Tony, Bruce, Steve and Natasha sat around the breakfast table.

Natasha's phone sat on the table, next to her plate of pancakes.

The screen lit up and Tony reached and snatched it up before she could answer.

The engineer snorted, rolling his eyes.

"You still call your father 'daddy'? Do you even have a dad?"

Natasha coolly jabbed her elbow into his ribs, taking her phone back and holding it to her ear.

"Yeah, Clint?"

Tony choked, spluttering juice over the table.

Bruce flushed deep red, looking at the floor.

Steve just looked confused.

"Fuck, Romanoff." Tony muttered, eyes wide.

Natasha smirked, winking and pushing back her chair, leaving the room and the Avengers flabergastered.

"Why does she call Clint, daddy? What does that even mean?" Steve murmured.

"Oh, Cap, you innocent little flower. You have some things to learn."