Title: Yuletides

Or, Five times Scott and Malia tried to spend Christmas together, and one time they did.

Author note: Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to my Scolia Secret Santa, sarcasticfina! (Tarafina on here I believe). And extra special thanks to scoliatrash for organizing this whole Scolia gift exchange on Tumblr, I really got inspired for this one! (And I wasn't even going to do a fic exchange this year, thanks for organizing it!)

So, I couldn't make up mind for just one story, so I did a 5+1 format...which then turned into a 30k fic... Lots of H/C, fluff, angst, and romance ahead, hope you enjoy!


Update: It has come to my attention that having this long of a story in one long chapter is not an easy read (to which I completely agree actually), so I'm going to format and repost each part as separate chapters. Sorry if I caught anyone in the middle of reading this! It may take a few days to re-upload each part as I'm doing it from my Ipad while I'm out of town, just a heads up. Happy (easier) reading!

ONE-Baby It's Cold Outside

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart, there's just no way I'm going to make it home in time for Christmas."

"Dad, it's okay," Malia sighed through the phone, hoping she sounded reassuring. "I understand."

"No, it's not okay," Henry Tate's voice was clearly distraught through the line, and Malia furiously blinked back tears, silently grateful he couldn't see them. "We've already missed too many Christmases together, and I..."

"Dad, look, it's okay," she forced her voice to be steady as she cut off his apology, "really. It's not your fault all the flights out were canceled. We'll just celebrate when you get back, okay? It's not a big deal."

She really hoped she sounded convincing, not wanting her father to feel anymore guilty than he already did, when it was completely out of his control in the first place.

There was a long pause over the line before her dad spoke again, his voice thick. "Okay, Malia. I promise I'll be back as soon as I can."

"I know that, Dad, don't worry," Malia replied softly. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," he replied, and then she hit the end button on her phone.

She carelessly dropped her phone on the kitchen counter of her house with a loud clatter, wincing at how loud it echoed in the empty space.

All alone on Christmas Eve. Not exactly how she had envisioned only her second Christmas back as being human going, but there was nothing she could do about it now. Her dad was stuck out on the east coast, while she was still in Beacon Hills.

Briefly, Malia wondered if she wasn't feeling even more lonely because now that she and Stiles had broken up, she didn't even have the back-up plan of going with him and the Sheriff for Christmas either.

It had only been a few months now since she and Stiles had split up, but they had gotten to a relatively cordial place now, where they were somewhat friends again. Honestly, she wasn't entirely sure how she was supposed to act around him now, human emotions were something she was still learning how to navigate, but at least they could be in the same room together now without it being overly awkward.

Besides, after everything that had happened with the Dread Doctors and the Beast, the pack had been so busy fighting them off and trying to stay alive, they really hadn't had time to worry about petty break-up issues when Beacon Hills was in danger of being razed to the ground.

Not to mention how Theo Raeken had effectively almost completely destroyed the pack from the inside out, which had been worse than anything else they'd been through combined. Malia didn't feel an ounce of sympathy that the manipulative chimera was now quite literally rotting in hell.

Theo had gotten what he deserved.

Malia sighed, picking up her phone again, fingers itching to text Kira, before she belatedly realized that she wouldn't be able to reach the kitsune anyways. Kira was back with the skinwalkers now, and she had told them all that she didn't know when she'd be back, or if she'd be back, even in their lifetime.

She'd become one of Malia's closest friends, and it was hard to think about the fact she might never see the kitsune again.

Malia paused, setting her phone down once again, wondering how she was going to spend her night now that she was going to be all alone. She'd become used to being lonely with all her years living in the woods, but ever since she'd been back, she'd found that she really hated that feeling, and she had been determined not to feel that way anymore.

She toyed with the thought of texting Lydia or Scott as a last ditch effort to quench her growing loneliness, to reach out to her remaining closest friends, her pack, but she didn't want to bother them on Christmas.

Surprisingly to them both, Malia and Lydia's friendship had really grown over the past few months. Malia was about to text her too when she paused, fingers hovering her phone screen. She knew Lydia had gone out of town with her mother to visit family down state for most of Christmas break, because Ms. Martin couldn't have been more eager to get her daughter away from Beacon Hills for a while after the whole horrific ordeal with Eichen House.

That left Scott.

Even though she and Stiles had broken up, Scott hadn't treated her any differently, even though Stiles was his best friend. In fact, he had been there for her more than ever before, counting on her during the whole Dread Doctors fiasco, and making sure she knew what an important place she had in their little rag-tag pack.

You can talk to me.

What if I told you you're the only one I have left?

Malia had come to realize in recent months just how important her friendship with Scott was to her, and just how much he influenced her, made her want to be stronger, be better. Stiles may have been her anchor, but Scott was what tied her to her humanity.

She debated on texting him when she sighed again, shaking her head and putting her phone carefully back down on the counter. She was sure that he had plans with his mother tonight, and that wasn't something that she wanted to interrupt, because she knew how close Scott and Melissa were. No doubt that they had some special family traditions planned for tonight, and Malia swallowed down the involuntary lump that rose in her throat, thinking back to distant memories with her mom and dad and Kylie and the family traditions that they had always done on Christmas.

Being alone on Christmas really was awful.

Just as Malia was beginning to feel sorry for herself, her phone rang shrilly on the kitchen counter, bringing her abruptly back from her spiraling thoughts.


"Hey, Lydia," she answered the phone, forcing mock cheerfulness into her tone. "What's up?"

"Don't even bother trying to tell me that you're okay spending Christmas alone, because we both know that you're not."

Malia scoffed in disbelief, trying to sound offended. "Well uh, hi to you too." She paused, frowning heavily. "Who told?"

"Your dad called me," Lydia replied simply over the line. "He told me that he's stuck out east, and he's worried about you being all alone on Christmas."

Malia sighed, running a hand over her face as she leaned heavily on the counter, phone pressed against her ear. Her heart clenched at the fact that her father felt so guilty that he had reached out to her friends, because he was worried about her being all alone on Christmas. "He didn't need to do that. I'm fine, Lydia. So he got held up for a few days, big deal. We'll just have Christmas when he gets back."

"Malia, come on," Lydia's tone softened. "No one wants to be alone on Christmas."

Malia hesitated for a moment before replying, ready to come up with another excuse before realizing that Lydia would see right through it anyways. "Okay fine, so being alone on Christmas isn't exactly what I had in mind, but it's okay. I'll be okay, Lydia."

"No, you won't," Lydia said knowingly. "I wish I was in Beacon Hills, because then you wouldn't have a choice about coming over for Christmas."

Malia couldn't help the smile that turned up at the corners of her mouth at that. Lydia Martin wasn't known to take no for an answer, especially when it came to an invite to one of her parties. "I'm sure."

"Well, just because I can't be there to drag you out of your sorrows, doesn't mean there isn't someone there who can," Lydia continued, a hint of pride in her tone.

"Lydia," she asked cautiously, "what did you do?"

"Oh, nothing," her tone was just a little too nonchalant, "I just called Scott and told him you were spending Christmas alone."

"Lydia," Malia sighed in exasperation, "you didn't need to do that. Scott has his own Christmas plans to worry about, and I'll be fine, really."

"Too late," Lydia snarked cheerfully, "because he's already on his way over."

Malia opened her mouth to argue with her about why that was a completely ridiculous idea, when she suddenly heard a knocking on her front door.

She already knew it was Scott before she even made it out of the kitchen.

"Well, nevermind, he's already here," Malia grumbled through the phone, feeling both guilty she had unwittingly pulled Scott out of his own plans and also relieved that he was there.

"You'll thank me later," Lydia replied matter-of-factly.

"Sure I will," Malia shot back, but there was no heat behind her words, even as she begrudgingly trudged towards the living room.

"Merry Christmas Malia," Lydia's tone was a little softer now. "Tell Scott hi for me."

"Yeah, you too," Malia replied as she reached the front door. "And Lydia?"



She could almost see Lydia's knowing smirk through the phone. "Of course."

Malia hung up, simultaneously opening the front door with her free hand. Scott stood on the front porch, hands shoved into the pockets of his coat, breath misting in the cold afternoon air. He smiled brightly when she opened the door.

"Hey," he greeted her, "hope it's okay that I just dropped by."

Malia shrugged nonchalantly, opening the door wider and gesturing for him to come in. "Yeah, yeah it's fine." She paused, raising an eyebrow at him. "Besides, Lydia already told me."

Scott chuckled, nodding his head as he walked into the house. "Yeah, I figured she did."

She looked at him carefully as he took off his coat, placing on the back of one of the chairs. "Scott, I'm fine. You didn't need to come all the way out here."

He gave a casual shrug. "It's not a problem. And I thought you could use a friend."

Malia sighed, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. "Yeah, well, my dad got stuck with all the canceled flights, so looks like he's not making it home for a few more days, but it's okay. I can handle Christmas alone."

"Yeah, I'm sure you could," Scott nodded, looking at her seriously, "but you shouldn't have to."

Just the sweetness, the pure honestly of his words, hit Malia right in the heart, and she had to look away, feeling a sudden wetness building in her eyes and silently hating herself for it.

Maybe if she was really ready to admit it to herself, she did hate the thought of being all alone tonight.

She took a deep breath as she turned away and walked towards the kitchen, determined to get a grip on her unexpected emotions. Scott followed slowly behind her, and they gathered around the kitchen island.

"What about you?" Malia cleared her throat, looking at him carefully as he sat on one of the kitchen stools. "Don't you have plans for Christmas?"

Scott smiled softly at her. "Yeah, with my mom, but she's working until this evening, and then I have to go home and help. Christmas dinner is one of her favorite things to make together."

"You can cook?" Malia asked incredulously, and he laughed at that.

"Yeah, I can. It's just been me and my mom for a long time, so I had to learn pretty young. I'm not that bad, actually."

"That's, that's nice," she grinned at him, looking for the right words. "I have to be honest, I didn't see that about you."

"There's a lot of things about me you haven't seen," Scott smirked back, and although he had meant it as a joke, suddenly the tension in the room became incredibly thick, almost like their conversation was suddenly moving dangerously close to flirting, and Malia wasn't sure how to handle that.

She quickly turned away, still unsure how to react, absently opening her fridge and scanning the contents inside. She desperately racked her brain for a topic change, sure that Scott hadn't even noticed, or at least he wasn't acting like it, and she wanted to change the conversation before he did.

"Uh, how's Kira? Have you...talked to her?" she asked over her shoulder, really trying to sound nonchalant.

"No," Scott shook his head with a sigh, and she couldn't help but feel slightly relieved, realizing it was just her who had felt the awkwardness and that it must have just been in her head. She shook her head at herself as she turned back around with a carton of eggs now in her hand as Scott continued.

"When I took her back to New Mexico, that was the last time we talked." He paused then, frowning heavily. "I hope she's okay."

"Me too," Malia smiled sympathetically as she put the eggs on the counter between them. She realized now for the first time, that Scott was probably feeling about Kira the way she was about Stiles, probably even more so because his break-up with Kira had been because of unforeseen circumstances, not the course of their relationship naturally running out like her and Stiles.

"So, uh, what are the eggs for?" Scott asked then, clearing his throat, and they were both silently grateful for the distraction to a lighter topic.

"Oh, well since you're such a good cook and all," she was grinning at him now, all the tension thankfully gone, "and I'm not, I thought you could make me some Christmas cookies."

Scott grinned incredulously with a shake of his head. "Oh really?"

"Really," Malia nodded firmly, reaching into the top cupboard and pulling out a large mixing bowl before turning back to him. "It's the least you could do, you know, since I'm going to be alone on Christmas."

Scott put a hand to his heart as if he was wounded. "Wow, you really went right for the guilt trip."

Malia just shrugged at that. "What can I say, when it comes to food, I have no shame."

"Alright, then I'll make you some Christmas cookies," he stood up from the kitchen stool, eyeing her mischievously, "but only on one condition."

Malia rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling. "Okay, fine. What?"

"How about instead of me making the cookies for you," he stepped closer, taking the box of sugar cookie mix that she had just found in the pantry from her hands, "I teach you how to make them?"

Malia couldn't stop the smile that lit up her face at that. "Deal."

Several hours and a few batches of sugar cookies later, Malia and Scott were covered in flour and frosting and maybe even some sprinkles, but the cookies were done.

Malia didn't think she had laughed so much in her entire life, Scott's unending patience with her as he tried to teach her how to bake somehow turning into an all out frosting war by the end.

Which she had won, of course.

"These are awesome," she sighed blissfully around another mouthful of frosted sugar cookie as she put at least the third one in her mouth.

"Yeah, they came out pretty good," Scott agreed, taking a bite of his own cookie. He glanced over at her with an amused look on his face.

"What?" She paused mid-bite, staring back at him.

"You, uh," he took a hesitant step towards her, gesturing at her mouth, "you have some frosting..."

"Oh, where?" Malia gestured at her face, wiping at it uselessly with her frosting covered fingers, smearing it even more. "Did I get it?"

He laughed at that with a wide grin. "Here, let me help."

His fingers were feather light against her skin as he gently wiped the frosting away from the corner of her mouth.

"There, got it," he said softly, freezing for a long moment as they just stared at each other, both suddenly aware of how incredibly close they were now, their noses almost touching.

It felt like time stood still, and Malia knew that this time Scott felt that unspeakable tension as well.

"Uh, thanks," she recovered first, taking a step backwards until they were a safe distance apart again, not sure what was happening, not sure that it should be happening at all.

"Of course, no problem," he replied quietly, leaning back against the kitchen island now, studying her with an unreadable look.

"Not just for the cookies," Malia plunged onwards, the words suddenly tumbling out of her mouth. She had had a great time with Scott the whole afternoon, her mind completely distracted from the fact that her dad wouldn't be home for Christmas, for which she was immensely grateful, and she wanted him to know.

"For what?" he questioned curiously, looking back at her.

"For...everything," she sighed heavily, gesturing widely with her arms. "For coming to check up on me. For making sure I wasn't alone on Christmas."

He nodded, a soft smile on his face now, eyes shining. "Of course, Malia. That's what friends do."

"Yeah," she replied quietly, holding his gaze for a long moment, wondering what was happening, if there really was a sudden shift in their friendship..when his phone rang shrilly, effectively ending the moment.

Scott sighed heavily, pulling out his phone as both of them silently hoped it wasn't some supernatural disaster happening on Christmas Eve.

"Hey mom," he answered brightly, and Malia let out a sigh of relief that it was just Melissa. "Yeah, I'll be right home. See you soon."

After he hung up, he looked up apologetically at Malia. "Sorry, my mom is home. I have to go."

"No, of course, it's okay," she quickly reassured him. "But, uh, thanks for coming over. Seriously."

"I had a good time," Scott replied, hesitating for a moment before adding, "really."

"Me too," she smiled genuinely now, "really."

"Uh, Malia," he paused, suddenly looking a little unsure, "do you want to come over tonight? For Christmas?"

She just blinked at him. "Wait...do you want me to?"

"Well, yeah," Scott shrugged sheepishly. "I mean, you're more than welcome to. I mean, it would be okay, if you wanted to. We'll have plenty of food..."

"I wouldn't want to intrude," Malia cut him off. "It's Christmas, and it's your family thing with your mom. I wouldn't want to be in the way."

"You wouldn't be, I promise," Scott stepped closer to her, voice sincere. "My mom would love to have you over, seriously."

"I don't know..." she was still hesitant, feeling like it just wasn't her place to invade the McCall's family Christmas.

"Malia, come on," Scott urged her with a convincing smile, "you shouldn't be alone on Christmas."

She looked back at him for a long moment before finally relenting with a small smile. "Yeah, okay. I'll come."

He looked slightly relieved when she agreed. "Okay, great. I'll tell my mom."

Malia looked down at her flour and frosting covered clothes then with a grimace. Their frosting war had really gotten out of hand. "I'm going to have to clean up first though."

"Me too," he laughed, looking down at his own ruined clothes. "And just so you know, that wasn't my fault."

"It totally was," she scoffed at him, jabbing a finger in his direction. "You started it."

"It was an accident," he didn't even bother to hide the amused look on his face.

"Yeah right," she shook her head. "Wiping frosting on my nose was definitely not an accident."

Scott put his hands up in a placating manner, still grinning like an idiot. "I plead the fifth."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm on to you, McCall," she raised her eyebrows at him in challenge. "But whatever, now I have to go change, so what time should I come over?"

"In an hour or so?" he replied, still smiling at her. "The food will be almost done by then, at least."

"Fine, I'll see you then," Malia replied, grimacing as she pulled some frosting out of her hair. "After a shower anyways."

Scott just laughed at that. "Sounds good." He headed towards the door, grabbing his jacket and pulling it on over his stained clothes. He paused to glance at her over his shoulder as he reached for the door handle, hesitating for a moment. "See you soon?"

"See you soon," she confirmed with a nod of her head, and with another smile in her direction, he headed out the door.

Malia closed it behind him, leaning heavily against it for a moment, thinking of their fun afternoon together, at the warm stirrings in her heart at how much Scott truly cared for his friends, cared for her.

She didn't deserve him.

She tried not to think past that, of anything more than friends, because that's all they were, that's all they'd ever been, and she still had no idea why things had felt a little different today, almost as if there was something else there, simmering just below the surface.

It definitely wasn't because they were both two lonely people who were newly single on Christmas, whose already close friendship and surviving multiple life and death experiences together had only further strengthened their bond...

Malia shook her head to clear her thoughts, refusing to head down that road, afraid of where it was going to lead, and she headed straight for the shower.

An hour later, she was almost ready to go, smiling to herself as she sent Scott a quick text to let him know.

On my way.

She smiled even wider as he texted back immediately.

Great! See you soon.

She grabbed her keys and was heading for the door when it suddenly swung open.

There, standing in the middle of the doorway holding all of his heavy bags, was her dad.

"Dad!" Malia cried in disbelief, and before she knew what she was doing, she had sprinted across the living room and into his waiting arms.

Henry dropped all of his bags to the floor with a careless thud as he wrapped his arms around Malia. "Hey baby girl, I'm home."

"But how?" Malia asked, looking at him in confusion as she finally pulled back from his embrace. "How are you here?"

Henry shrugged, a wide smile lighting his face. "A stranger at the airport overheard my plight, and he offered me his ticket. It turns out, there are still some good people left in this world."

"Wow, Dad, that's...I'm just so glad you're here," Malia smiled at him, blinking back tears.

"Me too, Malia. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," she hugged him again, and then walked with him into the kitchen. His eyes widened when he spotted the amount of cookies and frosting covering every surface of the counter.

"Malia...have you been baking?" he asked quizzically as he took in the state of the kitchen.

She nodded with a proud grin. "Yeah, I have. But I had a little help."

"Oh yeah, from who?" Henry looked at her curiously.

"Scott," she answered with what she hoped was a casual shrug. "Lydia and Scott were worried I was going to be alone on Christmas...after you called and told Lydia that I was going to be."

Henry smiled apologetically at her. "I had to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah, dad, I'm fine," she replied with a sigh, but she was still smiling. "But thanks for worrying about me."

"You know Mal, you have some pretty good friends," Henry mused, looking at her gratefully.

Malia thought back to her afternoon with Scott, her chest tightening a little bit. "Yeah. Yeah I do."

Then she belatedly remembered she was supposed to be at Scott's house right now, and she quickly excused herself to go call him.

"Hey, are you on your way?" Scott's voice floated over the line as he answered.

"Well, actually," Malia replied with a deep sigh, "my dad just got home. Some generous stranger let him have his ticket, I guess."

"Hey, Malia, that's great, that's really great," Scott sounded genuinely happy for her, and she belatedly wondered why she wasn't more thrilled at the prospect herself. Earlier, that had been all she had wanted for Christmas.

Now she wasn't entirely sure.

"So, obviously I'll be staying home now," she continued quietly. "Sorry for the late notice."

"Of course, Malia, don't worry about it," Scott reassured her quickly. "I'm just glad you'll get to spend Christmas with your dad after all."

"Yeah, me too," she agreed into the phone. "But hey, Scott?"


"Thanks again for today," she told him sincerely. "Seriously."

"You're welcome," he replied, and she could almost see him smiling again. "Merry Christmas, Malia."

"Merry Christmas, Scott," she replied softly, and then they hung up.

And even though she was beyond grateful to have her dad back for Christmas, she couldn't help but push down the little bubble of disappointment that she wouldn't be spending Christmas with Scott after all.

Merry Christmas all!