So...this is suppose to be for day 6 of Sns week of dream team. However, I am really late ahaha. I am still going to post this since this is the last chapter I was working on for this. Hope it is okay!

Dream Team

"Welcome 100th generation to your first training camp. You will enjoy the finest Totsuki has to offer you." Dojima said to the freshmen. "However, enjoy it while it last. From here now out, you will be treated as an employee of the real world. Half of you guys will be eliminated by the end of this camp."

Gasps and tension fill the room. The Training Camp of Hell is about to start.

"The ones who will determined if you pass or fail are these lovely alumni. Also, since you guys are the big 100th generation, we decided to invited the 92th generation, also known as the Jewels Generation." He states as the door opens.

Murmurs and dread quickly replace the tension in the room. The 92th generation where all the geniuses and high ranking chefs of today came from. This is definitely going to be a living nightmare.

"Gasps. That's Nao Sadatsuka, the owner of that stinky but delicious foods. That aura around here is deadly."

"Omg! That's the Aldini's brothers! So cool and good looking! If they speak Italian to me, I am done."

"Plus, they are master at Italian cooking!"

"Hisako Arato! She is a master in medicinal cooking! I heard top people go to her when they are sick and they are instantly filled. She has to be a witch."

"Megumi Tadokoro! I heard she is next in line after Dojima for head of Totsuki Resort."

"Akira Hayama! His nose is top notch! He is definitely one of the best of the 92th."

"Omg! Soma Yukihira! He is both hot and good looking!"

"Don't get me started on his cooking!"

Soon the door closes and all the alumni stood on stage. They are face the freshmen.

"Whoa, is that all? Lucky! The God's tongue is not here?"

"Lucky? That is just a blessing. The rest are still demons."

"Eh, where's Nakiri san?" Megumi whispers.

"She had a last minute meeting in South Korea. She will be coming when she is finished." Soma said right before Hisako could reply.

"Huh?" Everyone stares at Soma. How did he know where Erina is?

"Oh, that Erina. Grandfather had to beg her to come. She finally gave in." Alice interrupts.

"Ojou sama, wasn't you calling her and texting her everyday till she say yes." Ryo adds.

"Yes, but I had good reason. She works too much." Alice huffs.

"Yoshino senpai expects you to catch your own livestock and cook it? I can't believe it."

"Well, Hayama senpai expects you to use only 2 spices and cook him a meal that is worthy of his taste buds."

"Nakiri senpai and Kurokiba senpai are demons. Kurokiba senpai gets all crazy and starts challenging you left and right, plus he yells so hard. Nakiri senpai just laughs and join in. Demons, I tell you. DEMONS!"

"Better than Yukihira senpai. I swear, we are just his guinea pigs. He has all these weird combinations of food he keeps trying to make us taste. Strawberry jam and squid? Miso and ice cream? I have nightmares!"

"Let's hurry though! They are having a mock shougeki! I heard it is a team battle against special guests! I want to see them cook for once but go through the torture."

While the students are talking and complaining, a lone figure walks by.

"Our turn!" Alice shouts while dragging Ryo by her side.

Some time later, the pair lost against Joichiro and Dojima. Joichiro had show up randomly one day and then pair up with Dojima to take on the 92th generation. So far, all have lost against the pair. Alice and Ryo are the next to go against them, but they fail as well.

Alice whines. "We almost won! Ryo!"

"Sorry, ojou sama." Ryo said.

"Well, I want a shot at it. Dad, you going down." Soma shouts.

"Ehhhh, I believe it will be another win for us." Joichiro laughs.

"Hmmm, I pair with Hayama and Takumi already and we lost. Hmmm, Tadokoro, you and me next?" Soma turns towards her.

"Sure, Soma kun! I will do my best." Megumi said.

While the pair gave their best shot, unfortunately, it is not enough. They also lost in the hands of Joichiro and Dojima.

"Sorry, Soma kun. We lost." Megumi said sadly.

"Eh, don't worry about it." Soma said in response.

"One more win for me." Joichiro smirks.

"Shut up, dad!" Soma shouts at him.

"This is the Jewels Generation, more like the Coal Generation." Joichiro teases them.

All the Jewels members starts to shouts in protest. The audience starts to murmur among themselves. "Heck, even with their defeats, the Jewels Generation is amazing. Yet, they getting scolded by the big bosses."

"If that is so, we do not have a chance at all."

"Seriously." A voice spoke up from behind. "Where would you be without me?"

They all look behind them and sees Erina standing.

"Erina!" "Nakiri!" All around, there are murmurs of the god tongue.

"Seriously. I leave and you guys go crazy!" She shouts. "You two, stop challenging the students for fun!" She points at Alice and Ryo.

"Erina! Why not?" Alice shouts in protest.

"You, stop making them catch your wild livestock in the middle of nowhere with no tools." She points at Yuki.

"But Erinacchi!" Yuki protests.

"You two, stop giving people disgusting things to try, they are not your pigs." She shouts and point at Nao and Soma.

"Eh, why not, Nakiri? It's fun." Soma said laughing with his hands behind his head.

"Hi Erina chan." Joichiro waves at her.

"Don't Erina chan me. You guys should know better!" Erina told them.

Both Joichiro and Dojima look at each other and nods slightly. "Sorry."

"Tadokoro, how are you? Why can't you guys be like her?" Erina said to Megumi when she got to her.

"I'm fine, sorry. I try to stop them, but they are a bit too much for me." Megumi said.

"It's fine. I know." Erina said.

"Erina sama! I'm sorry too. I got too fired up when Hayama ask me to pair with him." Hisako said with a hint of a blush.

"I understand. Don't worry." Erina told her with a pat on her shoulder.

"But, come on Nakiri." Soma said as he moves his arm around her shoulder. All the audience and some of the 92th tense. Did Soma want a deathwish?

They all let out a sigh when Erina did not hit him.

"We wanted a little fun with the students, plus dad over there is taunting us and we can't let that go." Soma said.

"Still though, you know better." Erina gave him a pointed look.

"Hai hai, sorry princess." Soma smirks. " about you and I join forces to take them down? We are an awesome pair like how we took down the 1st and 2nd for the Rebels." He said, trying to tempt her.

"Ugh…." Erina said, letting her guard down. She do like a good challenge and she wants to show Joichiro how much she grown. "Well...I don't know if you will be able to keep up."

"Please, princess, I don't know if you can keep up with me." Soma smirks.

"You wish." Erina flips her hair to the side.

"The winner is….Nakiri Erina and Yukihira Soma!"

"Whoa! That's the god tongue for you!"

"Not just her, Yukihira senpai also did amazing, he kept right up to her, toe to toe."

"No wonder, they won against the Azami group long ago, they are like the perfect team, dream team."

" was that?" Soma teases Erina.

"Not bad, still got a long way to go." Erina said right back.

"Apparently, we are like the best team." Soma said.

"I guess so…" Erina said with a side glance to Soma, wondering where he is going with this.

"So...maybe we should make this a permanent thing." Soma said casual.

Erina took a breath and calmly said, "Well, I guess I don't mind...since you just suck without me."

"Haha, sure sure, whatever you say." Soma said as he grabs her hand and slips a ring on her left hand. He then continue to walk back to the group while holding Erina's hand. Erina tries to play it cool, but her face is beat red.

"ERINA! You didn't tell me you are dating him, now you engaged? I need to plan the wedding!" Alice shouts and hugs her.

"We been kind of dating for the past 4 years." Soma said nonchalantly.

'What!?" Different voices chime in their surprise.

"No wonder you knew where Nakiri san was!" Yuki said in surprise.

"You never mention anything, Soma kun!" Megumi said.

"Hmmm, it never came up." Soma said.

The group all sweatdrop and sigh. Soma will always be Soma. Then words of congratulations came from the group.

"You finally won, Soma." Joichiro smirks. "I guess you took my advice. Welcome to the family!" He said to Erina as he slaps her back.

"Yea, I did. I found her." Soma thought to himself and look on towards Erina and grins.

The secret to becoming a great chef is... meeting a woman that will make you want to give all the food you make to her.

A/N: How was that? I hope you like it!