Okay, so I've been absent from this business for a long time, I mean a really long time, and I would like to apologize for that. I can assure you I have been writing fanfics, but usually I hit a dead end or I end up getting distracted, and I just plain don't have the balls to upload them, I'm a lot more timid about my writing abilities, especially considering my fics in the past. I feel no love for them whatsoever, in fact I feel mild shame really, I wrote those fics back when I was a teenager, and we all do stupid things when we are at that age.

I'm an adult now, I'm twenty years old. And I think it's about time I get off my ass and do something. It doesn't have to be a big comeback, or a massive book series. And since it's Christmas, I'm going to pull my socks up and actually release the damn thing! Let's do this!

Some Common Sense Chapter 1: My First Girlfriend

The girl and the boy stared at each other, the former curious and the latter nervous and irritated. The boy hadn't been in this scenario by choice, and he most certainly didn't want to do this, but a dare was a dare, and if it made his erstwhile friends shut the hell up then who was he to complain.

"Well, what is it?" the girl asked. The boy swallowed, took a deep breath, and looked her in the eyes.

"I, Junichi Hashiba, humbly ask you to go out with me."

A tad too formal, perhaps, but frankly dramatic formality was what kept Junichi from having a breakdown. One would probably be wondering how he got into this mess in the first place and well… it went a bit like this.

A few hours ago…

Junichi Hashiba was by no means a total pervert, even if his friends were. Okay, granted there were parts of his mind that strayed into dangerous territory whenever a hot girl was in the local vicinity, or when the subject of sex came up, and considering his friends that subject came up a lot.

Even so he had enough self-control to not get carried away, no matter what his hormones told him.

What was worse, it was now dating season, and everyone else save for Junichi and his friends, was making out with their lovers. Junichi wasn't particularly pleased with this turn of events at all. His friends, Keigo, a blonde classman, Minoru, a rather obese boy, and of course Shinpei, a glasses wearing otaku pervert who had some very strange ideas regarding how girls seemed to think, were also as displeased as he was.

"I understand its lover season and all, but this is just going a bit too far." Junichi sighed, his friends grumbling in agreement. He had to admit he was more than a bit jealous about everything, he never had a girlfriend before, as he hadn't been interested at all. He liked his books and his manga more. Sure the idea seemed appealing when his hormones got out of control, but in all honesty he was totally asexual at the moment.

"Hey, hey Junichi!" the auburn haired boy turned to Shinpei, who was brandishing a manga in his face, a rather risqué one at that.

"Gah!" he yelped, falling off his chair with a crash. "Damn it, you crazy bespectacled bastard, what the hell?" he felt something land on his face and noticed it was the manga. "Dude, really?" he said flatly as the manga slid off him.

He sighed and was about to get up when he heard a voice behind him.

"Hey, move over, won't you?" he craned his head around and saw a tanned girl with blonde hair who possessed possibly the most divine figure he had seen outside of any anime he had watched. A gyaru? She looked down at him with an arched brow, and then at the manga that was on the floor next to him. "Wow, seriously, shouldn't you read stuff like this at home?" she said, before giving him a harsh look. "You're disgusting." Those words were like a spear to the heart. Junichi didn't say anything as the gyaru passed him by without a second glance.

'I feel dead.' He thought.

"Tell me about it." said Superego, his conserved and prudish persona, the 'angel' of his personality.

"Oh, please, we all got a good look at her panties, they were cotton white. I figured her for a black lace girl myself." That particular comment came from Id, the unfettered persona who was without a doubt an absolute pervert and the one who was honest about everything.

"Be quiet!" Superego yelled. Junichi just sighed. He never really talked to girls before, at least not cute ones like that girl from before. What was her name again? He didn't remember. Even so, if she viewed Shinpei's porn as something disgusting she might be worth getting to know, and she was quite cute.

Junichi mentally slapped himself. He shouldn't go thinking things like that, crushing on girls based purely on their looks rarely ended well. Then again she might be a bit like Galko-chan from Oshiete Galko-chan. Well, it's not like he'll ever find out, while he was good with talking to people he knew, saying something to someone new was difficult.

The bell ringed and he followed his friends out and eventually tuned in to their conversation. They were talking about his less than graceful meeting with the gyaru girl.

"Yukana Yame, that girl is so hot. If she had raised her legs a bit more…" Keigo giggled perversely. So that was her name. Junichi sighed.

"I bet we could totally do with her if we get attacked by her." Shinpei drooled.

"Hey, quit it. There's no way that any woman with self-respect would go out with you idiots." Junichi growled. Shinpei stood up from his crouch and pointed dramatically at Junichi.

"That is where you are wrong! According to this," he held up a hentai manga and pointed at a gyaru with her legs spread open. "Gyarus are loose sluts, so it's obvious how this will go down!" Junichi threw his arms up in exasperation.

"I am not going to be involved in this conversation!" he yelled. "You morons can fantasize and fap to your heart's content, I'm going home!" he made to leave but was suddenly placed in a full nelson by Minoru. "Hey, what the hell?"

"We have decided, Junichi, that you will be the one to confess!" Shinpei grinned at him.

"Why me?" Junichi asked.

"It was after long and careful deliberation that we decided that you will be the one who makes a first grab at the goods." Shinpei declared. Junichi growled at the glasses pervert.

"I am not doing this bullshit!" he yelled. Shinpei shrugged, "Too bad, you're outvoted. Keigo, plant the letter into her shoe locker!" the blonde raced away while Junichi spat out various threats involving harsh vengeance.

It was half an hour later that he actually started thinking about what this situation entailed.

'On one hand if she actually says yes, I'll have a girlfriend. I have to admit I am curious about this, and besides she is not hard on the eyes. Besides, leaving her to dry would just be cruel. If she rejects me, fine by me. But I do wonder what she's like. Is she some dumb hussy like the stereotypes would suggest, or is there something else beneath that weird attitude of hers? Maybe this is a Galko-chan situation.'

He had made his decision. He would go along with this, and so he stood there, facing Yukana with a faint blush. It was a policy of Junichi's to face every problem head on and take whatever's coming. He wasn't going to drop that policy now.

This led to the scene that was currently going on now, with Junichi doing his overly formal confession, he had even bowed slightly. And by slightly we of course meant a full ninety degrees. He kept himself completely still and didn't dare look up.

"Hey, can you stop doing that?" Yukana asked. Junichi straightened up and sighed, "Sorry, I got a bit caught up there." He smiled sheepishly. "I am serious though." He said.

"But, like, why me?" Yukana asked. Junichi heard glass shatter inside his mind at that question.

'Crap, I don't want to sound like I only came here because of a dare! That would just be cruel. Think you moron!'

"Just be honest about what you feel, she is a beautiful girl and you have a chance, take it!" Id ordered him.

"Umm, I just… when I saw you… I… hell, I don't know. Normally I'm not the type to give a toss about romance, and then I saw you and all of a sudden my heart started beating like a heavy metal drummer."

"What type of comparison was that!?" Superego yelled.

'Shut up, I'm being honest.' Junichi hissed mentally.

"Oh, I get it now…" Yukana grinned. "You're one of those 'take their virginity' types like those three boys in class." She crossed her arms, even as Junichi felt a large sweat drop appear behind his head.

'Where did she reach that conclusion?' he thought.

"I'm on my guard for that sort of thing, you know. I keep an eye out for perverts like that." Yukana continued.

"And that is an admirable and mature trait to have, seeing that a lot of girls try and go for the bad boy types and end up in tears," Junichi said. "But like I said, I was borderline asexual before I saw you, and I swear I am not just some pervert." Yukana got a little bit closer, smiling teasingly.

"Oh, really?" she said, getting close enough to press her chest against his. "Are you sure…? I mean, I can let you look now, if you like." She giggled.

"Take her up on that offer or I will kill you with my mind."

"Don't you freaking dare, Junichi!"

Junichi knew his self-restraint was admirable, but even so he had limits, and as such he glanced down at the massive amount of cleavage that was currently a few inches away from him.

'They are… really kind of big.' He felt his chin get raised forcefully, and expected to be greeted by a pair of angry eyes, but this wasn't the case, as Yukana seemed more amused than anything.

"Ha! You looked. So you are kind of pervy!" she cackled.

'Oh, that bitch, she was screwing with me!' he was about to yell at Yukana when her expression suddenly turned morose. 'Deactivate anger protocols and engage kindness function, she is sad and in need of comforting!' As one could tell one of Junichi's biggest personality traits is his overwhelming desire to help others, from rescuing cats from trees, helping old ladies with things like crossing the street or carrying out the rubbish, even comforting people who are crying despite having never seen them before. He wouldn't classify it as a problem per say but it did get somewhat exhausting. Yukana gave a brief sigh.

"Hey… do you really like me?" she asked quietly. Junichi stared, his brow furrowing. She seemed vulnerable, maybe it was an act and if it was it was a well performed one, but act or no…

'I can't say no when someone is like that.' He thought. "Yes." He answered simply. Yukana's teasing smile returned, "Well, okay then." She said. "I'll go out with you."




Junichi's brain short-circuited and then rebooted fairly quickly.

"Whoa, okay. Alright then." He said. Yukana whipped out her phone and asked for his. Junichi watched as she tapped away at her phone, no doubt exchanging details. She handed his phone back and he nodded with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow, Yukana-san." He was sure he was taking a risk, but felt that some familiarity was required, hence he used her first name, but kept the suffix as he still wished to be respectful. Yukana didn't seem to mind.

"Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow." She said. Junichi smiled and waved as she left, before blinking a few times.

He had a girlfriend, an actual genuine girlfriend. He was the least interested in the opposite sex in his little group of friends when it came down to it, but he had gotten a girlfriend first, from a stupid prank no less.

The irony was not lost on him, and boy did it make him laugh.

"We are not passing this up." Id growled.

"I agree, this is a good opportunity to see how we function in a relationship that isn't strictly platonic." Superego chimed in.

"Hey, I thought you'd be all 'No, going out with a hot girl is bad' and shit."

"I may be the embodiment of Junichi's morals but I'm no fool. I know we… hit the jackpot so to speak. Even so I will continue in my role as the advisor of all things respectful and kind while Id acts as your perversity and assertiveness."

'Makes sense,' Junichi thought. He checked his watch and decided it was time to go home. He needed to cool down after today. As he travelled home, he didn't notice the gaze of a young girl trailing him.

"Onii-chan…" she said.

Right so a few notes. Firstly there isn't a lot of fanfiction on this manga/anime so I figured it would be a good idea to try it out. I doubt this will be a particularly long fic and god knows I need to get my ass in gear with this. Secondly while I am aware that in making Junichi a non-perverted character I will be taking away what is usually the biggest part of the original manga's comedy away I will attempt to put in the humour, mainly because Junichi is totally deadpan to many of the other characters' (namely those three perverts) actions, even so this fic may be a tad more serious.

Also, regard to Id and Superego. I couldn't ignore the whole inner conversation stuff that canon Junichi had so these two popped up as an idea. There will be one or two other personas coming along shortly.

Next time on Some Common Sense: Junichi begins his relationship with Yukana, with only some 'advice' from his friends and his own moral system as guidance, will it be enough?