The Millenium Falcon was not meant to house that many people. Only thirty-four people had survived the battle with the First Order, and while that number wasn't high compared to the original population of the Resistance, it meant that the only remaining ship in their possession had become a very crowded place.

The only real solitude from the crowd was the in cockpit. Rey had escaped there soon after her wounds were tended to by the remaining medical staff. There she sat in Han Solo's chair, piloting the ship with Chewbacca at her side as they cruised through lightspeed. They had no real destination in mind. General Organa was in the midst of deciding the location of their new home. For now they were just focused on getting as far from the First Order as they could.

Poe Dameron entered a few hours into their escape, sporting a few bandages himself now. "Hoth." He announced as he took a seat in one of the passenger seats. "That's what she decided on. There's an old resistance base there that they had to abandon during the war against the Empire. It will need some repairs but she doubts they will suspect us going there."

Rey nodded quietly and brought them out of lightspeed to adjust their course. Chewie seemed to know exactly where Hoth was, so he set the course and brought them back to lightspeed once it was ready. Rey sighed and leaned back in her chair. Adrenaline had kept her going before, but she had expended a lot of energy during that fight on Snoke's ship and it was all starting to come crashing down on her.

"You should sleep, Rey." Her exhaustion was not lost on anyone. "Our only Jedi should be at the top of her game."

"I'm not a Jedi." Another reason she had come to the cockpit was the whispers. People calling her Jedi under their breath to each other in hopeful voices. They were placing a lot of hope on someone who had no idea what she was doing.

"Leia disagrees. Luke is gone. That leaves us with you." Poe gave his retort by reaching forward to place his hand on her shoulder. "She said that when he was facing down Kylo Ren, she heard him say that he wasn't the Last Jedi. You were."

Rey gave a defeated chuckle and shook her head. "She's placing a lot of hope on someone who is barely trained."

"Not hope." Poe answered her with a smile. "She's lost her son, husband and now her brother. Leia doesn't have any hope left. It's faith she has. Faith she is choosing to place in you."

"I'm not so sure I can deliver." Rey turned in her seat to look at him, trusting the ship to Chewie. "I failed to save Kylo."

General Organa herself appeared before Poe could answer, smiling understandingly at Rey. "You helped him save himself from Snoke. That proves a lot to me."

Rey sighed and shook her head. None of them were understanding. The look in Leia's eyes soothed her worry a little, but there was still that underlying concern. Her, a Jedi? And their only hope? That was a lot of pressure. "I'm not trained. I was only able to move those rocks because I knew I had to save you all. When it comes down to it I might be useless."

Leia's expression didn't change. "Luke taught you all he could. The rest is up to you now. It will be a journey you have to take yourself. Not something someone can teach you. Truthfully it is easier with a master to guide you, but there are plenty who did it without. Luke included."

Rey had no response to that, besides another pessimistic phrase which she knew Leia would only shoot down.

Leia spoke again before anyone could say anything anyway. "Poe is right. You should rest, Rey. If Chewbacca will allow it, Poe can help him pilot while you sleep."

Chewbacca spoke his agreement and Rey sighed as she stood, watching Poe's face light up. "The Millennium Falcon. I've always dreamed of piloting this." He said excitedly as Leia led Rey from the room.

"How is Rose?" Rey only said this to break the silence. She wasn't overly concerned for the girl, having never met her, but Finn had seemed very concerned for her. After ensuring Rey was alright, he had hardly left her side.

Leia's smile widened. "Oh she's quite alright. Injured but healing. And she won't wake up alone. Finn appears glued to her side."

The ship wasn't very large, so Leia stopped just down the hall next to a door. "It's not ideal. Just a maintenance access room. But most of us will have to sleep in common areas and I thought it best for you to have solitude. You can train in here without issue." She pressed a button and the door slid open.

It wasn't very large inside. No room to train with a saber. Not that she had one anymore. Leia must have meant meditation. Training your mind and focus. Rey stepped inside. Someone had already placed some blankets and pillows inside for her.

"Get some rest, Rey. I'm not sure how long it will take us to get there, but it should be enough time for a good sleep." She smiled again and the door slid shut, separating the two and leaving Rey alone to her thoughts.

And think she did. Rey wasn't sure how long she spent simply thinking. She couldn't sleep. Not with her mind running a million miles an hour. At least in the pilots seat she had been able to distract herself.

The Last Jedi. On Ach-To, Master Luke had spent so much time trying to convince her to Jedi order needed to end, and yet he had named her the Last Jedi. It should have died with him but he made it live on with her. Did that mean he had changed his mind? That he had really meant his time was up, but the Jedi religion should continue? Or maybe, all he meant was it should stay long enough to stop Kylo. Or rather, save him. It was all very confusing.

Rey groaned and rubbed her face. It would have been easier if he had been able to tell her exactly what he meant. But then, she supposed, maybe figuring it out was what she had to do to truly become a Jedi.

She sighed and sat up from where she'd been leaning on the wall. If she was to sleep, she would have to calm down her mind. Luke had often meditated before retiring for the night. Perhaps that's what he had been doing?

He'd only attempted to teach it to her once, so she wasn't entirely sure what to do, but she pulled forth a memory of watching him, and tried to mimic him. She crossed her legs and closed her eyes, and tried her best to focus on the force, moving all around her.

"You're supposed to breathe."

The familiar voice made her furrowed her brows and Rey opened her eyes to see Ben Solo sitting across from her, his legs also crossed. Not Kylo Ren. He looked far too vulnerable for that.

"How do you expect to relax when you're holding your breath?"

Rey hadn't even realized she was. She let out the breath slowly and sighed. "What are you doing here?"

Ben shrugged uncertainty. "I have no idea. One minute I'm alone and the next you're sitting in front of me making a poor attempt at meditation."

She narrowed her eyes at him in response to the insult. "Snoke said he created the bond between us to lure me in. If he's dead, then why is the bond still there?"

"The Force works in strange ways. Maybe he was just taking credit for it." Ben ran a hand down his face. He looked exhausted. "Rey. I'm… sorry. I know you thought you could save me. I betrayed you."

Her eyes widened at his confession. He had run straight back to the First Order after her rejection. It surprised her that he felt like he betrayed her. "You saved my life. Snoke would have killed me himself if you didn't."

"I still stand by what I said. None of this will survive this war. I just… wish you had said yes."

"My friends were dying."

"I know."

They both lapsed into an awkward silence, another minute for passing before she broke it. "So what now then? We fought together. Is that it? We go back to being enemies now?"

Ben tilted his head down and closed his eyes, his hair hanging to shield his face. "I hope not."

"Well we can be as friendly as we want when we're like this." Rey narrowed her eyes uncertainly. "But when we're face to face again, what's going to happen? We're fighting on opposite sides of a war."

He didn't look like he had the answer to that question and another awkward silence fell around them.

This time, Ben broke it. "In through your nose. Out through your mouth. I imagine your past as a scavenger had taught you to always be aware of your surroundings but you need to let that go. That's not who you are anymore. Let yourself be taken away by the force, and trust it. It will tell you if you're in danger."

Rey couldn't help the smile that broke her face. "Are you training me right now, Kylo Ren?"

He looked up and met her eyes with a smile of his own. "Well someone has to."

She gave a soft chuckle and did as he said, shutting her eyes and relaxing her muscles. She breathed and listened to the force and soon, she was swept away. At first they flowed through the force together, but somewhere along the line, Ben left her. She barely even noticed.

By the time she opened her eyes again, Ben was gone.