Hi, everyone, MarcellusMiro66 here! This is a DuckTales story (my first one, actually) with the movie Before Sunrise serving as the basis and "The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!" preceding this story's events. This could be considered a halfhearted character study, "complemented" by lengthy conversations between our two central characters. I'm not revealing any more details, but it is set in the same universe as my Loud House story "Lincoln Loud: Part-Time Hero"...which you necessarily don't have to read to make sense of this one.

"The Thought Chart":

• Dewey



Enjoy! If you can...

(Saturday, December 23nd 2017)
(7:00 PM)

Part 1: "First Kiss"

Snow rained down the city of Duckberg, a class of clouds accompanying the snowfall. There was to be no sunlight until the next few days, but many citizens couldn't care less. They were more focused on the rise of shameless commercialism that capitalized on the holiday season...or, in the case of Scrooge McDuck's family, traveling into the deep unknown on a big adventure. They were returning from the big adventure in question, with Launchpad again crash-landing the plane they were traveling in...this time, right in the backyard of McDuck Manor.

As the family and Launchpad exited the damaged jetliner, Scrooge rubbed his head in complete disorientation. "Remind me to not to take you young ones on a death-defying mountain to risk your lives ever again."

"And to not catch the deadly Ice Fever ever again," Launchpad shook his head.

"Yes, Uncle Scrooge," Huey mimicked his great-uncle's actions.

"Duly noted," Louie deadpanned.

Dewey and Webby were trailing behind the four males. The former watched the latter recrossed out her second life goal – sledding – as she accomplished that properly this time. As he did, he couldn't help but survey her outward appearance from feathered head to webbed feet. It was purple-and-pink (but mostly purple) winter wear, complete with a coat, a beanie with matching mittens, and goggles too. Wait... I'm wearing those things, too...



Dewey stopped in his tracks and blinked three times. I gotta stop doing that...

"Doing what?"

Oh, for f...

Dewey turned to face a confused and concerned Webby, struggling to find a reasonable explanation for his mindless behavior. "I...strained my right arm during the sled ride down the mountain."

It wasn't a complete lie. During their great escape from Mount Neverrest, the sled the group was riding on bumped into a few rocks along the way, one of which hit Dewey...hard. He managed to shrug it off, even during the ride home.

Webby gasped whilst placing both hands over her mouth in shock, "Oh, no! Come on! Let's go get you an ice pack!"

Dewey was then unceremoniously dragged towards the mansion by Webby, who was careful to take him by the right arm (no pun intended). He watched as they both gained up with and eventually passed the four men, becoming the first to enter the house. Webby immediately dashed for the kitchen, but not before dropping off in the boys' bedroom. There (in the kitchen), she retrieved one of many ice packs from the freezer and rushed back to a sitting duck on the bed's edge. Webby then applied the parcel to the wound, biting her lip when she heard Dewey groan loudly. He winced at the pain, but eventually relaxed at the soothing relief the ice pack brought to the wound.

Webby sighed in relief too once she realized Dewey was calming down. "That better?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Webby."

"Hey, I couldn't leave a friend hanging."

A friend? Is that how you see him?

A friend? Is that how you see me?

A friend?



"How's Lena?"

"Well... I honestly don't know. She must be still shaken from the Terra-firmian fiasco...I think."

"... You think?"

"Yeah, I mean... I haven't seen her much since our encounter with the Terra-firmians. She seemed okay when we last saw her, but from the looks of it, she seemed...off."


"... Why are we talking about Lena?"

"I was just trying to make conversation to distract us from my strained arm."

"And Lena was the first thing you thought of?"

"... Yes − I mean, no! Uh...maybe...?"

I knew it. Wait... No, you didn't. You just assumed it. Why did you?

I blew it. Wait... No, you didn't. You just assumed it. Why are you?


"... Okay then. I'll leave you alone for a few hours before I check up on you again." Webby placed a peck on Dewey's cheek, prompting the blue-clad duck to hinder any attempts from the subsequent blush to rise in full front view of the purple-and-pink (but mostly purple) clad duck. "See you tonight, Dewey."

"See you tonight...Webby."

The minute the door closed was the minute Dewey began to hyperventilate.

The minute the door closed was the minute Webby began to contemplate.

What...in the actual...duck...was that?

Webby kissed you, Dewey! That's what in the actual duck! That's just further proof that you like her!

Dewey was kissed by you, Webby! That's what in the actual duck! That's just further proof that you like him!

Even so, that's no further proof that she likes me in return!

Even so, that's no further proof that he likes me in return!

Even so, there's no denying that it must be love that you're feeling right now! After all, Christmas is the second annual day of love...right behind Valentine's Day!

"Okay, now you're talking to yourself, Dewey." / "Okay, now you're just overthinking yourself, Webby."

He realized that he found himself stuck in the same position for the next few hours, knowing that he couldn't possibly on his side. Worse still, he was faced with a dilemma that involved a previously known one-sided crush transforming into a currently unknown two-sided obsession. She realized this as well once she retreated into her room to witness the minutes fly by into hours, awaiting the inevitable to confront her newfound feelings for McDuck's second nephew.

Dewey and Webby both didn't like using words like that in a situation like this, but what better term was there to describe their newly developing love...


Webby...? / Dewey...?

Wait a minute. Red and/or pink blush...?

Rising heartbeat...?

Wobbling legs...?

A shaking body...?

A flustered state...?

. . .

Is this love...?

Four hours later. . .

Not a creature in McDuck Manor was stirring when the clock hit eleven. Not a creature...but two. Webby had waited until the coast was clear to sneak out of her room and into the boys'. Here she now...debating whether or not to open the door. Well, she was here. Better late than never.

Well, I am here. Better late than never.

She carefully turned the doorknob and peaked her head inside. The boys were sleeping peacefully. Well, two of them were. Dewey was stuck facing the ceiling for the entire night, making Webby feel sorry for him. You got this, Webby. If you don't, well...

She took a deep breath and finally entered the room after a minute-or-two long debate. Carefully closing the door behind her, she made her way towards the bed and got a much better look at the snoozing form before her. It was a shame that she had to wake him up now; he looked really cute whilst sleeping.

Just...wake him...up. Please...

"Dewey...? Dewey."

Dewey's eyes flickered open and eventually focused on a solemn Webby, the mere sight of whom prompted him to back away out of surprise. "Webby...?"

"Who else?" Webby shot Dewey a warm smile as a means to comfort him, "I told you that I would check up on you."

"Yeah..." The warm smile sent over to him by her worked ever so slightly, "Yeah, you did."

"So...how's your arm?"

"Oh, it feels much better. Actually, I forgot it was strained until now."

"Do you...want me to stay here?"

"..." Say something, she's giving up on you! "Yes, please. In fact...do you mind if I ask you a question, completely unrelated whatsoever?"

"Sure," Webby responded as she pulled up a chair. Little did she know of how Dewey's question would affect her answer.

"What's your opinion on love?"

... OH. NO.

"Uh...huh. Well... I love it. Not only is it the world's most powerful force, but it's also quite possibly the greatest thing in the world...besides grappling guns."

Wow. Nice pun, Webby.

Wow. Nice pun, Webby.

"Okay," Dewey sat up and got more comfortable in his bed. "Have you fell in love with someone?"

... Well, thank goodness for the darkness. Both children were blushing heavily at the question asked that awaited an answer, but neither could see the other.

"Wellllll..." Just tell him the truth, Webby. It'll save you from any incoming pain. "No. Why do you ask?"

"Wellllll..." Just tell her the truth, Dewey. It'll save you from any incoming pain. "No reason."

That wasn't the truth, Dewey.

Did that sound like the truth, Webby?

"Are you sure, Dewey?"

"... Yes."

"You hesitated."

"No, I didn't."

"Yep. You're lying."

"Why would I lie to you?"

"It's obvious you know something I don't."

"Do I?"

"... Yes."

"Huh. You hesitated."

"What? No, I didn't."

"Yeah-huh. You're lying this time."

"Seriously? Why would I lie to you?"

"It's obvious you're accusing me of knowing something you don't...which I obviously don't."

"Do you?"

"Yes. I mean, no."

"... I think you do. You just don't want to admit it."

"I don't want to admit it because it's not true!"

"Well, what is it?"

Dewey opened his mouth to retort, but his breath got caught in his throat. Webby noticed this and frowned in confusion. When he did muster up the strength to reply, it came out as a murmur.

"What was that?"


"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said..."

"I can't hear you, Dewey!"

"I said I think you're cute, Webby!"

A long, uncomfortable silence instantly followed the statement. Both of their blushes had drastically increased as a result: Webby because she was previously unaware of Dewey's precious crush on her, Dewey because he was previously aware of Webby's precious crush on him. Either way, the truth still stuck ‒ they both saw love taking the limelight this moment.

"You...think I'm cute?"

"... Y...yes." Dewey looked away from Webby, not daring to stare her in the eye.

Yes... Yes! YES! I knew it, Webby!

"H...how long?"

"... The moment we met." For some inexplicable reason, Webby mentally moaned in relief. "Every time we were together... My stomach did somersaults, my head was pounding, and my body as a whole... This sounds weird. I'm sorry if I'm like..."

"You don't have to apologize, Dewey."

Dewey turned to face Webby, who was equally embarrassed as him this moment. "What...?"

"If it makes you feel better..." Webby tilted Dewey's head, "I think you're cute too."

... Wha?

What happened next was a feeling beyond words. The action that ensued was truly amazing, if a bit off. It was somewhat messy and sloppy all the same, signaling their inexperience concerning...whatever this was.

What is happening? Was this what love felt like? If so...I don't want it to end.

Eventually, it had to end to, much to the disappointment of both children. Dewey and Webby both separated and gazed longingly into each other's eyes. Neither knew exactly what just happened, but judging by the silly stares they both shared, they seemed to enjoy it. They seemed to enjoy it a little too much.

"What...what was that?"

"I...I'm not sure. I saw it in a movie once. Two people do...that...whenever they love each other."

So...I was right.

"Well, that was...something. I like it."

So...I was right.

"So...what now?"

"... It's...20 minutes past eleven. We should get some sleep. And, uh...keep this between us. Right?"

"... Yeah, right. Before I go, can I ask you a question, completely unrelated whatsoever?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Do you mind if I stay the night?"

"... Sorry, what?"

"I'm...I'm afraid of being alone."

Dewey hesitated for only a second before scooting over to let Webby slip beneath the covers with him. Neither didn't feel awkward by the situation, which involved sharing a small bed. Okay, it wasn't small per se, but this didn't make the scenario any better.

"Well...good night, Webby."

"Yeah...good night, Dewey."

No other words were said for the night. No other sentences were exchanged. No other actions were committed...aside from a small snuggle performed on Dewey courtesy of Webby. Another rising blush was elicited, but he did his best to cuddle with her. Little did he know, she awoke when he did so, inclining her to hold him tighter.

So...this was love.

So...I was right.

A/N:There needs to be more Debbigail stories out there! The few I read are great but not enough! Also, constructive criticism is allowed. The next chapter will be M rated; take a guess why.

Finally, the working title was "Matchmaker". Yeah, I don't get it either.