Anxiously looking around Kara pulled the leash closer and asked. "What do you mean?"

"The animal. It belongs to me." The man said sternly.

The man started getting closer making Krypto back away and growl.

"I think you've got the wrong person, Sir."

"Years of training and it still disobeys."

"What do you want?"


"Who are you?"

"I could no longer pay your mother back for ruining my life. Sentencing me to years in Fort-Rozz. Unfortunately, that bitch is long gone now and the closest thing to revenge is hurting you. "Well, technically I've already killed one of the guards but that is not enough. The idiot spoke so highly of her. Pathetic." He chuckled.

"My mother was a good judge of character." The blonde retorted.

"Maybe. But now you are the one who gets to pay for her mistakes."

"You- you are the one who did all of that to me?"

"Of course. But apparently my plan to get rid of you had failed."

"What do you want?" She repeated.

"I want you to feel the same way I have for years. Trapped, tortured and judged. Do you wanna know why I was sentenced for years in that hell hole, huh?" He asked getting more agitated. "For stealing money. The money my sick mother needed to stay alive."

"There is always another way to find help." Kara countered.

The man scoffed. "You don't understand anything. But how could you? The proud house of El. Always putting themselves above the rest of us."

"That's not true."

"Of course it's not. For you. Always blindly believing in what those liars said. Your parents were nothing more than just that."

"You have no right to call them that."

"Why? They are dead. They no longer care."

"I do care. So if you know what's good for yourself you'll keep your mouth shut."

"Or you'll do what? Try and fight me in front of all these people? Reaveal your identity"

When the blonde looked around self conscious he smiled. "I didn't think so. If you think you have advantage over me you are clearly delusional."

"At least I'm not a heartless murderer." Kara countered.

"You know nothing about me. However I can't say the same about you. I know everything about you. I wonder which one is more precious; your identity or family?"

"Stay away from my family." Kara threatened.

"Midvale is beautiful this time of year but I guess National City has more potential."

"Leave everyone else out of this. They didn't do anything wrong. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it."

"Oh I don't want anything from you. Yet. I'll let you live your life in fear of what's about to happen."

"You won't get away with everything you've done."

"Watch me." The man smiled before using his heat vision to break Krypto's collar.

As the man sped off the dog ran behind him and a few meters away he flew into the darkness following him.

"Krypto!" Kara called running into the nearby alley and changing into her suit before charging after the two.

"Krypto stop!" She ordered fully aware the dog could hear her.

Losing their trail the blonde hovered in the air trying to spot them, but to no avail.


"Finally." Alex said when Kara entered the apartment back.

"What took you so long Sweetie?" Eliza asked hugging her.

"He's back."


"The man who'd planted the Kryptonite. He's a Kryptonian. Prisoner from Fort Rozz. Krypto went after him when he fled. I tried to find him but I couldn't."

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Alex squeezed her hand. "We need to get to the DEO and have J'onn updated."

"No, wait."

"What is it?"

"He said something. He said that he knows everything about me, about us. He's planning something to make me pay."

"Pay for what?"

"My mother. She'd sent him to Fort Rozz. And now he wants to hurt you because of me." Kara explained pacing.

"It is not your fault Honey." Eliza said sternly.

"Alex told me you can draw. I could send his image to the nearby precincts. Maybe somebody had seen him." Maggie suggested.

"And Winn can run a scan in our database." Alex added. "So let's get going."


"We should've hidden Krypto's tracker inside of him instead of the collar." Winn sighed after Kara debriefed everyone.

"We'll find him." Alex promised looking at her sister who sadly looked up from her sketch before silently waving at Winn to cut it out.

"Where is Eliza?" Kara asked.

"On the phone. Something about work."

"You think you could have all CCTVs in the country scan for the suspect once Kara's done?" Maggie asked.

"Do you even need to ask?" Winn smiled.

"Let's hope he is not smart enough to go into hiding." J'onn said.

"I think it's quite accurate." Kara said passing the picture to Winn who scanned it and gave it to the detective.

"Okay. I'm heading to the precinct. I'll let you know if I find anything." Maggie said as the rest was staring at the screen displaying the man's face.

"Wait." Kara stopped her grabbing her hand. "You shouldn't leave by yourself."

"I'll be fine."

"No. You need to be careful. You should stay in a safe house. All of you. It can be arranged soon right J'onn?" Kara asked.


"We need to take extra precaution. I agree with that." Alex interrupted. "But Kara, we can't stop living our lives and expect for something bad to happen."

"Didn't you hear what I said? He wants to hurt you. Or worse." Kara argued.

"Or he's bluffing to cause panic." Maggie countered.

Kara shook her head as she stood up and started pacing. "He's not. He's so angry that his mother died while he was imprisoned."

"I can escort Maggie to the precinct if it makes you feel better." J'onn offered ignoring the detective's glare.

"That'd be great." Kara smiled.

"Please tell me that you'll agree to stay in a safe house." Kara pleaded after they'd left.


"I know I know; You can't stop living your life."

"We can't." Alex agreed." But what we can do is keep each other safe."

"What if we can't?"

"Then we'll get help." Alex assured before turning to Winn and asking. "Anything?"

"Not yet."

Looking back at her sister she asked. "Did he say anything else?"

"Yes. He admitted to killing the guard on Fort Rozz." Kara said before wondering out loud. "Maybe Krypto's owner was also a guard. That'd expain why Krypto was on that ship."

"Yeah." Alex paused taking all the facts in. "Winn, let me know when you've got something. I'm gonna head to the alien bar and see what I can find out. Kara, you talk to your mom's A.I. Maybe she knows something."

"You wanna go by yourself?"

"No. With my alien gun." Alex smiled.

"Didn't you hear what I said? He's a murderer who wants to kill all of you. J'onn and I will organise a place for you to stay."

"Kara, I know you're scared, but you can't make this decision for us."

"Fine. Sorry for trying to keep you safe." Kara snapped.

Alex was about to answer before noticing the other agents watching them closely and suggesting. "How about we go together and talk?"


A/N : Thank you for reviewing.