Anon asked: Nichu fluff?

Yao knew when Kiku would come home. Through some planning and a lot of hurrying, he managed to set down the last plate on the table at the exact moment the tired Japanese man walked in.

"Tadaima…" Kiku mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Just in time, aru!"

He caught sight of the food on the table and his mouth fell open. Yao chuckled. The reaction wasn't anything new; as a kid, Kiku would squeal when dinner was served and dive in before he properly sat down. "Hurry, I didn't make all this for you to let it grow cold."

Kiku dropped his jacket and suitcase on the ground and wrapped his arms around Yao, crushing him in a hug.

"Aiyah! Not so tight, aru!"

Kiku grabbed the chopsticks and picked up the first thing he saw. "Oishii…"

"At least sit down." Yao managed to guide him into a chair before sitting down himself, smiling. He couldn't think of many things more adorable than an enthusiastic Kiku. "I cooked, which means the dishes are yours."

Kiku nodded and filled his plate. "Worth it," he said with his mouth full.

Yes, this was something Yao considered doing more often.