Well, after all that angst and hurt/comfort, here's the happy ending you all deserve!

And thanks of course to Julka, vvgarciaquinonez, maliamccall, Ffxo, and sinsoversaints for your reviews last chapter, as well as all of you who have given feedback along the way. Writing essentially 6 different stories in one fic was no easy feat, so your support is what makes all this writing (whew!) worth it. Thank youuuuu!

Enjoy the fluff.


+ONE-Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

"So you guys are still coming out for New Year's Eve, right?" Stiles asked as he threw on his coat and quickly turned around to help Lydia into hers.

"Yeah man, we'll be there," Scott smiled, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "Can't wait."

"You guys are going to love D.C." Lydia beamed at them as she wrapped up in her scarf. "And there are so many wedding dress shops we can go to while you're there..."

"Kill me now," Malia rolled her eyes, but she was still grinning at her friend.

"Hey now, that's no way for my maid-of-honor to act," Lydia fake admonished her. "Besides, we will be dress shopping for you, not for me, so it'll be even better. I have at least eight different stores in mind for bridesmaid dresses."

"Why are we friends with them again?" Malia turned to Scott, jerking her head in their direction, and he chuckled at her, shaking his head.

"What Malia means to say is that she can't wait," Scott grinned in amusement as he slung an arm over her shoulders, pulling her close to his side. "Don't worry, we'll be there."

"Good, because I've got some really epic plans for us for New Year's," Stiles said with a hint of pride.

Lydia gave him a hard look. "Oh no. We are not going to that cheesy party downtown."

"What? Why not?" Stiles looked incredulous. "It's going to have music, and an open bar, and balloons and streamers coming from the ceiling, and party hats! What's so bad about that?"

"Oh, I don't know," Lydia put her hands on her hips, "how about terrible music that's too loud, and drunk people falling all over us, and ridiculous party hats?"

"Come on Lyds, it'll be fun," Stiles grabbed her hands, pulling her close to him. "Besides, I want to celebrate the new year big this year, with our two best friends," he gestured at Scott and Malia, "and my fiancé."

Stiles paused, shaking his head with a laugh before continuing. "I still can't believe I have a fiancé. I still can't believe that Lydia Martin is my fiancé."

"Oh come on, you guys have been engaged for over two months already," Malia sighed in mock exasperation, but she was still smiling at both of them. "It can't still be that shocking."

"We just can't believe she actually said yes," Scott shrugged nonchalantly, unable to suppress a smile.

"Ha, so the werewolf has jokes tonight," Stiles frowned at him, but he wasn't actually mad. "Real funny."

"Okay guys, you ready to go?" Sheriff Stilinski walked up to them just then, arms loaded up with care packages of food that Melissa had no less than forced him to take.

"Yeah Dad, it's getting late," Stiles nodding in agreement. "We've still got to stop by Lydia's mom's too."

Melissa and Argent joined the group by the front door to say their farewells.

"Melissa, thanks for hosting," the Sheriff told her sincerely. "Everything was amazing, per usual."

Melissa waved him off with a bright smile. "Of course, we were happy to have all of you. I'm just glad we actually had some leftovers to send with you."

Which was an excellent point, considering it had been all of them in addition to Liam, Mason and Corey earlier in the day, before they'd left to attend their own family get-togethers. Derek and Cora had stopped by too, before they headed out of town to meet Braeden and make their journey south back to Cora's pack. Theo had even made a brief appearance, his uneasy place in the pack strengthening over the years, and Parrish had called from the station to send his love and thanks for Melissa's care package, since he was stuck on duty as Beacon Hills was hit with a freak snowstorm for the first time in almost 20 years.

It had been a full house, and a full Christmas, and Malia couldn't remember the last time she had felt this happy. That was likely because the last few Christmases they had had were a complete disaster, especially the last one, and this was the first one she and Scott had actually gotten to spend together.

It had been perfect.

And with the war over and the hunters gone, the pack had finally been able to return to a relatively normal life, or as least as normal as it ever got for them. Lydia had finished her thesis at MIT and moved down to D.C. to be with Stiles as he was stationed there for the FBI, and now they were planning their wedding for next year.

Scott was back at UC Davis now, finishing up his degree and applying to veterinary schools. Malia had moved with him into an apartment off-campus and found a job with the Department of Natural Resources, which was perfect because no one knew the outdoors and wildlife better than someone who had actually lived as a part of the wildlife for eight years.

There was a lot to be thankful for.

"Thank you for such a wonderful Christmas," Lydia hugged Melissa tightly, followed immediately by Stiles.

"Everything was awesome. Thanks for feeding me."

Melissa laughed as she released him. "I've pretty much been doing that at least once a week anyways since you were four, Stiles."

Stiles grinned at that. "No complaints here."

"Merry Christmas everyone," Lydia said brightly as they headed out the door.

"Merry Christmas guys," Scott waved back in farewell.

"Hey Scotty, call me later, okay?" Stiles tossed over his shoulder, trying to sound casual, but Malia cocked an eyebrow at him in question.

"Yeah, I will," Scott called after him as he walked out the door, and Malia just chuckled to herself, chalking it up to Stiles' separation anxiety from his best friend. Ever since they had lived across the country from each other, Stiles was basically glued to Scott's side from the moment they were ever in the same place again, and she should have known that Christmas wouldn't be an exception.

As the door shut, Melissa sighed heavily, both from contentment and exhaustion, as Argent put an arm around her waist. "Well, I have to say, this was a pretty darn good Christmas."

"It was wonderful," Argent nodded, giving her a squeeze, "Thanks to you."

"Yeah Mom, it was really great," Scott smiled at her warmly.

"It really was," Malia agreed wholeheartedly. She and Scott had spent the morning with her father, and they had even tolerated a little time together yesterday with Peter for Christmas Eve...after all, he had inadvertently saved Scott's life last Christmas...but this whole evening, surrounded by their pack, had really felt like having a family again. "This was pretty much a perfect Christmas."

"Well," Scott said then, arching an eyebrow at her, "almost perfect."

"What do you mean?" she looked at him curiously. "Scott, I don't think that there's anything that could make this day any better."

"Come on," he grabbed her hand, squeezing tightly as he reached for their coats, "I want to show you something."

"Well, if you guys are leaving, I think we're just going to head on up to bed," Melissa interjected quietly, and although there wasn't anything strange about the way she said it, Malia didn't miss the expression on her face, looking at the both of them just a little too long. "So, we'll see you two in the morning?"

"Yeah, of course," Scott nodded, giving both her and Argent a tight hug. "We'll be here."

After they said their goodbyes, they jumped in Malia's car, Scott driving them to an unknown destination.

"So, are you going to tell me where we're going?" Malia huffed, as they drove towards the outskirts of the preserve.

"It's a surprise," Scott replied, holding her hand across the center console. "Trust me, it'll be worth it."

Malia grumbled, giving him an unimpressed look. "It better be, it's freezing out. We could be in bed right now."

"Oh really?" Scott wagged his eyebrows at her, before turning back to the road, and Malia slapped his arm playfully.

"That wasn't exactly what I meant," she shot back, before adding deviously, "but yeah, that too."

"Well then, I better make this quick," he grinned, looking at her out of the corner of his eye, before he finally came to a stop near the slope of a hill in the preserve. "Come on, we have to walk a little ways in."

They got out of the car, their breath misting in the frigid winter air of the woods, before Malia suddenly realized where they were: Lookout Point.

"Seriously?" she grumbled as she trudged after him in the snow, heading up the hill. "We've been out here a thousand times. What could you possibly want to show me now?"

"We've never been out here at Christmas," he replied matter-of-factly over his shoulder. "And we can't even remember the last time it snowed this much in Beacon Hills."

"So? Why would that matter..." Malia trailed off as they came up to the edge of the high cliff, overlooking all of the twinkling lights of Beacon Hills, far off in the distance.

But instead of just the normal city lights, there were hundreds of Christmas lights that could be seen decorating all of the houses below, adding to the beauty of the skyline, with the rare appearance of snow adding to the sight. Beacon Hills had been turned into some sort of a Christmas wonderland.

Scott was right...it was worth it.

"Okay," she nodded, taking in the view for a moment, "you were right. This view is beautiful."

"Yeah, it really is," he replied softly, and she turned back from the cliff to see that he wasn't looking at the houses at all, but he was looking directly at her.

Malia huffed at him, but she couldn't stop the edges of a smile emerging on her face. "You are such a sap."

Scott grinned, walking closer to her. "I thought that's what you loved about me."

"That's just one thing," she told him casually, as she bent down to pick up a handful of snow. "But I also love that I'm faster than you."

And without any warning, she pelted him directly in the face with a snowball.

She scurried back a few feet, as Scott shook his head, clearing the snow off his face as his eyes lit up a fiery alpha red. "We'll just see about that."

"Prove it," Malia shot back, eyes flashing blue in return, dancing around on the balls of her feet in the snow as she waited for him to make a move.

Scott paced around for a moment, sizing her up almost like she was his prey, before she was suddenly pelted with snowballs in rapid succession.

She was able to duck under one and dodge out of the way of another, before taking one in the side and chest. It didn't hurt, but she definitely felt them with the strength with which Scott was throwing them at her.

She could tell from the way he reacted when she sent over return fire that he could feel them too.

Within minutes, they were both laughing like they were kids, throwing snowballs at each other and running around in circles on the top of the cliff, quickly running out of breath from the exertion.

Then Malia landed a perfect shot directly to Scott's face, and she immediately knew it was a little harder than it should have been. He staggered down to one knee, grabbing his face with one hand as he made a pained grunt.

"Crap," Malia muttered, dropping the remaining snowball in her hand, rushing over to his side and looking down at him. "Sorry, I put a little too much into that one. Are you okay?"

Scott still had his face in his hands, and she was almost afraid she'd broken his nose, even though it would heal. That wasn't exactly how she wanted to end this great Christmas, to say the least.

Just when Malia was starting to fear that she actually had hurt him, he put down his hands and looked up at her with a wry grin. "I'm okay. Nice shot though."

She rolled her eyes at him with a smile. "And here I was starting to worry that I had actually hurt you."

"Well, you did hit me in the face," Scott laughed with a shake of his head, still kneeling on the ground. "The least you could do is help me up."

"Yeah, okay, okay," she chuckled, reaching a hand down to grab his and pull him back up to his feet.

But when she took his hand, Scott didn't get up, instead just staying down on his knee, still holding her hand tightly in his own. She furrowed her brows at him in confusion. "Uh, Scott?"

"Malia," he began, looking up at her, eyes shining, and she could practically smell the nervousness rolling off of him all of a sudden, "there's uh, something I need to ask you."

Malia froze, her own heart pounding now, trying to comprehend what was happening. "Scott..."

With his free hand, he slowly reached into his jacket pocket, and pulled out a diamond ring, shining under the moonlight and reflecting in the snow.

Oh my God...

"Malia," he began softly, looking up at her, voice full of emotion, "you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. We are perfect opposites, and perfect partners in every way, and I can't imagine my life without you, without having you by my side. After everything we've been through, and everything we've survived, we don't know how much time we will have, and I don't want to waste another minute."

Scott paused, taking in a deep breath and holding her gaze steadily. "Malia Elizabeth Tate...will you marry me?"

Malia just stared at him for a long moment, her whole body trembling as she took in what he was saying, before she realized she still hadn't answered.

"...Malia?" Scott questioned after a moment, starting to look worried, and she quickly dropped down to her knees in the snow in front of him, kissing him hard on the lips in answer.

"Oh yeah, sorry," she muttered against his lips, breaking into a wide smile, "I just, I mean...yes! Yes, Scott, I'll marry you."

"That's good," he laughed, giving her a little shake of his head, "you had me worried there for a minute."

Malia chuckled, pulling back to cup his face in her cold hands. "Sorry, I was just a little shocked that you were, you know, proposing."

"So, does that mean I can put the ring on now?" he gave her an amused grin, and she immediately shot out her left hand for him to take in his.

The ring was beautiful, and she stared at her hand as he gingerly slipped it on her finger, admiring the diamond shining like a beacon on her hand.

"Wow, it's really beautiful," she breathed, looking up at him in awe. "I love you, Scott McCall."

Scott pulled her tightly up against his chest, pressing their foreheads together. "I love you too, Malia. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," she whispered back, wrapping her hands around the back of his neck, the ring shining brightly in the dim light. Her lips found his once again, pushing him backwards into the snow in a tangled heap of kisses and laughter, completely lost in their own happiness.

It really was a perfect Christmas.

THE END...hope you all enjoyed! This was my first foray into a holiday-themed fic, and I may have gotten carried away on this one (was supposed to be a 2k secret santa fic exchange...yeah right), but I'm glad I was able to share it with all of you. Happy (belated) Holidays!

Which part was the best/worst? Your favorite part?

Hoping to update Descent or some of my other TW fics as soon as the muse hits me...see ya then!