The golden ropes of her hair fell in two thick braids down her back as she blew over the steam swirling from her mug of hot chocolate, getting ready to settle into her first Christmas Eve without her guild in years. She had known Laxus had invited her to come visit Blue Pegasus so she didn't have to spend the holiday alone, but she just couldn't bring herself to leave her little cottage in the woods bordering Hargeon overlooking the deep blue crashing waves of the ocean.
When Natsu left her, left their family, behind, leading to the disbandment and scattering of Fairy Tail, the Celestial Mage had packed up her little apartment and moved to the place it had all started for her. The first few months in her homey little one bedroom, two story stone home, she spent most of her time up the spiral staircase to gaze out her through the walls of glass to watch the salty seawater crash and fold over itself, hoping more than anything he would know to find her there just like he had all those years ago. When her tears dried and all she felt when her deep chocolate eyes looked over the water was a sad kind of peace, the resilient woman focused on her writing, earning her jewel working with Jason which allowed her the means to keep tabs on where some of her nakama had ended up.
She had gotten one of her books published last month and her first royalty check had come in the mail yesterday, which gave her a very nice nest egg to fall back on if she ever needed. The air by the sea was harsher, less forgiving than the temperate weather of Magnolia and that suited her just fine. She was about to curl into her little beat-up couch, the once bright blue velvet had faded to a thin grey over the still plush cushions, her thick woolen cardigan wrapped around the thin thermal tight against her curves, the top two buttons undone to make room for her bountiful chest, a thick pair of paint-splattered black leggings and thick, buttery soft knitted bootie slippers, to watch the snow fall heavily from the safety and warmth from in front of her roaring fireplace, the dry heat bringing a small fond small to her lips.
Taking a sip of the sweet chocolatey drink, she hummed with satisfaction as the hot liquid soothed her dry throat and warmed her from the inside out before she heard heavy handed pounding on her door. Eyes widening at the loud noise, she stood to answer the door for whoever had taken the time to make the long, arduous trek to her secluded home. Her keys in her hand within the big pocket of her sweater, wondering who on Earthland would be at her door at eleven o'clock on Christmas Eve.
As her hand hovered over the cold metal of her front door knob, a rough, deep unfamiliar voice called from the other side, "It's cold as fuck out here, so if you could actually open the door and let me in, that would be ideal."
Narrowing her eyes at the gall of whoever thought scolding her would be the way to get her to let them in, she crossed her arms stubbornly over her chest before calling back to the rude, unexpected visitor, "I think your manners could use some work, strange man at my door in the wee hours of the night on Christmas Eve."
"I wouldn't be a strange man at your door if you'd let me in," voice tight with irritation.
Not giving in, she scoffed before drawling sarcastically, "No, you'd be a strange man inside my home, which is sooo much better."
The stranger mumbled something under his breath before the smooth, dark baritone spoke evenly, as if it pained him to have to speak to her at all, "If you'd open the damned door, I would introduce myself and I wouldn't be a stranger anymore."
She swung the door open, with a cold glare and her voice low and threatening, "Fine, but don't think I won't knock you the fuck out if you try anything, dude. I mean anything."
Half-shoving the little feisty woman out of his was as he made his way through the door, having to duck so he didn't smack his forehead off the door frame, he shook the snow from his wild dark blue mane as he made his way to the face the fire, pointedly not looking at the small blonde staring at him expectantly.
Lucy thought she was doing a very good job at not melting into a puddle of goo as the incredibly handsome man all but pushed her out of his way to get to the warmth of her fireplace, his massive boots sinking into a ridiculous fur rug. Shutting the door as soon as his deeply tanned, extremely well-built body ducked through the doorway, she turned to take him in; the long, thick black material of his cloak, it's neck lined with...teeth? Okay that's not promising as far as strangers I've let into my home goes. Letting out a small gasp as she drank in his angry expression on his angular face, light blue tattoos only adding to the involuntary heat pooling in her lower abdomen before she noticed his outstretched right arm had the same tattoos covering the tanned skin stretched over bulging muscle, the rest of his body hidden beneath his cloak.
Her left hand was tucked under her right arm as her free hand gestured absently, her voice accusing and expectant, "Well? Get to introducing before I kick you out for bringing a fuck ton of snow into my very dry home. You're ruining my favorite rug with your massive boots and mysterious serial killer cloak."
Suppressing his urge to smile at the fire she wielded expertly, he turned to face the radiant Celestial Mage, the attraction dancing in her warm brown eyes deceiving the scowl of her pink bow-shaped lips as they darted over the exposed right half of his torso as he kept his hand over the fire, his voice like velvet, rich and heavy, as he answered, "I'm an old family friend."
Relenting into mild annoyance, she moved to her little kitchen to mopped up the melting snow, "Ugh, what the fuck does that mean? You're not even that old." Shooting the very intense man a glare, "You've not moved up from your stranger in the woods status here, buddy, so why don't you help yourself out and give me some real information," meeting his deep emerald gaze from where she had crouched by the door.
Deciding on a change of topic, Acnologia's voice drawled deeply, "Do you have something to dry my hair, it's dripping all over and I wouldn't want to anger you any further, hermit."
"Hermit? I'm not a hermit," voice incredulous before turning stony, "You'll have to stay here while I get a towel from upstairs, so...don't touch anything. If you are here to steal from me, I'm sorry to inform you, I don't really have anything of value." Turning to walk up the metal stairs as she mumbled under her breath, "You seem more the murderous type though."
The barest hint of a smirk quirked his mouth before muttering to himself as he watched the astute mage disappear up to the second floor, "You have no idea, Little Heartfilia." He had been drawn to her inadvertently by her usually strong scent that was laced with the distinct tinge of Dragon Slaying Magic, of all types. He should have guessed that a Heartfilia would be the key to his finding of the other Slayers, Pesky women are always at the center of dragon-related bullshit. Pesky, fiery, beautiful fucking women. The Dragon King rarely felt the pull of his more basic natural instincts, and even rarer still, did he listen, but something about her big forgiving eyes had pulled his inner dragon front and center and it was telling him to claim her. Over four damned centuries, you've never felt the pull to any human being let alone a woman, and now all of a sudden this woman has you ready to settle the fuck down? Excellent. Shaking the sarcastic thoughts from his head as he heard her humming Christmas carols under her breath, making her way back down the stairs, her tight clothes doing nothing to hide the subtle shake of her chest with every step down, the sway of her hips as she quickly filled the space in front of him.
Clearing his throat in an uncharacteristic moment of distraction, he took the fluffy grey towel from her before squeezing the ends of the dark blue strands framing his tattooed face.
Lucy noticed her new 'friend' was doing a better job at sending the droplets all over her living room than into the absorbent terrycloth she had provided to prevent that from happening. Letting out a heavy sigh, she grabbed the towel and wrapped her hand in the wet material of his cloak and lead him to one of her mismatched dining room chairs and pushed him to sit down before unceremoniously throwing the grey towel over his head and running the soft fabric over the curls, ignoring the man's grunts and groans in favor of working the moisture from his alarming amount of hair. Her voice was scolding with notes of teasing as she gave the disgruntled stranger a smack to the side of his head, "Oh quit your groaning, you big baby. I'm just saving my home from the torrential downpour as a result of your poor toweling skills."
She had to bit her lip to keep her giggle from escaping as the intimidating man sulked into the chair before grumbling lowly, "Don't manhandle me, woman."
"Says the home intruder who shoved me out of his way." Her fingers were working through the knots at the ends of his unruly mane before she poked his shoulder and added, "You should probably take this off so I can dry it for you before you get sick." Pausing her ministrations tack on in an afterthought, "And your boots. Put them by the door."
His jaw was clenched tight to prevent the unconscious urge to purr as she dried his hair with a care he hadn't been privy to for a very long time, his traitorous instincts were eager to feel her fingers against his skin, to run through his hair along his scalp, to press her into his body in an embrace. What is going with me? This woman, this human,is supposed to lead me to the remaining dragons so I can finally rid the world of it's poisonous grasp. She isn't even afraid of me. What is going on with her that she's concerned about my health, a stranger who appeared in the middle of a blizzard, in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve apparently. Even as she bosses me around, she's only looking to help. How did the little Heartfilia last this long with her naive kindness?
Another sharp poke to his shoulder later, he sent her a halfhearted snarl before she crossed her arms, testing the last three buttons of her light pink shirt, and took a defiant stance before repeating, "Are you deaf? The brooding dramatic cloak needs to dry and take those friggin' boots off."
Standing to his full height, his head significantly lighter from the lack of water and ice that had built up on his journey here, he towered over her curvaceous hourglass figure and tilted his head to look into her deep chocolate pools, swimming with sweet rebellion that only spurred him to take another step closer to test just how brave the little human was. Much to his surprise, she closed the short gap remaining, her eyes never leaving his menacing emerald gaze as hers narrowed once again.
When his right hand reached up to undo the clasp of his cloak and pulled the heavy black cloth from his shoulders, he saw the flash of concern take over her heart-shaped face.
The last thing she was expecting when tall, dark and broody took his very dramatic cape off, was to see most of his left arm missing. Peeling her eyes from the remnants still wrapped in bandages that sorely needed changing to meet his unwavering eyes, her hands hovered over his shoulder hesitantly.
Her voice was small but gentle, "Can I...?"
He gave her a curt nod, taking a deep breath that filled his chest with her intoxicating scent of starlight and honey to brace himself in an attempt to keep his dragon from doing something rash. The moment the soft skin of her left hand pressed over his heart, he felt a pulse of magic unlike anything he's ever come across in his long existence and from the look in the Celestial Mages eye, she had felt it as well.
Lucy swallowed softly before her voice came out breathy, unsure, but not lifting her hand from his body, "What the hell was that?"
His rough hand, his cloak long since forgotten, raised to cup her confused face, his thumb ghosting over her cheekbone as his gaze dropped to stare at the pout her lips as she ran her tongue over the bow of her top lip unconsciously. The rough commanding tone of his voice was missing as it fell from his lips, soft reverence taking it's place, "It can't be..."
His lids closed as her dainty fingers traced over the tattoos of his face, unable to keep the rumbling purr from escaping; he hadn't realized just how touch-starved he had become until the pads of her fingertips ran over his tanned skin. It only added to the slow-burning need to feel her, to taste her, that had been churning in his gut since he heard her through the door.
Her light melodious laughter was music to his ears before he stilled at her easy words, "That's funny, you sounded just like my dragons just then."
The possessive growl that tore through his chest broke the moment as she pulled her hand away, "Sheesh, sorry. I'm going to go hang this...thing up by the heater upstairs. It'll be dry in no time and then you can get back toooo whatever the fuck you were doing before you can here." Bending to pick up his soaked cloak, she completely missed the deep scowl and regret that flooded his deep green eyes before hurrying back up the stairs. Her thoughts were erratic as she spread the material to help it dry, Mavis, what the fuck just happened? I don't even know this man but I feel this...pull towards him. I would bet money on him being a Dragon Slayer...and those tattoos seem familiar somehow...
He could hear the little woman moving above him as he tried to gather the rapid-fire thoughts within his brain, There is absolutely no fucking way the little Heartfilia could be my mate. I am the Black Dragon of chaos, I don't have a mate and even if I did, how would it work out that she would be it. Fucking hell, I almost killed her on that island. How the hell am I going to do this?
Her quiet voice called from the bottom of the stairs, hesitant but firm, "Acnologia...?"
Cursing himself for being too distracted to have heard her come back down the steps, he kept his bare back to her as he answered her unspoken question, "Yes."
Steeling her nerves as she took in the sight of broad deeply tanned shoulders, the way his ribs expanded and collapsed with each heavy intake and exhale, the way he hadn't done anything to hurt her when he had every opportunity to, before she walked to unwrap his dirty bandages, the contact obviously surprising the Dragon Slayer as his breath hitched.
She tried to muster as much confidence as she could, keeping her hands and voice steady, "These need to be changed. It's a miracle you haven't died of infection."
He just watched her as she worked unable to believe that even now that she knew who he was, this human was taking her time to treat his wound, carefully peeling the cloth from just below his bicep before leaving to grab a first aid kit.
When she returned to find him in the exact same spot she had left him in before waving him over to her couch, "You can have a seat while I wrap you back up. I guess I really shouldn't be surprised your arm is doing so well. All you Slayers are resilient as fuck."
Toeing his heavy boots off by the door before sitting on the edge of the couch next to the softly smiling blonde. He stared into the flames of her stone fireplace, watching as the tendrils licked up the soot stained stone instead of her hands working efficiently to cover the clean wound. His voice was deep, still velvety smooth but tentative, he was poised as if ready to fun from her of all things, "Why are you helping me?"
Her face faltered before she answered hotly, "Why haven't you killed me?"
"I was never going to kill you, little Heartfilia," looking into her familiar, questioning chocolate orbs as she blinked owlishly at him.
Her hands were pulling at the hem of her shirt as her voice came out breathy and confused, "How do you know my name?"
Stretching his shoulder to test her work and to hopefully work some of his tension as he answered carefully, "I don't. The family resemblance is...uncanny. I knew your ancestor, Anna Heartfilia."
Nodding as she tried to find some semblance of normalcy within the conversation, she desperately wanted to run her fingers through her hair before realizing she had bound it back. Frustrated and drowning in her confusion, she looked to take in Acnologia's face, his human face, and hesitantly placing her hand on his thigh, her voice was small, "My name is Lucy, and if you didn't come here to kill me, why come at all? It's not like I'm easy to get to so you had to have a reason."
Her name drawled from his lips, smooth and rich, before he met her pleading eyes. She wanted answers, he could tell she was desperate for them, but instead of demanding them from him, yelling or getting angry like he would have done, she was treating him like a human, like a friend and made his chest ache with emotions long dormant within his body. If he wanted to discern if she really was his mate, he would have to give her the answers she sought and open himself up to the possibility of losing again; something he did not do lightly.
He leaned against his elbow on his knee, his hair falling around him to give him some sort of shield, protection from the only thing that could hurt him. His voice was so quiet, Lucy leaned forward, running her fingers through his long hair to pull it out of his way as he spoke, "You reek of Dragon Magic and I was hoping to get the locations of the remaining Slayers from you but now...I don't know what I'm doing."
Hearing just how lost this man was, the little blonde felt an unnatural need to soothe him, to ease his trouble. With a very distinct feeling that if she managed to get the intimidating man to smile, she'd be a total goner. Her hand gave a light squeeze before she stood to head to her kitchen, calling back as she flitted about the small space, opening cabinets, putting on a kettle and pulling another mug from the shelf above the sink, speaking again, as if he wasn't the dragon that almost murdered her whole guild, "I don't know how I feel about being told I reek but, before the guild disbanded, just about every one of my dragons officially claimed me as kin," he didn't like the way her voice dropped as she continued, he could smell the salt of her tears, "I think they thought I needed the protection being by myself when they all left me." Wiping her tears with the back of her hand as she stared out towards Hargeon, before shaking her head and leaning her back against the counter facing towards him, "Except for Laxus and Erik, they just genuinely think the idea of being my big brothers will make me listen to them; which is ridiculous because if those two had their way, I'd be locked away from the world and put in a bubble."
Acnologia couldn't hide the widening of his eyes as he moved to join her in the kitchen, the distance making him antsy, before he asked, genuinely curious, "All seven of the Slayers claimed you as kin?"
Rewarding the blue-haired dragon with a bright smile as she remember each of them and their unique ways doing the actual act of claiming her before breathy chuckles escaped her lips, "Yep. Sting was pretty late to the party but he eventually boarded the Lucy bandwagon. He was pissed off because Natsu had beat him to the punch, even after I tried to explain that he was a child when it happened, he was unsurprisingly stubborn about it."
He liked the way the lilt of her voice grew lighter, happier as she spoke of her kin and in an effort to keep her talking, his voice dipped to pull more information from her, "What did you do to convince him?"
"I tried to go for the 'but you'll be the last one ever to claim me' angle, but that didn't fly, so I asked him if he really wanted to be the only dragon not man enough to claim his kin. That, of course, worked flawlessly. You dragons are all very sensitive," turning to take the whistling kettle from her gas stove before pouring the boiling water into the mug.
The delicious scent of creamy chocolate filled the slayer's nose as he pressed his body against hers to inhale the sweet drink, his voice almost child-like, Lucy thought it was adorable, as watched her stir the drink with a red and white stripped minty candy, "What is that?"
Turning her head to look at the man hovering over her shoulder, resisting the urge to close the gap and press her lips to his cheek, before turning around completely and handing him the mug, "It's hot chocolate and it's divine. I can only find the good stuff around Christmas so I had to stock up when I went into town earlier today."
He eyed her skeptically before taking a sip and letting out a downright sinful moan. The churning of her lower abdomen suddenly grew tight, sending a wave of arousal straight to her core. Acnologia had thankfully turned to making himself comfortable on her couch; the piece of furniture was being dwarfed by his massive build as he eagerly drank his hot chocolate. Taking off her sweater and throwing over a dining room room chair at her bodies sudden rise in temperature before joining him on the couch, tucking her feet beneath her and letting her knees fall on his thigh. Her airy giggles drew the serious mage's attention as he placed his empty mug next to her cold one on the low coffee table, her voice matching her giggles, "I'll have to remember your weakness for chocolately beverages for the next time you invade my home."
Angling his extremely ripped torso towards the little blonde as he leaned back and raised a bow, "Next time? You'd let me come back?"
"Uh, yeah? Unless you plan on doing something awful like insult my excellent taste in Christmas decor or scratch up my sofa," wiggling her eyebrows playfully.
A quiet scoff of a laugh escaped his nostrils before he asked, without pretense or warning, "Did those slayers tell you what it means to be a dragons kin?"
Lucy's brow furrowed at the sudden change in conversational direction, voice reluctant at first but it quickly took her usual airy bounce, "Umm, okay. New topic is cool and uh, no. I guess I didn't really get a breakdown. I just kind of assumed I got to be a part of a real family, with real brothers and one absolutely perfect little sister." She couldn't help but have her gaze travel over the well-defined ridges and valleys of the half naked, sex on a stick, attractive slayer in front of her. The Celestial mage wanted desperately to feel how his tan skin pulled over his muscles, how they'd feel flexing as he hovered on top of her.
His nostrils flared as the scent of her arousal hit him like a brick, pulling his right foot to rest on his opposite knee, thanking his loose black pants that they hid his hardening member as he cleared his throat, the velvet of his deep lilting baritone only heightened her arousal, "A dragon will only ever claim people of the highest importance to them; the moment a dragon claims someone as kin, that person, by draconian law, falls under that dragons protection and any harm that comes to their kin will be paid in kind by the dragon as any attack on a dragon's kin is seen as a direct challenge to himself, giving him the right to take whatever repayment they deem necessary including the offenders life. This rings especially true for other dragons and it's very rare for so many dragons to share a single kin-member. We have a tendency to get territorial and possessive."
The little blonde was trying very hard to focus on the older mages words, but the longer she sat this close to him, the more the coil of her stomach wanted release. Realizing he had stopped talking, she let out a breathy, "Uh huh," before his words actually processed through her brain, and she formed actual words, "Well, the six boys are just that: six boys. Immature brothers who fight and argue and endlessly grate on my nerves but when it comes down to it, they are the most capable and honorable men I've ever met. I'm very proud to call them my brothers."
"Any of them ever talk to you about mating?"
"Mavis, I hope they never do. I know too much about them already," holding her hands up as if she could physically push the mental images flashing on the back of her eyelids from her brain, suppressing her body's need to shudder.
Another breathy noise came from his nostrils the curvy woman assumed was his version of a laugh, before he shook his head and continued, "The only other time a dragon will claim another individual is when they've found their mate; a dragon's perfect other half determined completely by the hands of fate. This bond overrules and overrides any and all other draconic laws as the bond between a dragon and its mate is the most precious and rare occurrence in a dragon's life. Most dragons would go their whole lives without knowing the feeling of the bond. To initiate the bond, his mate must willingly touch touch them, skin to skin contact only."
Scooting closer to the blue haired Slayer, completely enraptured by the romanticism of the notion, her eyes bright as she turned completely sideways, leaning her elbow on the back of her couch before she encouraged, "And then what? What happens next?"
She noticed the way his roping muscles flexed underneath the thick golden ring circling his bicep as he reached across his lap to play with the end of her angelic, golden hair, his deep emerald eyes meeting hers boldly, "Their magics meet under the touch, cementing the bond. Under no circumstances can another dragon put the mate of a bonded dragon in any peril as bonded dragons are sacred within draconian law. It can never be undone, it will never falter or change, one without the other will cause deep emotional trauma, sometimes manifesting as physical pain depending on the strength of the bond, but it always ends in psychotic breaks."
The Celestial mage like to pride herself on her keen intelligence and that keen intelligence was connecting the pieces Acnologia was dropping into her lap. Pulling his hand from her pigtail to rest in her lap, enclosed in both of her pale, dainty hands, staring at their linked hands before lifting her head, her voice quiet, "That's what happened earlier, that ripple of magic."
His body was tense, tentative, afraid she would run when he confirmed that the fates had mated her with the most ruthless, apathetic and admittedly unkind dragon to ever live. He ran his thumb over the back of her hand before he leaned forward and closed the gap between them, his lips claiming her soft, pink lips with his like it was the first and last kiss he would ever get from the amazing woman in front of him.
He was about to pull back at her lack of response before in an instant, the vivacious woman from earlier had come back with a vengeance. Her lips moved over his with a hunger he had never seen, surprising him even more, was her easy motion to straddle his lap to bring her core to grind over the prominent bulge in his pants without breaking their heated kiss.
The low moan that broke through the passionate moment as her fingers ran through his hair, her blunt nails scraping against his scalp, had her diving in without hesitation taking the opening to push her tongue into his mouth, twisting and dancing over his own tongue.
He swallowed the heady groan as his hand moved over her ribs to trail over her shoulder blade to grip the back of her neck, pressing her flush against his chest. He couldn't get enough of the way her curves fit perfectly into his embrace, the way her hands were everywhere at once, exploring the broad expanse of his body exposed to her, pulling back to demand huskily, "Lose your shirt before I tear it from your body, Lucy."
Sitting upright with a sultry smirk, her hands gripped the bottom of her and pulling it from her body to toss it aside, leaving her in a sheer lacy cropped powder blue bustier dusted in silver, the swell of her breasts perfectly round spilling from the fine material. She felt his hardened length twitch beneath her. Whimpering at the many layers preventing her from really feeling him, she stood before him, pushing the tight black material over the curves of her body to leave her standing in the firelight in a matching powder blue lace thong, sitting low on her lips with two silver bows at the tops of her thighs. She let out an airy sigh as he leaned forward, his rough, scarred hand blazing a trail up her thigh to pull her closer to him. His hot lips placing open mouthed kisses over the smooth planes of her stomach as she reached behind her back to release the clasps holding her chest in place and letting the ice blue lace fall the ground.
She heard his breath catch before his breath ghosted over the valley of her breasts, "Beautiful...," before he took one of her puckered rosy nipples in to his mouth earning his name to fall from her perfect swollen lips in a loud moan as her nails dug over the skin of his taut back, sure to leave angry red streaks behind.
Another husky low demand rang through her little home, her core clenching with each word ghosted over the sensitive skin of her other nipple, "Free your golden hair, woman," his hand gripping her ass tightly before splaying gently over the small of her back, his mouth exploring the creamy expanse of her chest, leaving angry purple marks in his wake.
Pulling the ribbons keeping her braids in place, her breathing hitched as she his elongated canines pressed into the tender flesh stretching over her rib cage, spurring her fingers to move faster. When her loose waves fell free around her hips, the Chaos Dragon was dwarfing her small frame as he stood, his hand tangling into the golden silk and pressing the strands to his nose to take in her intoxicating sweet honeyed scent.
Lucy didn't waste any time in hooking her fingers under the white band around his hips, pulling the loose material of his pants down to release the his long hard cock. Taking him in her hand, he was so thick she couldn't wrap her hand around him fully as she stroked him being rewarded with the deepest growl that hit her right at the aching in her core.
When she heard the lace around her hips snap, thin material fluttering to the ground, she wrapped her arms around his neck to lift her body, powerful thighs gripping his chiseled hips as her drenched pussy ran up and down his cock wantonly. His rough hand gripped her ass as she devoured her lips in a heated frenzy, his lips grazing over hers as he ground out, "Where's the bed?"
Running her tongue along the shell of his ear before her breath sent a wave of shivers straight to his member, "You won't fit, sweetheart. The fur rug in front of the fireplace isn't for show."
Shoving the coffee table out of his way in one swift push of his foot before laying the little blonde down on the plush, soft white fur, he drank her in; the way her sweat slicked creamy skin glistened in the firelight, the golden silk of her hair fanned out around her as she looked up at him, her lusty chocolate eyes filled with desire, chest bouncing with every shallow inhale. He kept his deep emerald on her hands as they massaged her creamy mounds, needy moans escaping from her pink pouty lips, "Touch me...I need to feel you on my body...please..."
His fangs poked from beneath his lip as he let out half a growl, half a snarl before his nose was buried in the soft golden curls at the crown of her fold, his tongue lapping at the sweet juices dripping from her depths, purring at the way her body responded so actively to him, only shooting vibrations over her swollen clit. She cried out when his long tongue delved into her core, her hands desperate to feel him, dug into the ropes of his muscles stretching over his shoulders as she leaned on her elbow to watch him mercilessly dive in and out of her. When his mouth latched around her nub, fangs dangerously close to breaking skin, a scream tore through her chest before she pulled at his shoulders, his back, gripping his neck to line him up with her slit.
His forehead was pressed against hers, his eyes closed as he panted out, throaty and breathless, "There is no going back from this, woman, are you sure you want this?"
Pushing her forehead against his lightly as she brought her palm to his well-defined jaw, running her fingers over the mesmerizing blue of his tattoo. Her voice was soft, lilting, "Are you?," her thighs tightening unconsciously as she waited for his answer.
His lips split into the most handsome grin she had ever seen, his top canine shining sinfully as his rich velvet baritone tightened the coil in her belly, "Without a doubt, Lucy."
"Gods, you are fucking unreal," pulling a low raspy moan from deep in her chest as he nibbled up the column of her throat. Pushing his thick cock into her folds slowly, his jaw clenched at just how tight she was gripping his length.
Whispering huskily into her ear, the tip of his nose running up the sensitive skin of her neck, "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you...not ever."
Her mate's soothing words fell heavily over her body, instantly easing her tension and allowing him to push further into her welcoming heat, stretching her more than she'd ever been before. He was murmuring sweet reassurances, gentle words into her hair as he let her adjust to his girth.
Pressing kisses over his jaw as she rolled her hips to get him to move, she sighed light and airy when he pulled from her depths until just his wide tip was teasing her sex before easing back into her. The slow-burn his languid motions was torturous, wreaking havoc on her tightening coil. She was desperate for more, she wanted to be taken by a ravenous dragon; clamping her walls around him as she looked into his emerald orbs, "I promise I won't break, Lo, please...just, fuck me."
She saw the ferocity dance in his eyes as his pupils narrowed to slits at her words, his voice hungry, "Careful making promises you don't know if you can keep, Celestial Mage,"biting down on the juncture of her neck hard enough to leave marks but not pierce her perfect skin before her pulled from her depths and flipped her to her knees, filling her to the hilt with his throbbing cock. Her cry echoed throughout her cottage by the sea as her back arched before his hand was between her shoulders pressing her face into the soft fur, pistoning in and out of her with a fire, an insatiable hunger that had her toes curling under his calves. Her nerves were shooting electric pleasure through her limbs as her fingers laced into the fur, tugging harshly as her climax was building too high but he was keeping her right on the cusp of release. His velvety voice slithered over her, "Do you want to cum, little Heartfilia?"
Panting into the rug, she almost didn't recognize the desperation in her voice, "Yes, please...yes. Make me cum."
His rough hand snaked around her round ass to rub circles over her too sensitive clit, the breakneck pace he was thrusting his cock into her fluttering walls broke the coil that had been tightening. The sounds of her screams as she came undone around him, pulled his own release from his balls, his massive load filling her fully before leaking out from where they were connected.
As soon as the convulsions of her orgasm stilled, he spun the dazed woman to take her lips in his in a sweet, meaningful kiss before leaning his forehead against hers, his voice serious but loving, "I'm yours, Lucy. I won't be able to stay away from you now."
Chuckling under her breath as her left hand traced lazy circles over her back, her right massaging the back of his neck, her voice was playful, "Merry fucking Christmas to me then."
Adjusting their position so he could lean against the couch, Lucy nestled in his lap sideways so he could comb his fingers through her hair before she spoke dreamily, staring into the fire, "My brothers are going throw toddler style tantrums."
Bristling at her words, he asked pointedly, "And why is that?"
"I'm missing Christmas with them to stay holed up in my hermit home to have wild, amazing sex with my Dragon Slayer mate. They don't like the idea of me having sex with anyone, let alone you."
Acnologia had stopped his ministrations at her words, pausing thoughtfully before pressing his forehead to hers, his voice reverent as he whispered lowly, "You are the only being in all of existence who could put an end to a goal set in motion centuries ago, Lucy. By law, I'm bound to you and your kin and as your mate, your kin can't touch me. You've inadvertently prevented the deaths of many lives, succeeding where many have failed, including Anna."
"I was almost one of those deaths you idiot. I was on Tenrou Island when you ever so kindly blew it into a crater at the bottom of the ocean," quirking a brow mirthfully at her solemn Slayer.
Giving her a little affectionate headbutt, his voice was unapologetic, "I was on a mission to obliterate your kin two hours ago, woman. I've had a very recent change of heart so let's move on from there."
Her voice was teasing and sultry as she played with the fringe framing his piercing eyes, "I think you can come up with a few ways to try to make it up to me. You are the Dragon King after all."
Pulling her to straddle his hard thigh as he nuzzled into her neck, his voice sweet, husky velvet making her core flutter, "Do you know what that makes you, little Heartfilia?"
Letting her head fall back to give him access to her neck as she answered breathy, lighter tones incredulity lacing through her easy response, "Incredibly lucky?"
She felt his smirk against her throat before the rough pad of his thumb pressed into the bundle of nerves at her core, "It makes you my queen, Lucy."
Biting her lip at the sincerity in his fierce gaze, she raised herself to straddle his cut hips, lining his already rock-hard up with her welcoming heat, still slick with his seed before seating herself on his massive cock, pulling him into a deep kiss, reveling in the unique dark chocolate taste of him on her tongue. When she pulled away, her voice was needy and breathless, "Prove it, sweetheart."
Her toes curled as he flipped them effortlessly, a low menacing but playful growl reverberated through her chest. With his hand gripping her thigh to keep her leg pinned around his hips, he filled her senses as her snapped his hips into hers, voice a low threatening growl, "Gladly, my Queen."