Merrily Happily Christmas Day to my fellow Authorians!
All of the contents here are purely mine.
"Authoria: Merry Authormas"
- chapter made by: Authoria - The Heart
- Beta Read by: Derp'Koz
(Special Thanks to my dearest Authorians!)
DIMENSION: Kingdom of Authoria, the Realm of Creation
LOCATION: Sciesta the First District - one of the Five Districts of Middle Division of Authoria
TIME: 10:32 AM - December 25, XXXX
(Third POV)
(BGM Play: [MapleStory BGM] Happyville: White Christmas)
The golden city with roads made silver, these were now currently covered in white, soft matter: Snow. The usual phenomenon was rare in Authoria and if it happened, it was a gift from their goddess. Whatever the reasons, the people (or Authors) will not waste this opportunity and because of that, most of the three divisions of districts are littered with people. Enjoying their time with their family, their friends and others. Some are alone but the look on their faces when they interacted with the other people erased the feeling of loneliness.
In one of the busy streets of the district, there's a fair-skinned woman with a raven hair that reaches her lower back, she has a long side bangs almost reaching her shoulders while the bangs simply framed her forehead. A blue rose ornament rests in the left side of her hair, the stem is hidden under her hair, above her ear. She is currently wearing an unattached long-sleeved red dress that barely reaches her waist, exposing some lower portions of her belly, and it shows an unholy amount of her cleavage with white puffy fur at the edges. A black choker with one white stripe horizontally. She also wore a red skirt barely reaching her knees and as for her leggings, she wore red long tights. A pair of red shoes with a pair of round puffy cotton adorned on the top. Despite the cold but happy atmosphere as the snow rained upon her, she wasn't happy in the slightest, at least not her features. Judging by her expression, she wore a neutral expression but deep inside, a dormant volcano is waiting to explode, most likely angry and irritated as her left eyebrow twitched.
Authorialace - Account Throne Room
The Headians
- The Goddess of Authoria: Authoria - The Heart
"With your imagination: bring forth the new Creation."
- The Candidate of Authoria: CAuthoria-The Candidate
"Live your life with your free will! Carve your own fate: the destined is yet to await!"
- The Oracle of Authoria: OAuthoria - The Oracle
"Ah, the secrets beyond is unreasonable. The Veil of Creation."
'Grr! I hate you, Jamey! You're the worst. Making me wore this stupid costume!' She thought angrily as she sighed in sadness. 'Then again, maybe Middo-chan is right...'
In a big room made up of gold and silver, adorned with rubies and diamonds in the room. A golden throne-like chair stood tall adorned with a big hole and a rotating symbol of Authoria, with two yellow orbits around the symbol. A woman sat on it, with a young man standing a few feet away.
The woman wearing a French maid outfit, short sleeves that reached her shoulders and a black dress with an apron tied around her lower midriff. The sleeves on her shoulders are wide. A frilly maid headband adorned her head with a red rose on the right side of her face, the stem is covered by her hair, probably above her ear. A tight, fishnet leggings completed by a pair of black, one inch heels.
The young man, meanwhile, had a light chocolate skin with a short black hair. He's wearing a red shirt with the Authoria symbol on the back and long black pants. Has a red bandana tied around his right forearm and was wearing black-rimmed glasses on his face. He seems to be holding a set of clothes.
"What?!" She yelled in shock as she stood from her seat and stared at her younger brother with a 'please-no' expression. "You're gonna make me wear that?! Please no Jamey!"
The young man, Jamey, smirked at her as he lifted in front of him her supposed costume for the holiday. "I'm not gonna accept a 'no', sis." He pushed the outfit to her. "Come on, just try it and enjoy the Snowia!" He dropped the clothes (intentionally) in front of her. The woman instinctively grabbed the clothing before it fell. She then noticed him walking away.
"He-Hey! Where are you going?" Jamey turned around to look at his sister who is giving her puppy dog eyes, pleading him that maybe it was just one big joke. The young man almost faltered as he started to notice tears forming at the corner of her eyes.
He looked at her as he tried to think of something that could change his sister's puppy dog eyes while struggling at the same time. "Uh... Huh... Aha! I have mangoes!"
"Mangoes?! Where?!" The young woman instantly stopped her puppy dog eyes and it was replaced by a glittering star with a drool at the corner of her mouth as she darted her eyes across the room.
Given by opportunity, the young man quickly left as soon as possible as the woman noticed him. "Wha-? Wait!" She puffed her cheeks as it turned red in embarrassment. "Why are my puppy dog eyes always countered?!" She cried helplessly, holding the clothes on her chest given to her by her younger brother.
She sighed in despair as she looked at the clothes and blushed upon closer look. "This is way too tight..." She thought hopelessly as she started to cry.
"Cut that already, Lady Ance." Spoke a new voice. "It is unlikely to see you in that state." Another person entered the room. A handsome, tall, fair-skinned man with a back slicked hair. A white monocle rested on his right eye. He was wearing a black tailcoat with long sleeves reaching his wrist with a red button uniform underneath the tailcoat and black long pants and her feet paired by two black boots.
"Seeing you in that state is rather unforgiving to me." He approached the crying woman and flicked his index and thumb as a tissue appeared in his hand. He held out his tissue in front of the woman. The latter stopped crying and snatched the tissue away from the tall man's hand.
The woman took a few sneezes and wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks and faced the tall man with a now a-okay expression with a bright, wide smile adorned her face. "Thank you, Middo-chan!"
"It was nothing, Lady Ance." The tall man said with a neutral look. But if someone looked closely, there's a small red blush on his cheeks. "A-Anyway, just simply call me Shi."
"Buuut I liked calling you Middo, Middo-chan." The woman, Ance, countered with a pout.
'Gah' Middo's mind is crumbling apart as his facade twitches at the cute expression his Milady was doing right now. But his strong-willed face didn't fall as he replied. "Call me whatever you wish, Lady Ance."
"Yay! Middo-chan! Middo-" She cheered but was interrupted.
"Maybe you need to wear that." Middo quickly replied, ending her cheer as he pointed at the set of red clothes that are in her hands. As much as he enjoyed his Milady's happiness, it was embarrassing to continue to call him by a 'cute' nickname. "Understand Lady Ance; In this day, it is important we enjoy this moment together... You can call it a 'once-in-a-lifetime' experience.
Ance made an 'Ooh' expression before nodding in understanding. "Okay!"
"Very well." He said as he turned around, his back facing her. However, before he could take a step, she asked him.
"Is that gonna be your clothing for this occasion?"
Middo looked at his attire and turned his head to look at her and give her a nod before facing the front again. "I shall see you happy on your own kingdom, Milady."
(Back at Ance)
The Managerians
- The Black Demon of Authoria: MAuthorian-ApocalypseDemon
"Hail the monster of the light, the demon that hunts anything in sight."
- The Guardian of Authoria: MAuthorian - Remited
"To guard: be Milady, to protect: be Authoria!"
-The Warrior of Authoria: MAuthorian-WarriorOfBirthright
"Raise your sword, as the golden sky bathed in forth."
'That's the first time Middo-chan called me that.' Ance put a finger on her chin as she pondered in that thought. 'I supposed that's what Uncle Zilean told me then.'
Then, a transparent image formed in front of her. Out came an old man laughing while wearing a set of Santa clothes while carrying a large bag of gifts and presents. And the image simply disappeared.
'That's what you call special.' An old voice echoed in her mind. 'If someone calls you with nice intentions, that's what you call special.'
'Thanks, grandpa.' She closed her eyes and suppressed a giggle that was intending to escape between her lips.
"Hey, Lady Ance!"
She tripped in surprise as her right foot slipped over the snow. Time seemed to slow down as her hand instinctively reached out, and a hand grabbed her and pulled.
And found herself in a very close proximity of her savior. The two stared at each other for a few seconds before noticing their short distance and instantly separated with a shade of red on their faces.
"I-I am sorry Lady Ance, for scaring you." A young man said as the shade of red washed off his face and was now wearing a terrified expression. He had a fair skin with a dark brown hair and dark brown eyes while wearing eyeglasses. He is wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and an unzipped hoodie just in case the climate were to change when traveling, a set of blue jeans and with black shoes. "It was unintentional, I swear." His head bowed in shame.
Ance blinked at him before leaning forward as she gently grabbed his chin, lifting his face up to meet hers. "Lift your head, my Guardian." The man quickly complied and straightened himself.
Ance was about to speak when she heard a whistle to her right as she saw two young men. The one on the right is looking to the side while wearing an 'innocent' look as he whistled. The one on the left is raising his eyebrow at the first person.
The one who's whistling has fair skin, maybe slightly pale. He is wearing a red shirt, regular jeans, green and white shoes, and a white leather jacket. He has blue and black eyes, black on the left, blue on the right. He has noticeable dark blue hair that goes down to his shoulders. He is carrying on his right shoulder a bag of wrapped gifts with a big red and white striped 'candy' cane stamped on the bag.
The other one also had a fair skin. He has silver hair that covered his right eye. Said hair had strands of black, whitish blue, green, purple, and red. His eyes were shut closed. He wore a jet black zip-up hoodie, that was half zipped up, showing his white undershirt. Said undershirt had a red stripe in the center going alongside with white stripes going down the sides. He wore red fingerless gloves with a pair of matching purple boots. Finally, he had a black choker with a red pearl in the middle.
Ance rubbed her forehead with a sigh. "Please Apoca, you're so easy."
"Huh? Why me?" The one who's whistling stopped and faced her with a puzzled look.
"Who could it be then?" The three said in synchronize as Ance leaned with her arms crossed under her well-endowed chest.
"And stop staring way too intently at Lady Ance's chest." The shut-eyes said, who 'noticed' the faux reaction coming from his companion because of his eyes and a sudden trail of drool on the corner of his mouth. Lady Ance heard this and instantly straightened herself and covered her chest.
"Eew! You pervert!" Ance shouted at him.
But the blue-haired man suddenly leaped towards her, surprising the woman who didn't know what to do. "Here I go pillows of Authoria~"
And a shadow moved between them.
"Oof!" The blue-haired man, fell on the ground flat. Standing in front of his fallen body is the same dark brown haired guy who is raising his fist with a pissed off expression.
"Please don't do that in front of me." He said with a chilling tone in his voice.
Ance sweat dropped at what happened to Apoca before looking at his savior. "Thank you, Remitted."
"Just a simple whack on his head is enough to make him fall on his pillows of cold snow," Remitted said, before making a small smile in front of her. "You're welcome, Lady Ance.
Then Apoca's hand could be seen at the corner, raising a 'thumbs up'.
The shut-eyes approached Ance. Despite his eyes closed, he knows exactly where he was 'looking' at. "It was legendarily rare for you, Lady Ance, to change into your usual attire. Even in our anniversary, except the time when you held the ceremony."
"W-Well, Jamey forced me to wear this." Ance replied with a small blush as she scratched her cheek. "It's just way too tight than my French maid though."
Remitted and the other sweatdropped at this reply. The latter turned his gaze on the ground, specifically the one who is simply twitching by his feet. He crouched and grabbed the collar of Apoca's shirt. The blue haired young man didn't respond. Then he turned back to the woman. "Shall I leave the place and fight Xazathra, Lady Ance?"
"No, you can't. No matter what you do, he will not die." Came a quick response by Apoca as he finally awoken from his 'unconsciousness'. Then he noticed his feet are not touching the ground, he looked at the ground then to the shut-eyes with a glare. "Put me down, Eric." He spoke sternly.
The silver-haired man rolled his eyes and he let go of Apoca's collar. The latter brushed off the snows on his clothes.
Warrior turned back his gaze at Ance. "By the way, Lady Ance, where are you going?"
"Nothing important, Warrior." Ance simply said.
Remitted gives her a concerned look. "Are you sure, Lady Ance? Maybe, I can accompany you."
"No no, it's fine." Ance smiled at his concern but she declined his help. "I'm simply trying to 'enjoy' this occasion somewhere peaceful." She said with a quote.
"I see, well then, excuse us Lady Ance. We have gifts to give." Remitted excused himself and quickly grabbed Apoca's head, the latter saw a busty lady and was already crouching to leap for the heavens. Luckily, Remitted grabbed his head firmly, preventing him to do so.
"Where do you think you're doing?" Remitted said with a comical vein popping out of his head. "Leaping on to women like that, to Lady Ance no less. You're so shameful." He started talking while dragging a whining Apoca by the left leg.
Warrior sighed at the two as he gave Ance a quick farewell and followed the two. The ravenette simply waved her hands at them and shouted a 'Bye!'. Then, she turned around and proceeds to walk forward.
As she walked, her eyes wandered around with mixed looks. The snowflakes silently touching her exposed skin brought shivers down her spine. Then it dawned on her.
'I forgot: I hate cold.' She thought grimly but she didn't stop walking and continued on to her destination.
LOCATION: Dyutx the Third District - one of the Five Districts of Middle Division of Authoria
TIME: 12:54 PM
Ance tiredly sat on a wooden bench with gold frames. She was not used to walking such distances and preferred to simply fly, it was much easier but it can cause unwanted attention to her people and she doesn't want that. Since it is her first time, enjoying this day would be tiring.
She rested her right leg on her left knee as her chest heaves in and out. As far as she knows, it is not healthy to be in cold and sweating hot at the same time.
Walking could be tiring but Ance managed to tolerate such thing. It could at least improve her health, at least for her human form.
Looking around, a few meters in front of her is one of the cosplay shops in this division filled with all kinds of cosplays that came from either anime or movies. It might be her imagination but she swear she saw a very familiar twin-tailed ravenette, or maybe it's just her being tired and imagining things again.
On her left, beside the bench, is a golden lamppost which shines with a bright white light. Behind her is the silver road with cars passing by each every few seconds or minutes whilst people passed by in front of her, doing what seems much more important in their life.
'I wonder what's going on with Butter.' She hadn't talk with the Golden Hunter for a while now so maybe this day is the best shot to talk to him. She stood up from her seat and started to walk to her right.
LOCATION: Fgutuvi the Fourth District - one of the Five Districts of Middle Division of Authoria
TIME: 1:43 PM
The Authorians
- The Golden Hunter of Authoria: Authorian - ButterHunter
"By my bow, you will blow!"
"Whoa! Calm down girl, here's your candy cane." A very tall, young man holding a bag of candy canes stood over as he gives a small candy cane to a little girl who gives him smile and a 'thank you!' in return as she skipped away happily to her parents. Jealous with this, several kids around him started hugging his legs and gave several puppy dog eyes in order to give them first. Meanwhile, the parents simply smiled at the scene before them.
Ance swore she hates being so short in front of the tall people. She can tolerate Middonaito because, well, he's not THAT tall than this guy (Middo is most likely 6'1" whereas this guy is 6'4").
The tall, fair-skinned young man, wore red T-shirts with red shorts, and a red triangular hat with a cotton tail at the tip. His hair is about an inch long, and chocolate brown in color. His eyes are about the same color as his hair. He has a small beard and wore a small smile while sweatdropping.
As Ance approached him, the tall man notices her. He instantly called her for help. "Lady Ance! A little help here?"
She almost hissed at him for calling her like that, in the middle of the crowd no less. But she remembered that her people called/known her as 'Lady Åuthoria'. So she simply pauses her steps before continuing to walk towards him. Then upon closer look, the tall man was surprised.
"What's the sudden get up?" He said, pointing at her outfit. "Wow, this is the first time I saw you change your attire."
Ance sighed hopelessly, "Am I gonna thank you for a compliment or yell at you because of an insult."
"Both." Shockingly, at least to the ravenette, both the tall man and the children answered her. Feeling a cold sweat, she looked at the children then an idea formed in her mind. She crouched over the children and looks up at the tall man.
"What's going on? You can't give them candies?" She said with a sad tone while looking at him, by some fate, the kids turned back to him and gave him a sad look. Which are worse than the puppy dog eyes.
The tall, young man gave her a cold sweat. "I-It's not like that, it's because, uhm..."
"Yeees?" Ance raised her eyebrow as she leaned the side of her body with a hand on her ear.
"I hate bending." The brown-haired lad admitted. "It kinda hurts in the back to bend at close proximity."
"Okay then," Ance said straightening up as she grabbed a few pieces of candy canes from his bag in a matter of second and started to give the children who cheered up.
As the children were given up enough candies, they all left with their families, with sweets in their hands. Ance watched the last child happily walking towards his family before walking away. Then she turned to the tall man with a coy smile. "I thought you were in your workshop?"
"Nah, I closed it. I wanted to spend this rare day without someone bugging me." He explained with a small smile. "What about you, Lady Ance?"
"Same as your reasons, Butter." The raven-haired woman told him.
The brown-haired young man nodded. "May you excuse me? It is time for me to leave"
Ance blinked before giggling and playfully slapped his arm. "Now don't be like that, you can go."
Butter gave her a small chuckle. "Sorry. Now, see you later, Lady Ance." With that, he started to walk away as he slumped the bag with a few candy canes left over his right shoulder.
The ravenette watched his back before smiling. 'He can be such a goof sometimes.' She thought before walking to the opposite direction from where Butter had gone.
- The Breaker of Auhtoria: Authorian-NiotcifnaF
"Don't tempt, my uncountable dept."
- The Nomad of Authoria: Authorian- NepNeko
"The end of your story, will be a new chapter of season it'll be."
She passed around the corner and simply watched her people do the usual things in their life. In each building, there's no alleyway, she didn't saw poor men and women, instead, she saw a happy family. Watching the scene of each people hugging each other, having friends despite being stranger, people making the atmosphere much livelier and happier. That scene brought a wide smile to her face before she continued to walk.
As she walked, her eyes landed on to two familiar individuals. 'Are they...?'
The two individuals are both opposite genders, the two seemed to be looking busy at whatever they're looking and saying. Their backs facing her so she ran towards them as she called their names. "Nio! Neko-Neko!"
The two stopped in their tracks as they both turned to look back. They looked at each other before shrugging as they turned their body around and faced Ance. The latter stopped in front of them with a sweat drop and a weak smile.
"What are you two doing here?" She asked, with a confused look. Normally, both are 'busy' or maybe lazy to whatever they were doing. As far as she knows, these two must be given a stern order for the two to comply. And seeing the two of them together was rather surprising.
The one on the right is a boy around 16. He had messy blue hair that goes down to his neck, one red eye and one green eye (respectively left and right). He's wearing a set that sort of looked like an Elf but Christmas theme. He had a blank face as he stood beside the girl.
Said girl wore the same as the boy but red. Elbow pads and bandage wraps around her hand and wrist. She has long black hair, pins hold her bangs to the side, and bright green eyes. But the most noticeable thing is a black cat-like headband ears atop of her head.
If a normal person would look closely, they will instantly make a conclusion that they're twins. (Unless they ask, if you all understand)
"Lady Ance?" The boy asked, before noticing her outfit. "That's surprising? Finally done with your French maid?"
"As if, Nio!" Ance retorted with a puffed cheek. "Geez, as if I only dressed the same thing every day."
"Exactly." The two said with a blank look.
Frustrated, she looked away. "Why does everyone have to say that?!"
"Anyways," Butted in the girl. "Any reasons you're here, Lady Ance?"
She looked back at the girl. "Well, the same goes for you two. What are you two doing here, Neko-Neko and Nio: enjoying yourselves?"
"We're not enjoying each other's time." Both quickly replied at the same time, they looked at each other with a shade of pink formed on their cheeks as both took a step away from each other.
Ance simply blinks, trying not to giggle with her neutral expression. 'I-I see... I think they're cute.' She giggled, internally. Then she sighed and shook her head, "I wasn't asking about you two."
She can see them bit their lower lip and murmur something under their breath. To avoid further embarrassment, Ance quickly says. "Anyway, see you later. I'm gonna explore around, enjoy!"
She passed by them with a warm wave as she turned at the corner. The two stared at the place where they saw her disappear and looked at each. Then they smiled as a blush formed on their cheeks and closed their distance between them and began to walk away. Meanwhile, Ance simply peeked at them.
'They're quite adorable.' She thought while making a silly face before turning around and started walking away.
LOCATION: Dragyuim the Fifth District - one of the Five Districts of Middle Division of Authoria
TIME: 2:25 PM
- The Dragon of Authoria: Authorian - eeveeboy359
"No flames shall graze my skin: never."
Upon arriving a familiar guild named 'Dragon Knights'. It's basically a guild filled with mostly, well, just like what the name said, dragon knights. Or at least those who can breathe in and out flames or infused them to their power. The large building, like the others, is made of gold materials with white Corinthian pillars and a golden head of a dragon with two pairs of blue gems as its eyes and above the large double-door of the building.
Ance stepped on the staircase towards the large entrance door guarded with two towering figures of guards clad in gold and white armor from head to toe with a familiar dragon head dent in the chest plate.
Ance was about to take another step closer before a giant iron sword of the right guard blocked her way. "Your ID, please?" He spoke with a deep voice.
"She's maybe the UDS that Slayer Sonar told us?" The left guard said while leaning forward to look closely at Ance.
The ravanette looked at them with confusion until something clicked in her mind. 'UDS? Oh, Ultimate Dragon Slayer...'
The right guard turned his head to his friend. "Better safe than sorry, remembered the fake Legendary Dragon Slayer from before?"
The other guard winced as he remembered something. "You're... right." Then he turned to Ance. "If you're what we think you are, please show us."
Ance pondered at the thought. She remembered the news before about the fake Dragon Slayer that invaded this building because of a sacred weapon and was now arrested and kept in the Authoria Hardshell Prison.
'Ultimate Dragon Slayer.' She thought as she closed her eyes. Her breathing stopped as silence slowly surrounded her as she heard nothing but sweet silence.
She felt her breathing go hot as something escaped her lips. She remembered how to perform it. And she opened her eyes.
Her eyes turned in to a pair of black orbs with a ball of light shining in her eyes and a star-like in the middle. It morphed together and turned into a galaxy. Meanwhile, the guards both look at her then to the dragon head above the entrance door, the blue gems glowed brightly and in the mouth of the dragon let out a yellow smoke and it opened, out came is a large ruby gem floating.
Then she blinked, the galaxy-like eyes disappeared and turned back into a bright black eye as the large dragon head closed its mouth and it 'ate' the ruby gem. The blue gems dimmed down slowly.
Ance now wore a suddenly serious expression as she stared at the two guards. "May I have my permission, please?"
The guard simply stared at her before looking at each other. The right guard sighed as he nodded, straitening himself as well as the other guard, he moved his weapon away. "Very well, UDS you may enter to any types of grounds Ranking from D to SSS but please, ask permission to Slayer Sonar to used the Rank X ground." He told her.
'Good thing he didn't tell them about my reputation.' Ance nodded at the guard as she entered inside. The inside is larger than she expected from the outside with people around that looks fit enough to be fighters. Some big, some small but almost all of them has a flaming aura surrounding them. She can see the transparent giant figures of different types of dragons.
But her dragon stood the superior.
She could see several Dragon Slayers shivered in front of her as they finally took notice of a being behind her. The Star Forger's galaxy body floated above her holding in his claws his bright legendary stars. It moved its face lower until it was beside her. Ance's body was even smaller than the head of Aurelion Sol.
"Ah, it was you." She heard a voice in front of her. She faced a large white dragon with a golden scales and horns jutting out of its head. Its eyes flamed in green as it looked down on her. It then looked to the Dragon Slayers and motioned them to move away.
The Dragon Slayers didn't need to be told twice as they all quickly scrambled away. What left in the large empty hall is a large white dragon and Ance with a transparent figure of the Star Forger floating behind her.
The white dragon glowed green before the green lights turned smaller and smaller until it became a human. The green lights softly glowed before dispersing in specks of green lights. Out came another person.
Ance smiled at the person. "Hi, Eevee."
The called person, name Eevee, wore a white overcoat with gold flames on the back of a black shirt as well as navy blue jeans and black shoes. He also wore green fingerless gloves and a brown scarf around his neck. He had brown spiky hair, and his eyes were blue and green (respectively, right and left).
"Greetings Lady Ance," He greeted before looking up at the Star Forger. "To you as well, Star Forger." He said with a knelt as he looked down while pressing his right foot, bending forward.
Aurelion Sol's transparent figure looked at Ance as the latter turned to him then back to the Dragon Slayer. " 'Arise, Authorian." Ance said, but when she said what Aurelion Sol had said, her voice changes to that of deep and resonating voice that boomed over the room.
After Eevee stood up, the figure of the Star Forger disappeared. And only left is the woman standing a few feet away from him. "I thought you already told the guards about me." She said.
Eevee shook his head. "Should I?"
Ance wave her hand in front of her. "No thank you, I hate to be in the eye of the public."
"But you are indeed a public figure here in the Kingdom of Authoria." Eevee pointed out and crossed his arms. "Or you perhaps don't like so much attention?"
"Yes! I don't like attention, badly." She said with an embarrassed look.
"I see." He simply said before noticing something. "Is that-?"
"Yes, I know this is my first time changing my outfit for the millionth time now." Ance interrupted him with a raised index finger, closing her eyes in the process.
"..." Eevee stayed silent for a moment or two before sweatdropped.
They stayed in an awkward silence before Ance decided to break the silence. "W-Well, you're still running your business?"
Eevee shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much."
"So, will you go out today?"
"Maybe later. Got to teach the several novices." Eevee said while raising his thumb and pointing behind him. "But if you insist so, I will let Ing-"
"No no no, it's fine." Ance quickly answered. "I will not disturb you because of these."
Eevee nodded. "Then, may I excuse myself." He started to turn around before walking away.
Hearing a shout, he stopped and turned his head to his right. "Yes, Lady Ance, what is it?"
"Do you know where I can find Shadow, Shade, and Vernianer?" Ance shouted.
Eevee thought his answer for a second before replying. "Shadow and Shade are somewhere nearby, Vernianer is- wait? Vernianer?"
"Hmhm." He suddenly noticed Ance was beside him. He nearly jumped in surprise before calming down. "S-Sorry, did I scare you?"
"Don't worry, I was just surprised." Eevee said with a weak smile.
'Why does it feel like a Déjà vu?.' Ance raised an eyebrow. 'Kinda ironic as well, Remitted surprised me then I surprised Eevee.'
She shook her head to empty her thoughts. "So, where's Vernianer?"
Eevee raised an eyebrow while wearing a confused look before snapping. "I see, Ingenz?"
Ance nodded. Eevee sighed, "Do you really have to call them like their Author's name?"
"Is there something wrong with that?" Ance said in confusion, honestly, there's no problem with that.
Except her, because if they call her Åuthoria in public, that's bad.
Eevee waved it off. "Nothing. Follow me, Ingenz is currently with the novices." He started walking with the ravanette beside him.
"Huh?" Ance raised an eyebrow. "I thought you're the one teaching them?"
"I am." Eevee answered. "Unless you insist that I should enjoy my time outside, I'll let Ingenz know that I'll be away."
Ance nodded.
LOCATION: Training Grounds - one of the training ground for the guild of the Dragon Slayers
TIME: 3:00 PM
Ance and Eevee simply walked around a few more hallways before stopping in front of a white, normal size double-door with two words on it: Rank D.
"We're here." The Dragon Slayer said before flicking her fingers. The door opened smoothly, then a blowing air met them, along with a loud sound of something burning.
"Oops! That's not good!" They heard a voice and saw a slim man dodging a ball of fire as he crouched, the fire passed above him.
After this, the flames began closing in at Eevee fast. But before the ball of fire could hit him, it stopped for a mere second before it disappeared. Leaving the unscathed Eevee as he held his two swords in front of him.
"Ah! Eevee, finally! Can you help me?" The slim man said facing him. There is a kid behind him wielding a silver short sword with a bronze hilt. The blade emitted a fiery aura. "Isn't bad for a kid to join?"
The slim man had a short dark-green hair, combed back. His eyes glowed with an electric yellow. He barely had any muscles in him and looks sickly pale. He wears black trousers and a dark-red turtle-neck sweater. Over it all, he wears a white lab-coat, which he rarely takes off.
The place is wide enough with silver plating on both walls and the floor with a row of older novice Dragon Slayers.
"But didn't you see that I'm capable of handling myself?!" The kid from behind exclaimed. The lab-coated man faced him with a pointed index finger.
"You do know that you're not giving a letter of consideration that your parents allowed you to perform such ridiculous arts!" The lab-coated man said. "You should at least study biology!"
"Boooring." The kid said loudly, and the rest of novice Dragon Slayers behind the kid followed suit.
"Why you-?! Because of biology, you are able to know your natural self. Thanks to it, fire is formed." The slim man said proudly. "I won't tole-"
"That's enough, Ingenz." A hand was placed on the left shoulder of the man. "Leave it to me."
Eevee stepped forward in front of the man, Ingenz, his back facing him as he faced the kid.
"Mister Eevee!" The kid said brightly. "I always idolized you because you're so cool! The way your golden fire melt even the single piece Authorioum!"
"Thank you for your admiration, young one." Eevee knelt in front of the kid and put his hand on the kid's head as he patted him. The kid let out a small chuckle. "But... where are your parents?" The Dragon Slayer said.
Eevee removed his hand from the kid's head as the latter looked up at him with a sad look. "My mom is always busy in her work..." Then he trailed off.
"...and your father?" Eevee started to ask about one more parent before feeling a sudden pressure on his left shoulder and saw Ance gripping him. She's smiling while she looked at the kid.
The boy didn't answer quickly but he was quivering while he said these. "M-My dad is d-d-dead."
Several gasps could be heard coming from older Dragon Slayers. Ingenz meanwhile bows down his head in sympathy. Eevee and Ance simply stared at the boy with unreadable faces.
Due to their stares of pressure, the boy lowered his head and closed his eyes as tears started to fall on the iron plating he was currently standing on. He clenched his hand in a fist around the hilt of his short sword tightly in vain to stop the tears from his eyes.
Then, he started talking. "M-My d-dad was always t-there for m-me... u-unlike my m-mom." He paused as he sniffed. "H-He always makes m-me happy, p-play with me, a-and even ta-taught me how to b-be a proper D-Dragon Knight."
Eevee stared at the boy for a second to see if the boy will continue, after a few more seconds, he placed his hand on the boy's head in a comforting manner. "And that's why you joined here?"
One of the older Dragon Slayers stood from his seat. "I am the one who helped him entered here, Slayer Sonar." He said. "I shall accept the punishment in the stead of this child, whatever seemed feet."
Eevee gave him a long glance before turning back to the boy. He removed his hand from the boy's head as Ance entered the view. She gave the boy a warm smile. "But, do you love your mother, right?"
The boy gave her a nod and sniffed. Ance then hugged the boy while brushing his back in a comforting way. "It's okay, mommy's here."
The boy stared at her- no, the woman was gone and his vision he saw another woman, a woman he called as his mother.
The boy quickly wrapped his arms around his 'mother' and started to cry. Eevee was about to say something as Ance placed a finger on her lips while giving a wink to the Dragon Slayer.
Ance focused her attention back to comfort the boy.
LOCATION: Dragyuim the Fifth District - one of the Five Districts of Middle Division of Authoria
TIME: 3:30 PM
- The Researcher of Auhtoria: Authorian-Vernianer
"What more things shall I discover? Shall it be another god?"
The mother of the boy arrived at the Dragon Knight, the mother thanked Eevee and Ance before taking her son. But before they left, the boy gave Eevee and Ance a hug before happily walking away with his mother.
The scene, that Ance repeatedly played on her mind.
"Lady Ance." Said a stern voice. She was snapped out of her stupor as she looked around. She was in a café beside the glass wall. The floor is smooth yellow and white tiles with a chandelier on the ceiling with a cafeteria on the other end. The café has a normal amount of people coming in and out. She then looks back in front of her, a smooth curved edges yellow table with yellow sunflowers in a white vase. Along with a half-eaten strawberry sliced cake on a white plate, her right hand pierced the cake.
With another person seated at the other side of the table. It was Vernianer.
"Oh, Vernianer. Hi there." Ance let out a weak smile.
The electrified eyes man stared blankly at her. He is holding a big, black metal sword, as big as him. "You're not listening to what I'm saying right? Also can you please simply call me Ingenz?"
"I'm sorry for not listening, you may continue Vernianer." Ance apologized, completely ignoring the second sentence that Ingenz asked.
Ingenz sighed and shook his head. But his expression brightened up as he lifted the weapon in front of him, surprising Ance about his strength. If you look closely at the sword, it was big and probably weigh a ton but for a slim man to lifted it up with ease, it could be the weapon is as light as a feather or is that just Ingenz has a broken strength. "Ah, as I was saying. This is my updated version of Vast's weapon, behold my 'Apocalypse Sword Vs. 0.05', or simply ASVs 0.05! It still a prototype but this baby can already destroy things, especially if it is made of glass. Look."
He was about to raised the deadly weapon and had chosen the vase in front of them as an example of the weapon. Ance quickly flailed her hands in front of Ingenz. "Stop! Don't do that here! You're gonna scare the people!"
Ingenz managed to stop his excitement and lowered the weapon. "I'm sorry Lady Ance, my excitement getting over me." Then he makes a small cough on his fist. "Anyway, I'll simply tell you the things I had already put here. I increased ASVs 0.05's heat touch from a heat point of 1000000° to 3000000° and to prevent heat system, I've increased this from 3% to 5% conductivity, thus equalling the match of electricity traveling from our main generators. To avoid accidentally heat at exposure, I mixed it with a 0.02% of Authorium."
That last material brought great attention from Ance. "Authorium? Did you barged into our vault again?" She asked with a shocked look.
Authorium is considered to the second strongest natural metal that legendary rare appeared in Authoria. Mostly, it was just as small as a regular pearl. The biggest silver Authorium, the size of a head of a regular human being, was reported that fell from the sky and landed on one of the Six Holy Pillars of Authoria. No one ever got the said material other than Åuthoria herself whom the people saw within their very eyes. Even till now, it has stolen the popular topic.
The first strongest is named by Authoriarium, a golden version of Authorium. No one had ever seen this material before and many fake versions of these had spread but all of them was arrested because of it. Little did everyone know, that one Authoriarium fell on the sky and landed on to Åuthoria's head (hence hurting her badly in the process and her younger brother was mad at the thought she might lose her memories), thus she named the golden version of Authorium by her name.
Ingenz rubbed the back of his neck with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry, Lady Ance. I can't help my excitement but I promised I simply just took a very very small piece." He reasoned out.
Ance sighed exasperatedly, "Never mind, it already happened anyway. Continue." Ance not gonna lie, she might not interested in biology subject, learning them was needed for future developments. Plus, she likes learning things new to her, Ingenz was a good example.
Let her rephrase, she wasn't 'interested' but likes 'leaning' it.
"Okay. As I was saying, I mixed with 0.02% of Authorium to max out the cooldown of this 'good' boy. Just imagine if I struck the very planet with the weapon, it will crack the world half." Ingenz proudly stated, truly oblivious to how dangerous the weapon is. "Sadly, it wasn't strong enough to give a big crack of Butter's Goldiums but I am determined to make this weapon be as possible, the same as Vast's."
Looks like, that the tinkering researcher is more likely going to be a mad scientist in the future.
LOCATION: Ghuich Y the Second District - one of the Three Districts of Outer Division of Authoria
TIME: 5:21 PM
- The Shadow of Authoria: Authorian - ShadowSelfCyber
"Don't find me, I'm already in yours."
- The Truth of Authoria: Authorian - Shade of Aletheia
"Unconcealed. Reveal. Disclosure. Of the white and black intention."
Maybe talking with Ingenz is a bad news when it came to excuses. Usually, Ance would like to continue Ingenz about his invention but staying in the same place and position without moving is not healthy at all. So she had to excuse herself without sounding rude.
'That was so tiring.' She thought hopelessly as she let out a sigh. Finally convinced that the Researcher of Authoria will finally leave her in peace, she ventured away into the Outer Division. Looking back at a (convenient) wristwatch on her wrist, it says the time of the current dusk and the oncoming night.
Looking back in front, the Outer Division looks pretty much like a warm and cold atmosphere but it's not that anymore crowdy.
"Maybe, I should go back." She muttered before remembering a certain creature in her mind. "Oh! Derp'Koz! I missed him!"
She started to run, only to hear a groaned from below. Looking down, she noticed another shadow shifting and moving away in front of her own shadow. Raising her eyebrow then smirking. "Shadow? Is that you?"
Then the shadow stopped moving before it turned sphere and out slowly came a young man. Looking at the young man's shadow, it doesn't have one.
The young man has medium blue hair with a messy style, dark blue eyes, and a pair of glasses. For his outfit, he wears a light blue scarf wrapped around his neck, a black jacket with a white shirt underneath it, and finally a pair of black pants. He is also armed with a viable sword and a bow on his back.
He seems to be wincing. "Damn, getting stomped on is getting tiring already."
Ance gave him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Shadow, I don't know that you're passing by."
"I thought you can detect my shadow form, Lady Ance?" Shadow asked.
Ance nodded. "Yeah, but I'm more focused on our beloved Authorian Guard."
"That giant squid?" Shadow said. "I heard he is currently with the daughter of Celestia on the top of the wall. Probably dating." Finally getting over the pain.
"Why are wondering right now? In your shadow form, no less." Ance asked. "You looked like you're running away from something."
Shadow's shadow form was only for quicker passageway and movements, thus giving him speed much faster than the full athletic human. In the contrast, he can be hurt if he was being stepped on, unless he became into his Phantom Shadow, he will completely end up controlling all the shadows in Authoria.
To see him using his shadow form meant something that he's in a hurry, or maybe, someone chasing her
"There you are you piece of a-!" An aggressive and loud feminine voice yelled in their direction. Ance turned to her left to see a black werewolf with a pair of gleaming red, predatory eyes. It was running towards them and was covered with a black aura, and Ance quickly recognized the creature.
'Kurokami?' She thought. 'Then, if she's here then so Kotone and-' Her thoughts abruptly ended as she noticed Shadow cursed and turned back into his shadow form while shouting. "See you later Lady Ance!" He ran as the black werewolf passed by or ignored Ance and several people.
"Kuro! Wait for us!" She heard a high pitched voice and turned her head back to see a big, flying white bird covered in the white aura with a person seating on its back. Ance quickly recognized them. "Kotone! Shadey!" She called them.
The white bird stopped before turning around while it flaps its wings. Meanwhile, the person looked down at Ance. "Is that you, Lady Ance?"
"Yes, it is me Shadey!" She shouted with a smile. The big bird flapped its wing before lowering down and landing smoothly. Then the person, Shadey, stepped off the ground.
Shade had a black, shaggy hair with white on the sides. Have blue eyes and wearing a small smile. He wore a red t-shirt, red jacket with a power symbol on the back, blue jeans, and black sneakers. He also carried a bag filled with wrapped presents.
"Is Kuro on a rampage again?" Ance said as she approached the young man and stood beside him whilst she grabbed his arm and hug it.
Shade didn't mind Ance's sudden approach as he let out a heavy sigh. "I'm afraid, yes, Lady Ance. But for different reasons."
"Do you think Shadow angered her? Or something else?" Ance tried to guess.
Shade nodded in confirmation. "Yes, Shadow accidentally poked fun about her own shadow when he accidentally touched the pin from her chest and the dress fell, revealing her wearing a bra. And you know the rest." He explained. Ance nodded her head in understanding.
"Shall we chase them?" Ance asked. Shade didn't need to be told twice.
"Yeah, or else they might go chaos."
LOCATION: Luindro the Third District - one of the Three Districts of Outer Division of Authoria
TIME: 6:30 PM
Ance and Shade, while riding on Kotone - the Goddess Spirit of White-, they had arrived at the deserted park, save for few peoples here and there. Some buildings are still opened and lights from the inside shone. The yellow star was finally eaten on the horizon as the king of the sky is ready to sleep and give his throne to his queen of the night sky.
"Deserves it, you asshole."
Shadow's upper body is buried deep in the concrete as his feet could only twitch. A pale-skinned young woman dressed in a long, black cocktail dress. Her ruby eyes glared at the buried person and turned around with a 'hmph'.
Shade, Ance, and Kotone - a fair-skinned young woman with a pair of diamond eyes wearing a long, white gown dress - could only sweatdrop. "I think that's enough Kuro, we still needed to give the presents, right?" Kotone said.
The Black Goddess Spirit pouted but sighed. "Fine. Let's get hurry the heck out of here." She and Kotone left the three.
Shade and Ance approached at Shadow and started to pull his legs each. They slowly managed pulled off the young man.
"SWEET AIR!" Shadow quickly yelled after he was freed.
"That was kinda ironic," Ance muttered as she sweatdropped. Shade simply nodded.
Shadow turned to the two. "Thank you, Lady Ance and Eltoirre."
The ravenette sighed at Shadow. "Next time, be more careful at poking someone's shadow. You're gonna be sound like a total perv."
Shadow raised an eyebrow. "How did you-?"
"I told Lady Ance." Shade interrupted him. "If you let Kuro be calm for an hour and at least make her 'happy', in terms of words, maybe she can forgive you."
"The word 'happy' quoted will not be a happy advice..."
Ance decided to step in. "Anyway, why are you two here?"
"I was supposed to be helping Eltoirre spread presents and gifts, you know the ritual humans made of," Shadow said.
"Yeah, while he spread presents from below, I'm throwing random gifts from above." Shade said.
Ance smiled. "You two sure do like a perfect tandem of working to be faster."
"If it was a compliment, we gladly take it," Shadow said as he put his fists on his hip.
Shade eyed the blue haired man. "As if, you doubted Lady Ance is 'not' complimenting us?"
"No, I was simply joking." Shadow apologized with a laugh.
Ance giggled. "I'm sorry if I may accidentally offend you, but it was really a compliment."
"I have no retort to that, I'll gladly take it." Shade said. "Thank you, Lady Ance."
"It was nothing. Now, good luck to you two boys." Ance gave them thumbs up. The two men nodded before Shade walked away and Shadow simply turned into his shadowy form and dashed away.
LOCATION: The Landscape - the Eternal Plane of Authoria
TIME: 7:00 PM
After talking to the Shade of the Light and Black and to the Shadow of Authoria, Ance proceeds to step out of the outskirt of the last district. There she saw the true atmosphere outside of her city, into the landscape of eternity.
The land was no longer there, no longer a cloud, a sky or even any material. Just a pure beauty of the vast space and the galaxy.
And of Creation.
Specks of light trail her back as she silently walked away from the land she called home or nation, or territory. It was her and the plane.
There's no other thing you can see other than the galaxy plane. She saw universe upon universe, world upon world, planets upon planets, life upon life. Be it she saw evil and good. It was all just a story.
Then her form slowly turned smaller as she walked further away, with specked of light trailing her back.
'Humans... what Creation is far better.'
LOCATION: (Unnamed) - The Legendary Wall of Authoria
TIME: 7:25 PM
The Authorian Guard
- The Guard of Authoria: Derp'Koz
"We are: creative, mindful and powerful."
"I see, so, how are your thirty-eight chapters of you curiosity with the humans?"
"It is remarkable to note how closely related you are with humans, Ance"
"Yes yes I know, I mean, what are your thoughts to the humans outside of Authoria."
"Simple, Messy, yet exceptional nonetheless."
"That's what I thought."
Ance is standing on a gold plane with an entirely white background, beside her is a... uh, a... HUMONGOUS, probably about as huge as a skyscraper reaching the very sky and wide as a continent, the said creature is made out of golden lights. Ance was mere as tall as an ant!
The creature looks like a squid but with only three tentacles, two on both sides and one from the back. It has no face but a big blue eye surrounded by a golden light and a gold and white 'helmet' or something.
Ance grabbed the creature's left tentacle and clung to it as the tentacle lifted her up like a fly and placed her above him, or above his helmet.
There were on the golden landscape but if you zoom out and zoom out for more, it was a ginormous land- no, golden WALL!
It was much much bigger than the creature, probably a thousand of this creature is as probably as tall as these walls. Ance looks like a dot over an ant that is the creature. The wall is releasing a white 'flames' or some sort, and because of this white flame, Ance's background is white. On the wall the two were standing on, there was a looking some sort of gate. A large floating symbol of Authoria floated in front of the gate with several different types of seals to probably unlock the gate and upon the realm. The wall floated over the giant clouds. Behind them is also filled with clouds but there's no dark clouds, just a simple ginormous clouds. In front of them is the multiverse.
They were on the very edge of Authoria's complete territory.
"May I ask a question, Lady Ance?" The golden squid deep voice boomed in the space with a ripple.
Ance, unfazed by the way the creature talked because she's used to, smiled. "You're already asking a question."
"Oh? Is that so? Then I suppose there is no need to elaborate any further."
"No no, please give me your true question, Derpy."
Despite having an intimidating aura and a humongous figure, Derp'Koz is a matter-of-a-fact person. Quickly getting serious over something so silly, like this one! That's why sometimes Ance wanted to hug the tentacled creature like a pillow if he is not only big.
"I understand." Derp 'coughed', it was really mysterious where he 'talked' or rather, how he talked, to Ance. "Celestia has informed me she witnessed something unusual during her chores; A bright light, she said."
Ance knows Celestia, she was the mother of the Celestial Realm: the mother of both King of the Day and Queen of the Night. To say the mother of Celestial say that she saw something bright must have some kind of strange phenomena.
Ance's curious expression turned serious. Then she asked, "Where?"
"In the Cornetus, from the Norteclues IV of the six hundredth universes," Derp said, then his voice turned to a concern one. "Are you sure is a wise choice to investigate this matter by yourself?"
"It's better to know than to idle around." Ance stood. "Please guard the realm while I'm away Derp'Koz." Then she was covered in bright golden light. She floated a few meters above before disappearing, or rather, she zipped away fast without a sound. Only left is the creature, with another person.
The said person was wearing a purple and black cloak all over the body. The sleeves are long reaching the wrist. The only thing noticeable about the person is the lower face that shows a sinister smile and a chin.
"Well well, what do you say?" He spoke, in a rather calm tone as he looked at the creature.
Derp'Koz simply stared at the last gold light that dispersed that Lady Ance's trailed behind. He didn't answer him quickly before saying. "I am simply worried about her well being. Do you believe she will fare well?"
"Of course!" The unknown man said cheerfully. "Do you really doubt the little young maiden?"
"Never in my life but I do feel unnerved after what you said" Then the golden creature turned to him, his giant blue eye glared at the man. Looking down at the man who stood like an ant.
But a God of Void is what in front of Derp'Koz.
"Don't worry, the little young maiden has an ending for her story. And I can see it." The Outsider said with an earnest smile. "Shall we see what she's doing now?"
LOCATION: (Unknown)
TIME: (Unknown)
Ance zoomed through faster than the light could keep up with her. Her form was nowhere to see but it is safe to assume she's going to the place where Derp'Koz said to her.
Then she stopped. Surrounded by the galaxy atmosphere, universe here and there surrounded her with its own lights shining but Ance hardly fazed at the light. Her light was brighter than all of the lights in the Creation. The only light that could she say bright is her-
Her thought was abruptly stopped when she saw another person. Her eyes widened in realization to recognized the person. "You?!"
The person stopped then turned to her. The person is a young man covered in the darkest of the darkest darkness. That sinister and hellish aura the young man emitted was the... was the...
The God of Deathio! It was him! What does the God of Death doing here?!
"ANSWER ME, DEATH!" Ance yelled in anger and in rage, her eyes flamed with golden flames. Her bottled pain to the enemy in front of her showed just how she hates this man.
Not hate, she DESPISED him! Because of that thought, the golden light that surrounds her are waiting to explode.
But the young man only stared at her in boredom with is dull black eyes. Then he turned back to face in front and flew away.
'Huh?' Ance's anger quickly dissipated after seeing the God of Death flying away. 'Is... Is he really flying away?' She thought, but she glared. She will not lower her defense just because of an odd movement.
For that, she followed the God of Death.
LOCATION: (Unknown)
TIME: (Unknown)
The (Unnamed)
- The God of Deathio: (Unknown)
"Let me show you: the true end of this time."
(God of Death's POV)
So she really did come.
Funny, nothing does really changes in her already broken mind. I wonder if looks do really kill, I would be nothing more than dust.
Only her and me. I can kill her, in this place where no one will watch her but the reality itself.
But have I not lift a finger? Why? She is defenseless, behind her own Kingdom she left because of simple curiosity? I doubt that's her intention.
Maybe I should order my army to attack the Authoria while their goddess is away and claim the Doc Manager at will.
Maybe not...
(End of POV)
Ance trailed him. Yes! She is trailing the God of Death! She is following the movements of this being from far behind. Her task may stand to the side first after she is done with the God of Death.
'Just where are you going?' Ance glared daggers at the dark figure. 'Maybe... am I going to a trap? Impossible, I haven't felt anything about death.'
Before she followed him, she had to make sure she enhanced her fifty senses to the maximum. But so far, five minutes already passed and yet nothing happened so far. 'What are you making at?' She thought.
She stopped.
She had arrived.
She saw them, she saw the Father of Time, Zilean, smiling down at her. The ginormous figure of the galaxy dragon, the Star Forger, Aurelion Sol himself, was also there. She even saw the Outsider, there, simply smiling at him.
Her uncles were here. Her uncles were here!
"Grandpa?! Big Dragon?! Uncle Outy?!" Ance said in delight and swelled of happiness engulfed her figure thus making her prettier with a positive expression adorned her face.
If one could look closely at her, she was truly happy and there's no ounce of dirt in her being. Just a simple woman, who is still smiling even in the darkest day.
"Yoh! My little girl Åuthoria." The Father of Time floated towards her and pat her head. Ance giggled happily at the warm affection. "You've grown since we saw you." Zilean said with a chuckle as the big floating clock behind him ticks here and now.
Ance lets out her happiest look. "Hmhm, I missed you Granpa." Then she hugged the old man of time. "I missed your bedtime stories!" She exclaimed as she looked up at him with a look of admiration and respect.
Zilean simply pats her head as he strokes his long beard. "Sure, I shall give you a story later."
"Hmm." The galaxy dragon hovered around the two. "You do like making the stars bright, huh? Little Åuthoria?" He spoke.
"I'm not little!" Ance pouted as she turned at the dragon as she (regrettably) broke the hug from the old man. "As far as you know I'm already as old as you all are."
"Yes yes, you've slowly become a God, young Åuthoria." Aurelion Sol laughed. The dragon's laugh, for the others, could sound like a roar of a rippling universe but to Ance, that's just how the dragon roared.
"Indeed." They all turned to the third person, a tall being wearing a black and purple cloak. "You're the youngest God."
"What do you mean I am 'becoming'? I thought I was already a God." Ance gave him a puzzled look as she looked at her open palm. She can feel her power was stronger than she initially first thought. To think she's the one who created the Multiverse and Ultiverse was enough to prove herself that she's already at the level of the Orignators - the Primal beings.
Zilean decided to answer that. "It's because you're still inexperienced young Åuthoria." He said. "Unlike your mother, she can create everything, null everything, erase everything."
At the sudden mention of her mother makes Ance's mood lowered. "Ah, I see.."
"But don't worry." The Star Forger said, "Rest assured for the time is near for you to unlock your true power as the Originator. You may achieve it with the utmost determination, whatever your trait is."
"My trait?"
"Yes." Aurelion Sol nodded. "While Zilean is a 'time', me as the 'star' and the Outsider as the 'void', and your mother as the 'create'. Time will come, the true cause of your Originator will show itself. Not now, not later, not tomorrow but in the future."
Ance's mood brightened up at the encouragement. "Yes, yes I will Big Dragon." She smiled.
"You're still calling us that, huh?" The Outsider said. "I thought you already forgot that name about us."
"Of course I will not forget you all, uncle Outy." Ance happily hugged the tall man. "It's also because of you, I managed to learn my mother's true intention."
The Outsider had a surprised look at the sudden expression. It was a familiar tingling sensation in his chest as he looked at Ance- no, another woman that stood taller than Ance.
A woman whose power is to 'create'.
"Uncle Outy?"
"Yes?" The Outsider stuttered in front of a confused look of Ance. "Yes, are you saying anything?"
"Oh, my." Zilean snickered, stroking his beard. "You remembered her, do you my friend Outsider?"
"Indeed." Aurelion Sol agreed. "He saw through her."
"Her?" Ance's turned to them with an even more confused look. "Come on uncles, who's her?" She practically forgot about what she's going to say to the Outsider at her curiosity.
"It was your mother." The two said in unison. "You still remembered your mother and Outsider was friendly at that time? Well, he also missed her."
"Oh, you shut up old hag." The Outsider said harshly and rolled his eyes.
Ance smiled at these. "You missed my mom, uncle?"
"Wha-?! No, I am not!"
Zilean and Aurelion Sol simply chuckled at the two. A familiar antics that they will never forget.
LOCATION: (Unknown)
TIME: (Unknown)
She was fidgeting. She was nervous. So nervous! It was an understatement.
She was seated at the back of the galaxy dragon. The dragon was flying, she watched as galaxies upon galaxies passed by her as she looked at the beautiful stars in awe with the Father of Time and the Outsider seating at both sides.
After their banter, they asked her if she wanted to meet a person. She wanted to ask who the person is but it was a surprise, and it only made worse for her when the Outsider said that it was a 'big surprise'.
And thus the curiosity already ate her well and alive.
Zilean noticed her uneasiness and pat her head in a comforting way. She looked at the old man who smiled at him, giving her a look and she smiled at the encouragement.
In the distance, she noticed... a bright light.
'Bright?' She said as she closed her eyes.
Bright, it was created,
In my hands, it was made,
Shimmering against the dark,
Blinding the dark with a spark,
And there, she stood over her Creation,
Her mother: she needed her attention
TIME: ...
It was just her, there's nothing else. She looked at herself... uh, why was she naked? That's the only thought formed in her mind. She didn't know why or what but she didn't dwell deeper.
She lifted her face and look around. She was met with an empty white plane. There was no other thing except her and the white.
'Hello, young one.'
She heard a soft but loud voice above her. She looked up and watched the bright light come closer to her. Surprisingly, the light didn't harm her eyes and it felt like the light was... comforting her.
Then it dawned on her. There's no more light. Instead, standing is a tall and beautiful woman with bright black eyes and a long elegant black hair.
The only thought formed in her mind
The woman giggled.
That small laugh sounded like heaven to her ears. And a single word, she muttered. "Mom?"
The woman placed her hand on Ance's left cheek. Her hand is warm and it brings Ance's body shivering in happiness as she nuzzles her cheek closer to the source of the warmth. Ance couldn't get enough of the warmth she loves.
'Don't worry.' The woman said. 'I will be here for you...'
The warmth tripled as Ance felt wrapped around by the woman. But not only warmth she felt, but love. The woman is hugging her.
A mother hugging her child.
'Don't worry Åuthoria.' Her mother said with a smooth and soft voice. 'I'm here, I'm right here, beside you. Watching you create your own world, watching you create your own life. Create."
Then the blank white plane instantly changes into what you can describe as a paradise.
The woman broke the hug, her smile never faltering. Ance tried to keep the hug as long as possible. Savoring the warmth of her mother for the longest time as possible. Her mother did break the hug, but she didn't let go of her hand.
'Åuthoria, I wanted you to meet someone.' Her mother said to you. 'He will be with you throughout your journey.'
"He?" Ance's voiced out her confusion without a single thought, there's no other thought she could think without voicing it out. Plus, it's her mother anyway. The birds around chirps a tune, a sound of waterfall rustling as it falls on the bank. The wind flew by, making her hair and her mother's hair swayed in delight. Just looking at her mother so beautiful always surprised her, forgetting what she was asking.
Her mother nod. 'Hm, I wanted to give you the happiness that belongs to your heart itself, Authoria.' She spoke.
Ance looks puzzled. "But, aren't you the source of my happiness, dear mother?"
'I am, my child. I can make you happier than you want.' Her mother said to her. 'But, with him, you can talk with him without my presence. You can play with him, sing with him and dance with him.'
This brings a bright smile to Ance's face. "You mean, I have someone like me?"
'Yes, meet your new friend.'
Her mother moved aside and behind her is another person. Ance looked at the person with curiosity, so does the other person as well.
"Uh, mom?" He spoke. "Who is he?"
'Ah, my children.' Her mother exclaimed, her smile is brighter than before. She grabbed Ance's hand and his hand and hugged both of them. Although, the former and the latter are having problems with the lack personal space.
But their problem ends when her mother kissed both of their foreheads.
And everything goes in a white bliss.
LOCATION: (Unknown)
TIME: (Unknown)
The Real Humans
- Rank X Maid: Ance Xila Scott
"Hey! Mine's the ceiling! And mangoes!"
- Rank X Butler: France Shellby
"You better behave, girl. No noise: regulate and follow the rules."
- Rank C Maid: Veliza Sheanely (supposed to be Shellby)
"Shut the eff up! No one cares!"
- Rank A Butler: Traks "Welt" Earthenby
"The faster we do the task, the better!"
It was...
"Hmm..." Ance scratched her eyes, did she... fell asleep? When?
Her hand instinctively went over her head and closed her eyes tight. Ooh, the headache is striking her brain again. She didn't know why but her nose is filled with a smell of sweet aroma.
"Ance?" She heard a familiar but not so familiar voice. It sounds like a man but a younger tone.
She slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were drowsy making her vision harder. She scratched her eyes as the drowsiness slowly disappeared and she found herself in a room.
It was just a room with white walls decorated with anime posters like some sort of otaku is living in this room. A window on the side with a light shining through and on a wooden bed covered in soft pink blankets. A small table and a wooden oak cabinet and a door between it. With another person, a young man.
The young man has a pale white skin like there's no life in his body. A black brushed hair with large bangs covering his left eye. His black, dull eyes looking straight at her. He wore a black tuxedo coat and a white uniform with three buttons and long black pants.
"France?" Ance yawned tiredly. "What are you doing here? Aren't you working with Traks?"
"I was." He replied. "I'm already done, though."
"What happened?"
"You fell asleep," France said as he put his hands in his pockets. "Seriously, you're a maid, right? Sleeping near midnight is bad for you. Or else your Rankings will lower your points if Young Master didn't see you. Now come on."
"I don't wanna, I wanted to sleep," Ance whined. "Isn't Christmas day tomorrow?"
"No silly girl." France chuckled. "It's already Christmas, that's why Young Master is making a party!"
His cheered brought realization to the maid's mind. "A party?!" She said in surprise.
"Merry Christmas, Ancey!" France said with a smile.
Ance was frustrated of not getting up earlier at Christmas, but she noticed a hand in front of her face. Looking up, she saw France stretching out his hand to her. "Let's go, she's waiting for us."
With a bright smile, the maid took the man's hand.
After a while, the two left, leaving Ance's room still messy. The maid met another maid with a younger age but with angry and cursing attitude with a purple hair that are frustrated of trying to clean the wall that had a glue, beside the young maid is a green haired butler sweat dropping at her.
But back at Ance's room, a computer on the bed left open, and in the computer's screen, an image left to see. In the image, there are several people: Ance with two other people, a man, and a woman. With several people behind them, specifically, the Authorians.
"Merry Christmas"
PS: "Merry Authormas", parody.
"A very important chapter, a momentum." Ance said as she looked at the camera. "Hope you like, better if you love, this story of Christmas for you." She winks.
Then she continued. "See you later, my dearest Authorians!"