Hello everyone! It's been a while.

I was a little apprehensive about writing a new chapter for this story since a lot of people were worried or kept asking about the pairings of the story. I understand if someone doesn't like to read a certain pairing but I don't want to flat out say how this one is going to end since it would give the story away. But do let me know what your thoughts are concerning it. Reading your reviews and comments always motivates and inspires me to write more.

Thank you to everyone who left a comment and reviewed. It's my only source of sustenance in this realm of writing.

Here's the new chapter. Enjoy!

1 month later...

Hinata stood by the window, looking out at the rain as each drop poured on the glass before sliding down with the weight of gravity.

The school was practically empty now save for a few teachers who were catching up with their grading. It was a new semester now and the lull of winter break was finally wearing off. But there was one thing that was different.

Natsumi hadn't returned.

Hinata hadn't received any notice indicating that the girl had left the school but it had been a week now since school started. Where could she be? Hinata hated to admit it but a part of her worry for her student's absence was also for Naruto. If Natsumi was not showing to class then it meant that something must have happened to Naruto.

Willing away any solemn thoughts about him and his absence, Hinata prepared to head home. She hadn't anticipated rain today but she was still ready for it with her umbrella.

It was raining pretty hard and the sky looked too dark. With a sigh she walked out hoping that she wouldn't get sick tomorrow. She didn't want to spend her weekend like that.

Thinking about the weekend Hinata was reminded of the last time she went out on a weekend. That was when she had gone out with Sasuke and since then she had been too busy to go out, even with Tenten. And when winter break rolled around, her father had called her letting her know that she was due for a visit back home so she couldn't really spend much time with her friend and Sasuke, not that he ever said they would.

Pulling out her cellphone, she scrolled through her contacts looking for his name. Biting her lip, she thought to the last time they saw each other.

She hadn't seen much of Sasuke after their second date, which unfortunately had ended right after they finished their breakfast. He had received a call from work indicating that his presence was required and he could not refuse so they parted ways afterwards.

Hinata had felt that even though their date had ended abruptly, the two were still on good terms if Sasuke's demeanor was anything to go on. He had teased her about her weird choice of place for a romantic date, and asked whether she had used his name to get in front of the reservation list, which caused her to blush and giggle. Sasuke also seemed to relax around her towards the end of their meal and Hinata was looking forward to talking to him more on the date but sadly she couldn't.

They hadn't made any promises, but she knew that they were going to see each other again, and hopefully make up for the date.

That was almost a month ago, and till now they hadn't seen each other. They had talked on the phone and texted but every time they tried to make a plan to meet up again, one of them would always be busy.

It was awkward talking to Sasuke over texts since both were never fond of talking much but since they weren't able to see each other, Hinata wanted to keep in touch especially when she went home over winter break.

Looking at the last texted Sasuke had sent her, Hinata couldn't help but smile. It was a picture of his cat. Who would've thought that he was a cat person.

Hinata liked this side of Sasuke. She felt that he was becoming more comfortable talking to her about random things just to say something to her. She didn't know what they would call this though. Would this be dating even though they technically had only been on two dates? And they hadn't explicitly said anything about being in a relationship. So what was this? For some reason Hinata hoped that if they never decided to go out she would still be able to be friends with Sasuke. For now she was content with just talking because it felt nice to just talk to him. Since college the only person she had stayed in contact with was Tenten and that was because they worked together so she was glad that at least she had someone outside of work to talk to especially since Tenten was spending more time with her new boyfriend.

Sometimes Hinata felt that she was missing out on something since she was still single. Was something wrong with her? But then she would chide herself for thinking like that. She was Hinata who was strong and independent. She didn't need be in a relationship to be happy.

Then there was Sasuke who she didn't know what to think of. Sometimes she would hope that they could meet up again and maybe figure out what they should do. Maybe they should get together or maybe they should forget about it. It was weird not having a clear direction on where they were going. A part of hoped that they could just stay friends. It wasn't because she didn't like him but that she just didn't want to use him to get over someone else. It was weird not feeling sad at the loss of the possibility of a relationship with Sasuke that any girl would love to have, and it made her wonder whether she was okay or not. She guessed that it was because her heart was still stuck on a certain someone, but she pushed that thought away not wanting to acknowledge something she knew deep down.

On the other side of town, Sasuke headed out to the parking lot to get to his car. He had just finished working on the 200 page contract for the company's new project and he was tired. He couldn't wait to get to his apartment. It was way too cold outside and the rain wasn't helping either.

These past couple of weeks had been hectic for him and he had been working nonstop without a single minute to spare. Usually, Sasuke wouldn't mind this but lately he had been wishing to get out of his office more. It was weird to feel such a way and he wouldn't like to admit it but there was a reason behind such a change. Where before he was married to his work, now he couldn't wait to be done with it. He had been staying till late hours in his office for the past month but every time he couldn't help but wish that he could be somewhere else rather than be stuck in his office, somewhere preferably with Hinata.

That thought always stunned him since he only met her twice. Their encounter on the second date had started off weird in his opinion, but after he forced himself to look past his suspicions, he saw that all Hinata was doing was trying her best to get to know him. She wasn't trying to impress him especially considering where they went, but she genuinely wanted to find out more about. Unfortunately, their was cut short, but he had been talking to her since then and now he wouldn't admit it out loud but he really enjoyed talking to her. Their conversations were always random or lighthearted which he assumed was why he liked talking to her. He didn't have to worry about what to say or do when with her and she obviously wasn't trying to impress him or get his attention which made everything feel more genuine.

As he drove through the streets he decided to give her a call soon and make a plan to meet up again now that he had more time.

Hinata rushed through the streets in the rain with her umbrella above her head. It was January and yet they still had such heavy rainfall.

She had the way to her place from her work memorized so it was easy to get lost in her thoughts while she walked.

"Hey! Watch out!" Hinata was jerked out of her thoughts when she felt a hand grab at her arm. She was pulled out of the way of a speeding car that probably could not see the road well through the rain. A few more seconds and she would have been in its way.

"Thank-" Her gratitude died on her lips when she saw who her savior was.

"Hinata, are you okay?" His blue eyes spoke of concern and Hinata could not help but feel relieved to know he hadn't left. Why was I even worried? Hinata thought in confusion.

"Yes," she said softly. He was soaking in the rain and when she focused on the hand that still held her, she realized that he was freezing. "Naruto, you're freezing."

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine." He tried to wave off her worry but she could see his lips that were slightly turning blue. His whole visage was showing that he was not fine. He had bags under his eyes and his skin was pale. He looked sickly.

"How long have you been out here?"

"Not…long." She could see the lie.

"You can't stay out here, especially like this." His clothes were all wet and he was sure to get a cold.

"I'm fine," he chuckled. She was the one who was about to get hit by a car a few minutes ago yet she was more concerned about him.

"No, you're not. You're shivering." She held his hand to show him his trembling digits.

He frowned at his hand. He felt fine but his body said otherwise.

"Let's go. You're going to get sick." She pulled him beside her and brought him under her umbrella. "How far do you live from here?"

"Just around the corner." He pointed out and soon they walked in silence to his place. He did not think that today would turn out like this but deep down he was glad that he ran into Hinata. He was slowly becoming aware of the condition he had put his body into. He was not trying to get himself sick but he just got distracted.

"Naruto, where now?"

He lead her until the reached the building where his apartment was. When he walked into the warmth of the building he finally realized how cold he was.

After closing her umbrella Hinata followed him to the elevator. Naruto was wobbling a bit and she was worried that he might not be able to hold himself up anymore. How long had he been out there?

She helped him through his door when it was obvious he could not stand by himself anymore. After seating him on his sofa, Hinata went into his kitchen and looked around to find something warm for him to eat.

"You need to change out of these clothes." He nodded and, after a few attempts, got up to change.

His cupboards were bare and there were only a few things stocked. She finally found some tea and decided to make that. She couldn't help but wonder why he was like this.

"Thanks for walking me here. I don't know what happened." He said when he walked out of his room in a dry set of clothes.

"Are you still feeling dizzy?"

"Nah, I'm fine." He was smiling again but it was the one she knew he made when he didn't want someone to worry about him. It was the one he hid his true feelings behind.

"Naruto, what going on?" He frowned at her question.

"What do you mean?"

"You look…horrible."

"Geez thanks Hinata." He laughed.

"I'm being serious." She said firmly. She knew when he was trying to evade a topic and he was doing it now.

His face became serious again but he did not look at her. "It's nothing."

"Naruto…if there's anything-"

"I said there's nothing. Stop worrying." He said but winced afterwards at how harsh he sounded.

"Ok." He was doing it again. He was shutting her out just like he did all those years ago. But the difference this time was that he wasn't obliged to tell her anything. They weren't together so she shouldn't care if he was hiding something from her.

"I made some tea for you." She pointed to the cup on the counter. "And keep yourself warm. You'll probably be getting a cold."


"Bye." She straightened her back and walk walked up to his door leaving him standing there in silence, but before she could head out, he spoke.

"Wait. I'll tell you." She stopped and turned to see him standing in the same spot but he was looking at her this time. "Just..don't go." He pleaded and Hinata could hear the slight desperation in his voice. She nodded and closed the door.

"You need to keep yourself warm, and drink this." She handed him his tea and took a cup for herself before they settled on his table.

He sat across from her with a contemplative look while Hinata waited for him patiently. This was what she wanted, right? All she wanted was for him to be honest with her from the beginning.

"I...I think Ayame wants to take full custody of Natsumi." Hinata frowned but did not say anything. "She..." he roved his hand through his hair before grabbing on to his bangs in a fist. "I can't..." He took a shuddering breath as if he was trying to hold back his tears.


"She's the only family I have!" Suddenly he was yelling at her and his hands fisted on the table to show how much he was restraining. "I can't have her take my only child away from me. She's going to get sole custody of her and then take her away from me, and I won't be able to stop her."

"Naruto, she can't do that-"

"Yes she can...she can Hinata," he looked into her eyes, "I've...my past isn't...the best. I was stupid in high school and if she were to ever bring up the things I did in court I could easily lose not just her custody but any visitation rights." He held his head in his hands.

She knew what he was referring to in his past and in her opinion it wasn't something that bad. He had stolen things and got involved with the wrong people, but he was a minor then. Also, he hadn't done anything like that since he left that place, surely that would count for something.

"You were a minor then Naruto. I'm sure it wouldn't matter now." She reassured him.

"But what if it did matter." Hinata frowned at his reaction. He was being irrational and slightly paranoid.

"Why would Ayame do that? She seemed like a nice person when I met her."

"I don't know. Maybe she's bitter." He shrugged but stared at the tea in front of him.

"Naruto, where has Natsumi been for the past week?"

"She went with Ayame during winter break. They haven't gotten back from their trip yet."

"Oh." So he had been without her for three weeks.

"I don't know if I'm just being paranoid, but I'm worried Hinata. The last time I spoke to Ayame, we had an argument about Natsumi and how to raise her. What if she does take her away from me?"

"Naruto, you're just assuming all this. Don't worry yourself over something that hasn't happened and probably won't."

"But what if it does happen. Hinata, what if I'm a bad parent. Maybe I shouldn't be in Natsumi's life. I'll just fuck it up."

It was as if she was seeing a whole new person sitting in front of her. Naruto had always been jovial and carefree. His confidence was one of the things she admired the most. But right now, this person was different. Hinata could see what had become of the person he once was.

Having lost his family at a young age, he knew what it was like to grow up without parents. Finding out that he had, unintentionally, left his own child to a fate similar to his own, he must have been ridden with guilt. And then for the next four years, he did all he could to make it up to her. He had changed his entire life around for his daughter. It was as if his life only depended on her.

It was nice to see him have such dedication to his daughter, but he was also lonely without her. Hinata felt heartbroken to know that he had ended up isolating himself just so he could focus solely on his daughter. It was as if he was punishing himself for not being in her life from the beginning.

She reached across the table and placed a hand on one of his fisted ones. He immediately looked up to see tears in Hinata's eyes.

"Hey, why are you crying?" he frowned in concern.

"You really love your daughter."

"...Yeah," he answered even though it wasn't a question.

"But can't you see that you're punishing yourself."

"What?" his expression changed to one of confusion.

"You've isolated yourself thinking that you're doing it because you want to just focus on your daughter."

"But she's everything I have."

"She is," Hinata squeezed his hand, "but you can't depend your life on her. That is too much for a child her age to handle."

Naruto stayed quiet for a couple seconds while he stared at the hand that held his own on the table. Slowly he turned his over so that his palm faced hers. His fingers enclosed around hers and he looked up to see Hinata smiling at him.

"You're right." He looked back down at their hands in deep thought."I never thought of it that way...I just thought I was doing what I needed to...I was probably overreacting too. Ayame wouldn't do something like that."

"No matter what happens, there's one thing I know for sure that Natsumi loves you a lot."

"Thanks." Naruto gave a small smile of his own but it soon turned into a sad one. "You're a great person Hinata." She blushed at his sudden compliment. "I...I hurt you all those years ago, but you're here helping me. I don't deserve any of this." Hinata was too stunned to say anything for a few seconds before she regained her composure.

"I know we ended things in a...bad way, but I can't deny that you had been there for me back when I couldn't even stand up for myself."

He was silent again until he began moving his thumb in circles on the back of her hand.

"I really messed up something good all those years ago."

"What do you-" Hinata cut herself off at the look he gave her. She knew what he was talking about.

"Thank you Hinata...and I'm sorry," he whispered as he lowered his eyes in shame. "I wish I wasn't such an an idiot back then or else things could've been different." He held her hand a little longer before letting it go.

She didn't know what to say so she remained quiet the rest of time. She had seen the way he smiled and how painful it looked. She knew of the pain she felt when he left her but today she saw a glimpse of what he had made himself go through because of his decision. She saw guilt in his eyes just right now when he said what she had been crying over the past couple of years.

"It's funny how life just keeps bringing us together without any plan." Hinata smiled ruefully. "I thought I wasn't going to see you again since Natsumi had missed school for a week."

Naruto gave her a somber look realizing that she thought he had disappeared again without a single word. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize." Hinata shook her head as she got up and carried their cups to the kitchen. "I guess I was being paranoid too." She laughed nervously at her lame attempt at a joke.

"Natsumi should be back by next week," he said with a smile.

"Ok, then. Take care. I'll...see you around." With one last look, Hinata headed out of his apartment but on her way back she couldn't help but feel the heavy beating of her heart.

The next day, Hinata walked through the park enjoying the scenery around her.

"I still think your ideas for a romantic outing are lame." Sasuke smirked as he walked behind her.

"They're not." She pouted. "Maybe you just don't have great taste in dates."

"Ouch." He chuckled.

When Hinata got home last night, she was anxious and worried for how things ended with Naruto. She had wanted to stay to make sure he was looking after himself, but she knew it would be inappropriate to overstep her boundaries, especially after hearing him say out loud that he regretted his decision to leave her all those years ago.

It was one thing to think it but it was another to hear it from the other person. They both wanted the same thing and it clenched at Hinata's heart because she still thought about the what ifs. Which was why when she heard Sasuke's call, she agreed to whatever he said. In reality, she had been wanting to meet up with him, but this time she also wanted to forget about the way she was feeling. She had promised herself that she would move on.

Turning around to look at the man walking behind her, Hinata felt guilty for using Sasuke like that but she knew that if she ever wanted to try and move on then he was perfect. She thought that he was not as serious about this as her previous dates so it would not hurt either of them if it didn't work out, but what she didn't know was that Sasuke wanted this to work out.

"Sasuke, tell me about yourself." He raised an eyebrow at her request.

"You already know everything." He said referring to what everyone knew from the news about his family.

"No," she shook her head, "tell me about yourself. What you like or dislike...What were you like in high school?"

Sasuke was in thought for a minute, trying to decide how to answer her question. "I guess I haven't changed much from high school...except maybe getting taller."

"What about your friends?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "I didn't really have many."

"What do you mean?" she frowned. "I thought you'd be popular in high school."

"I was," he smirked, "but that doesn't mean I had people I could trust." His smirk faded and was replaced by a serious look. "It took me a few years afterwards to figure out what it actually meant to trust someone but back in high school I was just...too full of myself." Sasuke felt self conscious all of a sudden. Why was he telling her all this?

He thought back to the blond idiot in his school who loved to challenge him. He was always the troublemaker, but if Sasuke had to be honest, he was the only one who had never tried to be fake around him, and he admired that about him. But he would never admit that out loud. It also didn't help now that the man was working for him because now he knew how hardworking he was, especially for his daughter. Sasuke knew about his daughter since he did go to high school with him, and a part of him couldn't help but be amazed at how Naruto was able to take on such a responsibility considering he didn't even know before then that he had a child.

"What about now?" Hinata asked breaking him out of his thoughts.

"...It's the same I guess." He shrugged indifferently but inside he felt like he sounded pathetic. Who doesn't have friends?

Sure he had people to hang out with but he didn't have friends in the way he knew she was referring. He never thought about things like this because he was always busy with his work but now he honestly could not come up with a single person he would say he could trust, except for family of course. How pitiful was that? Hinata probably thought so.

"Well, it just means that you have to meet new people." she smiled while Sasuke felt something strange brewing in his chest.

I really wanted to bring out a different side of each of the characters, and hopefully it didn't seem awkward. I was worried that I would mess up their characterizations.

Let me know what you think about the way each of them were in this chapter.