So I have to work on my story Thanksgiving, but this short story that was forming in my head was just asking to be written. :) Merry Christmas!

Snow softly fell in New York City. A cold, brisk wind blew across the streets. It was Christmas Eve. Green, red, and white lights shone brilliantly on buildings. The streets were filled with people doing last minute Christmas shopping, and other various things. Most people were caught up in the Christmas spirit.

One particular dark haired man wasn't looking at the Christmas lights, or hoping to find a special gift for his significant other. Most people didn't pay him any mind, but if you looked closely you could see he was not happy at all. Worry lines creased his face, making him look older than he actually was.

Frank Hardy felt tired. Very tired. He had spent days with little to no sleep. He still however, found the strength to keep his head high as he walked down downtown New York City streets.

He glanced at his watch. 9:00. He walked faster. He was supposed to be meeting his brother at their hotel room by now. As he neared their hotel, he heard the sound of Christmas music coming from a nearby building. Normally, he would be humming along with the notes. For now though, he had more important things on his mind.

He entered their hotel, and took the elevator to the 8th floor. Upon arriving in their room he found no one. A note, hastily written, was the only sign of anyone having been there since he left that morning. He picked it up and read it silently. A bit of hope glimmering in his eyes.


I found a big break on the case. People that resemble our suspects, have been spotted by the old bank on 34th street. I'm going to check it out. Please don't follow me. If I don't return by morning, call the police. Don't go on your own. ~Joe

Frank sighed. He wanted to follow Joe, but knew from past experience to obey his wishes. He sank onto the bed. Rubbing his eyes wearily, he rested his head against the pillow.

Her pretty face appeared in his thoughts. Framed by strawberry blond hair, her blue eyes shining brightly. Nancy. With that, came painful memories. He felt as though he failed her.

She had been working on a case, involving priceless stolen paintings. When the case led to New York, she had asked for his and Joe's help. They had happily obliged. However, a week ago they had found a clue pointing to a man named Julias Clark. On a hunch, they decided to check out his old business: Diamond Express. Upon reaching their destination, they had been attacked….

"Come on." Joe Hardy whispered. "It's all clear."

Frank rolled his eyes as he walked past him, his tennis shoes squeaking against the linoleum floor of the building.

"Joe, there's no one here."

"How do you know?" Joe retorted, with a glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

"Because we've checked every inch of this place."

"Says the one who's always so careful." Joe said. "Right Nan?"

Nancy just smiled. She had a look of unease in her eyes that Frank noticed right away.

"What's wrong?" he questioned.

She shrugged. "I don't know. I just have this odd feeling. It's probably nothing. Anyway, we're on the first floor. In a few minutes we'll be outside and getting ready to head back. I don't think anything's going to happen before then." She smiled reassuringly.

They kept walking, Frank and Joe ahead of Nancy.

Wonder where the thieves are then?" Joe asked, breaking the silence that had befallen the group.

"Probably in some other abandoned building." Frank replied as they rounded a corner.

"Maybe." Joe mused. "What do you think we should do now Nancy? That was our only clue. Should we go back to the art museum and search for more clues?"

Silence reigned.

"Nancy?" Joe asked glancing behind him. He stopped.

"What?" Frank asked, turning around.

"She's gone."

Frank made a quick survey of the hallway. Nothing.

"Let's go retrace our footsteps. Maybe she found a clue, and stopped to check it out." Frank had the feeling he said that more so to reassure himself, then Joe.

As they rounded the corner they had previously passed, they heard the faint sound of footsteps running. Without hesitation, both boys started running. They heard a door slam. They ran faster. They reached an exit, that lead out to the back of the building. They burst through the door, to find a silver object leveled on them. A gun.

"If you try anything. I promise you I will shoot the girl."

Frank and Joe stopped instantly.

"Good job, you know how to follow instructions." The person with the gun said in a sarcastic voice."

Frank quickly surveyed the situation. As far as he could see, there were three men. One was pointing a gun, the second holding Nancy, and the third, in the driver's seat of a black van. All three sported ski masks on their faces. The one holding Nancy and the one driving were tall and lanky. The one holding the gun was short and thin.

Frank looked at Nancy, who looked to be half unconscious. Fear coursed through him. Their eyes met, and she gave him a weak smile.

"Get her in the van," The short man growled. "I'll take care of these two."

"Remember," the one holding nancy said nervously. "The boss doesn't want any murders on his hands."

The short one ignored him. "Just get her in the car."

Frank moved forward, as if to run towards the man holding Nancy. He stopped however, when she shook her head. The person with the gun opened his mouth to say something, when the sound of a car engine was heard.

All people present jerked their heads toward the sound.

"Come on!" The short one said, slightly panicked.

Nancy met Frank's eyes one last time. She was then shoved into the car and the two other men leaped in. As the car drove away, Frank and Joe tried to run ahead to their car. It was in vain, as the van was too fast, and was gaining speed by the minute. Frank stared ahead, as the van disappeared out of sight. The look in Nancy's eyes was of trust. Trust that he would find her. Trust in him.

He gulped, when he realized he didn't know if he could. WIth no more clues, and being unable to follow the van, the task seemed impossible.

Well that's it for now. Please review. I love hearing your thoughts. It would really make my day. I plan to have a new chapter up tomorrow.