Chapter 1; A Defeated Prince:

Hello all! For the longest time I have wanted to write a fic for the Hellboy movieverse. I loved Nuada's character the moment I saw him, and ate up every fic about him. As much as I loved them, I wanted a story with a little more action, a little slower romance, and a lot more adult themes. So, I decided to write what I wanted, and I hope that each of you adore it as much as I have writing it. Without further delay, please, enjoy.

Nuada would win. That much was certain. The demon known as Hellboy had little chance now and was tiring.

Moving fluidly, Nuada circled his opponent, his sword held even; a perfect, undaunted horizon of metal. He stalled the demon's strike, watching a grin break onto the demon's face as if he thought the contact of iron a victory in itself.

Nuada's face however was unreadable. No fear, no invitational smirk. He was banking on the demon to make a rash mistake, as he always did. With another strike, the demon hit his blade against Nuada's, but this only gave the prince an opportunity to catch his opponent's sword with his.

With a sharp spin, Nuada twisted the demon's blade out of his grip, leaving him weaponless. Of course the demon was undaunted, as he instead opted to rely on his stone gauntlet. Charging forward, the demon struck left and right. But Nuada was too quick, dodging so that the demon only came into contact with air. Sensing that the lesson in fencing had deteriorated into yet another brawling match, Nuada decided to end it.

Tightening his grip on his sword, Nuada retaliated. As the demon launched another punch, Nuada turned so that the blow missed him by a hairsbreadth. But this lent him a closer position to the demon. The demon lashed out with his other hand, trying to stop Nuada's next move, but it was too late. With a single leap, Nuada changed his position from being in front of the demon, to behind. With a move of finality, Nuada pressed the tip of his blade to the back of the demon's neck.

The demon stilled, though the pressure Nuada put to the blade could not harm a creature like him. But seeing as how he had the demon's full attention now, Nuada decided to conclude the lesson.

"Now, how did I do that?" Nuada asked.

"By being a slippery bastard?" The demon retorted with a smirk. He played at being humorous, but given the tension in his shoulders Nuada could tell that the demon was irked with his loss. As such, Nuada got to the point.

"You need to rely on more than your strength to win your fights. Yours wits. Your speed. Your agility. Your enemy. You need to know the limits and powers of each, know them inside out." Nuada recited, recalling lessons taught to him long ago. But those memories were not pleasant, and so he pushed them away.

"Most of my enemies are either squid beasts or trolls." Hellboy spoke up, shaking Nuada off, "I'd rather not know about their insides."

Walking to the other side of the gym they were occupying, Nuada sheathed his sword. Turning, he raised an incredulous brow towards the demon.

"And if you come across an enemy like me again?"

Nuada noted the tension rise back up in the demon, rather like the hackles of the cats he was so fond of. Nuada was pleased to see that the demon, as foolishly as he acted, had learned one thing. It was clear to him as it was to Nuada who would win in a real fight. These lessons only reaffirmed the fact. It hung over them like an unspoken truth; that the demon had been lucky in beating Nuada. And yet…and yet…

"Won't happen." Hellboy finally said with a shrug, bending over to pick up his blade. The tension was still there, but he tried look nonchalant. Nuada looked to his own things as well, trading his sword for his spear. Despite the time they had spent together this past year, Nuada could not tell if the demon believed what he said or meant to threaten. Perhaps the latter, not that it made a difference. Neither Nuada nor the demon trusted one another, and that was for the best. It left them clear on where they stood.

"Hey babe. All done?" Announced the woman who was mate to the demon, Liz Sherman. She strode into the room, combat boots pattering against the matted floor. The tension in Hellboy disappeared as he met her partway, draping an arm around her shoulders.

"Yup. How the twins?"

"Napping, finally." The woman sighed before smiling, "Thought I'd go hit the gun range. Wanna join me and fire off a couple rounds?"

The demon chuckled.

"Oh, I love it when you talk dirty."

"Quit it Red." Miss Sherman warned, but by her grin, she did not mind the demon's flirtation.

Nuada waited at the edge of the room for the two of them to leave. Now done sparing with the demon, he wished to practice alone with his spear. Normally the woman could not stand to be in his presence for more than a minute. This was understandable, seeing as how Nuada was nearly responsible for her mate's death. But to the prince's surprise, the woman directed her smile towards him.

"What do ya say Princey? Want to come with? Join the 21st century?" She asked.

Nuada did not reply immediately. He saw no insincerity in her request or expression, but felt it was not for his own benefit that she asked him.

"I walk a different path." He declined, gesturing to the spear he held. The woman only shrugged.

"Suit yourself."

With that, the demon and his mate left the room. The padded walls of the gym seemed less confining to Nuada then, but remained as stifling. Being underground did not bother Nuada as much as it would any other member of his kind. In his exile, he had lived among the trolls and goblins he had befriended. Such a connection was deemed below his own kind, and yet Nuada did not regret them.

But this circumstance was different. This place, this whole complex reeked of humanity. From its concrete floors to its ventilated air. His confinement here kept him from seeing the outside world for nearly a year. For the past few months though, he had been allowed to offer assistance with certain missions. Only with Hellboy, Abe Sapien, and Kraus close by was Nuada allowed to accompany. Though he was technically here as the Bureau's prisoner, some felt it was necessary that Nuada aid where he could. As a way to pay for his so called crimes. Often he overheard discussions amongst the others over whether if he should even be allowed to leave his room. Some felt his having a room rather than rotting away in a cell was even too much lenience.

Taking his spear in both hands, Nuada forced himself into position. It did little good for him to focus on such matters. Try as he might to devote himself to the forms and techniques he practiced, Nuada could not concentrate. His motions became less fluid, harsher. Careless. His strikes were powerful, and he did not reserve his strength. Rather he poured himself into the movements, hoping to exert himself.

He felt closed up. In his exile, he only felt confined in the sense he could no longer associate with his own kind, the elves. All his actions had to be kept secret from his father the king, but still, he was able to move at will. Here, he was always watched. By the humans, by Hellboy. By his own sister. Like a muzzled animal, they watched him as if waiting for the moment he would break. Perhaps that was the reason Hellboy insisted that he become part of some missions. As if the temporary reprieve from the Bureau and chance to utilize his talents for combat would placate him. If that was their plan, then it was failing miserably.

Nuada's lips curled into a sneer as rage churned within. He struck at the air, any methodical technique lost as he simply aimed to consume himself in the stabs and slashes he delivered. In the twist of an arching attack, Nuada caught motion in the corner of his eye, and reacted. Caught up in the moment, he turned to strike it, but stopped.

"Nuada." Smiled Nuala, hands clasped before her.

She was standing on the edge of the floor mat Nuada practiced on, waiting patiently for him to finish. Nuada, breathing heavily, straightened himself. He had not sensed her approach, but now that she was in the room he could feel her presence. Concern, apprehension, and amusement rolled off of her. Her humor was probably because she had managed to catch him off guard in his practice, but he did not dwell on it. He had been…unfocused of late.

"Sister." He nodded in return. Nuala, unphased that her brother could have pierced her heart if not for his control, came closer. Nuada placed the butt of his spear upon the ground, glancing behind his sister. He could not see Abe Sapien in the room, but his senses told him the amphibious man was not far off. It was a rare sight to see him and Nuala apart. Furthermore, Nuala was treated as a welcomed guest, as well as ally, to the Bureau, and could come and go as she pleased.

"How are you? We have not spoken in some time." Nuala asked him, tilting her head curiously.

She had been away recently, attending to the matters of the Elven Court. With their king dead and Nuada still in exile, the elves were desperate to find a new leader for themselves. Nuala was the only logical choice, but she was hesitant to accept the responsibility as it would force her to marry another elf to secure heirs. As such, she stalled for time by proclaiming that they would move to be ruled by council rather than royalty. Of course, she would be head of said council, but many were unhappy with this and opposed it. Because of this, and her time spent with Abe Sapien, Nuala and Nuada were kept at a distance from one another.

Nuada then was surprised to see her, but not unhappily.

"As well as to be expected." He replied simply. He abandoned his position to move towards the benches. He shorted his spear, placing it down before reaching for his shirt. His sister did not follow, instead choosing to study him. Nuada could tell she had something to say, but given the exasperation she could feel on him, she was not sure how to begin.

"And how is your Abraham?" Nuada spoke, if just to break the silence between him and his sister. Dressed fully, Nuada turned to see his sister widen her smile.

"We will be attending a concert tomorrow night. Mozart. Abe's favorite."

Nuada's brow rose at this.

"Is that wise?"

"We will be under the stage. Hellboy found a passage under the concert hall when he was on his last mission. Well, crashed through it more like." She laughed.

Nuada nodded, but said nothing more. His sister could feel his own concern for her, but it seemed she would not heed it. His sister had been accompanying the amphibious man out into the human world, though not with any consent from the Bureau. Like Hellboy and his frequent escapades, the others had taken it upon themselves to go out into the world more. Nothing dramatic, but the Director was always yelling at one or all of them for being seen or getting caught on camera. For all his protests, nothing could be done to stop them. The Director could do nothing more than object, for if he took any measures to confine any one of them then Hellboy's threat to quit the Bureau would be made real. It created unneeded complications, of which Nuada and his sister were in the middle of. Though it would appear that she had now made her decision to support the others rather than remain partial.

"You could join us." She offered, taking a hesitant step towards him. The feeling of her disquiet edged at Nuada's consciousness, and he found he could not take his sister's hesitance any longer.

"Why have you come here?" He asked, wanting to get to the point. Nuala lowered her head, but with determination met his harsh gaze.

"I felt your anger." She told him, her voice laced with unease, "Brother, it has been a year."

Nuada turned from his sister, the hand at his side clenching. The same feeling that had come over him during his practice returned. His rage burned fully at the surface, and his felt his sister visibly shrink from him at the force of it.

"One year. For all those hundreds I spent alone, you expect me to forget all that I endured in one, single, year." He seethed. He did not want to unburden his thoughts onto his sister, yet he could not help but voice the truth when it came to her.

"I am not asking you to forget." Nuala said softly, "But you have yet to make an effort to mend the gap between yourself and the rest of the world. If you refuse to do this, then..."

She did not need to finish. Nuada knew to what she was referring to. She feared that he would try and once more take vengeance upon the humans, and in the process, harm her lover and new friends. But more than that, she feared that he would force her hand.

Jaw clenching, Nuada was reminded of the promise his sister had made to him the day he had been bested by the demon. It was not so much spoken in words, but was just as binding. In his anger and humiliation of being beaten, Nuada had taken the cowardly action of drawing his dagger to attack the demon's back. This, and only this, Nuada regretted. It held no honor, and spoke only of his lack of control. He would have done it regardless, as he could not be held back from his purpose. The loss of his honor would have been of no consequence to him then. What had stopped him though, was something far more dearly to him. He had, in the last crucial moments, caught the shine of his sister's blade which she had placed to her heart.

She would have killed herself to stop him. As surely as he would have plunged the dagger into the demon's back. In that moment, Nuada was forced to realize that he had a choice. Take the demon's life, and so forfeit his own and his sister's in a senseless loss. Or, surrender. His sister was perhaps the last good thing on this earth, and for that, he would not allow her to kill herself. It was not from some selfish desire to keep himself alive. No, she was the only one he had ever felt close to, whom he still loved. In the darkness and despair of his years alone, he had mistaken this love for Nuala as something more than brotherly. This Nuada recognized now as mistaken. But this did not alter the fact that should Nuala suspect that he meant harm…he did not like to think.

Bringing his thoughts to the present, Nuada addressed his sister.

"I am resolved to live in peace with the humans." He admitted with a frustrated sigh.

Nuala shook her head, distressed.

"That is not enough, brother. Your anger, your hate, is still there. You need peace brother."

Nuada clenched his fists as he forced himself not to speak in anger. All he could feel now was his rage, and his sister did not deserve his wrath. She, in her small way, was trying to help him. But she knew as well as he there could be no helping this. Picking up his spear, Nuada focused on its weight in his palms. Such a heavy thing it was. As heavy as the burden on his shoulders.

"I…will retire for the night." He said slowly, careful not to let his rage seep into his tone. Before his sister could reply, Nuada moved past her and into the hall.

His anger still coiled within, but Nuada tried to force it down. It served no purpose any longer.

For Nuada had been defeated.

The humans, the demon, even his sister were unaware of this truth. Most believed that Nuada had surrendered, however unwilling, to the Bureau when the demon had bested him. They believed that he had yielded the Golden Army and the crown to become their prisoner, to pay for his crimes, and to be content that he was allowed to live. His sister believed he surrendered only because she left him no choice. That she would kill them both to stop him. In death, he could do nothing. Perhaps she believed he would once again attempt to unleash the Golden Army as he intended, and so was desperate for him to make peace for fear of having to commit to her promise.

But no. None of these things were true. Not in Nuada's heart. The truth of the matter was much simpler than any of those things.

Humans had won the earth, a long, long time ago.

The moment his people hid themselves away in the dark, letting themselves become stories for the humans to whisper , they were dead to the world. It was already too late for the world he had once known, as the greed of man had dug and burnt it away, leaving only a hallow space to conquer even if Nuada had succeeded against the demon. There was nothing left for them in this world any more. Even if Nuada had won, even if he had burned all trace of humanity away, there was no possible way for his kind to restore their former glory. This sad realization struck him all the more every time he looked at his sister. Not only would the heirs to the crown die if she decided to stop him, but so too would the elves. Nuala was one of the last remaining females of their kind, and whether she would chose to take an elven mate or not hardly mattered. There would be no returning from their sad numbers. It was the same story for many of the other Strange Folk.

It was too late. Nuada was too late. It mattered not if he gained control of the Golden Army now. Their world would still stagnate with humans or without. The Strange Folk's time was done…all that was left was to live their remaining lives in what peace extinction could offer.

"Even when he's dead, the man is still patronizing me." A voice, Director Manning's, interrupted Nuada's thoughts. Stopping in the hallway, Nuada noticed an open door not far ahead, a light shining through the opening.

"I doubt that was his intention in keeping this secret."

This voice Nuada recognized as belonging to Johann Krauss. The man's accent and mechanical pronunciation was not hard to identify.

"Oh no?" Director Manning objected, "It's not enough that I have a red ape and two snooty elves on my hands, now I'm going to have Glinda too."

Nuada, deciding this conversation held little importance, opted to ignore it and continue down the hall to his room. However, he could not help but hear more of the discussion as he approached.

"How did this Hale even know Professor Broom? I don't remember him ever talking about being in Salem." The Director asked of Krauss.

"I believe he was there during the Great Torment of '67, when the soul of Warlock William Barker arose to lay vengeance on those who–"

"Yeah, fine." Interrupted the Director, "But if he knew about this since the sixties, then why not tell us? Why not report it?"

Krauss paused a moment before answering, his tone uncertain when he did, "Perhaps he wanted to give the Fraulein a chance for a little quiet and little peace. Perhaps he did not think she was ready to join us. Perhaps she was in too fragile a state to handle the outside world. It could be for any hundred reasons given her tragic history. But now that Dr. Hale is dead, the Hexe will need a new home."

At this point Nuada was near to crossing in front of the doorway, but found himself slowing his steps. It was not his habit to spy, but the conversation intrigued him despite himself. Besides, if the humans had wished this to be private, then they should have closed the door.

"Why me? I run a sophisticated operation to neutralize any paranormal threat and keep the world safe from being torn apart by monsters, wizards, and creepy spidery things with lots of legs. I do not run a babysitting business!" Yelled Manning. Nuada could hear Krauss sigh to himself as he spoke to placate the irritated human.

"She does not have to be part of the team. All Professor Broom promised was that she would have a place to live should she ever need. We must uphold his promise. Besides, having a young Hexe live here could prove to be useful."

"I don't like it. Not one bit."

At this moment, Nuada crossed in front of the doorway. Having nothing to hide, Nuada's eyes met Manning's in that moment, the latter surprised to see him. Nuada could hardly miss the hate in human's voice as he continued.

"We have enough freaks in this place already."

Within moments, Nuada reached his room. Pressing in the key code, he entered as the door automatically opened. His suite was simple, basic, though he had over time collected some items from his realm thanks to his sister. It did not make the room any more of a comfortable environment, but it did some good in distracting Nuada from the offensively white washed walls.

Nuada pushed all thoughts of the events of the past hours aside. Undressing, he moved to the bathroom. He would bathe, then sleep, and think of nothing more. But as he later settled himself on top his bed, one final thought occurred to him.

Nuada knew that humans had many languages among their own kind. He himself knew a few, having picked them up over the years he spent in exile. German was not one that was ever necessary for him to learn, but even then, he recognized the word the mechanical man spoke.


It meant witch.