Title: Faded (2/2) Author: Nikol

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, and since I have no money it would be quite useless suing me. Also I don't own the song Faded by soulDecision, the band does!

Warnings: Yaoi, ****LEMON****

Author Notes: Takes place while the pilots are on Peacemillion, and from Trowa's P.O.V. This is an old fic of mine that I have posted on MLs when they were first written. Figured I'd post it here as well.

*~* blah, blah, blah*~* = song lyrics // yadda yadda yadda// = thoughts *Gibberish* =emphasis
*~*Yeah you know you got it And you know I want it I can't wait to take you home*~*

He was teasing me now. I had basically said "Quatre I love you" the other night and since then he's been teasing me.

Today had become one of those rare days when none of us worried about White Fang. Heero had been keeping up with their schedule and had reported that the only thing they had planned was some repairs on the mobile dolls. Having this free time Quatre had spent the entire day in the kitchen, baking.

"My sisters taught me when I was younger. It's actually a very good way to relive stress." he said as I came into the kitchen as if he knew the question floating around in my head.

"So what have you made so far?" I asked taking a seat at the small table in the middle of the room.

"Lets see. Duo stole the sugar cookies I made this morning, that apple pie I just took out, there's a batch of brownies in the oven as we speak and I'm mixing chocolate pudding. Want to help Trowa?"

With nothing really better to do I stood up and walked over to Quatre. He handed me a large wooden spoon, explaining that he believe the pudding tasted better when mixed by hand rather than by a machine. As I began to stir the brown contents of the bowl he hopped up on the counter next to me and looked though the cookbook for more ideas. Ever so often I could see him glance at me from behind the hard covered book. It was during one of these stolen glances that he softly giggles to himself, as if he just remembered a joke.

"What?" I asked as I continued to stir.

"Nothing..." he sang.

"Quatre, what is it?"

"You have chocolate all over your hand"

I looked down at the hand that held the spoon; the pudding had crept up the handle and onto my hand. I was about to wipe it off with a towel when I felt Quatre's hand take hold of my wrist. Slowly he began to lick the chocolate off each finger, kissing the tip of each one once he was done. I felt my face begin to heat up, a chill run up my spine and my eyes widen on the act that happening to my hand. My body then began to tremble with excitement. Who knew pudding could be so sensual? Quatre apparently. I bit my lower lip so I couldn't cry out when he finished.

"Told you baking relived stress. When the timer goes off could you check the brownies? I need to find someone flour for muffins" Quatre said as he hopped off the counter and left the kitchen.

*RELIVE* stress?! I was defiantly not relived and had more stress than ever.

The tease.

*~* (You know you got it and I) I don't want to be rude at all I just want to be where you go Think what we could do alone*~*

"You guys will have to excuse me as well." I said as I made my way after Quatre.

It was him teasing me again. During the meeting about what our next step should be he playfully drummed his fingers across the table, bit the end of his pen and eyed me. I would say he was making me feel like a fifteen year old again, if it wasn't for the fact that I was still fifteen.

He had gone into the bathroom. When I walked in Quatre seemed to be waiting for me. He was looking at me though the mirror.

"And to think, I thought you would be sick of me by now."

"Sick of you?" I questioned.

"Not only do you see me every night, but if I didn't know better I'd say you were following me around on purpose." It was then he turned and began to approach me.

I stood stalk still as he moved ever closer to me. I swallowed the saliva that had been gathering in my mouth. I tried to keep my breathing as regular as possible with each step he too. Quatre's pace slowed down as he approached me. He stopped inches away from me. I could feel the warm air escape from his partially open lips. As I moved my body closer to kiss him Quatre wet his lips. Then moved away.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted him! Why does he lead me on like this? Why do I let him? When I looked down at him he brought two of my fingers up to his lips and kissed them. Then he started to walk out. Before he left Quatre turned back to me. "Soon." was the only word he said before leaving like nothing happened.


*~* Couldn't we do what we did last night again Baby you and I'd be better than friends Don't you think it's time we went a bit further?*~*

Only Quatre could make an old violin sexy. How? By the way he slowly lets his fingers glide up each string before tightening them. How he gently polishes the wood in small circles. The way he pulls the bow across to see if the pitch and tone of each note if perfect.

"Quatre! What in the name of God are you doing?" Duo's voice broke in.

"Taking care of my violin!" Cheerfully he replied lifting it up to show Duo. Duo sighed, most likely because he (and everyone else) didn't understand why Quatre brought the musical instrument with him into battle.

"Hey Trowa, did you hear me?" Heero asked to my left.

"Hu? Oh yeah Heero." I lied turning to him.

I try to pay attention to what Heero was saying. And I could have too if Quatre hadn't decided to sit down across from me and let his foot wander up my leg. I tried to hide my surprise as I looked at the diagrams Heero pointed to. Letting my eyes wander a bit I saw that Quatre had begun to hold a conversation with Duo and Wufei, giving no hint to what his foot was doing.

Slowly the foot massaged my kneecap. I could have been okay if Quatre stopped there. Of course he hadn't, that would have made my life simple, and everyone knows that just can't be! His sock covered foot crept along my inner thigh, stopping centimeters away from my aroused "little friend." [1] It was then that he began to wiggle his toes. I tired not to laugh, I tired not to move, but before I knew what had happened I was standing three feet away from the table with my chair on its side

"Something wrong Trowa?" Quatre asked playing the worried friend.

"N-Nothing. I, ah, have to get something out of the hanger." I lied again and quickly left the room. "Damnit Quatre if I didn't love you so much I'd hate you!" I whispered to myself as I walked away from the situation.

*~*Every night when we say goodbye How can I help looking in your eyes Wondering why, you and I haven't hit it Can we get it on?*~*

"Late night?" I heard greet me as I slipped into my darken bedroom. I mumbled something, but I was too tried to deal with Quatre and his teasing. Like a zombie I made my way to my unkempt bed below Quatre and collapsed.

Although I loved him dearly Quatre was driving me crazy! Took me nearly and hour to explain to the others why I left so suddenly earlier that night. Apparently Quatre kept up his act of playing dumb, which meant I couldn't tell them what really happened.


"Hn..." I stole from Heero.

"So why *did* you leave so quickly?"

I ignored him. He must find great joy in teasing me, torturing me, playing with me like I was some doll. I just pulled the sheets over my head and didn't reply. Loving him was tearing me up. He was leading me on and doing a damn good job at it too.

He made little sound as he slipped off the top bunk. The sound of bare feet pacing back and forth across the cool floor echoed off the walls. Quatre sighed in a frustrated manner. Abruptly he stopped. Silence began to flood the room.

"I though you would like my little games. Didn't you enjoy them?"

I continued to live up to my name. [2]

"Come on Trowa. Say something. Are you upset with me? Don't be." Quatre pleaded with him. His tone was rather doleful.

My little blond angel was someone I could not be mad at, but I couldn't let him know that. Not just yet anyway. He had me wrapped around his finger, he always had. Maybe he knew. He had to or else Quatre wouldn't be playing these trivial games.

'Trowa..." He sadly sighed. I heard him come towards my bed. Quatre's weight barely affected the mattress when he sat o the edge. I could feel him pulling the sheets away and out of the corner of my eye I saw him. I turned over to confront him.

"Quatre!" I quickly blurted out, surprised at the sight in front of me.

*~* I'm kinda faded but I feel alright Thinkin' about making my move tonight I can't pretend you're only my friend When you're holding my body tight *~*

"You're... you're... you're..."

He was naked! It really was as simple as that. Quatre Raberba Winner was naked, sitting on my bed, look down at me. And all I was able to do was sputter out "you're... you're... you're..." and stare at him.

"Surprise!" he playfully says as he pulls the rest of the sheets off me. I remained perfectly still; it was all I could do. I continued to stare at him, anxious to know what his next move would be.

Slowly his body bent down to meet mine. Involuntary I pushed myself against the mattress as he inched closer to me. I think I opened my mouth to say something, but before I knew anything else Quatre mouth was covering my own. Slyly his tongue slipped past my teeth and began to massage mine. I soon began to relax, and let myself become lost in the moment. But just as quickly as the kiss came, it left. Quatre just smiled at me and began tugging at the bottom of my shirt. As I lifted my torso, he bought the fabric over my head and kissed me again. Soon he began to kiss my neck, my shoulders, my chest. With each kiss his tongue would barely touch my skin, sending waves of chills tough out my entire body.

A gasp escaped my quivering lips and stopped Quatre movements. From down my body he looked up at me. Coyly he flashed a smile.

"Like that?"

I could only nod. Slightly he giggled and continued to kiss me. He took his time teasing each nipple; kissing it, massaging it with his cold tongue. The middle of my torso he covered with kisses. As he did so he small hands began to undo my pants and slowly pushed the down beneath him. As his hands explored my boxers he one again looked at me.

"I guess that answers *that* question..."

*~* 'Cause I like the way you're making it move I like the way your making me wait At the end of the night when I make up your mind You'll be coming on home with me*~*

There was nothing I could do. Wait, there was nothing I *would* do. The guy I have had a crush on for months now was undressing me. I prayed this wasn't a dream, some cruel unfair dream. His nails slightly pressed into my back as his lifted my hips to pull the last piece of fabric off of me. This was no dream.

As he began to kiss my waist I became more aroused. Surely Quatre was able to feel this happening against his chest. He slightly giggled as his kissed grew longer and traveled lower. I moaned.

"You like that?" he softly whispered between kisses. I could only moan back. I seemed like I lost all capability to speak.

"I'll take that as a yes." His breath was so warm against my skin. I felt awkward just lying there. But when I began to bring my hands up to run thought his golden hair Quatre stopped all actions. "Ah ah ah..." he said playfully.

With one hand supporting his own weight, his other directed my body, turning it onto its other side. I couldn't see him, but I felt his weight get off the bed. Was he leaving me? Now? Was this just another game of his? I went to turn my head to see him.

"No peaking Trowa."

With I sigh I rested my head on my folded hands, awaiting his return. I heard him move across the room. I heard the sound of a draw opening. The rustling of objects echoed off the whitewashed wall. A soft close of a drawer. Bare feet swiftly moving on a wooden floor. His weight returning to the bed. [3]

"You ready?" he asked.

I only nodded my head. I felt his hands lightly glide across my lower back and travel downward. The mere touch of his fingers sent chills throughout my entire being. Then came of moment where nothing happened. There was nothing I could do or say. Quatre was in complete control and I was only able to go along with him. I began to drift off into the idea that this was only the beginning. That after all was said and down with the war there would only be he and I, forever. I was soon interrupted from this ideal world.

One finger. Two. Three!

"I asked if you were ready." he coyly whispered into my ear.

I tried to relax, as his fingers moved. I bit my lower lip from screaming out. Not from pain but from ecstasy. And just as quickly as they entered, the three fingers left. That couldn't have been it. I knew that wasn't all. I prayed there was more.

Surely enough there was. He was inside me now. It began slowly at first but soon Quatre's thrusting became more intense He was becoming larger; I was becoming larger.

"Quatre..." I whispered out of passions, "Quatre... Quatre... Quatre!"

As I cried his name out in lust, in love, he came. He filled me and collapsed to my side. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around him and held him close to me. I could feel his quicken heartbeat slow down against my chest. I could feel his rapid breath return to a normal steady pace.

"I've wanted to do that," Quatre sighed, "since the first moment I set eyes on you. I love you Trowa. I always have."

I no longer had to hide my feels from Quatre. My only regret is he and I waited so long to show each other how we felt.

~END~ [1] I believe there is no possible way to say penis without it sounds (a) too technical, (b) too silly or (c) too vulgar. Since A and C didn't fit into the story I stuck with B [2] Alludes to "The Silencer." For some reason I didn't think people would get that [3] It was lube.. I know it's gotta be used and couldn't find another way to get it into the story!