun to read it, I just wanted you to know that I haven't suppressed or added anything. It just seemed that the first chapters were way too short in comparison to the last ones.
Please review and tell me what you think about it!
A big thanks to Darksidefan5 and Lunar Wave for their advice and beta-reading ^^
Disclaimer: I do not own neither Gakuen Alice, which belongs to Tachibana Higuchi, nor Avengers, which belongs to Marvel and even less Harry Potter, which is the work of the wonderful J.K.R :) But I do own the plot and my OC characters of course.
Chapter 1: The Trojan Horse Plan:
Mikan Sakura was wandering in the Fifth Avenue of Manhattan, taking her time. She kept studying the crowd, the traffic… families, tourists, sightseeing, laughing… From a quite well-hidden corner, she observed with a found smile an old couple walking hand in hand. Their love was one of the purest kind.
Since she could feel others' sentiments and auras, without a real way to block them, she had rarely enjoyed such a good feeling. She turned her eyes away from the happy scenery and reported again her attention to the unceasingly moving crowd. Mikan had pulled her hood, even though it was a warm sunny day. She was wearing a comfortable old pair of jeans and sweater but hadn't feel the need of sunglasses. Indeed, it was easy as child's play for her to disguise thanks to the Metamorphosis Alice.
Mikan had now the looks of a woman in her mid-thirty, quite tall, her red hair falling to her waist, her hazel eyes although remained unchanged. Her nose was too long, her mouth too small. She was still not very good at metamorphosing herself without a model. It was necessary, so she could follow her plans, ready now, after three years of preparations and documentations. There was no place for cowardice, for any doubts, any regrets.
The young woman inhaled a deep breath and exhaled only after her lungs began to burn, hard.
The first step was easy as a piece of cake, for her though. To attracts the attention of the S.H.I.E.L.D, she had to create enough chaos, so the police would not be able to handle her. It had to be very impressive, so Nick Fury would immediately send his men to her. At the thought of that man she felt anger rise through her body. 'No. Keep calm Mikan, you must calm down. Anger is a dangerous feeling. Especially, and essentially now. A mistake, a slip would be too easy to make if I let those feeling in.'
Mikan wanted to start easily, there was still no need to rush her actions. She chose to use the Levitation Alice: a thief she caught red-handed flew thirty feet in the air. As the man, who seemed to not more that forty years old, began to cry for help, the Alice shook him, making some of his gains fall in the process. The crowd was now very tense, all holding their breath, their eyes captive by the scenery. When Mikan was finished with him, she placed him on a tree, making sure to not harm him of course. She just had scared him to death, it was enough of a lesson…
Few people had begun to flee, but since the Americans seemed to be quite used to such strange things lately, most of them were only gaping or taking photos. The latter matter irritated her, 'truly nowadays people have no instinct of survival...'
Of course, Mikan knew that if she wanted to draw the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D and especially the Avengers, it wouldn't be sufficient. She smirked, satisfied. It was without counting on the Illusion Alice. Yu Tobita would probably be ashamed by the use she was planning to make of it. A knot formed itself in her stomach, Mikan knew that she had make a mistake. She should not have thought of her former friends right now. 'Stop being so sentimental Mikan!'. She gulped and willed herself. What she was about to do need a lot of concentration and energy and Mikan was quick to banish further thoughts on the subject before she lost her concentration completely.
Slowly, Mikan began to shape the forms of three Leviathans. The effect was instantaneous, by now the crowd was a screaming mess, as everyone began to run for their lives. Her creations took on similar form to the monsters that assaulted New York a month prior, drawing on the fear and panic their presence would cause the still weary public.
But the goal was to cause a commotion, not any actual disaster resulting civilian injuries or death. Using the Doppelganger Alice, Mikan shaped a small troop of clones to discreetly work on keeping citizens from harm. It was one thing to cause a panic, and another entirely to be responsible for the deaths of innocents. They helped lost children, the elder ones, kept everyone from any major incident. After all, she would never forgive herself if the citizen were to be injured or put in a real danger because of her sake.
'It should now be only a matter of time.' The young woman freed her mind of any doubts, any thoughts. She had to be very careful since it was palpable illusions able of crushing buildings and human-beings too easily. To prevent such a problem Mikan held them high in the sky, as they kept moving menacingly in circle motions. The Alice, then, looked around her, satisfied as empty streets presented themselves in front of her. She was successfully achieving her plan for now. "After all it was the easiest part…"
Mikan felt her body tense as she spotted two red figures drawing closer dangerously fast in the sky. She recognized one of them as Thor and guessed that the other one was probably Iron Man. As the two Avengers landed, Mikan dropped her illusion which resulted into two of the three Leviathans to disappear. She would need all the strength she could illusions took too much of her energy. With the Leviathans gone, Iron Man and Thor approached her even more cautiously, weapons drawn. But where two Avengers went, the rest were no doubt soon to follow. It wasn't long before Mikan noticed the rest of their little team silently enter the scene from what they must have assumed were her blind spots.
"Whoever you are, we ask you to stop this this instant! If you do not surrender immediately we will not hesitate to fire!" warned the pilot of the helicopter that had appeared before her.
The Alice looked at the helicopter above her and began quickly considering her options. If she resigned too soon it would appear suspicious, but she didn't want to harm them. So, Mikan chose to make the last Leviathan disappear, but not to make things too easy for the Avengers. She immediately activated her Barrier Alice and began to run through the street to find a safe place to hide. They fired at her and Mikan could hear the bullets coming, whistling all around her, bouncing off her shield.
The Alice dove into a nearby store for sanctuary. She didn't want to reveal all of her abilities, not yet. But there were some abilities she couldn't help but expose. The Doppelganger Alice was the most visible, but the use of the Teleportation Alice - well that was something that could help them guessing for a while yet. Combining both powers, Mikan crafted another set of clones, one for each Avenger to face. It should keep them busy at the very least. The young woman had no intention to harm them too much, but she wasn't going to give up easily too.
Watching the Avengers in battle was an educational experience. They didn't fight like her clones: in tandem with single purpose. They hadn't quite developed their sync. Each person fought as if they were the lone fighter in this encounter. But then they'd catch a glimpse of a teammate in their periphery, and their attack would suddenly shift. They wouldn't fight for themselves or even the world at large. They would fight for each other.
Though even this wasn't enough to conquer the frustration and sheer fatigue as they endlessly clone after clone.
It was time for this little stunt to come to an end.
Mikan eyed her target. He grappled with one of her clones in the street, their mouvements confined by the numerous abandoned cars.
This would be a relatively fair fight. Soldier to soldier, one fight that would confront two genetically manipulated persons.
Captain America, shieldless and preoccupied, never even saw her coming.
Her blow landed square on his jaw, knocking him back into an empty taxi.
Mikan could tell that she had surprised him by the strength of her hit. The Cap recomposed himself quickly before to riposte, hitting her on the stomach, dodging the blows. The Alice hit him back and let him progressively gain the advantage, mentally counting for a reasonable amount of kicks and bruises before to finally throw up her arms in the air in a show of impuissance.
"I surrender" cried the young woman, right as the Cap was gearing up to strike back.
As soon as she said so, Mikan summoned all her clones back to her before to dismiss them. Immediately, she felt herself become lighter as her body was once again whole. The moment did not last long as she was quickly encircled by a rather incensed group of superheroes.
It didn't take long before Mikan found herself arrested and handcuffed onboard their Helicopter.
Mikan had really wanted to intervene and help the Avengers to neutralize Loki. Sadly, The Ancient One was of another opinion. It had costed Mikan a lot to follow her will… Two weeks in the Mirror Dimension spent alongside Stephen Strange, without their Slings Rings, of course… but she knew that it had to be that way. What had surprised them though, was Loki's intent to control the Earth, they both knew that Asgardians didn't thought highly of them...
The young woman was brought back of her reflections by the over-stressed vibes emanating from the Doctor Banner. There was no need to have super powers to see that the poor man was too tired and ready to transform into the Hulk again. Mikan kept watching him, studying him without being intruding and conjured all her will to not feel guilty again. Finally, she started humming quite happily, playing with her hair, her eyes never living the doctor, while completely ignoring the glares she earned from the both frustrated Hawkeye and Iron Man.
Banner looked at the woman in front of him firstly nonplussed then surprised and finally curious as he recognized the tune she was humming. It was an Indian air which was known for being relaxing and destressing. Since he had been there for years, he was now certain, but surprised, that she was so openly trying to help him. He was even more surprised to feel himself destressed progressively, becoming calmer, their eyes never breaking contact. He couldn't help but wonder how her hazel eyes could be so warm when she had managed to give them the fright of their lives few hours ago, especially for Stark, which was easily understandable… He gave her an incredulous but grateful smile, and, when she held his gaze, he would have sworn that it was guilt that he had seen in her eyes. Finally, Mikan gave him a quick nod.
The complete exchange had not escaped the attention of a certain Captain who laid his observing gaze over a very calm woman, who was mentally kicking herself.
When the helicopter landed on the Helicarrier of S.H.I.E.L.D, Mikan observed discreetly every move and every structure around her. She knew that S.H.I.E.L.D could hardly handle her, she was no real prisoner, her Alices were too powerful for that. Also, it was without counting on the Teleportation Alice, even though it was always a good thing to have a plan B.
She followed the Avengers through the structures, making a mental plan of the Helicarrier, so she would be able to find her way back to the deck easily if needed. The group of superheroes was encircling her again, but she didn't mind it. After all, she was dangerous, and this had just been a displayed of her real abilities. It didn't even represent it... If Mikan had learned something the past fourteen years, it was that someone was never being too cautious, reason why she couldn't incur the risk to give too much away about her: if Fury was to know how powerful she was, he would either make sure to kill her by himself (which she dared him to do) or try to get her in his ranks without any options of refusal (which wasn't an option too).
Finally, Thor chose to break the silence, earning Mikan's full attention in the process:
"So you're a sorceress then? One of my brother's allies?" he asked unsure and frustrated.
"I'm not a sorceress. I would define myself as an Alice."
She hadn't feel the need to hide her identity and the Alices never tried to hide themselves from the others. After all, the Imai's Business was the living proof of it. At the thought of Hotaru, Mikan felt both pride toward her former best friend (if someone could out best Tony Stark, it was her!), and nostalgia.
It had been twelve years, since all her friends had believed to have witnessed her death by themselves. Yet, she was still pretty much alive. She wondered how they were to react if they were to discover this…
Her childhood friends were a part of a beautiful past, a group to which she didn't belong anymore. Her heart sank: she hadn't a real home anymore. 'But, I still have friends… Wong, Karl Mordo and Strange, even though Stephen can be a real pain in the neck when he wants to! And the Ancient One will always be there for me, just as I will always be there for her…". Mikan closed her eyes and let her hurting heart be warmed by these thoughts. Loneliness had always been her nemesis, just as her past friends would always be her weak point. Indeed, they would forever hold a special place in her heart…
Everything had changed. Mikan had ended by herself all the dangerous organizations who used to harm Alices. The Alice Community and the Alice Academy weren't worried by constant threats of slavery and kidnaping anymore. Since Shiki and her uncle had took the control of the Academy, the students could visit regularly their parents… Tsubasa-Sempai and Misaki-Sempai were now a married couple, Luca and Hotaru lived together, Curly-Hair and Koko were dating… There was no room for her in the school, in village, alongside to Hotaru or anyone else... Mikan no longer belonged in there, she had for long lost this right: she was too tainted now… Her heart felt heavy again.
Thor was lost in his thoughts too. This woman had frightening fighting skills and they were to keep her captive in the same confinement capsule which had been designed to hold the Hulk. The capsule security had been of course increased and with both Midgardians and Asgardians devices it could now even held Loki captive. S.H.I.E.L.D had now four of them, and he internally pried that it would be last time one of them would be used. 'They are still not perfect… Loki is still able to use few of his magic inside his cell.'
Thinking of which, Thor could sense some Asgardian Magic running inside the young Midgardian besides him. He still couldn't tell if she had lied to him or if she was simply not aware of it. Did Loki charm her? Or was she just telling the truth? After all, her clones and illusions were palpable and made of material, something that Loki or any Sorcerer, at least Asgardians ones, had never been able to achieve to craft. Materializing already existent things, yes, they could, but not such an exploit.
"And Alice, what's your last name, for the record?" Tony interjected.
"My name is not 'Alice'. I simply am an Alice. My name is Mikan Sakura."
"And just what exactly is an Alice?" Tony asked
"I am the owner of an Alice Stone. It provides me, and those like me, special abilities. There are Alices that can fly, talk to animals, cast illusions - you name it. Though it's rare to possess more than one Alice Stone, there are a few who are gifted with more than one ability."
"How does one come by one of these Alice Stones?"
"You don't find them; you're born with a Stone. It's not strictly hereditary, but having a parent with an Alice does increase the likelihood."
The Black Widow spoke next, voicing the doubts everyone else seemed to share. "And what proof do you have of all this? Sounds to me like you're just another enhanced individual. You talk of stones - Terrigenesis perhaps?"
Mikan looked at her, without blinking at the fury and suspicions in the woman's eyes. Natasha Romanoff was a very talented and dreaded spy. Her guards weren't ones to be easily shattered. Mikan smiled at her.
"There is no use for me to lie to you, the Alice society is not a real guarded secret even if she remains discreet. Most of the Alices lives in Japan and anyone who wants to make a professional contract with them can contact them easily. I'm just surprised that Mr. Stark doesn't know about us, after all any successful businessman is aware of the Alices notoriety, especially with the Imai Business."
"J.A.R.V.I.S, is she telling the truth?" asked Tony, even though he was already sure of it. Yet, a little confirmation wouldn't harm. He finally nodded to the others as J.A.R.V.I.S showed him several elements confirming his feeling.
"You don't look Japanese." pointed out Hawkeye. He stopped walking, just as everyone did. Mikan Sakura's appearance had begun to change. Her hair now brunette, matching her hazel eyes, was falling to her waist. The Alice's height was similar to Natasha's, her skin paler and brighter, her eyes turned a little slanted, and the traits in her face were now harmonious. She was a stunning beauty and was in nothing comparable to her previous figure. Mostly she looked ten years younger.
"Wait, how old are you?" asked Dr. Banner.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're one of those Alices you mentioned that has more than one ability, right?"
Bruce Banner studied her as her body tensed. Finally, she looked at him with an expressionless face.
"I am quite a unique Alice, so I don't think that you can compare me to any of the others. And as for possible threats, I hardly doubt that the existence of Alices could be seen as one since most of them are harmless and a lot of Alices disappear after few years. Our numbers are no more than three hundred. And our Academy has already signed treaties with most major countries as well as the UN. We are not a threat doctor. The which means that we are not thousands but not more than three hundred. I also would like to point out the fact that the Academy has only been created in order to prevent the enslavement of Alices, which does not only concern children, but adults too." reasoned Mikan, quite satisfied with herself.
Never quitting observing her, the doctor measured all her affirmations. She seemed to be telling the truth and, curiously, he wanted to trust her. Still, for all it was worth, she could be as good at lying as Loki was. After all, the better way to make a good lie was to wrap it with undeniable truths. This Mikan Sakura could have helped him only because she didn't want to be in same plane as an uncontrollable monster. Even though, he doubted that it would really scare her away: it was the first time someone achieved to make him have a hard time in a battle. Problem that he hadn't even encountered with Loki, the Puny god. The only matter that puzzled the Doctor was that Mikan Sakura hadn't tried to harm anyone.
The group finally reached the capsules' room. Mikan could only see four ones and knew that there were no others. Only one capsule was already occupied. She recognized the other captive: Loki Odinson, or Laufeyson, whichever he wanted to. He was sitting on a bed reading a book. Mikan was too far to be able to see the detail of his face. Loki seemed to be a tall man, rather thin and cold. His stance was graceful and royal. After all, he was supposed to be both a charmer and a prince. He was also clothed in what she guessed to be an all-in leather Asgardian outfit, which was as outstanding as his brother's.
While the Avengers were preparing and programming the devices for her cell, Mikan kept a discreet eye on the Asgardian Prince. She knew that she wasn't supposed to see him: his capsule should have seemed empty. Of course, it was without counting on her Nullification Alice which seemed to work on the technology used to keep him out of the eye.
As if Loki had sensed her, his full attention was now on her. She held his gaze and wondered what color his eyes were. 'Green… They are probably green…', Mikan thought. The Trickster lifted an amused eyebrow at the scenery that was playing in front of him, his lips turned into a smirk. Mikan tilted slightly her head to have a better view and finally smiled at him.
Secure in her cell, the team hastily left, most likely heading to debrief Fury. The Alice waved a cheeky goodbye before throwing a wink to her neighbor. The God of Mischief indulged her an amused grin in return.
Mikan brought back her attention to her own capsule. It seemed quite comfortable, she had a bed, a chair and a table. She wasn't one to complain since she had lived with less… Mikan disabled her Alices, which rendered her only able to see her reflection. She had a bruised check; her stomach was hurting like hell and she had scratches all over her body. It would be easy to heal herself but, it was one of her assets that she wanted to be kept secret. The young woman reactivated her Alices and was now able to see through the glass again. From her cell, the halls seemed more impressive, but weren't enough enlightened to allow her to see any further.
The only way to switch the light from her own capsule would have been a power cut. The light wasn't aggressive, and it was better this way. Mikan had no shame to admit that she feared more than anything to be held in the dark. It wasn't a child's fear as it had been when she was nine, no. After being held for almost two years in the dark and being tortured each time she had been captured by enemies' organizations, it was pretty normal and human to feel that way. The previous year, she had finally achieved to dismantle the last one, the last organization that had used her power, that had hurt her and Natsume...
The young woman closed her eyes and chased the bad thoughts away. They were unnecessary and dangerous. When Mikan opened her eyes again, just to realize that Loki had resumed his attention to his book. The young woman couldn't help but feel curious: when she had passed in front of him, she had seen his aura. Or rather his auras. Indeed, she could have sworn that he had two distinct ones… the first was a shining shade of green, suiting him perfectly but contrasting with his deep dark feelings. 'Hate, mostly self-hatred, ambitions, jealousy… If my Nullification Alice was inefficient, I bet that I still could have sensed him anyway. I've hardly seen someone with such strong feelings who could remain so self-composed, this is truly impressive. But, he is the God of Lies and Mischiefs, so, no wonder… Yet, his aura isn't dark, he is still not evil'. The second aura was an unstable darkish purple one. Mikan had never seen such a disgusting thing. She recognized what was going on…
As Mikan headed to her new bed, she made the resolution to take care of this problem the next day…
"She is too dangerous, and way too calm, I don't like it. It feels like reliving the events from a month ago." Hawkeye growled in frustration.
"My Brother isn't able to create such perfect illusions and her clones were reals ones, palpable. We were all on her, and we had a hard time stopping her. I think that she may be even more dangerous than Loki is."
"It's obvious that Mikan Sakura didn't surrender because she couldn't fight anymore," frowned Steve. "And I think that she was holding back. I don't believe we saw her full power today."
"I don't get her motive," Bruce began. "She didn't harm anyone. It's like she just wanted to be captured."
Tony immediately chimed in, "Yeah and look how well that went for us last time."
"Alices are not supposed to be so powerful," Fury said, standing at the head of the table. "It's the only reason we haven't ever interfered. From what we've gathered, these people are harmless - victims mostly of kidnapping and slavery. Anyone that presents a threat is usually taken care of in-house."
Natasha spoke. "So is she a threat?"
"If she's friendly, then she went about contacting us the wrong way. She needs to cooperate if she ever plans on leaving that cell."
"And if she doesn't?" Tony asked.
"Then we'll probably end up handing her over to the Wizarding World. They'd be better suited to handle her."
Bruce was the first to question Fury's decision. "You wouldn't send her back to her own people? The Alice Academy?"
"If she made it this far, I doubt her people can contain her."
"But the Wizarding World won't take her. Powers or not, she's a Muggle to them and not their responsibility," Hawkeye retorted.
Fury seemed to ignore him. "Agent Hill, contact Miss Granger. We're gonna need a Legilimens."
Hermione Jean Weasley, née Granger, was beyond frustrated. In fact, she had been in a fool mood the whole day. The brightest witch of her age had been trying now for weeks to work on a very complex affair between werewolves and vampires as the Deputy Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. But, it was without counting on Kingsley to interrupt her work. Again.
Indeed, the Minister of Magic had chosen her to be the emissary between S.H.I.E.L.D and the Wizarding Word. She didn't dislike the job, but it was highly stressing and irritating to constantly have to deal with the mischiefs of Loki, who was her living definition of a nightmare! Not only was he dangerous being but also such a showoff and an irritating man. If she could make the trade, Hermione would rather spend all her days in the company of Draco Malfoy if it meant to be get rid of him! Really, she couldn't understand why such a threat wasn't imprisoned in Asgard. Even though he had been disowned and exiled by Odin, he was still their responsibility since they were the only ones who really could handle him… Hermione only prayed that the Asgardians had only enough of him, rather than any worrying other options…
Another problem that had hit her when she had begun to work on his case was that her magic was not half as powerful as his, even though no one doubted her magical skills. The first time they had met Hermione had even wondered if her wand wasn't broken, since it didn't even flash the spells she had tried to use on him. She had later discovered that he draw his magic, naturally, from the environment he was in, which meant that he partly draw his magic from her own each time they were to confront. Was he to be anywhere near the Wizarding Society… she didn't even want to think about it. Moreover, to add to her despair, Hermione couldn't use Legilimency on him, that annoying fact was only a logical consequence of this situation and God knows how, Loki was even able resist easily to the Veritaserum…
To be able to overcome the problem, Hermione did study very carefully the Asgardian's magic, but it had turned out that studying it and mastering it were two whole different things, and she still hadn't make any meaningful improvement…
Hermione sighed as she took the bottle of Veritaserum inside her drawer. She was going to use it on a completely different person. In fact, when one of Kingsley's assistants had come to inform her that she was requested by S.H.I.E.L.D again, she hadn't really payed attention to what he had been saying. It wasn't until she heard the words New-York, attack and Leviathans that she had understood the seriousness of the situation. Of course, Fury wanted her to come immediately to be able to interrogate efficiently the woman responsible of all of this.
The woman, in her late twenties, had all rights to be worried. In fact, after some research, she had finally guessed why Loki was so interested by conquering the Earth. After all, being a bookworm was always helpful, and it had greatly helped that Thor had accepted to provide her some books from the Asgardian Realm. This had firstly allowed Hermione to discover that the Tesseract was in fact an Infinity Stone. Though having access to such a wide array of knowledge was very stressful at times. Having her world flipped on its head once when she was eighteen made for many sleepless nights Hermione never regretted learning about new things, but sometimes, topics such as Infinity Stones were better left unknown if one wanted to sleep peacefully.
"Infinity Stones? What are those exactly?" Doctor Banner had asked.
"Friend Banner, these are relics that pre-date the universe itself. They are an ancient force of infinite destruction." Thor had responded him. "You should know this my friends : before the creation of the Universe, six singularities existed. Some time after the Universe exploded into existence, these were formed into the six Infinity Stones by the Cosmic Entities. Each stone represented a different aspect of the universe: Space, Mind, Reality, Power, Soul and Time.
They can only be brandished by beings of extraordinary strength. These carriers can use a Stone to mow down entire civilizations like wheat in a field."
"So, to summarize, Point Break, Reindeer Games is strong enough to hold two of them?" Stark wondered, not reassured by this fact.
"I doubt he is, nor that I am. Anyone can carry a Stone if well kept in a powerful enough container. In this case, the Tesseract and the Scepter were the containers of the Space and Mind Stones respectively."
"And apart from destroying the whole Universe, what does these rocks allows to?" Stark inquired warily.
"You already have witnessed the powers of the Space and Mind Stones. I shall therefore pass to the others.
The Reality Stone is red and is contained in the Aether, which does appear as a dark, red, viscous liquid. It acts like a symbiotic force, capable of being absorbed into the body of a living host, giving the user the ability to warp reality at will, granting that person immense strength, durability, powers and subjective influence over the Universe."
"Ewee… This is really beginning to sound creepy!" Tony had commented.
Hermione and Natasha had rolled their eyes at his antics.
"Man of Iron, I do not know if 'creepy' would be the better word to describe the Infinity Stones incredible powers."
"Ignore him, Thor. Continue your explanations please." she had encouraged him to.
"As you wish Lady Granger. The Power Stone is purple and is contained in the Orb. This Stone is an incredible power source, it can increase the user's physical abilities and allows to manipulate energy. When used at full potential, it has enough power to obliterate an entire planet when unleashed."
Hermione haven't been able to contain back her shivers at this point of the discussion. She realized that Natasha, Steve Rogers, Doctor Banner and even Stark and paled slightly.
"The Time Stone is green and is contained in the Eye of Agamotto. Its container is an ancient artifact, a pendant created by Agamotto, the first Sorcerer Supreme. I believe that it is located on Midgard, in a place named Kamar-Taj, if I recall well.
Finally, the Soul Stone is orange, but no one knows currently where it is contained, nor its full power..."
"I am afraid to ask, but happens when these are all reunited?" Steve Rogers had asked.
"Believe me Captain of America, you do not want to know. The power of all six Stones can be harnessed collectively with the help of the Infinity Gauntlet, but none who have attempted this have survived…"
Needless is to say that she nearly had a heart attack after reading these articles. Voldemort's threat paled in comparison to the current danger the Earth and its inhabitant were now exposed into. Especially after she had discovered that three of the Stones were currently housed in Earth. The Space Stone, the Time Stone, and the Mind Stone. The latter had been discovered inside Loki's Scepter, which was a weapon that utilized the yellow Mind Stone housed inside a blue computer module, which also masked the stone's presence. Tony Stark had initially seen the Stone as a power source, whereas once J.A.R.V.I.S. had the opportunity to study the stone he stated it was more akin to a very powerful computer…
S.H.I.E.L.D was now housing, and guarding Loki's Scepter, while the Tesseract had been sent to Asgard. As for the Time Stone was trusted to be under the care of a certain Doctor Strange, who seemed to be able to protect it.
Hermione, who had already wasted too much time thinking, finally Apparated in Fury's Headquarter in the Helicarrier.
"Even after our researches, we still have no real idea about who Mikan Sakura truly is," began a frustrated Natasha. "Mikan Sakura had been adopted by an old man whose name was Nonno Sakura. He used to work in a temple and also a nursery, but after adopting her, he had retired in an area alone ever since. She is not related to him by blood and it is unknown how she had been introduced to him. We have no idea who her parents are, or were, and we can't even ask Nonno Sakura since he died seven years ago."
"How was her Alice discovered?" asked Fury.
"When she was nine years old she ran away from home and went directly to the Alice Academy. The only Alice she could possess back then was the Nullification Alice, which gave her the ability to be unaffected by any other Alice." continued Natacha slightly frowning. "I've tried to access the academy's systems, but whoever they hired in IT is really good at their job. But before you actually get disappointed, I was able to find the cause of her death. There was an explosion. And she wasn't the only one to have 'died' in it too. The Academy Elementary School Principal and another student, Natsume Hyûga - also apparently known as Black Cat, supposedly died as well. But like Mikan Sakura, their bodies were never recovered either."
"What do we know about the other two?"
"The other student possessed a very powerful Fire Alice and was even being sent on missions from the time he was eight." Natasha's voice didn't falter, but Fury heard a slight shift in her tone as she relayed the last bit of information. Natasha continued as if nothing was amiss, "His mother was an enemy of the Academy. She was a journalist who died in a car accident that was really anything but. Not long after, their village burned down, and the boy was taken in by the Academy, though the circumstances were less than favorable. It appears both he and Mikan Sakura weren't exactly liked by the elementary school principal either. We don't have much on the ESP other than he was a manipulative and dangerous SOB."
Any further discussion was interrupted by a loud pop.
"Miss Granger," Fury greeted. "Thank you for joining us."
Hermione observed the Alice from the security feed outside the cellblock. She studied the woman as she lazed about her cell, seemingly unconcerned with her current situation.
She looked to Fury and gave a small nod. Bracing herself, the witch followed after S.H.I.E.L.D's director into the cellblock.
Coming to stand before Mikan's cell, Hermione took a long moment to examine the other woman, just as the Alice did the same.
Their eyes locked, each looking for weakness in the other. Keeping her gaze steady, Hermione pulled her wand from one pocket and a small piece of scrap from the other. With a wave of her wand, the scrap piece transformed into a wooden chair. She took a rather graceful seat and watched as the Alice approached the glass, awe written all over her face. Mikan tilted her head and observed with a small smirk Hermione's wand. She was facing a witch, nothing comparable to the Masters of the Mystic Arts. The woman in front of her lived in a world of dragons, goblins, werewolves, vampires and everything that Mikan had believed to be myths so far. Irony, since she had been aware of the existence of the Asgardian's Realm way before Loki's attempt to invade the Earth, or Thor's apparition one year ago!
Mikan smiled: this promised to be interesting.
Mirroring the witch actions, Mikan positioned her own chair squarely in front of Hermione's and sat unceremoniously.
It was as if Nick Fury wasn't even present. He didn't like that.
"It is in your best interest to cooperate. Honesty will gain you your freedom much faster than lies. And we will know if you lie to us."
"Let's begin. What is your full name?"
"My name is Mikan Sakura Yukihira."
"Yukihira?" Hermione frowned, "It seems that you haven't mentioned this earlier."
The Alice shrugged it off. "During the two years I have spent in the Alice Academy, I discovered who my biological were. Izumi Yukihira, my father, was killed before my birth by Kuonji, the former Academy's Elementary School Principal. My mother Yuka Azumi died in the first Rebellion led against the ESP, killed by him too. I do love them a lot, however I can't forget that the one who raised me is Nonno Sakura, so Mikan Sakura it is."
It was this instant Natasha, Tony, Bruce and Thor chose to join Hermione in the cellblock.
"Does it make you a relative of the current High Responsible of the Alice Academy?" asked Natasha.
"If you are speaking about Kazumi Yukihira, then yes. He is my uncle since he is the older brother of my late father." Mikan nodded.
"Are the two others, who disappeared with you still alive?" Fury finally stepped out of the silence.
Mikan surprised them as she started laughing at him, humorlessly and heartlessly, hatred filling her eyes. Since she seemed to be the only one to able to understand the comic of the situation, she leaned toward the group, her hands now pressed on the cold glass, and explained:
"Both of them died afterward, you know." Mikan smirked before continuing, "Kuonji died in a real explosion four years later. Natsume, also known by his alias the Black Cat, died in a mission that we both had to fulfill, at the sorry age of fourteen. But I can't help it, it is so funny that you are the one asking this question, since that mission was funded by S.H.I.E.L.D, itself." Mikan, who truly couldn't help it, started to laugh again.
Tony, Hermione, Bruce and Thor tensed simultaneously. They knew that S.H.I.E.L.D had its flaws and even if the woman in front of them could have been lying to them, they wouldn't be surprised if such a fact was true.
Since Hermione needed to get inside to cast her spell on Mikan, the group agreed silently onto continuing the interrogatory inside the capsule.
Mikan kept herself from smirking. They had made the wrong move and now all the cards were in her hands. 'All is fair in love and war, they say.' The young woman had activated her Mind Reading Alice the very instant Hermione Jean Granger Weasley and Fury had stepped inside the cellblock. She knew that the witch was planning to use her Magic on her.
A spell called Legilimency, quite similar to mind reading, even though it seemed to be more complex. Which bothered Mikan, though, was the fact that she didn't know if her Barrier Alice would be efficient against the witch's Magic. She knew from experience that it could block the Magic practiced by the Masters of the Mystic Arts but still…
'Someone is never too cautious...' Mikan, unsure, activated her Barrier Alice anyway and put all her energy and concentration into this task.
Mikan willed herself to remain calm and not appear suspicious, nor worried. She looked curiously at Thor, Doctor Banner and Tony Stark, who were mostly very stiff or holding unconsciously their breath. She did what she was supposed to, which meant to look around searching what they were all staring at.
Mikan finally looked at Hermione. She didn't faint her surprise when a very strong curse hit her barriers very hard. The shock was so powerful, that it sent both of them fly across the cell. Mikan let out a gasp of pain as her body hit cruelly the glass. The pain was now unbearable. She was vaguely aware of Thor and Dr. Banner reaching for her, before to close her eyes.
'Well it seems that my Alice can block her Magic…' she thought before to fall unconscious.
Hi, I just wanted to explain why Hermione is only known as Miss Granger by the Avengers, and not as Ms. Weasley. In fact, Hermione is just being cautious. She knows that by helping the S.H.I.E.L.D, she could endanger her family, since Loki or threats like him, who have access to very dangerous weapon as the Infinity Stones, are more powerful and dangerous than Voldemort could ever have been. She just doesn't want to give too much about her.
As for Mikan, she is now a very powerful Alice. Which explains why Hermione can't practice magic on her. I think that since Alices are not magic, her Barrier Alice could even protect her from the Killing Curse, which is known to be an "unblockable" curse.
This work for Mikan, but could all Alices be kind of immune to magic?
I thought that it could be interesting to compare how magic works in different realms. We know that Loki had learned the arts of magic from Frigga, his mother. I think that since he is not born with magic, it is only logic that he withdraws his from the environment he is in.
The origins of Alices, which will be explained later in the story, are very important for its development.
Please give me your opinion on the matter. I will be open to other possible theories.