A/N: So to celebrate the Holidays I will be posting this entire 2 Shot all at once on top of posting a double chapter in my Story 'Animal'. Have a good Holiday season my dear readers and I hope you enjoy :)





Chat's staff landed hard on the akuma, golfing them down the street, giving his Lady and him some breathing space.

He put a hand to his head like a golfer watching the ball fly.

"Four!" He yelled jokingly.

Ladybug rolled her eyes at her partner, the corners of her lips turning up in a smile despite her best efforts.

"C'mon silly Kitty, we have work to do," she said, taking off after the Akuma. She didn't bother to praise Chat, he always knew how proud of him she was. They were partners and she couldn't do it without him.

The akuma noticed their presence, just recovering from Chat's hit. It screamed angrily as sharp jagged projectiles burst out of its form, flying in all directions.

Marinette tensed. All it would take would be one of them to hit the string of her yo-yo...

She didn't have to worry as Chat leapt in front of her, staff twirling as it protected both her and him.

Marinette smiled, sometimes she felt like such a bother. Chat was always protecting her, it seemed to be his first instinct. To protect her.

"You okay Ladybug?" He asked, concern in his voice.

"Yeah, Thanks to you," she replied. She stood up and called for her lucky charm. Chat couldn't keep it up forever after all.

She was surprised when she also received a baton.

"Um..." Marinette said.

Chat spared a glance to see what she had gotten. He grinned when he saw it was a staff similar to his own.

"Well look at that M'Lady, we match!" He teased.

Marinette once again rolled her eyes.

"I guess it's going to be a really physical battle," she remarked, "When I give the signal Chat."

The blonde cat boy nodded, ready to give his arms a quick rest. This glass akuma seemed tireless, her attack never ending.

Marinette eye her partner and the akuma warily, hopping Chat could hold out. She waited for a break. And...


"Go!" Marinette cried. Chat and her split up from the spot they were once standing in. Marinette flew up the left side of the akuma while Chat raced up the right flank.

The akuma growled in frustration sweeping her hand towards Chat, obviously picking the more tired target.

Marinette frowned but still, she was faster and before Chat even had to deflect the oncoming spray, she leaped high into the air. She brought her staff down towards the akuma who blocked it with the shield on her right hand. At least the Akuma's attack had been momentarily halted.

Marinette fell back before she got a face full of broken glass as Chat struck the side of the akuma, making her cry out. He leapt out of the way as she took a swipe at him with her sharp claws.

Marinette saw the opening and swung her staff across the akumas back, sending it stumbling forward. Her and Chat played off one another, a game of distraction, opportunity and strike until the disoriented akuma left itself wide open.

Chat snatched a glass figurine from the girl's glass purse before throwing it to Ladybug. Marinette smashed it onto the ground and caught the akuma.

Afterwords a sobbing girl, just slightly younger than them was on the ground. Chat went over to comfort her, getting the story while he sent a look her way.

Marinette immediately understood.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" She cried, throwing the staff up into the air.

She picked up the now repaired figurine and walked over, handing it back to the girl. The girl's eye widened.

"But I broke the arm off the angel!" The girl said in surprise, "Dad was so upset..." She looked up at the heroes, happiness filling her eyes.

"Thank you so much!" The girl hummed. She scurried off leaving Ladybug with Chat Noir.

"Pound it!" Chat said. Marinette smiled as they completed their ritual.

"Aren't you glass we're done?" Chat said as he waggled his eyebrows.

Marinette rolled her eyes but smiled. She'd been waiting for a pun and was surprised to think she might not get one this time.

Chat grinned happily. "So what did you think of the staff M'Lady?" He asked curiously. She'd certainly used it effectively enough, she seemed like a natural.

"It's actually pretty cool," Marinette replied with a shrug. She couldn't lie, it was fun.

She opened her mouth to say more when Alya came running over.

"Ladybug! Ladybug!" She called, panting as she stopped by them, "Will you be carrying a staff from now on?"

Marinette laughed.

"No thank you, it was just my lucky charm, I think I'll be sticking to my yo-yo," she replied.

Alya looked disappointed.

"That's such a shame. You guys looked really cool, really in sync! Like- like- like a thunderstorm! Chat is the thunder and you're the lightning," the reported exclaimed.

Marinette's jaw dropped. She looked at Chat who looked amused.

Well every time he struck it was like thunder, loud and strong.

Chat raised a brow.

"You are like lightning M'Lady, fast and quick," he complimented.

"I - er -" Marinette stammered.

Her earrings beeped suddenly, making her sigh in relief at being saved from the awkward conversation.

"Gotta go, bye!" She said as she swung off.

She wasn't sure what was so upsetting. Alya has only complimented them and their teamwork. Even Chat didn't take it as a romantic suggestion.

Marinette groaned into her pillow.

It's because Chat already seemed to recognize they had flawless teamwork.

Marinette had always subconsciously known. But now she was incredibly conscious of it, having it pointed out in front of her.

Her mind rewound back to the akuma fight. They had fought with little communication, always understanding and anticipating each other's movements.

It had been like her and Chat were dancing.

The thought made her blush.

"What am I thinking!" Marinette cried. Her Kwami looked smug, eating a cookie silently.

Why was it so... weird.

Well... good chemistry was like good teamwork. And what was between her and Chat definitely came naturally.

That didn't sound romantic now did it? Marinette thought, trying to reassure herself. Then a new thought popped into her head.

Made for each other.

She shrieked into her pillow as Tikki smirked.

Nobody said revelations were easy. But they were certainly fun to watch.

Marinette was a stubborn girl, she never wanted to entertain the possibility she loved Chat. Who knew all it would take was someone pointing out their teamwork?

Alya no less.