A/N: This is my first fanfiction so, bear with me as I figure out the controls. This is also dedicated to my twin sister who also love Miraculous. Merry Christmas everyone!

I do not own any of the Miraculous characters.

"Marinette, you have to admit that Adrien has been warming up to you." Alya chided, poking Marinette teasingly. "After all, he did ask you to dance at Chloe's party." They were sitting in Marinette's room talking about boys.

"I know, wasn't he amazing?" she said dreamily, picturing Adrien holding her as they waltzed around the room. He was so gorgeous. "Wait, Alya, but he said I was just a friend!" she wailed as she remembered what he had said to Kagami.

"Girl, he wouldn't tell that to someone he just met."

"Really?" Marinette asked with hope in her voice.

"Yes. Tell me, would you tell someone that you just met that you liked Adrien? No, you wouldn't," she said answering her own question.

"Do you think it's possible? That he might like me?" Marinette fingered the charm she always kept in her pocket. It had been a birthday present from Adrien. She sighed happily. Maybe there was a chance.

"Of course girl. Now we just have to get you to stop stuttering in front of him. You can get a full sentence before you completely shut down." They both giggled.

Adrien laid on him bed relaxing during the rare free time he had. Christmas was coming but it just didn't seem as special and exciting without his mom. Then he pictured his friends, Alya, Nino, and Marinette and he smiled a little. She had recently started being able to talk to him although she still acted weird. He shook his head smiling. She was kind and sweet, but kind of goofy around him. He appreciated the fact that she could make him laugh. She had been his first friend. He sighed.

"What we thinking about there, lover boy?" asked Plagg, raising an eyebrow.

"Just my friends. I was thinking do I feel anything special about Marinette? Sure, I felt something with her when I gave her my umbrella on my first day of school, but I can't explain it."

Plagg just rolled his eyes, knowing completely well that Marinette was Ladybug. "Kid, just go with whatever you think feels right. Besides, I'm hungry."

"Hmmmmm, I know! I knew she was going to be one of my best friends and I felt that friendship spark." Plagg just shook his head at Adrien's denseness. Someday, Adrien would understand. Hopefully.

"Well kid, get me some cheese," Plagg whined.

Alya pulled Nino aside before school. "Hey, watch it Alya!" he said as she almost ripped his shirt from the force of her pull.

"Shhh Nino. Ok, so any new ideas on how to make Operation Adrienette a go? We already tried tripping Marinette into him, leaving them at a store by themselves, and pushing them into each other at the ice skating rink," she said as she counted off the ideas on her finger.

"Well, we could have Adrien just ask Marinette to Chloe's Christmas party," Nino said nonchalantly. "I mean, he may just say he's going as a friend, but that means he at least feels something for her."

"Great idea!" Alya squealed, jumping with excitement. "Look, there's Adrien right now." she said pointing in his direction as he hopped out of his car.

"Adrien!" Nino shouted, waving his bro over.

"What's up guys?" Adrien asked as he jogged over.

"Oh, nothing. Who are you going with to Chloe's Christmas Party? Obviously, I'm going with Nino." Alya asked. Nino started to say that she hadn't asked him, but she elbowed him in the stomach.

"Um, no one yet. I don't know who to ask. You okay Nino?" Adrien said looking concernedly at Nino, who was clutching his stomach and gasping.

"Nothing-bro-I'm-fine, said, giving Adrien a thumbs-up.

"Well, I know Marinette hasn't been asked yet. You could ask her," Alya hinted loudly.

"Really? Marinette hasn't been asked yet? Ok, we can go as friends," he said smiling. Marinette was coming over right at that moment. She saw Adrien and blushed, looking at her feet.

"Hi guys," she said still looking at the ground.

"Hey Marinette. Do you want to go to Chloe's Christmas Party with me? Just as friends?" Adrien said looking directly at her and smiling.

Marinette's mouth fell open as she forgot how to speak, issuing stuttering sounds before Alya hit her on the arm. She jerked her mouth shut and shook her head. "Of course,-I-I-would lo-love to go with you," she managed to spit out before completely going into a daydream about Adrien.

"Um. I will pick you up at 5 on Sunday. See you." He gave a small wave before turning and heading off to class with Nino.

"Way to go Marinette! Marinette? MARINETTE!" Alya had to yell to snap her friend out of her dream. She just rolled her eyes and laughed. "At least Adrien asked you. That might say something."

"Adrien invited me. Adrien invited me. ADRIEN INVITED ME! Oh no, what am I supposed to wear?" she started panicking.

"I was waiting for you to ask that. Come on girl, you're making your own dress, but we're going to be late to class!" Alya pulled Marinette to Mrs. Bustier's classroom where Marinette spent all day thinking of a dress design that would impress Adrien.